WDW SNAKE BITE - pics of my son's "adventure

Thanks so much for sharing that. We are traveling 6/16-24 and staying at CBR - I will definitely tell my little guy (DS 6) not to put his hands in the bushes. Additionally, we will all (try) to stay alert for critters!

I wouldn't even have thought of encountering either gators or snakes! My husband grew up in Orlando. Although he hasn't lived there in quite some time, hopefully his "FL instincts" will kick in!

Glad your son is OK - that is very scary!

I wonder: There is so much water all around WDW, is this something you should look out for all over the world?
Not sure if anyone else posted this but the problem with mocassins is that they are very aggressive. Every other snake will try to avoid contact with humans, and will not strike unless they are threatened. But moccasins are the opposite. I had one waiting for me in my driveway awhile back and instead of running over it, back and forth, and back and forth. I just waited until it left so I could open my garage and head in. But the only snake I ever saw at WDW was just a small 3 ft black racer........ poor little guy was terrified of all the people and just trying his best to get away.
:eek::eek: I am about to pass out....UGHHHH:( This NY girl would probably have a heart attack if I saw one of those things....thank you so much for making us aware of this and I am so so glad your son is okay.

It would never have occurred to me that there would be snakes around:scared1:
OMG! Thank you for posting your ordeal, I will certainly be on the look out!
The Racer snakes you refer to are not poisonouse correct?


This is where the accident occured. The snake was curled up under a bush next to the light pole.


When I first heard this story, I was imagining considerably more vegetation. Thanks so much for sharing your story, and so glad your little guy came through it alright. :)
OP: I am so glad to hear your beautiful little boy is okay. What a HORROR :eek:
I think that so many of us only think about all the Magic and Pixie Dust and forget about the "real world" that Disney is....and this is a great reminder to always be "on guard" to danger, even at Disney!

Thank you for re-posting, first I saw your thread!
The ambulance drivers thought it was not venomous, but as soon as we walked into the ER, the doc there knew we were in trouble. I cannot imagine what might have happened if we had just let the EMT clean it out and not gone on to the ER.

This sounds almost as scary as the snake bite. I would hope the EMT's, especially down in Florida with several venomous species would be able to look at a bite and know there is a potential for problems. I hope they never did suggest cleaning it out and letting your son go. Having seen someone bit by a Copper Head when I was a teen (19), it only took minutes for his leg to begin swelling and for the venum to begin doing it's thing. Fortunately for him, even though we were in a rural area I was able to rush him to a hosital about 30 minutes away (pre 911 and cell phone days).

With that said, I am truly glad to see your son is doing well and thanks for posting this up for all of us to use caution.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. As I stated earlier, if posting this can prevent one family from going through what we did, then it is so worth it. Here are a few lighthearted pictures of our attempt to take a little "fear" out of the situation.

We had the maitre d present this to my son for dessert one evening. Some may think it a bit morbib, but he LOVED it.

Thankfully he has a wonderful sense of humor.
This sounds almost as scary as the snake bite. I would hope the EMT's, especially down in Florida with several venomous species would be able to look at a bite and know there is a potential for problems. I hope they never did suggest cleaning it out and letting your son go. Having seen someone bit by a Copper Head when I was a teen (19), it only took minutes for his leg to begin swelling and for the venum to begin doing it's thing. Fortunately for him, even though we were in a rural area I was able to rush him to a hosital about 30 minutes away (pre 911 and cell phone days).

With that said, I am truly glad to see your son is doing well and thanks for posting this up for all of us to use caution.

