what skill or talent


Grammar Nazi
Sep 16, 1999
do you wish you had?
I wish I was a talented/gifted cook, able to look in the cabinet and put together a yummy meal.
I wish I could draw. I have a friend who can do the most amazing anime/manga drawings and I always wished I could draw like that!
I wish I could sing. I also wish I was a great photographer.

I'm working on the photography part...

...my singing makes Paint peel.
I wish I could play the piano.

I also wish I could draw and paint (not walls, but fine details).
I wish I could sing. And I wish I was one of those women that always looks pulled together - I think that is a talent!
I wish I could sew. And sing. And cook. And draw.

I am a woman of few talents.

I wish I was musically talented.
I wish I was artistically talented.
I wish I was better in social situations.
I wish I could come up with those stupid genius ideas that make you lots of money. Like pet rocks or pool noodles.
I wish I could figure out which shoes go with which outfit. I also wish I could figure out how I ended up with so many shoes and none of them seem to go with what I want to wear.
Hmmm, I seem to wish a lot of things. Maybe I should work on some of them. Maybe I should hit the how to section at the library.
I wish I could sing and/or write music. I would also love to be able to write a novel.
I wish I could tie a cherry stem with my tongue.. :rotfl2: I never could and still cant.. :crazy:
well I can cook fairly well (every member of my family either does or has worked in a restaurant. you pick things up) I can draw. I can read and write music (I'm not the best musician, but I am good enough) and I can sing okay. but I wish I could do just one of those exceptionally well. I'm good at a lot of things, but I'm great at nothing.
wish i could draw, run, skip, play sports without killing myself :rolleyes:
the tag says it all :blush:
I wish I could play piano. I tried lessons in college and afterward but it was difficult for me and I didn't put in the time required to practice. I've sung all my life, in church, for weddings and funerals, even the National Anthem for sporting events but it would be cool to be able to sing and play the piano.
it's funny how many people wish they could sing. I can't at all.. I used to wish I could. But now I can see that cooking would be appreciated by more people. I wish I was organized too.
Anything would be fine. I only have one talent, and it's not a very obvious one. I'd love to be able to sing well (I'm passable), dance well (I'm passable), cook well (passable), play an instrument well (you see the pattern?).
I wish I could play the violin.

My husband's answer is he wishes he could draw.


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