Week of Oct 2 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in the 2006 and/or 2007 Disney Half or Full marathons. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Pacing Calculator

Six miles officially in the books at 1:32:09. The last mile was tough...my legs were pretty wobbly. Looks like the ASICS are edging out the Nikes for the official shoe of the Chimera racing team...no shin splints yesterday.

Kathy...great to see you back! How's the shoulder? I wear the Cumulus, but an 8.5.

Congrats to everyone doing or who have done Race for the Cure events! :banana: I love doing races for great causes!

Lynne...I can offer you a March marathon in Sarasota :) There's a few things listed on the coolrunning.com site for April. Do you live near Bar Harbor? The Mount Desert Island race looks cool, but it's in a couple of weeks.

Colleen...great 11 mile time! :dog2:

Bree...thanks for the advice on training for the March half! I'm gonna check out the schedule and see how it plans out.

TIff...great pace! :banana: :banana:

MelR...you'll have to post pictures of the boy in his Buzz suit! I'll be trick or treating with Tinkerbell and a cowgirl. DH and I are still trying to come up with clever costumes for ourselves. Our best year was when DD12 was Cruella DeVil and we dressed up as Dalmatians.

Craig...how was your 11?

Sunny... :bday: Happy Belated Birthday! Are you doing Applefest? That's on my list of races I'd like to run someday. I've never seen fall leaves and that looks like a cool way to do it.

Carrie...how was your LR this weekend?

Cam...good luck to you and everyone else 'officially' starting MFM this week!

So what happens AFTER the marathon? Do we start getting ready for 2007? I was thinking about this race in March and it occurred to me that I might not have all you guys for inspiration, encouragement and training tips :sad:

Speaking of training tips, can we go over the what and how to eat during a LR? I took an energy bar with me for the 6 miles. I think it helped, but not sure how to tell. I don't think I could do gels...I'm wimpy when it comes to weird textures/tastes. How do you decide at what point in your run to use the stuff?

Good training everyone! Looks like it's the real thing now!
Need some help with the list. Somehow the spreadsheet disappeared from my laptop :scared1: Fortunately, when I had to send the laptop for repair back in Aug, I had backed up the list to our desktop. So, I know the list is current up til then. Please check and be sure your name and info is there and correct. We have almost 120 names on the list and I don't want to miss anyone!

Chimera Melissa FL half
kaf7878 Kelly FL full
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL full
sap1227 Christy FL half
welovedis Karen NY half
tracy51 Tracy TX half
wiskband Renee NY half
Kimickey Kim MD half
zagafi Pam MO full
Stepharoonie FL full
little grey donkey Helen NZ full
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL half
TXBelle Heather TX half
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN half
Lani Lani mouseplanet half
TammyNC Tammy NC half
HookdonWDW Lisa AL half
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL full
wfloyd Bill FL full
MelanieC Melanie PA half
ZerasPride Lisa OH half
njcarita NJ half
cra-z-4-dizney half
valentine Kathy NY
Princess VIJA
shari2shop Shari TX half
LAWalz23 Lori NY
sunkissed212 Kimberly MI half
GrangerGirl Suzanne GA half
MickeySP Lisa half
Jroglitz Jennifer MD half
CarolA TN half
lizdotcom99 Liz IN half
my3boys half
momsully Christine CO half
keenercam Cam DE half
KeenHo Howard DE half
wtpclc Carrie MI full
DisneyGirl full
kimble Susan CA full
Tiggeroo Tina NJ
hAM53 Chris NY
goofyshell Michelle KY half
sara Sara IN Goofy
2angelsinheaven FL half
HINative HI half
pixiechic Colleen full
Jynohn full
CaitlinsMommy Betsey PA half
NCRedding NC half
tlkkrados Laura half
hunter0499 NJ half
Cherylbug Cheryl GA half
Alysa Alysa ON full
WDWFAN9 Pat IL half
starnerella Jackie NC half
Chropistopy Christy half
panthergirl Susan NC half
Bea Tammy CA half
hipporina Kristy TX full
secox28 Sharon OH half
DisneeFun Jennifer NC Goofy
mic&min half
xterratri Lynne ME Goofy
Leota NY half
Calcio Craig MA Goofy
cheyita Karen IL half
jennz Jennifer IN half
Mom21 half
boolou Jen full
heart4dis TX full
mshrm Lori half
SetzKitten Cody half
agotta Amanda VA half
DVDguy Kevin VA half
wogger half
Nycpa Kathy NY half
TigerLily03 Lily OH full
Stitch Lover Sith Erin NY half
murcor Angela half
Zela AL half
swandiverpatt IN half
goingthedistance Paul and Beckie NM full
Penny MN Goofy
sunshine girl Laura IL full
lacool Leigh Ann NC full
donac Dona NJ half
pixiedust27 Jessica half
jajuan TX half
disneybelle Darcey NJ half
zoegirl Bree NC Goofy
Alice Sr. IL half
monte Monica CO half
scanmom half
aladdinsgirl Krista OH half
skfulkers Steve OH full
calena CA half
Angie_OH OH half
Minnie half
gatorphipps Christa NC Goofy
Gymbomom Corey TX half
MelRhoads Melissa AR Goofy
plutosmyfav Sunny MA full
Dina Dina PA full
Pollioni Robb ON full
Zoesmama Melissa AZ half
solotraveler MI full
disnutt Kiena CT
Stephenie FL half
princessmomma Colleen NC full
TiffJ AL half
Jodi Jodi CT half
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX half
kdiana Chris CT half
kathcoll Kath Goofy
TEK224 Terry Goofy
DavidandDenise full
chersheyb full
Rockclimber Dave
chimera said:
Speaking of training tips, can we go over the what and how to eat during a LR? I took an energy bar with me for the 6 miles. I think it helped, but not sure how to tell. I don't think I could do gels...I'm wimpy when it comes to weird textures/tastes. How do you decide at what point in your run to use the stuff?

