What does “financially stable” mean to you?

$8 med jar of Best Foods / Hellmanns Mayo at Kroger. EIGHT BUCKS!!!!
I get mayo made with only avocado oil for $9.69 at Costco. So that is kinda crazy for the cheap oil stuff.
But mayo is kinda easy to make if you have a food processor. My husband used to make it before Costco carried the avocado oil one. Eggs, your oil of choice, mustard and vinegar or lemon juice. Hardest part is slowly adding in the oil to the egg mixture.
the challenge many medicare recipients are experiencing is the staggering number of medicare accepting doctors retiring/leaving their practices and going unreplaced. we've seen a dozen or more general practitioners leave the local large provider groups in the last year. dh has lost 2 in the same specialty in a year and a half (a specialty that already has you schedule a year out for your next appointment). another specialty has lost 4. then when your medicare plan gets into a stand-off with a large provider you can be left stranded-the top story on many of local newscasts recently has been the 10,000 premera (including medicare) patients who are being cutoff june 1st from our region's largest outpatient diagnosic and treatment group. they will have to find primary providers and specialists.......if they can (most medicare providers have loooong waitlists).

having the insurance is great but you need a provider of the services your insurance pays for.
All my Doctors are in group practices and so far here, the groups aren't leaving Medicare, it's too big a part of their practices. And I did have one specialist leave, my Nephrologist, and it took 6 months to hire a replacement but there are 15 other Nephrologists in the practice who temporarily took me on.
The one program around here that has been hit hard is coverage from the Affordable Healthcare Act. A friend has coverage thru California's version, Covered California, and she lives in a community of 180,000 and not a single Doctor in her county takes those plans. She had a health issue, cancer, and had to travel 150 miles to find a Doctor at a University hospital that would take her plan. And now that she had been deemed cancer free, they are dropping her because they say her treatment is done and they don't accept patients who have completed their treatment.
I get mayo made with only avocado oil for $9.69 at Costco. So that is kinda crazy for the cheap oil stuff.
But mayo is kinda easy to make if you have a food processor. My husband used to make it before Costco carried the avocado oil one. Eggs, your oil of choice, mustard and vinegar or lemon juice. Hardest part is slowly adding in the oil to the egg mixture.
I've got addicted to the taste of Hellmann's Mayo and Heinz Ketchup. One of the few Vices left in my life.
We trade my smoked ribs for fresh baked bread and dozens of eggs with the neighbors.
Just got a near lifetime supply of Lemons the size of softballs from one neighbor.
Well, one month does not a trend make......but CPI for April was in line with estimates. If it holds over the next couple of months we might see the Fed cut later this year. We shall see.
I could see one small rate cut and then who knows. There are too many unknowns on the geopolitical front. The next few years should be interesting.

I have been getting more BOGO offers and coupons for restaurants. I see empty lines at drive thrus. I think the consumer is starting to pull back.
Why should someone work hard to sustain something they have no passion about? And running a restaurant sucks and does not pay well for the most part. Truthfully it’s better to get a regular 9-5 that pays decent than rely on the whims of customers.

I will most likely get decent amount from my mother whenever she passes. But we don’t need it, my husband has a good job. I definitely would’ve prefer her to have spent that money on stuff when I was younger and we did without things. She definitely had OCD in regards to saving for retirement. When she started working she pretty much put her entire paycheck into a 401K and we lived off only dad’s paycheck. Now she’s retired and between SS and her very good pension, she doesn’t even have to touch that 401k money. Now she puts money into accounts for my kids each year and gives money to my sister and I each year.
There’s a lot of benefits to being your own boss. They may realize that when they have to work for other people.
Why should someone work hard to sustain something they have no passion about? And running a restaurant sucks and does not pay well for the most part.
Not everyone can afford to just follow their passions their entire lives. My husband tells my kids if they complain about their jobs “that’s why they call it work”. Sometimes people have to start at the bottom of a company and work their way up. We can do a disservice to our children by letting them think that they will always have a job that’s fun and amazing. And when they are young it won’t hurt them to do dishes at a restaurant or take the trash out. There’s a lot to be said for a good work ethic and giving your best effort no matter what your job title is. I see too many kids at the college where I work who are studying sports management thinking they will graduate and be an MLB manager or a music major assuming they will be making a living with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra right away. There’s nothing wrong with telling kids to follow their passions but a little hard work and reality are needed as well.
senior discounts-

