Well Played VMK, Well Played...


<font color=blue>I owe Davy Jones My Soul..</font>
Jun 19, 2006
As many of us know, the decision to close VMK has caused thousands of players to speak out. First, the letters to the Disney Company began, the petition sites soon followed, then the many youtube videos put out by the players were displayed all over the web, and then earlier this week, we saw that the mass rebellion of the VMK players has caught the attention of major news papers/stations/sites. The latest news of this fight to keep VMK alive is that we were given reports that high powered authors, celebrities, and even VMK in-game staff themselves have joined the fight to keep VMK open. With all this attention VMK is being given in it's "last few weeks", I can't help but wonder if this isn't all just VMK's greatest marketing ploy yet. By threatening to close the game, VMK has brought so much attention to itself that perhaps this mass rebellion was the Disney Company's intent after all in order to recieve free publicity. Perhaps the Disney company wants us all to write letters and sign petitions because it is giving the game publicity; if the game is given publicity (and since VMK is a "marketing promotion") Disney products/movies/park tickets/etc. could potentially sell more than ever. If you think about all of the people who hadn't heard about VMK until they saw it on the news, the amount of players could potentially increase exponentially should Disney decide to reconsider their decision at the last moment. It would be no hard task for the Disney Company to say "because of the overwhelming reaction of players worldwide, VMK will remain open". Now I'm not saying this is factual, or that VMK will definitely remain open, however it is an interesting thought that perhaps VMK just needed some attention, which we all have given it. I'm not saying we shouldn't give the game the attention it's getting, i think ultimately, we all want VMK to stay open. That said I think the best thing for us to do is finish this fight and keep on giving VMK the publicity it wants!

Just some food for thought!

Although you're on to something, it would be terrible since the real VMK players will feel used.
Especially if they make the game pay to play after all the heavy publicity.

You can create a world but you can't end one!
Although you're on to something, it would be terrible since the real VMK players will feel used. :( Especially if they make the game pay to play after all the heavy publicity.

You can create a world but you can't end one!

but most of us say we are willing to pay to play if it keeps the kingdom open.
How can I feel used if it stays open anyway? that's what we all want.
but most of us say we are willing to pay to play if it keeps the kingdom open.
How can I feel used if it stays open anyway? that's what we all want.

Yup...at this point, I don't care how it happens. I just want it to stay open.
but most of us say we are willing to pay to play if it keeps the kingdom open.
How can I feel used if it stays open anyway? that's what we all want.

It's all apart of their plan to use us to create publicity and then change VMK into a pay to play game for their own benefit.

Who knows, maybe CapEldano2 is right, but I guess we'll never know.
Yup...at this point, I don't care how it happens. I just want it to stay open.

And VMK knows that, i think they just wanted to hear it from the players to confirm their efforts at making more of a profit from VMK (i.e. making VMK pay to play). In the corporate world, you don't make decisions without lot's of research... i think VMK's announcement to close, and in turn, the response from the players, is what they could consider research about how much the game was in demand and how much money they could make from it.
And VMK knows that, i think they just wanted to hear it from the players to confirm their efforts at making more of a profit from VMK (i.e. making VMK pay to play).

I'm not sure who said this but..
"VMK isn't likely to become a pay to play game, ever!"
Yup...at this point, I don't care how it happens. I just want it to stay open.

i agree with red!

off topic- i gave red's son some magic and that made my day! i want THAT magic, the happyhappyjoyjoy we feel when we gift an item, if rare or not rare the smile and thanks we recieve. VMK is magic i want it to stay open i will pay and would even pay for a few people who couldnt afford to, because there is no better feeling than a pay it forward!!

i agree with red!

off topic- i gave red's son some magic and that made my day! i want THAT magic, the happyhappyjoyjoy we feel when we gift an item, if rare or not rare the smile and thanks we recieve. VMK is magic i want it to stay open i will pay and would even pay for a few people who couldnt afford to, because there is no better feeling than a pay it forward!!


Aww, queen...you made his day, too! He still talks about it.

I had the same thought about paying for people to play. I know there's a few kids who have said that there's no way their parents would pay for an account for them, and I would certainly consider donating an account to someone in that kind of situation (although there would have to be some definite caution exercised in order to not undermine Mom and Dad or step on their toes!).
My sister feels strongly that the comments made by the OP are factual. As a matter of fact, she said this the day they made the announcement and labled it a marketing ploy to make the game pay-to-play. If this is what happens, so be it. Where do we sign up? :)
I thought the same thing but, not necessarily a marketing ploy. For example, if you have two factors in WDIG, one wanting to keep VMK, the other to close it, this may be one way to determine just how interested the players really are. A way to get better numbers than just members or number playing at a given time. If data suggests solid interest, it might bolster the case of the faction that wants to keep it open.

This is just conjecture on my part but I've been in enough strategy meetings to know this sort of thing goes on. It's not aimed to "torment" the players anymore than server tests that try to get as many online as possible to stress the system so as to determine capacity.
If this really is a ploy of the Disney Company, in order to get VMK a pay to play, then when would we expect to hear their decision?