Good training everyone! Looks like it's the real thing now!

Maybe we could start an new thread with training tips. I know I would love to hear what works for everyone.

Personally, after a long run I find a protein drink really helps my recovery. I make a strawberry, banana smoothie. It tastes great and I feel good for the rest of the day. My legs seem to recover more quickly as well.

5-6 frozen strawberries
1 banana
1 cup milk
1 scoop of whey protein powder

Blend all this up and yum!!


By the way Melissa, thanks for starting up this new thread every week and keeping us organized. :flower: :flower:
Mel - I think I might be traumatized by your ponderings!!!! I had not even considered the idea that we may not have each other after January!!!!!!! We'll have to start working on that right away!!!!

I have already taken several pics of buzz! I guess I should post one. He ordered me out of the room so he could assess his coolness in the mirror after originally donning the costume. I few seconds later, I heard a thud and he said "Momma... I can't fly!" I peeked in at him and he was laying belly down on the bed. I tried to explain that buzz couldn't fly either, but that didn't really impress him!

Sunny -CHECK IN..... WE NEED THE APPLEFEST REPORT. We'd like to hear about the booty whippin' you dished out!!

I don't know if I mentioned it in my furry friends 5k race report, but the boy did embarrass me a little (big shock!) He kept pointing people out by what they were wearing, like "momma, see that girl in blue" and then he say, "beat her, momma, beat her" I know they could hear :blush: Maybe that inspired them to run faster ;) Running in a race with the boy is like running with your id (the Freudian kind) on a loud speaker!
So my classmate Allison said something neat as we were walking back to the car this morning. She asked me what time it was and I replied about 10 oclock. She then quoted a commercial "We do more by 9 oclock than most people do all day." :rotfl2: Actually this race didn't start until 0745 and we'll be 1hr 45 into the races by that time as Disney. So it was sunny, gorgeous blue skies with light winds, temps reasonable but the course was a little hillier than expected. It's tough to complain about running along the ocean though.

