What are you reading?

I'm re-reading Brisingr, which is thre third book of the was supposed to be trilogy of Eragon. My favorite book is the second one, Eldest, but they're alright books. Not my favorite, but I love fantasy books like this. I'm not sure when the fourth one is due out.

There's a 4th????:confused: Wow...
For school - The Things they Carried by Tim O'Brien - Good

For fun - Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini - Really Good.
I just finished Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. It is the 2nd book in the Hunger Games series. It's really good and holds your interest well.
For summer reading I have to read The Chocolate War but I haven't started it yet.
I'm still reading Stephen Fry's autobiography but I also have a Jeremy Clarkson book (his 3rd one of his columns, I think) to read on holiday.
i am reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (again) i like it but i need a new story
Right now I'm reading Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis.

The movie was great and the book is pretty good so far.
"American Gods" by Neil Gaiman. I love it so far, but i'm only ~150 pages in.
Columbine by Dave Cullen. really, really sad but a really good book to read about something that happened in our generation.
Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. Heralded by some, ridiculed by others, but we just setup our Baby Emergency Fund, and are working toward Baby Step 2 so I guess that tell's you which side Mrs. Carl and I come down on.
The other side of the story by Marian Keyes - it is good but a bit long! :)
tricks by Ellen Hopkins

I would say that I'm liking this one.

I really liked the first 5... but it's not a series. The only books that are related to each other are crank and glass.

For anyone interested the order is:

crank, burned, impulse, glass, identical, and tricks
Getting into The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown but barely started so I don't really have an opinion yet. I'm excited though since I loved Angles and Demons.

Also reading Macbeth since my school theatre departmentd just announced that we are performing it for out fall play next year.

I really liked The Lost Symbol. it is a really good one and i am currently reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collings.
tricks by Ellen Hopkins

I would say that I'm liking this one.

I really liked the first 5... but it's not a series. The only books that are related to each other are crank and glass.

For anyone interested the order is:

crank, burned, impulse, glass, identical, and tricks

The only one I've read is Identical. I love that book.


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