We are back! "Christmas with the mouse" trip report!!!**New 1/1/08**

Very VERY nice!!

You should put all the addresses of people you need to send postcards to, along with the stamps in the sleeve.

Disney just makes us all better people! Even if it's only for a little while.
Very VERY nice!!

You should put all the addresses of people you need to send postcards to, along with the stamps in the sleeve.

Disney just makes us all better people! Even if it's only for a little while.

ILMICKEY...Thank you SO much!!!! I totally forgot that list!!! :woohoo: See, I knew I was forgetting something!!! :woohoo:
Do you have to call wdwplay to reserve a spot at the campfire? It's sounds like something my son would LOVE!

Yeah, I read somewhere on here that the crane is already there getting ready to start putting the lights on. I can't wait to see it!!! They said it was going to look alot like DL Paris.

I don't think so, i think you can just go.....check out the first few pages of the WL FAQ thread on thre Resorts board....there's info on it in there!
I don't think so, i think you can just go.....check out the first few pages of the WL FAQ thread on thre Resorts board....there's info on it in there!

Thank you! I will do that. :banana: :banana: We are about to hit the 60 day mark! **YIPPEE**

So, you guys know how I've been looking for a little table top tree to take to WDW right? Well today I had to go to Target and Walmart to pick up a few things and they have their CHRISTMAS decorations two aisles down from their HALLOWEEN decorations!!! (So sad..everyone forgets about turkey day!) Anyway....of course with me loving Christmas as much as I do I went over to check out the goods. I got EXTREMELY excited when I saw 2 foot with lights Christmas trees. One was the disney princesses and was all pink, the other was tinkerbell and it was purple. Oh, this was at Target btw...I ended up talking myself out of purchasing the tree. #1 I couldn't decide which one to get. #2 I have a 5 year old little boy. This trip is about him and not me!! And if he had to chose he would NOT chose a pink or purple tree. So, I went to Walmart and they too had little disney trees. Still 2 foot but they didn't have lights. They were green but they were still either tinkerbell or the princesses. So, I talked myself out of that too. HOWEVER, while I was there I found some little mini round "Cars" and "Pirates of the carribean" ornaments that would look great on mini tree. That way it would be about my son and he would LOVE that tree!! I picked them up and now all I have to do is hold onto them until we pull the Christmas decoration from the attic and I can find (hopefully) my little table top tree. If not, I 'm just going to have to buy one.

Anyway, to make a long story even longer. I REALLY liked the girlie trees!!! Maybe I'll just buy one to put in my house??? Sounds good right???

58 days and counting!!!!
I just found your pre-trip. All of the good things on here about Sci-Fi makes me want to add it to my ADRs really bad. I love your Christmas ideas!!! I can't wait to hear more!:thumbsup2
I just found your pre-trip. All of the good things on here about Sci-Fi makes me want to add it to my ADRs really bad. I love your Christmas ideas!!! I can't wait to hear more!:thumbsup2

Hi!!!:wave2: I'm glad you are enjoying my pretrip. I feel that I am boring everyone to tears!!

We REALLY like the Sci-Fi. It was the one place I was most nervous about last visit but it turned out great. The atmosphere was like nothing we've ever experienced before and the food and service was wonderful. I think everyone should try it once!

Looks like your trip is coming up soon too!!!:banana:
The Plan:

The first 5 days will be spent at POFQ. This is our "home" resort. It's the only WDW resort we have stayed at. :yay:[/COLOR]

Hey Princess-rn,

Just wanted to get some :jester: POFQ advice!! Any would be welcome you can e-mail me vandyfan10@aol.com or PM me. My hubby and I are going in Dec :santa: also and I am VERY excited!!! I've never been at Christmas and can't WAIT! :woohoo:

Just wanted to see if you had some good ideas, nooks :hug: , places to go at the resort....you can also take a boat :sail: to DTD, but do you remember how long it takes??

THANKS for any info :upsidedow

Have a great weekend and a WONDERFUL trip!!!!
Hey Princess-rn,

Just wanted to get some :jester: POFQ advice!! Any would be welcome you can e-mail me vandyfan10@aol.com or PM me. My hubby and I are going in Dec :santa: also and I am VERY excited!!! I've never been at Christmas and can't WAIT! :woohoo:

Just wanted to see if you had some good ideas, nooks :hug: , places to go at the resort....you can also take a boat :sail: to DTD, but do you remember how long it takes??