I was hoping to finish sub-2 hours and it took me about 2:09 so I averaged just slightly faster than 10min/mile overall. I did it run 9/walk 1 and the average pace for the run segments was 9:26/mile. So maybe with a little more fitness, etc a 4:30 at Disney might be possible. I looked at some of my older 1/2 times and this was actually a PB by about 15 minutes from the ones I could find. I couldn't find the results from my most recent half ironman in 2003 so I don't remember what that was except that it was hot(95) with no shade and the bike had been very hilly so I don't imagine that one was spectacular either. It doesn't hit 95 very often in Canada(Peterborough for solotraveler as he is the only one likely to have heard of it) so that was total freak weather. Ironman Lake Placid 3 weeks later was in the 50s-low 60s and rainy and windy all day. Both races were in July so it just shows that you can never predict what the weather will be. I don't remember what I used as a proof of time so I don't know what start carrel I will be in for Disney. When they post the results of this race, I probably ought to send it down to the Disney Marathon folks as the race is too darn big to be starting in the last carrel if you are going to run sub-5 hours.(with any luck and some decent training:))

The Garmin also said that I had went 13.35 rather than 13.1 too. I suspect the Garmin may be a little off and/or that the race distances are measured shortest line distance rather than the real world wobbling around. I actually leaning more toward the second option because they have a path around Back Cove that is marked every 1/4 mile and the Garmin is right on when on that path.

So going back to that elite v elitist debate. I've now done 2 half marathons, 1 full marathon, 3 half ironmans, and 2 full ironmans. That seems to make me a "big :dog: " here but really it's just proof that I got all my stubborness from my Grandpa(just ask Grandma). I'm not fast but live by the motto "Just keep moving forward" when the going gets tough in those longer events. If people want to give me garbage about my finishing times, I just have to remember that I'm still doing something that 95+% of the rest of the population wouldn't. It is easy to forget that when you are buried in the sub-culture whether it is running, triathlon, or adventure racing(you go MelR) that group that you are hanging with is just a small percentage of the whole. So that's my rant on the subject. Everyone here are winners just for setting the goal and it will be so sweet seeing everyone have success in January(whether it's 2006 or 2007 Lizdotcom)
Mel- great pace! I would also like tips on what to eat when now that I'm getting into the longer distances. I havent tried them yet, but the gels just sound really nasty to me. I would rather have a protien bar.

MelR-that story is hillarious!! I can picture DS4 doing the same thing. He's on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle kick. And he can fight like one too.

Colleen- that sounds good! I had a kit kat before my 4 miles this morning. How's that for nutrition :rolleyes1

I did 4 miles today. They 1st 3 I avg 14:51 pace. The last mile I needed to slow down, it was 16:30. I was really hoping to do the whole 4 miles avg 15/min mile.
Nutrition- very much a matter of personal preference. I am a fan of gels but only certain flavors(prefer vanilla or plain) and certain brands(gu, hammer gel). I'll train with the fruit flavored ones such as carb boom or some of the gu flavors but don't like to race with them. I also don't like power gels or any of the other really thick ones.

Energy bars can be okay on the bike but I don't like running with them- too much chewing to eat and then they sit in your stomach like a brick. At Ironman races I've ate bananas, oranges, apples, pretzels, and chicken soup from the aid stations in addition to the gu and the energy bars. There are times when things that more closely resemble real food just hit the spot.

What isn't a matter a personal preference is the need to either be drinking a carbohydrate drink or eating something if the event is going to be longer than 1.5 hours. Yes many of us(me) carry plenty of fat to burn even for a 9000 calories event but you need carbs to stoke the fat burning and your brain is completely dependent on carbs(glucose). Glycogen stores get depleted so you need to be putting something back in that is a source of glucose. This is not just my opinion, this is exercise science so start expirementing in training to get an idea what may work for you on race day.
xterratri said:
I'm not fast but live by the motto "Just keep moving forward" when the going gets tough in those longer events. If people want to give me garbage about my finishing times, I just have to remember that I'm still doing something that 95+% of the rest of the population wouldn't.

I totally agree with you. I've always finished in the back of the pack in races, but at least I finished. I've only had one race where I dropped out and that was the 2004 1/2 ironman at Disney. It was my first ever triathlon (decided to go long, plus I was at WDW :goodvibes ).

Got a bad case of leg cramps at mile 25 of the bike. Tried to walk a little and then ride again, but it just wasn't happening. I was really bummed at not finishing, but I figured getting through 1.2 mile swim and 25 miles on the bike was a decent 1st effort. I'm hoping to "tri" again in 2006. Will look more closely at nutrition for that race also.

