what should i bring

A magazine, a sweat shirt, gum, a cd player, no sharp objects, a water bottle (full of water :)) a snack, and a sack of lucky stones to protect you from thoose we do not speak of. :)
did u mean plane i normally bring my cd player lap top book crossword puzzle and anything to keep me occupied (ive fown over 30 times)
DisneyLover11491 said:
did u mean plane i normally bring my cd player lap top book crossword puzzle and anything to keep me occupied (ive fown over 30 times)

Haha... I'm the opposite. I bring as little as possible so I don't get distracted from enjoying the flight! I love flying, and spend my entire time stuck to the window. And if someone tries to take my window seat... oh boy, i'm ready to take it back by force! haha.

oh yeah, forgot to mention... i loved flying so much, i became a pilot myself! (so i've flown a whole lot more than 30 times ;) )
i like i care ive flown more i didnt want to make ppl fell bad i have a hand gliders licease we have to have 1 4 some reason
ok i believe "plain" is spelled "plane" in this case. and bring extra clothes on the plane just in case the plane looses your lugage(SP?)
I bring a long book, headphones/cd player + cds, a snack, water, and if it's a long flight, my portable dvd player + dvds.

And I don't really understand how the amount of times you've flown can offend people. I've flown more than 30 times, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone with that admittance of the truth. ;)
TalkisCheap said:
And I don't really understand how the amount of times you've flown can offend people. I've flown more than 30 times, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone with that admittance of the truth. ;)

I agree! And I apologize, DisneyLover11491, if you interpreted my previous statement as a challenge to yours. I was only pointing out the fact that other people have flown a lot as well, and some (like myself) prefer differnet in-flight entertainment... in my case, it's the window.

Flying is awesome. The biggest downside to being so close to Disney is that can drive and don't have to fly to see it. The flight down to florida was always so much a part of the fun for me when I traveled to WDW when i was little.
I spent 3.5 hours doing a rubix cube on a plane once. :rotfl: I think you guys have covered what I usually bring. ::yes::
When I go on the plane I bring my cd player with a bunch of cds and magazines to read. If u travel on united they have a disney station, becuase when I went to mexico over spring break they have the stations that you can listen to and I found it! very cool! anyway I bring like tons of gum and candy, my sunglasses, maybe a book-usually never wear it and like money ofcourse!
CD player+lots of music,book or a magazine,a dictionary [okay bad joke . . . it was about the spelling],snacks, a camera, extra clothes in case your luggage gets lost [my mom always makes us pack that], medacine and bandaids :]


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