Welcome to the WISH Biggest Loser 7 Challenge

My goal is to lose 10% of my body weight by eating smaller portions, eliminating sugar and simple carbs, and having 5 servings of vegetables and fruit, lean protein and whole grains. I will also do my weight workout 3 days a week and 4-5 sessions of cardio. We can do this!
My goal is to hopefully lose 25 pounds and to exercise more often rather than not often.
Hi all!!

My Goal for this 12 Week Challenge is to:

1. Lose 10lbs
2. Exercise regularly- 5 times a week
3. Cut back on the sweets.

I have my first challenge next week. I'll be down at Disney. Yay! I'm running the 1/2 marathon. It will be my 3rd this year. I'm excited. But my training hasn't been what it should've been. I had pneumonia and was unable to run/walk for 3 weeks. So I'm crazy nervous!

I would really love to lose more than 10lbs. I need to lose 20-25lbs. But I've been stuck at a plateau for over a 1 1/2 years. It's really frustrating. So I'm trying to keep my goals small so I don't get really depressed.

Good luck all!!
Just pm'd my weight and I'm UP since BL6 ended. :sad2: But I'm not surprised!

My goals for the next 12 weeks are:
1. to lose 12 lbs minimum
2. to stay OP on WW
3. to get my exercise in (come join the exercise challenge everyone!)
4. to make good use of my Body Bugg (IF it ever gets here!!)

I will turn 50 in 2010, and I intend to enter my 50th year (7/30/09) MUCH closer to my goal weight!! AND then to MAKE GOAL & STAY THERE!!!!!!
Just pm'd my weight and I'm UP since BL6 ended. :sad2: But I'm not surprised!

My goals for the next 12 weeks are:
1. to lose 12 lbs minimum
2. to stay OP on WW
3. to get my exercise in (come join the exercise challenge everyone!)
4. to make good use of my Body Bugg (IF it ever gets here!!)

I will turn 50 in 2010, and I intend to enter my 50th year (7/30/09) MUCH closer to my goal weight!! AND then to MAKE GOAL & STAY THERE!!!!!!

Oh Julie!! I just got my bodybugg in the mail today, but I won't be able to use it until I get back from WDW next Friday. Do you think we can work through the kinks of learning this machine together??

I'm turning 50 this July! :laughing:

Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

Wow, so many pages since I was first here this morning. I have really enjoyed reading all the different goals everyone has. I originally had 2 goals for the challenge, but after reading about the different goals I hope that karebear1 doesn't mind if I borrow one of hers. It was the "Read a health related article once a week" I think this is a great idea. So....My goals are this............

to lose 18 lbs

journal my food, no matter what I've eaten.

Read a health related article once a week
Wow! It sounds like alot of us are doing the WDW Half Marathon, Marathon or both!

I'm doing my second Half -- I can go faster and farther this year and I weigh 8 lbs. more. Sigh. And no, it's not muscle, trust me...So, I'm glad I can go faster and farther, and I'm going to put that same effort into leaving some of my behind, well, behind!

Does anyone have any tips for eating light? We are going to do a grocery stop, so that will help tremendously. I'm not going to cut out all treats (this is a vacation, after all) but I do want to set some sort of rule so it isn't a big free for all...

Hi everyone. Got a new battery and put it in my scale today ... :scared1: I guess there was a reason I wasn't keen on getting on it before now. ;) Anyway, I have to start with some baby steps ... I've set my goal at 10 lbs, so that's it not completely unrealistic. And I just renewed my gym membership at work, so I want to get there 3 days a week. :) Let's just say that for the number of times I used it last year, I was paying big bucks per time. :eek: And if I stick to this goal, I will have surpassed my number of times being there before week 3 is over. :rolleyes1

Let's hope for Onward and Downward. :goodvibes
My first time participating in a weight loss challenge but what a great place here at DIS!

Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

My specific measureable goal is 30 lbs. I want to lose 60 by the end of June so the end of March is the 1/2 way point. I really should probably lose more during the first 3 months, but we shall see!

I am also doing the exercise challenge but went really low at 510 minutes. I don't know what all everyone counts. -- Only HR up above your target?

We will be in Disneyland for a week this month and then 4 days in March so hopefully the extra walking will make up for a little treat here and there. It helps that hubby wants to lose a few extra pounds also.

Good luck everyone -- we can do it! :cheer2:
Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge? !

My goal for the challenge is to lose 25 pounds and to be walking at least 3 miles per day and doing toning and other exercises for at least 30 minutes per day.

