What will DVC have to sell?

Maistre Gracey

DIS Legend
Apr 23, 2002
If BLT and VGC have only a few months left of sales, what will DVC be selling in six months? I'm not sure how far along the Hawaii project is, but I would think it's pretty far from starting sales.
Is SSR sold, or is there still points there?


I don't believe that BLT will 'sell out' in a few months. I think that less than 50% of the building has been declared so far.

At SSR, they have the THV points to sell. Currently only half of those units have been declared.
My guess...in 6 months DVC will be selling BLT, SSR, AKL and that's it. I would guess that VGC will be sold out. I think by this time next year BLT will be sold out, but not in the next 6 months.

If the economy continues like this, I could see some spectacular Dec/Jan incentives.
BLT will not be sold out in a few months. Guides are already streching some truths to fuel the fire sale. Don't buy it. VGC may not take as long due to the fact of being a smaller resort. Look folks, Disney is hurting. Don't be their cash cow. :sad2:
Knowing them they will be erecting tents at fort wilderness and selling ownership.
Yup... I agree that DVC is stretching the truth about selling out BLT. Only time will tell.
And yes, I totally forgot about AKV. Not sure how much is left there..

I guess if they can continue selling for another year, Hawaii may be close to sales. It would be odd having only Hawaii for sale though..

Anyone remember what was on sale when Vero & HHI were available directly from Disney? Has there ever been a time when they did NOT have a WDW property as one of the options? :confused3
Based on Disney's paperwork with the Orange County Comptroller, as of June 18, 2009 only 43.77% of BLT was declared. That means less than that was sold. If Disney had 43.77% of BLT sold (not just declared), that would still leave over 3 million points for sale. (Basing it on the 19572 points that I've seen as part of the BLT contracts on the OCC web site). That's a lot of points to sell.

Since that date, there have been some good promotions that drove sales:
- Member referral cruise discount ended. We were at Chicago Doorway to Dreams the last weekend of the member referral discount ending and know for a fact they were busy closing deals that weekend.
- Web cast (DVC guide said they hoped 30% of the 6000 participants would buy). This is what hooked us and got us to buy BLT.
- Boston show (lots of people posting about adding on or buying from this show)
- BLT previews (initially many people posted about buying during these presentations, but it's slowing down)

The OCC web site is just starting to show some of the contracts from these promotions. We should have a good indication in a month how well BLT really sold at these promotions.
Anyone remember what was on sale when Vero & HHI were available directly from Disney? Has there ever been a time when they did NOT have a WDW property as one of the options? :confused3
I believe BWV was selling at the same time as VB and HH. Actually, VB may have started selling before OKW was sold out.

BCV sold very quickly, and DVC almost had nothing to sell. I believe that led in part to SSR. I think the next planned DVC was Eagle Pines, but Saratoga was a quicker build because much of the infrastructure was already in place.

Please feel free to correct me on this, as I'm not 100% certain of my facts.

Personally I think sales are going to really slow down. Unemployment is really high, the economy is not bouncing back and if Disney parks continues to decline as it has recently due to the cutbacks, that has to affect sales.

I have a friend just back, and she is a diehard Disney fan, who goes every year the week after the 4th and she was amazed at the differences in the parks due to the recent cutbacks.

And if DVC is saying that BLT is almost sold out they are definitely stretching that fact. According to this article in the Sentinel at the end of May, sales were really down.

We bought OKW back in 1996. They were also offering BWV and VB. They may have also been offering HHI, but I don't really remember.
I would think they have enough inventory to get them through 2010 without any major issues and without any new declared resorts or phases. They might be able to stretch this through much of 2011 with ROFR. This should get them to HI fairly easily if it actually happens and stays on track. But the real question is what then. Do they let it go and move on, keep adding resorts. IMO, if they plan to cont active sales, they need to be planning additional resorts. They could go with the parks abroad, include GF and Poly, go with off site options and/or resurrect EP in a new location. I doubt there's enough space for CA to do much more with DL. They could also add a second DVC tower at CR. We should start to get some pretty good rumors in the next 6 months if they seriously plan to cont expansion currently. Or they could just let it ride out and see where the current resorts and economy goes. IF they do that, they'll really have to scale back the sales force and sales infrastructure in the next 12-18 months.
I would think the planned resort in DC/VA would include some DVC component -- that would be a bridge to HI or whatever WDW resort they might come up with next.

I'm surprised the new DVC resorts are selling as well as they are in this economy. It seems like a lot of folks talked about using home equity loans to purchase their points. I would suspect DVC is starting to also see defaults on properties they've sold. Could be we see a repackaging of "sold out" resorts? If they gather enough BWV points they could resell them with the new end date....probably also offering the extension to BWV owners as they did with OKW.

For history -- which could be blurred -- but I'm 99% sure that OKW, HHI and Vero were all available at the same time with the "rumor" of BW going to include a DVC component. I'm guessing at one point all four were available at the same time.
I would think the planned resort in DC/VA would include some DVC component -- that would be a bridge to HI or whatever WDW resort they might come up with next.

I'm surprised the new DVC resorts are selling as well as they are in this economy. It seems like a lot of folks talked about using home equity loans to purchase their points. I would suspect DVC is starting to also see defaults on properties they've sold. Could be we see a repackaging of "sold out" resorts? If they gather enough BWV points they could resell them with the new end date....probably also offering the extension to BWV owners as they did with OKW.

For history -- which could be blurred -- but I'm 99% sure that OKW, HHI and Vero were all available at the same time with the "rumor" of BW going to include a DVC component. I'm guessing at one point all four were available at the same time.
OKW, HH, VB and BWV were all selling at one time but OKW was just starting to wind down when BWV started selling if I recall correctly. VB and HH cont selling through VWL, the new points at OKW and BCV. They have have stretched to the start of SSR sales but I don't recall for certain.
We bought into VB in January of 2001 and they were just about to begin VWL. It seemed like they were finishing up with VB, but not truly sure when they completely sold out.
I guess if worse comes to worse (if "selling out" could be described as "worse") Disney could ROFR all the contracts trying to be sold and then turn around and sell those points at the older resorts.
I'm surprised the new DVC resorts are selling as well as they are in this economy. It seems like a lot of folks talked about using home equity loans to purchase their points. I would suspect DVC is starting to also see defaults on properties they've sold. Could be we see a repackaging of "sold out" resorts? If they gather enough BWV points they could resell them with the new end date....probably also offering the extension to BWV owners as they did with OKW.

Especially considering how much more expensive points are these days. I am glad we bought as much as we did in 2001 because if the resale list is any indication of what new points would cost then WOW. I don't remember the exact cost but on the resale list my 300 points are easily 5k-6k more expensive than when I purchased.
DVC has a lot of inventory to sell. AKV and BLT are only about 30% sold out. AKV might be 40%. With the economy and resales prices plunging, it will be a long while before WDW DVC resorts are sold-out. By that time DVC Hawaii will be in full sales mode.

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