THANKS for any info :upsidedow

Have a great weekend and a WONDERFUL trip!!!!

Hi Vandyfan! I think you are going to LOVE POFQ! It's a small romantic resort that we fell in love with on our honeymoon. I suggesting the horse drawn carriage ride. ( I think you have to schedule it through WDWPLAY) It runs by the river and is SO romantic. There is a BEAUTIFUL courtyard on the grounds that have benches where you can just sit and enjoy the atmosphere. If you are really lucky on a clear night sometimes you can see the fireworks from DTD "new years eve" celebration they have every night. The boat to DTD is GREAT! Especially in the evening. The ride usually takes about 20 mins I believe.

I hope you enjoy your stay!! Keep me updated! If you have any more questions just ask!!:hippie:


We are about to be under the 50 day mark! I've been trying to read on here about what the weather is like in Orlando the first part of December. It sounds like it's alot like Alabama..but even more unpredicitible. Usually by the first of December we are pretty settled into our jeans and sweatshirts...but not always. I think it was last Thanksgiving, I was wearing shorts to get the Christmas lights up!

Anyway...this whole weight loss thing isn't really going the way I hoped. I'm not GAINING..but I'm not losing to much either. I've been working alot lately and it's very hard for me to plan to eat healthy when I'm at work. I've found that usually nurses don't eat very healthy...especially those of us that work evening or night shift. I'm still working on it though. I still have 50 days!

I did find some shorts on sale at gap.com. I bought them. We will see how they fit. I also bought a couple of pairs of jeans. What I need now is some long sleeved t-shirts. I have plenty of regular tshirts..but I don't have any LS. (I'm not usually a tshirt wearing kind of gal...UNTIL we go to disney!)

Anyway..those of you who have been in WDW in December...what on earth did you pack? I figure I will pack 5 oufits for each person. A nice mixture of shorts and pants. Our last day at POFQ we are planning to sleep in and then head over to DTD. I am planning to go down and wash clothes and repack them for the next half of our vacation. We usually do laundry anyway on one of our "sleep in days" It just makes things easier. What do you guys think? That way I don't have to pack 10 days worth of clothes!! (I can't BELIEVE I'm trying to condense my packing!)

Sorry for the babbling...these are the things that are running through my head right now.

Have a great weekend!


:yay: I'm not far behind :yay:
55 days
1333 hours
79996 minutes
4799812 seconds

As far as the packing thing.....I'm a little unsure about that also...but What I've heard is LAYER!! I'll prob take 1-2 pairs of shorts but stick mostly with my khaki's.....wear t-shirts/tanks and take sweatshirts for the evenings

We may do laundry sometime that week too :laundy:

I'm just so excited to be there during the holidays:santa: ...I don't really care :rotfl:
Yeah, Layering will probably be best. I know at nightfall those sweatshirts will come in handy.

I like your countdown...let's see what mine looks like. (knowing me it will probably be wrong..math is NOT my thing....)
50 days
1200 hours
72,000 mins
4,320,000 seconds
Hey...wait a flippin' minute!!!! I just realized.....My count is off!!!! It's 49 days until we leave!!!! We are ALREADY under 50!!! How in THE WORLD did my count get off?!?! I'm doing the under 50 dance...:dance3: :yay: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo: :cool1: :cool1: :banana: :banana:
Yeah, Layering will probably be best. I know at nightfall those sweatshirts will come in handy.

I like your countdown...let's see what mine looks like. (knowing me it will probably be wrong..math is NOT my thing....)
50 days
1200 hours
72,000 mins
4,320,000 seconds

Here's the link Countdown :yay: if you'd like to use it.....I have it on my computer desktop and I LOVE it....so fun to go look at from time to time....I love looking at how many seconds I have :lmao: !!!
Thanks! I LOVE it! My Math was off! Here's the TRUE countdown...
48 days
1,168 hours
70,125 minutes
4,207,490 secs

Watch out Disney..here we come!