ask, you never know who is offering them. it never would have occured to me that a plumbing company does one until i had them out today for an unexpected repair and as i was being given the bill the plumber asked if we would like 'the senior discount applied'. um....yes PLEASE=10% off the original estimate saved :thumbsup2
$8 med jar of Best Foods / Hellmanns Mayo at Kroger. EIGHT BUCKS!!!!
I remember my dad quit smoking when cigarettes hit 25 cents a pack, sold his '57 T Bird V8 when gasoline hit 30 cents a gallon.
Balked when a draft beer in Tombstone was $1.
That is one of my biggest shocks.I remember when it was under $2 a jar.
Not everyone can afford to just follow their passions their entire lives. My husband tells my kids if they complain about their jobs “that’s why they call it work”. Sometimes people have to start at the bottom of a company and work their way up. We can do a disservice to our children by letting them think that they will always have a job that’s fun and amazing. And when they are young it won’t hurt them to do dishes at a restaurant or take the trash out. There’s a lot to be said for a good work ethic and giving your best effort no matter what your job title is. I see too many kids at the college where I work who are studying sports management thinking they will graduate and be an MLB manager or a music major assuming they will be making a living with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra right away. There’s nothing wrong with telling kids to follow their passions but a little hard work and reality are needed as well.
That’s all well and good, but not sure what that has to do with owning your own business.
My friends were buying motorhomes and boats and burning through their money I bough a home and set out to pay it off.
Joined two pension savings plans.
Enjoying it all now without any serious bills other than occasional fuel and water bill.

Solar on the house charges the cars and no electric bill.
Live below your means.

Don't say to heck with the future, the future says to heck with you.
Not everyone can afford to just follow their passions their entire lives. My husband tells my kids if they complain about their jobs “that’s why they call it work”. Sometimes people have to start at the bottom of a company and work their way up. We can do a disservice to our children by letting them think that they will always have a job that’s fun and amazing. And when they are young it won’t hurt them to do dishes at a restaurant or take the trash out. There’s a lot to be said for a good work ethic and giving your best effort no matter what your job title is. I see too many kids at the college where I work who are studying sports management thinking they will graduate and be an MLB manager or a music major assuming they will be making a living with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra right away. There’s nothing wrong with telling kids to follow their passions but a little hard work and reality are needed as well.
The original response was to a family inheriting a restaurant and them making the whole family work there. Truthfully the smarter financial thing would’ve been to sell to someone else who actually wanted to run a restaurant while it had value of having been successful.

But as for work ethic. Kids/teens don’t need to be doing menial jobs to get it. It starts at school. Working hard for grades, always challenging themselves to do better and take the harder classes. Learning to deal with teachers that seem to be unfair, because that happens in the workplace. And they need to always be flexible and to keep learning. Because what they study in college will not be what they do 20 years into the future. My husband is in IT, what he studied 40 years ago is nothing like what he does today.
I was part of a carpool at our kids school. 9 passenger Suburban.
I'd have a house full of kids somedays until their parents rolled by and picked them up and they'd be doing home work.

Their English teachers only mission in life was to ruin their lives was the consensus of their takes.
They had him 2 years in a row and scheduled to have him again the next semester.

Oh the misery! Tragic, the rotation of the earth slowed down, lives ruined.

Then the English teacher suddenly retired before the semester started.

