What's the deal with all the BCV resales?


Feb 20, 2006
When we bought in the fall there may have been 4 BCV resales. Now there are tons! Any guesses?
Disney is getting a ton of folks selling out at the top at BCV and buying in at SSR and AKL for the extra yrs. IT makes good sense especially for younger families.
Disney is getting a ton of folks selling out at the top at BCV and buying in at SSR and AKL for the extra yrs. IT makes good sense especially for younger families.

Only makes good sense if they prefer to stay at SSR and AKV more than BCV. I think that many DVC owners don't care as much about home resort as many on these boards do. For them, SSR and AKV could make sense for the extra years.

For us, it would make little sense to give up home resort booking advantage at two resorts that it is important at...BWV and VWL.

caseyem67 said:
When we bought in the fall there may have been 4 BCV resales. Now there are tons! Any guesses?
There was an identical thread a month or so ago about BCV resales. There are many reasons why people might be selling their DVC, and bongo provides one of them.

Personally, I think it might have something to do with tomorrow and a certain government deadline. :scared1:
Personally, I think it might have something to do with tomorrow and a certain government deadline. :scared1:

Interesting idea but this deadline comes every year and this is really the first bail out of BCV that I have seen.
Interesting idea but this deadline comes every year and this is really the first bail out of BCV that I have seen.

I think the prices maybe turning some peoples heads, especially if you bought early on.
Hopefully there will be more vacant chairs at the pool from now on...
even with NO towels on em' :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
If this were continue, it could actually start to bring the prices down a bit. In fact, looking at the listings, it looks like that may already be starting to happen.
I think the prices maybe turning some peoples heads, especially if you bought early on.

Is the spread from buy in price to resale any greater than the spread on BWV or OKW as the buy in was lower on those resorts?
Interesting idea but this deadline comes every year and this is really the first bail out of BCV that I have seen.

I agree...I was just joking about having to sell to pay taxes. But really, these things tend to come and go in cycles. There was a flurry of resales last year, including BCV, and many attributed it to the crackdown on commercial renting. The bottom line is we just don't know.

BrianD said:
If this were continue, it could actually start to bring the prices down a bit. In fact, looking at the listings, it looks like that may already be starting to happen.
That's kind of assuming a free market where increased supply could lower prices. In fact, Disney maintains the price floor on resales through ROFR. So the only way prices will fall is if Disney lets them.
I own a 50 point contract that IF the rumor of CRV comes true I will sell it to buy over at CRV.
I remember this happening last year too an extent because it was not too long after April 15th we found our BCV resale and we'd been checking since mid-February.
One thing to point out is that there are very few with banked points, and a bunch with very few or no 07' points. I think people used the heck out of them and they may feel they will be paying MF and not getting anything in return even though they already used the points. Just a idea.
We just purchased 400 BCV pts, with 365 2005 pts, 400 2006 pts and 400 2007 pts. The seller paid the closing and we paid $94 per point. We felt that between the 05 and 06 points (765) and the maintenance fees already paid for those years, it was a steal. However, it took us forever to find a deal with points, but if your patient it will happen. I did alot of research on all of Disneys properties and BCV holds up because of its location(walking distance to parks and resturants) and the pool. I dont think that will ever change and in my opinion it is Disneys premire property. Remember, in real estate and DVC it's location, location, location. And a three acre pool doesn't hurt either.
I'm sure there are a number of reasons and it remains to be seen if the trend will continue. If there really are reasons other than coincidence, I'd say the following are some of the bigger players:
  • Current Price one can sell at.
  • Shortened life of the contract.
  • AKV.
I doubt any commercial crackdown would affect BCV prices though it might OKW, SSR, HH & VB.
Hmmm--- maybe this is a good time for us to add on some BCV points:thumbsup2
...Have you seen how the birds fly off with your food while dining at Hurricane Hannas? :lmao:

I wouldn't worry about how many resales are listed. There are probably thousands of owners at each resort and the number of resales could be a small % of the total. But, it looks large since they are listed together. Also, each family may have reasons why they chose to sell that have nothing to do with their happiness from the DVC experience. I know quite a few people who are 'buy now and pay later' and later has arrived in stark reality.
Would never part with my BCV points as I love the Epcot resort location far too much. So nice to stroll over there in the mornings...
Hmmm--- maybe this is a good time for us to add on some BCV points:thumbsup2

While it may sound like a good idea, we have been waiting for approximately a month for BCV points through Disney. So even though it appears that LOTS are for sale, Disney is apparently limited in BCV points :sad1:

Here's hoping though!!
While it may sound like a good idea, we have been waiting for approximately a month for BCV points through Disney. So even though it appears that LOTS are for sale, Disney is apparently limited in BCV points :sad1:

Here's hoping though!!

We've done 2 add ons at BCV. One for 30 pts, one for 150 pts, 30pts=1 month, the 150, no wait. Our UY is Feb, which has had good availability it seems. But hang in there, your UY will come through soon:thumbsup2

First, let me say I have always admired your "Flying Martian" and many of your responses to this board. (Let me know if you know where I can find a floating Buzzlightyear avatar)However, I do disagree AKV will have any impact on BCV. The location and theme of these two resorts is completely different. I have stayed at AKV and although it is a nice resort it doesn't have the greatest location and the nightlife leaves alot to be desired. I don't think AKV will ever be as highly sought after as BCV. I would rather buy SSR for the extra 15 years, at least it's close to DTD. The animals will always be a draw, but I believe it will soon be on the resale market for less than what it sold for originally, just like SSR.

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