Morning all - Lisa's PT woman should see what I saw yesterday. For some unknown reason, people here run 24 hour races (hey, it's a small country there's not a lot to do) and there was one yesterday which just happened to be on the track by my gym, and I ended up there watching the last half hour. I was expecting to find a whole race of tall skinny people - but no, at least two of the women in that race had the build of our amazing race woman, only one woman was over 5 ft 6 (cancelling out my 'my legs are too short' excuse), two guys still going round in circles were over 50, and the WOMAN who won the event (195km in 24 hours) was asthmatic - it completely shocked me - and, even more worryingly made me think 'I could do that then'. And as for determination, one guy was so tired, it took him 12 minutes to walk a 400 metre lap but at that point there was no way he was giving up. I nearly cried.

I didn't quite manage 24 hours this weekend, just my nice short run of 7 miles which went okay. Am trying not to think abou the fact that that was my last weekend run under 10 miles until Xmas now. Anyway, better go as I have to call Disney before you all go to sleep - it's time to try and book the Segway tour. Helen
xterratri said:
The Garmin also said that I had went 13.35 rather than 13.1 too. I suspect the Garmin may be a little off and/or that the race distances are measured shortest line distance rather than the real world wobbling around.

With Garmin's GPS technology it is more likely to be underestimating than over. Since it will use a straight line to calculate distances if it loses the signal (because you are in a blocked area - tall buildings, or in wooded areas) it will sometimes underestimate your distance. But if it says you did 13.35, you DID 13.35!

I did the Army ten Miler in DC today at a 12:45 pace. They rerouted the course because of a suspicious package under the 14th street bridge. And the route ended up being 11.38 instead of 10 miles, with the new route leading back to the starting line, and no "offical" timing because the mats were at what should have been the finish line! It was still a great race from the Pentagon around the Kennedy Center,through the Mall area to the Capital and back to the Pentagon. Next saturday is my final 20 miler before the Marine Corps marathon. I'd love to be able to do the marathon at a 13 minute pace!
chimera said:
Speaking of training tips, can we go over the what and how to eat during a LR? I took an energy bar with me for the 6 miles. I think it helped, but not sure how to tell. I don't think I could do gels...I'm wimpy when it comes to weird textures/tastes. How do you decide at what point in your run to use the stuff?
AHHH...Gels! :teeth: I wish (and you may get the chance @ WDW) you all could experience me taking a gel! :rotfl: Bree always gets a good laugh. I am the gag master! :earseek: But they do work the best for me. The ones with the caffene, banana-strawberry, or choc. is what I use. I can feel them working in about 10 min. No lie! But it takes me that long to get them down.

Sunny - WHERE ARE YOU? Want to know about your race! :Pinkbounc You asked my race pace....for a 1/2 mara or under it is 8:30 to 9:30. Marathon is slower. I have never been supper fast @ WDW b/c it is SO crowded. I guess I won't PR this year either b/c of the Goofy...I cannot see me blowing out both races.

Melissa - Love your boy and the race story! :rotfl: Can totally see my girls saying something like that!

Helen - 24 hour race! WOW!

Happy training all! I cannot believe how close we are!
Jason! Welcome! You're on the list. What kind of training are you doing?
2:03:53 9:28 (Garmin said 13.4, 2:04:52, 9:19 :confused3 )

It was great!!!!!

The weather was absolutely perfect. It was 38 deg F when I first got up but it was up to 60 deg F by race time. The race was very well organized, the volunteers where plentiful and great, both friendly and very helpful. The course is beautiful, long windy country roads with no sidewalks or shoulders. Most of it was blocked to traffic, some of it was one side of the street. There were water stops very 2 miles and each one had a theme (Samurai, Cowboys and Indians, 70's, etc). At the end we got to vote for our favorite water stop. The post-race refreshements were incredible (I definitley ate everything I burned :rolleyes: ) There was homemade apple crips, apple bread, apple & oatmeal cookies (are you picking up on a theme here?) as well as the usual yogurt, bagels, bananas, etc. I met only nice runners, and I met alot of nice runners. I saw some big butts ahead of me and I thought exactly as Solo put it ("wow, she's doing it, so can I!!!!!). I then decided my big butt was a beacon of hope for those behind me :rotfl2:

