What's the Weather Like RIGHT NOW where you are?


<font color=darkorchid>Really, this year there's n
Jul 6, 2000
We're actually having rain that has lasted for a few hours. Our normal rain seems to be only thunderstorm related and while we did start out with a mediocre storm, it's now just a gentle rain with a few rumbles way off in the distance. It's 76 degrees outside and it feels down right chilly!
It's been hot and humid but we had some rain this afternoon. This seems to be the hottest summer in a long time. Yikes.
It is POURING here right now. Maybe it will cool things off or maybe that is just wishful thinking!!
Really nice. It probably hit the low 80's today but there's very little humidity and a little bit of a breeze. We had a couple sprinkles around 4 but the sun is out again and the weather is really comfortable. A far cry from a week ago.
Sunny, 89 degrees, humidity is 44%. Not too bad, considering how blistering hot it was last week. :sunny:
It's been sunny all day :sunny:

Right now it is about 79 but the dew point is climbing back up it's at 61. Tomorrow it is suppose to hit 95 again and last a few days. :rolleyes:
Hot and humid! Temperature at the bank earlier this week was 109! Yuck!
It's warm, in the 80's and a beautiful ending to a beautiful day! Last week was so hot, it was unbelievable, but now it's so nice!
97.7degrees 27% humidity
hows that for being exact.


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