What do you wish you HAD packed?

Fam of 4

Mar 23, 2007
Okay, so lately there have been quite a few posts about things you want to make sure to pack. But I am not sure I have seen a thread regarding what do you wish you had packed? I am starting the packing this weekend for our trip in 8 days and want to make sure I have everything. My greatest fear is forgetting something really simple, like toothbrushes.

So what is the one thing you didn’t pack that you wish you had?
medicines - such as childrens tylenol, cold sore treatment, clogged ear removal, and misc. medicine that does not get used everyday - of course you always seem to need it in the world - past 2 trips i have ended spending a ton on a package of medicine - this year already packed
There was just a long thread about this not too long ago--I'll try to find it and post a link---it was about things you wish you hadn't packed and things you wish you had packed. You might want to search for that, b/c it was pretty helpful.
in the closet (ok I call it my Disney bag but not in front of the family!!) It's just a 1 gal zip lock bag and I throw samples of otc medicines, shampoos, conditioners, the small toothpaste tubes/floss you get from the dentist after cleanings (if yours doesn't give you any, ask!), the almost-done deoderants so I can throw them away down there. Any great deals I see during the year, like sunscreen at the end of the season, and the buy 1 get 2 free toothbrushes, bandaids, whatever, all get thrown in THE BAG. Then, when I start to pack, 90% of the toiletries are there for me.

This is great for the uber packer/planner. But remember, you aren't going to Siberia and, although you'll pay more for it, anything you've forgotten can be purchased down there!! Don't stress!
Okay, so lately there have been quite a few posts about things you want to make sure to pack. But I am not sure I have seen a thread regarding what do you wish you had packed? I am starting the packing this weekend for our trip in 8 days and want to make sure I have everything. My greatest fear is forgetting something really simple, like toothbrushes.

So what is the one thing you didn’t pack that you wish you had?

I always take cheap ponchos to the parks. The last time it rained on us, I must have had 10 people ask where we had gotten them. It seems like the rain showers spring up so suddenly, that it's great if you have them handy to use.
A rain coat! I had read to bring Dollar Store ponchos, but it's April. It's the least rainy month of the year in Florida. It rained every day we were there. We ended up buying the Disney $7 ponchos.
I stressed over the ponchos :lmao: I looked at Target and Walmart for the mythical .99 cent deals that everyone kept mentioning and found NADA.
However, we did not even experience a passing shower on our trip (that we just got back from) so...YAY!

I was really glad I had bought the retractable Sharpies. The characters had a really easy time handling them. I forgot to bring it the first night at Chef Mickey's and said to Mickey himself as I handed him a regular Bic Velocity,"Sorry, Mick, left the retractable Sharpie in the room!" and he gave me a big nod like 'yeah, that's the pen I wanted to use!'.

My only good advice is to leave room in the suitcases for 'stuff' you accumulate down there. OR, make sure you have an extra carry-on allotted for that WDW tote bag full of loot on the way home. My DD5 even wanted the covering they use at BBB to keep the hairspray off of your clothes. Yeah, like the tissue paper thing? Which totally looked like a piece of trash? So I chucked it in the hotel room?? :rotfl2: Boy, did I catch it for that one...:)
This is great for the uber packer/planner. But remember, you aren't going to Siberia and, although you'll pay more for it, anything you've forgotten can be purchased down there!! Don't stress![/I][/I]

I agree. If you forget it, you can get it there. :) I've been known to stress-out the night before leaving, but knowing that you can get almost everything there does make you feel a little better! :)
I wish that my son and I had more of a "rain jacket" instead of the cheap ponchos. My husband had brought along his hunting rain jacket that is tiny and packable, but we had those glorified trash bags. He was dry...we got soaked anyway. I ended up buying a red hooded unlined anorak in the MK, but couldn't find anything for the kiddo. Luckily, we really didn't need it other than to ride Splash Mountain, but I will find him one before next trip.
Scissors!! I had packed everything but those scissors, then when I got down there and wanted to use the moleskin or cut tags off of something, I had to take apart my eye pencil sharpner and saw through them. You"d be surprised how often you need scissors.
last trip, i got really sick (flu) - wish i'd brought my favorite throat lozengers, tea bags, tissues, vicks - i know, you can buy stuff at disney, but when i'm sick, i'd prefer to have my "favorite" meds (and comforts) of choice!
We never get to sleep in at disney.... but those of you who do..

When we go to the Caribbean I pack a clothes pin. Comes in hand if the drapes don't close all the way.
One of the best tips I ever got on The DIS was to bring this: a power strip. You know, the thing with five or six plug ins on it that only requires one outlet? That little tip has saved us much grief. Think about all the electronics people bring on vacation these days: Laptops, camcorders, digital cameras, multiple cell phones, blackberries, etc. And how many open outlets do you find in an average hotel room? Not many. A power strip for us means that all the electronics (and their chargers!) are in one place. No more chargers left behind, and phones plugged in behind sofas.

The other thing I bring with me on every trip is a large stash of ring pops. I know it sounds weird, but whenever I sense the beginning of a meltdown, or boredom (like on the busride back to the resort) I bring these out and all is well. Messy, but well. I see that your kids are a bit older than mine, but you'd be surprised at how far a cheap little ringpop can take you. :-)
I agree with the long pants/jeans and a heavy sweatshirt!

Also I found rain ponchos in the camping section of Walmart - .87 cents!!! I am worried that they are gonna be crappy but we will just have to wait and see!
I too worry about forgetting the important stuff, but I travel quite a bit, so I came up with a solution: when you're totally clear-minded (NOT in the midst of packing), make a UNIVERSAL PACKING LIST and save it on your computer. This is the stuff you need to take with you for every trip, and some things that you need for some trips.

- Shirts
- Pants
- Shorts
- Dress attire:
- Dress socks
- Dress belt
- Collar stays

You should also list all your toiletries, and everything that you need in your carry-on bag (like boarding pass, itineraries, etc.; I also always bring a ziploc with various medicines in it).

It also helps if you travel spontaneously sometimes (find out at 9AM you're taking a 2PM flight for whatever reason - business, family emergency, etc.) That way, you don't have to stress about packing - just print out the list and check everything off. You'll have the peace of mind that you brought everything. :)


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