I was really pleased with my strategy. I didn't start too fast, although my first half was much faster then my second half, but that was due to the course. Its mostly downhill first half and mostly uphill second half. My only complaint is that my bladder was ready to explode from about mile 10 on! I forgot to turn off my Garmin at the finish line, I made it all the way across the field to the port-a-jon before I remembered. I estimate that was at most a tenth of a mile but my Garmin said 13.4. It also said I averaged a 9:19 pace but my race (chip) posting said 9:28 (2:03:53). So I was a little worried that Garmin overestimates, too. The theory of it underestimating due to lost signal makes sense but could the course/chip be off that much? Oh well, I'm not sweating it, either way I did just about what I had hoped for.

Chimera-- I highly recommend Applefest!

Lynn-- I am running "Race to Remember" (Half) downtown Boston March 11, 2006. Maybe as soon as WDW is over we should start a March Race thread to stay connected until we start training for '07 :flower:

As for the Bar Harbor Marathon-- YIKES :earseek: Have you seen the course profile??? I would love to do that one someday. My family spent 3 weeks at Bar Harbor every summer when I was a kid. Great memories, great country.

MelR-- we have even more in common! DS has been Buzz the last two years and wants to be Buzz again this year. Too bad he keeps growing or it would be a bargain!

Gels-- I can't imagine eating anything solid during a run. I started trying out gels once my LR got to 16 miles. I did one goo at mile 8.5 on my Half. I have no clue if it helped but the hills had started and I was desparate for any edge (even imagined)! Make sure to drink with the gel.

Heather and Christa-- Congrats on the Race for the Cure! Sounds like a great time and a great reason to run!

Helen-- we have a local race called "24 hours around the lake" I don't know how they manage to make it 24, but part of it is a full marathon around the lake. The disturbing part is the circumference is 3.3 miles!!!! Thats 8+ loops around the same lake. Can you imagine?????

MelR-- The "beat the lady in blue" is precious!!!!! My DS has had me skirming in many a situation! I haven't tried running with him, I can only imagine!

Craig-- Your post with story of your daughter was the last thing I read before heading out to Applefest. I really appreciated it and pondered it on my way up route 3! Thanks! Was this the best running weekend or what???? How many more weekends like this will we get???? Loving it!

Mel-- thanks for the B-day wish. Mom and Dad gave me running clothes for my Bday. They said they were clueless as to what to buy so a clerk helped them out. By chance they bought an Asic jacket, shirt and pants! I am thrilled. The pants are a nice winter running model. Can't wait to try them out (or can I?).

Today was rest except that I ended up taking my air conditioner our of my window which led to serious cleaning which lead to rearranging furniture....

No sore muscles or fatigue to report! I'm glad the IC didn't push me too hard :rotfl: I think even she wanted to enjoy the race!!!!

I'll post pics when they're up.

Here's the specs:

Oct 1, 2005 Applefest

1 8:51
2 8:42
3 8:52
4 8:58
5 8:34
6 8:53
7 9:02
8 9:21
9 8:58
10 9:57
11 10:20
12 9:23
13 10:07
.4 13:23 (I forgot to turn it off at the finish)

13.4 miles Garmin says 2:04:53, 9:19 overall pace
Chip Time: 2:03:53 overall pace 9:28

The Ups and Downs of Applefest!!!!!

Congratulations Sunny on your race. Fantastic!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Sounds like you had a great day.

Christa, I gag with gels too, but they do put pep in my step after about 10-15 minutes too. I usually take them after 4 miles.

Welcome Jason. Is this your first marathon?

Kath, my Garmin seems to be all over the place too. It is sometimes frustrating, but if I am actually running longer distances, that is all good!!

Helen, glad to have you around again. Sounds like your training is going well.

I just wanted to give everyone a big :grouphug: for all your help when I was considering giving up. It meant more to me than I can ever tell, I wouldn't be where I am without this group :love:

I have decided to use the waddleon.com 14 week run/walk training plan. I can still use my wogging from the other plan so it should be okay as I was up to 5 miles before having to stop and the first lr next Sat is only 3 miles.

