What Apps to download for trip?


Earning My Ears
Oct 9, 2012
Hello! We leave in a couple of days..my husband has a smart phone....What apps should we make sure we download prior to coming down?

When we drove to WDW this past June, I used RoadNinja. Now I have iExit as well. For finding hotels, I have the Holiday Inn Express, La Quinta Mobile and Expedia apps. My DH doesn't like to book hotels before our trip for the way there and home. We just drive as far as when can get. When we start feeling tired, I start looking for some where to stay. Even though, we take my DH's work GPS, I have the Google Maps app. We went to San Antonio a few weeks ago and it was a good thing we had it. The GPS had trouble acquiring signal, but the Google Maps app helped us find where we were looking for.


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