I have planned to actually start my new eating plan tomorrow and I also have a training day at my new, second job tomorrow--so it may be more of a challenge than I thought :) ! I will have to eat lunch out, but there is a Wendy's close by and they have a really good salad so I will eat lunch there. I know that this time I need to learn to eat correctly but not too differently than my family. I think that is where I keep messing up; I get tired of fixing two meals every night and Lean Cuisines get old, fast! Too, I start feeling deprived of the meals my family is eating. Portion control will be my bigget goal (and hurdle) for the next few days.

I will try to begin my exercise plan in the morning too. I'll start with 15 minutes of walking and 10 minutes of toning exercises. UGH! Gotta get up early!!
My goal is to be 15 to 20 pounds lighter by the end of the challenge. I have 25.6 total pounds I would like to lose - according to my scale. I will be rejoining WW tomorrow and see what I weigh on their scale. My 40th Bday is in April and I hope to be at my goal by then. I would also like to exercise every day, either walking or using my Wii Fit.:goodvibes
Hello, fellow losers!! :wave:
I've watched this thread from afar...and this year, I'm joining!! :woohoo: Whew!! This is the first day, and there's already 7 pages..yikes!!

My goal is to lose a pound a week..so that's 12 pounds, right?

Looking forward to getting to knowing all of you better!! What a great way to start the new year!!! :cheer2: Anne
20 pounds and I will be super happy. 25 pounds and I will take myself shopping!

And I know how to get there, I just need to do it and stick to it.
If you can go to Boam's and have only ONE zebra dome then.... You will be my new hero!!!:love:

I can see how traveling would most definetly be a problem. Maybe this is something we could discuss in depth on this thread? I think it would really benefit all of us , as we all travel (granted- no where NEAR a much as you do, but we still do it- and it'd be good to have some tips and reminders for dieting and traveling.

Yeah - maybe my best best is just not go NEAR the AKL, lol!

Yeah, I think talking about traveling would be beneficial. I just flew all day today and its not easy. With all the TSA rules, its hard to come prepared and then your at the airport's mercy.
I wasn't on the list, but I'm in the challenge. I just PM'd Brenda my weight. I didn't realize it was already January 2.

I guess I'll do a short intro. I'm Jessi, and my ultimate goal is to be at a healthy weight (approximately 30 lbs lighter) by May when I get my Master's. For this twelve week challenge I want to lose at least 10 lbs. Twenty would be ideal but I don't want to make it too unrealistic. I also want to get better control over my blood sugar and hopefully avoid diabetes medication. My doctor is giving me until March to get them under better control.
Several years ago I lost 50 lbs. I gained it all back and lost it again a few years later. I gained another 20 (sympathy weight gain) when my wife was pregnant with our DD. I've managed to lose it too since taking up running this year but for the third time, I can't seem to get below this plateau.

Any loss I see from here will be wonderful but my primary goal for this challenge is to lose 15 pounds. I went from struggling to run a mile a year ago to finishing my first half-marathon in October. It was really hard to carry that extra weight. I plan to run the WDW Marathon next January after a few more half-marathons and want to be 15-20 pounds lighter.

I already get quite a bit of exercise so my goals are more food-related.

1) Lose 15 pounds on the challenge
2) Follow my marathon training program
3) Refrain from seconds at dinner!
4) Cut back coffee to one mug
5) Get more sleep as I don't get nearly enough
6) Limit dining out to once per week and watch portions
7) Incorporate strength training and yoga into regular workouts

Best of luck everyone!

My DW just told me I did not post my goal.
My goal is 20 pounds by March 27. This will help alot towards getting off my diabetes meds:cool1:. I will do this by making better choices in my eating (but being a restaurant manager will not be easy.) And I guess working out some wont hurt! This will be measured by better blood sugar and when i reach my goal I should be down to a 34 inch waste not a 38!
good luck to all and may we all be a bunch of losers.:yay:
I also want to get better control over my blood sugar and hopefully avoid diabetes medication. My doctor is giving me until March to get them under better control.

Good Luck with this a this one of my main goals is to get off my meds. I hope by the time we travel to WDW for my DW 30th in May I am a healthier person, and dont have to have meds anymore. I will be cheering for you so you dont have to go on meds
My goals for the next 12 weeks are:

- lose 20-25 pounds

- exercise at least 5 days per week, preferably BEFORE I turn on the PC each day! (It didn't happen this a.m.!)

-eat more vegetables
Does anyone have any tips for eating light? We are going to do a grocery stop, so that will help tremendously. I'm not going to cut out all treats (this is a vacation, after all) but I do want to set some sort of rule so it isn't a big free for all...

When we were down after Thanksgiving, DH and I shared meals, tried to eat at least one salad a day and just tried to stay away from too many cheesy, high calorie dishes. Make sure to drink plenty of water as well. You can go, have a great time and have the treats and still be in control.

Have a great time!!


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