I walked quite a bit this weekend with a little jogging mixed in. Nothing I timed but just got my Asics back on my feet and my feet back walking one step at a time. The official plan starts tomorrow and I will be out there some way some how. Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!

Sunny - Congrats on your 1/2!!!!

Welcome Jason!

Have a great week everyone!
Way to go Mel, Lynne, and Sunny. Those are good results, and remember today was 14 weeks from the full. Doing well in advance of the races is a good sign.

Yes, the weather here now is perfect for running. I did the 11 without difficulty Saturday AM, cool and dry again. The first 9.5 were really easy, but the last 1.5 were work, I felt the fatigue beginning to blow my quads, but I was able to hold pace by concentrating. I suspect I could run a nice half right now (with rest), so I need to build more for the full.

Martha and I are running the Race for the Taste 10K Sunday at WDW, forecast temp = 70 or so at race time, with 100% humidity I'm sure. We're both having good results right now, so I wonder how returning to heat and humidity will affect us. It's so much easier when it's cool, so we'll so how it goes.

Regarding food, for 13 miles I never need any food or energy drinks either. Straight water is the only thing I take, and I don't seem to fatigue. For the full on January 8, I'm sure I'll need an electrolite and carb drink to keep up the energy and mineral levels, but I'm never done this before. I guess I'll do some reading and estimate the correct strategy for 26 miles. Hopefully it will be relatively cool and dry both days, so my body will take the smallest beating possible regarding fluids and energy.

Lastly, thanks Sunny for the kind comments. I certainly find as I get older I become more philosophical about what matters in life. Today I was in NH watching my daughter's fall lacrosse play day. They played 3 halfs during the morning in beautiful weather. It's really wierd to watch the girl you remember so clearly as a baby running around as a junior in college. I hope I've been able to teach her good lessons for life. God knows she has taught me more than she'll ever understand.

And remember . . . the weather is perfect now, but in 3 weeks we'll feel winter coming in hard. New England falls are the best, but the rest of the year isn't quite so nice.

97 or 98 days to go :hourglass

Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun and success. :cool1:

Weather was great today, but my time was not. Did 3 miles on a flat track (think a tweaked a groin yesterday on some hills). Was going to try the r/w method. I found that I tended to constantly look at the time to see where I was and when to switch. It was actually annoying. Think I'm going back to my own method of running until I get winded (not exhausted), taking a walk break and then resume running. That seems to work best for me. I do love the Garmin so I don't have to remember how many laps or have to measure out the distance. Haven't tried downlaoding any info yet. Need to read the direction for that! :)

Calcio--for the full..it is suggested to start early on the refueling--you may not need it for 13 miles, but not taking anything in the first half could have consequences in the 2nd half.

I take a gu beginning at mile 4 and then every 4 miles after that. Just how the timing works for me.

Once your runs start getting to the half distance in training, it would be a good idea to start practicing with it. Maybe even sooner. You may notice it adds a kick to your step ;).

I am the proud finder of my marathoning for mortals book. Missing for months. Strangest thing. Had a little conversation with my quads yesterday about how I would be nice to them if they behave and that we can be penguins, just to do our training nicely.

Well--on one of my hall shelves--my Bibles are toppled on the floor. NO idea why, they just were. So I put them up--and more fall down. And right there on the shelf--you guessed it, marathoning for mortals is hanging out. No idea why it is there, like I can remember why I place a training book on a shelf with Bibles and religious paraphanelia. Anyway--so I pick up with week 7 of training and ditch what my coach has us doing. So Monday of Week 7 on the run/walk plan--no strappy things on my knees, no knee problems, no quad problems. So let's hear a big WAHOO for me--for listening to my penguin self!!!

44 minutes at 5mph pace with 3:1 intervals---just under 3 and a half miles. Yep--I'm Back!!!
Lisa-Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that your run felt good and no problems.

I just started the MFM 1/2 training this morning. I am going to stay on schedule even though I have a couple of long weekend trips that could potentially get in the way. I will take my garmin and get them in.

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