Whats the advantage of pre-paying your on board account?


DIS Veteran
Jan 29, 2009
I have money saved up for our on board expenses, but whats the advantage of calling and pre-paying verses using your credit card then just paying the card off later? Do people just do so they won't have to use their cc?
If you have a Disney Visa and choose to add funds to your stateroom account then you will get the 0% interest for 6 months. Some people like to do it so they don't use their allocated vacation funds for something else.
There is no advantage - other than feeling better because things have been paid for in advance. I prefer to hang onto my money until a bill has to be paid. In the case of a cruise, my onboard charges (usually just tips and a few incidentals) get charged to a credit card. The credit card gets paid when it's due - usually a month or more after I get home.
I've prepaid our tips for our last two cruises to get the 0% interest benefit on the Disney Visa, but don't see any reason to prepay additional funds that we aren't committed to spending yet.
It is totally personal preference. Some people like knowing that there won't be any sort of a bill remaining when they get home from vacation. Others like to pay the "suggested" tips in advance as they know they will be spending at least that much. Still others would prefer to have the money in the account at home and be ready to pay off the credit card bill when it arrives.

If you are not going to be accruing interest on the credit card, there is no advantage to paying in advance. If you are paying interest, making the payment in advance on your Disney Visa will give you 6 months interest free on that amount.
Can you use disney gift cards or reward cards to pay on your account? Do you give them that info at check-in, or do you have to go to the pursers desk while sailing to do it?
Can you use disney gift cards or reward cards to pay on your account? Do you give them that info at check-in, or do you have to go to the pursers desk while sailing to do it?

I know you can go to Guest Services on deck 3 to have them applied to your stateroom acct., not sure that you can do that at check-in.
I pre-paid our last cruise's shipboard account. I knew how much we spent on our 4 day and didn't want such a sticker shock this time. I really budgeted and only spent about $25.00 more than what I prepaid. It was one less expense for me to worry about. Also the lines were crazy at the guest services desk everytime I went to check on something. I did however go several times to get a printout to see where our expenses were. I wanted to have fun on this cruise but stay within my budget.
When I called DCL to prepay my account I used my Chase Visa Debit card where I get 4x the number of points so that was another advantage.
Jill is correct--they will not take "funny money" toward your account at check in, but will apply it at Guest Services on deck 3 any time during your cruise. This includes Disney Dollars, gift cards, reward dollars, etc.
Then there are those of us who own no credit cards (by choice) and choose to only use cash. By paying up front, we don't have to worry about going over budget since it is way easier to do that on a charge card then when you pay with cash.
As a side question....

This will be our first Disney cruise. Can you guys give an estimate of how much a 7 day cost you for on board? We are not drinkers, but might have one or two for celebrations. All other things we go pretty "average" on....not scrimping, but not going crazy either.
As a side question....

This will be our first Disney cruise. Can you guys give an estimate of how much a 7 day cost you for on board? We are not drinkers, but might have one or two for celebrations. All other things we go pretty "average" on....not scrimping, but not going crazy either.

We've had a $1500 bill, because we buy jewelry and collectibles. There's pictures from Shutters, either individually or thru a package. Then there's Bingo if you play (please don't bash the Bingo cost, they are what they are). Souveniers vary in price, so that's a hard thing to give an accurate cost on because it depends on what they have and if it appeals to us if we want to buy it or not.

Everything goes on your stateroom acct.; excursions, purchases, tips if you choose to go that way, drinks, arcade cards, Bingo.
We've had a $1500 bill, because we buy jewelry and collectibles. There's pictures from Shutters, either individually or thru a package. Then there's Bingo if you play (please don't bash the Bingo cost, they are what they are). Souveniers vary in price, so that's a hard thing to give an accurate cost on because it depends on what they have and if it appeals to us if we want to buy it or not.

Everything goes on your stateroom acct.; excursions, purchases, tips if you choose to go that way, drinks, arcade cards, Bingo.

thanks, that gives us a good idea. We'll bring down what we would spend if we were in the parks for the 7 days normally and that should be more than enough to cover any excursions or charges on board.
Lots of advantages, I do it every cruise, some are unique to my circumstances, some for all:-

  • I choose when I pay.
  • I look at shore trips and Palo commitments and cover thoose.
  • Often by wine in advance.
  • If helps budget.
  • I makes a feeling its paid for so enjoy.
  • I worry less about going over budget, so when the kids want something I worry less.
  • It makes me a little more generous on tips as paid for.
  • Due to fluctuations in USA$ and £, I choose when to pay, ie choose exchange rate when its good, not the last day of cruise when it can be bad, and have to pay.
  • Less debits to my credit cards when on holiday, so less chance for security checks on my cards or being stopped, ie if the is a security issue when I put funds on I am contactable, but on a cruise, less approachable by my Bank.
  • No 'hangover' post cruise as it was paid upbefore, I do not like paying for things are they have been used.


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