What would you name a black kitten?/Update post #80

My black kitten's name is Tinker Boo. We originally thought he was a she and named it Tinker Belle. When we found out our mistake, instead of changing his name completely we just changed the ending. Plus we found him a week before Halloween, so it just fit.

We usually call him either Tink or Boo Boy.
I would name him/her snowball because nobody would expect that :laughing:

ETA I just saw your username and I don't know if its because your a Star Wars fan but if you are you could go with Vader.
I would name him/her snowball because nobody would expect that :laughing:

ETA I just saw your username and I don't know if its because your a Star Wars fan but if you are you could go with Vader.

That is too funny!! We got my my 7yr old dd a black kitten last summer, and she named him Shadow. We were joking the other day how she should've named him Snowball just to confuse everyone!! I guess my 7 yr old is starting to get into irony!!!
I had a black cat named Angus, after Angus Young of AC/DC.
I would name him/her snowball because nobody would expect that :laughing:

ETA I just saw your username and I don't know if its because your a Star Wars fan but if you are you could go with Vader.

Yes- I was going to say Vader too. Alot of suggestions for Snowball... maybe not so unexpected!!
I like Thriller :). We had a black cat once. Her name was Mischief. Suited her well!

We just saved a black and white kitten (approx 5 weekes old now) and still don't know it's sex so Dh is thinking of Mischief.:rotfl:
I just have to say you for all the great suggestions!!!

We're looking them all over.

Unfortunately, it did not work out with the little kitten we were thinking. It was just too difficult to get it arranged. The kids and I were heartbroken but I just told them that particular little guy was not destined for us.

On the good side though, there is another black kitten we have found through a friend and we will be getting him!!!

The thing is, this kitten also has a sister, a little grey one, and we are now tempted to get them both.

So, any suggestions for grey cats would be appreciated too, lol. :banana:


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