I mean, the longer Disney waits, the bigger the chance the current players (apart from the die-hards) will lose interest and stop playing all together. Since the announcement to close, I've already noticed a substantial reduction in the amount of players on VMK.

I don't know how long it would take Disney to change VMK to a pay site, but I doubt that it would happen over night. I figure they'er going to have to make an announcement, by the beginning of May in order to keep the players they have, and start attracting back those that have left.
I would of totally agreed with this theory and after some thought...If that was the intention "free advertising" then why not let new ppl join in so they can see it for themselves?
I sure hope it is not free advertising. Because that would be just too cruel to the kids and families that have been put into turmoil. Disney and Pixie dust go hand in hand. When you think of Disney you think of the happiest place on earth. If this was a marketing ploy is was heartless. But then again they may have needed this to get most of the players to buy into pay to play.

A lot of kids play VMK and the parents think it is just another game. And would not pay to have their kids play. But after the flood of tears most parents would.
I sure hope it is not free advertising. Because that would be just too cruel to the kids and families that have been put into turmoil. Disney and Pixie dust go hand in hand. When you think of Disney you think of the happiest place on earth. If this was a marketing ploy is was heartless. But then again they may have needed this to get most of the players to buy into pay to play.

A lot of kids play VMK and the parents think it is just another game. And would not pay to have their kids play. But after the flood of tears most parents would.

I have been thinking this right from day one, if they had announced on April 7,they were going pay to play, i think they would of lost a huge portion of their players, everyone would of been furious, this way, they retain a good portion of their players (who are happy to pay to play cuz "we saved vmk") it was a way to build good will in the community (towards each other)after the blackheart debacle, and all the free publicity attracts new players who pay to play right from the start. Another added benefit is that it will weed out a lot of the "mule" accounts creating less lag and less time waiting in lines for host events. This technically could have been one of the most strategic marketing ploys in history, i for one will be willing to settle for that if it is, lol
I have been thinking this right from day one, if they had announced on April 7,they were going pay to play, i think they would of lost a huge portion of their players, everyone would of been furious, this way, they retain a good portion of their players (who are happy to pay to play cuz "we saved vmk") it was a way to build good will in the community (towards each other)after the blackheart debacle, and all the free publicity attracts new players who pay to play right from the start. Another added benefit is that it will weed out a lot of the "mule" accounts creating less lag and less time waiting in lines for host events. This technically could have been one of the most strategic marketing ploys in history, i for one will be willing to settle for that if it is, lol

My thoughts EXACTLY, and also from day one!
I sure hope it is not free advertising. Because that would be just too cruel to the kids and families that have been put into turmoil. Disney and Pixie dust go hand in hand. When you think of Disney you think of the happiest place on earth. If this was a marketing ploy is was heartless. But then again they may have needed this to get most of the players to buy into pay to play.

A lot of kids play VMK and the parents think it is just another game. And would not pay to have their kids play. But after the flood of tears most parents would.

I do have to disagree with this part and maybe that is just because my life is so busy with other things, but I do not see where anybody has really been put through anything, other than getting upset at losing VMK. Nothing has been taken away from us yet, they are still playing the game like it was always played by releasing items, doing best guest, etc.....but overall, Disney has not directly done anything to any of us yet. May 21st will be a different story. :(

A lot of people are mad and upset and have chosen not to play, but that was their choice. A lot of my friends will not play now because they are mad and that is unfortunate, but everything should be status quo until 5/21. Besides, we may all save VMK by then. :goodvibes
interesting thought but i think it's more wishful thinking than anything else...it would be a mistake for a company like Disney to reverse itself after adamently stating the game would end PERIOD and not become pay-to-play--Disney's credibility would come into question. I've been giving away all my rare (inferno, mansion clock, etc) this last week so some friends and strangers alike could enjoy some stuff they haven't had before vmk closes, i mean why not. IF vmk decided to stay open i believe i will still end my vmk days on 5/21 and wish everyone a happy journey- those choosing to leave and those who are happy to stay :)
interesting thought but i think it's more wishful thinking than anything else...it would be a mistake for a company like Disney to reverse itself after adamently stating the game would end PERIOD and not become pay-to-play--Disney's credibility would come into question.

I think it's pretty safe to say that it already has.

Maybe it is wishful thinking, but I think that - for me, anyway - it's more about trying to make sense of a move that just seems completely counterproductive and counterintuitive from a business standpoint. There has to be more to this than they're letting on.
I think it's pretty safe to say that it already has.

Maybe it is wishful thinking, but I think that - for me, anyway - it's more about trying to make sense of a move that just seems completely counterproductive and counterintuitive from a business standpoint. There has to be more to this than they're letting on.

I agree. Their "it was a promotion that is ending" is something that I, and most people, believe is a load of bull.

There are currently other 50th things still going on and we don't see them ending any time soon.

So what's the difference here?

I believe that it really comes down to money and that they think they're not making enough off of it.


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