The kids were beside themselves. Shocked and disappointed, school will never be the same without him. The greatest teacher ever. Unreplaceable, unique, a prototype and high standard of what a teacher should be was their conversations.
I was part of a carpool at our kids school. 9 passenger Suburban.
I'd have a house full of kids somedays until their parents rolled by and picked them up and they'd be doing home work.

Their English teachers only mission in life was to ruin their lives was the consensus of their takes.
They had him 2 years in a row and scheduled to have him again the next semester.

Oh the misery! Tragic, the rotation of the earth slowed down, lives ruined.

Then the English teacher suddenly retired before the semester started.

The kids were beside themselves. Shocked and disappointed, school will never be the same without him. The greatest teacher ever. Unreplaceable, unique, a prototype and high standard of what a teacher should be was their conversations.
My older daughter is going into her sophomore year and has 2 AP classes for next year. Both of which has summer work in addition to a book report for her English class. She is trying to get me to let her drop the AP Bio class because she heard the teacher is hard. I’m not letting her because she’d find the regular science class too easy - she is extremely smart. I just don’t want her taking the easy classes and getting A’s without work because that will not prepare her for the challenge of college.

She has yet to get a B in her entire school career. It will be a blow when she finally gets one. But better to work your *** off and get a B than breeze through and get an A.
But as for work ethic. Kids/teens don’t need to be doing menial jobs to get it. It starts at school. Working hard for grades, always challenging themselves to do better and take the harder classes. Learning to deal with teachers that seem to be unfair, because that happens in the workplace.

the dynamics of student/teacher are different than employee/employer, employee/co-worker and employee/client or customer. i think it can be tremendously valuable to have that exposure/experience.
the dynamics of student/teacher are different than employee/employer, employee/co-worker and employee/client or customer. i think it can be tremendously valuable to have that exposure/experience.
Unfortunately many teens don’t understand or are taught what are appropriate workplace boundaries and are put in situations they shouldn’t have to be in. Many young women are sexually harassed by co-workers/supervisors. Or young women are even harassed/stalked by customers.
Unfortunately many teens don’t understand or are taught what are appropriate workplace boundaries and are put in situations they shouldn’t have to be in. Many young women are sexually harassed by co-workers/supervisors. Or young women are even harassed/stalked by customers.

this is in no way exclusive to the jobs many teens have available to them nor is sexual harassment or stalking exclusivly directed at females.

i guess my thought on it is that negative workplace experiences some have encountered in certain types of jobs should not be used as a basis to color all the jobs in that category.

when and where exactly is it appropriate for an individual to learn about appropriate workplace boundaries, habits, general basic behavioral expectations? is it preferential for an individual to forego working during their teens/early 20's and embark on a chosen career path with no real life work experience or knowledge? of recently polled college grads nearly 40 percent believe their college or university did an inadequate job of preparing them for 'the emotional or behavioral impact of the transition to the workplace'. is it the job of colleges to provide this? many colleges and universities including the top tier that have traditionaly focused on grades/test scores are now placing greater weight on student applicants having some form of previous work experience.
The original response was to a family inheriting a restaurant and them making the whole family work there. Truthfully the smarter financial thing would’ve been to sell to someone else who actually wanted to run a restaurant while it had value of having been successful.

But as for work ethic. Kids/teens don’t need to be doing menial jobs to get it. It starts at school. Working hard for grades, always challenging themselves to do better and take the harder classes. Learning to deal with teachers that seem to be unfair, because that happens in the workplace. And they need to always be flexible and to keep learning. Because what they study in college will not be what they do 20 years into the future. My husband is in IT, what he studied 40 years ago is nothing like what he does today.
Won’t hurt them to do a menial job or two either. It teaches kids humility and that they aren’t too good to have to wash a dish or bus a table. Getting paid for a job well done is great experience for anyone, whether it’s at a fast food restaurant or a career position. It starts at school but it continues through entry level jobs then into a life’s work.


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