So, you guys know how I've been looking for a little table top tree to take to WDW right? Well today I had to go to Target and Walmart to pick up a few things and they have their CHRISTMAS decorations two aisles down from their HALLOWEEN decorations!!! (So sad..everyone forgets about turkey day!) Anyway....of course with me loving Christmas as much as I do I went over to check out the goods. I got EXTREMELY excited when I saw 2 foot with lights Christmas trees. One was the disney princesses and was all pink, the other was tinkerbell and it was purple. Oh, this was at Target btw...I ended up talking myself out of purchasing the tree. #1 I couldn't decide which one to get. #2 I have a 5 year old little boy. This trip is about him and not me!! And if he had to chose he would NOT chose a pink or purple tree. So, I went to Walmart and they too had little disney trees. Still 2 foot but they didn't have lights. They were green but they were still either tinkerbell or the princesses. So, I talked myself out of that too. HOWEVER, while I was there I found some little mini round "Cars" and "Pirates of the carribean" ornaments that would look great on mini tree. That way it would be about my son and he would LOVE that tree!! I picked them up and now all I have to do is hold onto them until we pull the Christmas decoration from the attic and I can find (hopefully) my little table top tree. If not, I 'm just going to have to buy one.

Anyway, to make a long story even longer. I REALLY liked the girlie trees!!! Maybe I'll just buy one to put in my house??? Sounds good right???

58 days and counting!!!!
DS has a blue Toy Story Tree we got at the Disney Store a few years ago. Try there.....They may have Cars or Rattatouille this year:thumbsup2


We are about to be under the 50 day mark! I've been trying to read on here about what the weather is like in Orlando the first part of December. It sounds like it's alot like Alabama..but even more unpredicitible. Usually by the first of December we are pretty settled into our jeans and sweatshirts...but not always. I think it was last Thanksgiving, I was wearing shorts to get the Christmas lights up!

Anyway...this whole weight loss thing isn't really going the way I hoped. I'm not GAINING..but I'm not losing to much either. I've been working alot lately and it's very hard for me to plan to eat healthy when I'm at work. I've found that usually nurses don't eat very healthy...especially those of us that work evening or night shift. I'm still working on it though. I still have 50 days!

I did find some shorts on sale at gap.com. I bought them. We will see how they fit. I also bought a couple of pairs of jeans. What I need now is some long sleeved t-shirts. I have plenty of regular tshirts..but I don't have any LS. (I'm not usually a tshirt wearing kind of gal...UNTIL we go to disney!)

Anyway..those of you who have been in WDW in December...what on earth did you pack? I figure I will pack 5 oufits for each person. A nice mixture of shorts and pants. Our last day at POFQ we are planning to sleep in and then head over to DTD. I am planning to go down and wash clothes and repack them for the next half of our vacation. We usually do laundry anyway on one of our "sleep in days" It just makes things easier. What do you guys think? That way I don't have to pack 10 days worth of clothes!! (I can't BELIEVE I'm trying to condense my packing!)

Sorry for the babbling...these are the things that are running through my head right now.

Have a great weekend!

We spent most of our time in Jeans and t shirts...started out with sweatshirts or light jackets in the mornings, and wound up in T shirts by about noon. The evenings were COLD...needed our regular coats. I think it was unseasonably cold in 2005, though....I remember it being colder in Orlando than it was when we got on the plane in Philly:scared1: The day we left it was 80 drgrees, so be prepared for anything. Layers are key!

I REALLY liked the girlie trees!!! Maybe I'll just buy one to put in my house??? Sounds good right???

58 days and counting!!!!

I think that sounds GREAT!! I might go get one and I dont' even have kids :rotfl2: .....Target is the best!! :cheer2: And who doesn't love :tink: ??

54 days
1311 hours
78712 minutes
4722727 seconds
:yay: :yay: I'm getting close to the 50 day mark!! :yay: :yay:
The Plan:

We will be driving down from Birmingham, Alabama. We've decided to drive instead of fly for a couple of reasons. #1 flexibility. We can leave for the trip what ever time of day we want. We can leave WDW for home whatever time of day we want. #2 We don't have to worry about how many bags we've packed or how we going to get souviners home or having them shipped to our house. (evern though there still are a couple of things I'm sure we will have shipped) #3 no waiting in long lines at the airport! [/COLOR]

Hi Princess-rn

There are plenty of us out here. I love the idea of your early pre-trip report. It is in the planning that we get the best ideas. We are going to drive for our Feb (Mardi Gras) trip for the above reasons. We flew last time (driving from Biloxi to Orlando is about 9 hours) and managed to spend almost 10 hours driving to and from the airport, waiting for boarding,etc. I am not crazy about flying so I didn't see the point if it does not save time. Besides, I bought so much we were so over the luggage limit we all had tremendous carry on bags.

I second the idea of O'Hanas. My family loved it and we are booking it again this trip. We are also in the minority of those who enjoy H & V. We had a really good meal there.

So keep the planning coming...I am going to stay plugged in to your report.


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