What significant world moments do you remember clearly?

Fairy Dust

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Mar 21, 2005
In no particular order, here are some of mine:

The tsunami striking and devastating the shores of Indonesia.

Berlin Wall - The fall of the Berlin Wall.

Princess Diana's death.

Princess Diana's funeral.

London bombings (also called the 7/7 bombings.)

9/11 - Fall of the Twin Towers.

Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq.

The Iranian Embassy siege being relieved by the SAS.

The initial live CNN broadcast of the first exchanges of fire of first Gulf War, when Baghdad's nights sky were lit up with massive anti aircraft fire.

Air France Flight 4590, Concorde flight crashed in Gonesse, France. All 100 passengers and nine crew on board the flight, as well as four people on the ground, were killed.

Concorde - last commercial passenger flight.

Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
I remember clearly where I was when I heard about the following events:

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

Death of Elvis

Challenger Explosion (I was at the same intersection where I heard about Elvis)


Death of Princess Diana

Announcement of Pope Benedict
Some of mine...

-Space shuttle disasters (two :sad1: )
-Nixon resigns
-"I did not have relations with that woman."
-"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall."
-Twin towers fall (I will never forget that whole day :sad1: )
-Berlin Wall falls
Ronald Regan shooting.
Challenger explosion.
Princess Diana's wedding and funeral.
Live Aid.
JFK Jr.'s death....maybe not as significant on a world level, but it threw me for a loop.
The Tsunami hitting Indonesia
Pope John Paul II's death.
Spaceshuttle Challenger (sitting in History class)
Princess Dianas Death (I was in Disney World)
Diana and Charles Wedding (my mother woke me up at the crack of dawn to watch it)
9/11 (I was laid off and cleaning at the time)
Start of the Gulf War (my grandfather died 2 days later)

I'm sure if I think hard enough I'll remember some others, but these popped into my head right away.
From my childhood I remember...

-Ronald Reagan shooting
-Challenger explosion
-Charles/Diana wedding (My grandma woke me up at 4am to see it, and although I was only 9 or 10 at the time. I was mad then, but now I am glad she did.)
-Tylenol cyanide poisonings
-Atlanta child murders
-Berlin Wall
-Ted Bundy execution

As an adult...

-Y2K around the world
-When Hong Kong was handed back over to China
-JFK plane missing
-Princess Diana death/funeral
-"Shock and awe" - March 2003 Iraq war begins
-Gulf War
-Indonesia tsunami
-2000 election fiasco

and of course....Sept. 11....who could not remember that one
Most of the above, plus (I wouldn't call these world incidents, but famous)

Mt. St. Helens eruption
OJ's not guilty verdict
Heavens Gate suicides
Branch Davidian in Waco, Texas incident
Y2K paranoia
I clearly remember the Challenger exploding b/c I slipped on ice while waiting for the bus andI had to come home. I was 8 and my grandmother gave me such a hard time.

I also remember Diana's death, and 9/11 ( I actually had my first terrorism class in college that day)
well, to try to put a positive spin on this thread because i am getting depressed reading it: when the usa won the gold medal in lake placid ice hockey.
The first real news event I remember is Nixon resigning. We were driving to Florida, and I was suppossed to be sleeping in the back of a motor home.

Then in no order:
Red's sweeping the playoffs, and world series
Pete Rose's hit
Elvis' death
Princess Diana's death
Reagan being shot
Oklahoma City
Baby Jessica

I'm sure there are more.
The Lincoln Assasination! I was there. The Theatre owners wouldnt give me a refund!:mad:
I remember nearly all of everything listed above, along with (very vaguely) the Bicentennial (I was 3), the Oliver North hearings, watching online and trying to figure out what in the world was happening with Payne Stewart's plane, the USS Cole bombing, the African embassy bombings, and I remember Y2K mainly because the system I worked on at the time--handling international cablegrams for AT&T--was one of the few systems in the world that actually was affected the way everyone was afraid systems worldwide would be. I had to pull message delivery failure reports every morning and all of them listed no messages, which right away tipped me off because no one ever addresses everything properly. Looked up at the report info and sure enough, the date listed was 01 January 1900. :laughing:
The Lincoln Assasination! I was there. The Theatre owners wouldnt give me a refund!:mad:

now that i think about it, i do remember seeing drawings of a green haired dude in that theatre. oh wait, those were black and white drawings, but i think ted turner colored them in for us.
Assasinations of JFK and MLK....the blackout of 1965....Jonestown......
Three Mile Island....the end of the Vietnam War......the Beatles on Ed Sullivan
now that i think about it, i do remember seeing drawings of a green haired dude in that theatre. oh wait, those were black and white drawings, but i think ted turner colored them in for us.

.......and he used the wrong shade of Lime!:confused:


But it was when he was married to jane, and she came to my house and beat me up with her Oscars!:rolleyes1

It was sooooooo humiliating!:headache:
I really don't have a great memory for these things, so I mostly remember the things that I felt a connection with for one reason or another.

The Challenger disaster on live TV from my 3rd grade classroom.

The fall of the Berlin Wall.

Not significant globally, but locally important - the final game at Tiger Stadium.

The 2001 Daytona 500, the race where Dale Earnhardt died.


Hurricane Katrina.

Pope John Paul II's death.

Those are the only things that come to mind offhand, though I'm sure there are more if I sat down and thought about it.
In my 22years:

OJ Simpson verdict
Princess Diana's death
Columbine (the first time I was devastated by a media event)

Anything that has happened in recent time I have blocked out. I think positive thoughts for survivors and victims but do not dwell or get caught up watching media coverage because it sickens me the way tragedy is exploited. But that is another thread.


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