That is exactly what they initially suggested. They said it just needed cleaned out and for him to be on an antibiotic because snakes' mouths have so much bacteria and that we could either have them take us to the ER or take a taxi later if we felt the need. I asked what they would do if it were their family member. The poor EMT felt terrible when he found out is was a venomous bite.
Thank you Thank you!! I saw your post before our trip in November and was constantly reminding my daughters to stay out of the landscaping!! They were tired of me saying it but they would have been more upset if they landed in the hospital!!
I am a EMT in Alabama. The EMT should feel terrible. I cannot believe he said that to you without having the snake in front of him. Even then he still should have suggested that you allow them to transport your son to the hospital. It's always better to transport and er on the side of caution. I am glad everything turned o.k. for your family. :hug:
OP, I am horrified by your story and so glad your little guy came through it all just fine- and clearly with his sense of humor intact :thumbsup2. I am phobic about snakes and am always on the lookout. After all, what is Florida besides a giant sandbar? We have seen gators on the prowl at both Disney and KSC, so I know the critters abound, but I am surprised that you found a water moccasin so close to people-inhabited areas. I have to say, snakes are one of the reasons we don't like staying at OKW; all that shrubbery and plant growth along the pathways makes me extremely nervous!

Perhaps the natives on these boards could give us some helpful info about snake behavior. Are snakes more apt to be hiding in the shade during the day (in the summertime, say) or would they be "out and about"? Should I worry about a snake in the parking lot, resting on the top of the car's tire (heard about this in the San Diego area) or is that too much of an uncomfortable crawl for a snake? I am under the impression that I'd be most likely to find these snakes near water, under bushes, or in the cool of the early morning/early evening, but don't really know. Do snakes even come out at night, or are they tucked away with their snakey relatives, getting a good night's sleep :rotfl: :scared1: Actually, the whole topic gives me the creeps!!
That is exactly what they initially suggested. They said it just needed cleaned out and for him to be on an antibiotic because snakes' mouths have so much bacteria and that we could either have them take us to the ER or take a taxi later if we felt the need. I asked what they would do if it were their family member. The poor EMT felt terrible when he found out is was a venomous bite.

I am so glad you, without any medical training (assuming), saw the wisdom in being cautious. This could have had all the makings of being a terrible story instead of one that ended up well. Good Job Mom!!! As for the EMT, I hope he not only felt terrible from this experience, but I hope he learned a valuable lesson as well.

Again, I'm glad your son is doing great and thanks for reminding us all of being very careful down there. As rare as these tragedies are, they do happen and you are living proof of it.
Not sure if anyone else posted this but the problem with mocassins is that they are very aggressive. Every other snake will try to avoid contact with humans, and will not strike unless they are threatened. But moccasins are the opposite.

Not true, though that's a common perception. A cottonmouth isn't going to strike unless it feels threatened. It doesn't go looking for trouble. It will try to retreat. But as with any snake, if you surprise it, it will strike as a defense. One thing you never do when hiking here in KY is step over a log without first waving a stick or something similar on the other side. Lots of copperhead bites come from people startling them. Same with cottonmouths. Just don't want people getting the idea that cottonmouths are lying in wait next to sidewalks and in landscaping. Be careful, but not paranoid.
Wow - thank you so much for posting this. We'll be staying at CBR in a couple of months. It NEVER would have occurred to me to worry about snakes. And my younger son is the type to run ahead, and think nothing of retrieving a lost item in the shrubbery. Honestly, until this thread the only worry I would have had with him retrieving a lost item in the bushes would be him accidentally damaging the landscaping. Thanks for getting my head straight!
Aw, your poor son! He's so stinkin' cute too. I'm sorry that this happened to him. Thank goodness he is okay!
Not true, though that's a common perception. A cottonmouth isn't going to strike unless it feels threatened. It doesn't go looking for trouble. It will try to retreat. But as with any snake, if you surprise it, it will strike as a defense. One thing you never do when hiking here in KY is step over a log without first waving a stick or something similar on the other side. Lots of copperhead bites come from people startling them. Same with cottonmouths. Just don't want people getting the idea that cottonmouths are lying in wait next to sidewalks and in landscaping. Be careful, but not paranoid.

That has not been my personal experience with cottonmouths, we have had them chase us, with us in a boat and try to get in the boat. That is pretty aggressive to me. :scared1:

A friend made this cake to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of my son's snake bite. We weren't celebrating the bite, but that fact that he is alive.:cool1: I think he wanted his "revenge" on the cake.

He looks a bit more sinister in this picture. I'm sure people in the restaurant thought we were crazy.


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