WDW in late August

Main Street Matilda

May 1, 2010
These boards have never failed me for good advice. We almost always travel in the Fall when the weather is milder. However, next year because of school schedules, late August may be the only time we can go for a full week.

We know it will be hot ... but how bad is it? Does it rain often? Before I book anything, I want to be sure that I'm not missing something I should be taking into consideration.

Is there anyone who actually prefers going at that time of year?

The last week (or two) in August are a little lighter crowds as most schools are back in session. The weather is hot (90s) and it is likely to thunderstorm every afternoon (if you are lucky)...the rain will cause many to leave the park and will also cool things off a bit.
It's the beginning/middle of hurricane season...so you never know.
It will be hot and humid, though some years it didn’t feel as bad to me as others, but maybe that was me more than the weather! Have run into some hurricane rains, some trips with the afternoon rain, some with almost no rain. I guess I am not helping you much!
First, we used to always go in late August, as Schools in the south are back in school, while schools in the North are normally getting ready to go back. It used to be, anytime after August 15th or so was a less expensive, less busy time.

While things have changed a bit, summer does not seem as busy as it used to be. I think you will do well with wait times at the end of August.

Also, August 17, 24, 28 and 31 are Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. What that does mean is the MK will be closing early for non party goers on those nights (so plan your time wisely), it also means that may bring a different set of plans if you include that in your trip.

Take it from someone that is there between June and August every year, yes, the weather is hot, and rain is likely, but all doable. With the exception of AK, I think you can do Disney in the heat without any real issues. We were just there a week and a half ago, and I am a 280 pound guy. Less Air in AK, have to be a bit smarter there. Drink plenty of fluids. And yes, as someone else posted, rain can basically be your friend.
It is technically hurricane season. Not a major concern I think given past history but something to keep in mind.
It's hot and humid, you will sweat. Wear appropriate clothing and drink plenty of water.
Chance of rain/storms every day, might storm might not... Have seen the skies get black, then a couple sprinkles and that's it... Have had clear sky and downpour 5 minutes later. Usually lucky and only get caught in couple of downpours in a week.

I hate heat and humidity, but am able to deal with it for a week.

Don't prefer this time of year, but that's when can go.
We have been Going that time for 6 years.... Never had any issues with Hurricanes as other seem to mention.. Hurricane season starts May 15 and ends November 30. As far as weather it is cooler than July and other earlier months. It is still hot.... what makes up for it is the much shorter lines and lesser crowds so you are rally not outside for very long... P.S. some of the best trips we have had have been in July and August when there is a Hurricane way off shore as it brings a nice breeze and low temps... had one day in July that was in the mid 70's a and breezy... in fact most of the week was in the low 80's...another week it was in the mid 90's and no rain--you need rain to cool the walkways.... you can't predict weather... for us late August has been in the mid upper 80's everyday some 90's rains everyday late afternoon (hopefully) and likely you will miss it if you are on a ride...
Been here the past 7 days and it has barely rained. It rained maybe twice on my trip and it was for 30 mins once and the other 20 mins.

I honestly have been shocked at this weather. It hasn’t been crazy humid either.

I believe this is the rareity and not the norm
This input is great. Florida weather is so unusual - we've been in November where it was in the 90's for days at a time and other times when it was in the 50's. I just don't want to blind-sided by something I didn't consider for our first August trip.
Due to school and work schedules, we booked this year's trip for late August. It has been 15 years since we did a summer trip. I have found a thread on here with tips for keeping cool in Aug. which was really helpful. I prefer January but any time is a good time to go to WDW in my book.
Typically, the crowds are a bit lower the last couple of weeks in August. It is pretty stinking hot, and humid. It is not unusual to see a thunder storm in the afternoon / evening daily. Of course, longer lasting rains can never be ruled out, but they are the exception not the rule. Park hours are generally still pretty long, though not still at their summer peak.

We don't mind visiting in August at all. We have visited in August every year since 2009, we will be returning in just over a week for our two week stay this summer, and are already planning a stay next August, a bit earlier in the month. Out of all those trips, I think one year it rained enough to impact our vacation, and even then, we had fun!

We have a facebook group full of August travelers, and many of them are expecting to return in August again next year as well!
We go this time every year. It rained a lot last summer end of August. Then the hurricane hit the following week.

We will still go this time of year.
We really like going the last week of August! Yeah, it's ridiculously hot but totally manageable. We rope drop each day, back to resort 1-5ish, head back out for dinner and stay till close. My kids haven't napped in years, but fall asleep almost every day during our resort break. That made our nights easier, no one was cranky at our normal bed times. It's definitely rainy- but we only had one night that was a washout for us during our trip last year.
We used to always go the last week of August and found the crowds light, the rates lower, and usually got free dining. However we stopped going when they revamped to FP+. We had fun but it did usually rain each day which for us was a major downer. We aren't those who cheer for the rain and hope it drives people away. We are the ones driven away... We go to Disneyland now where it never rains and they have legacy FP as well as MaxPass. We much prefer it. I think you'll be fine in late August though, as long as you bring ponchos and are prepared mentally for the rain.
We've been going last 2 weeks of August (through Labor Day) for many years. 2017 was by far the busiest: MNSSHP starts in August now; Food & Wine also; they lifted blockout dates on a certain AP (guess a local one, not sure). I'm sure its still lower crowds than Oct-Dec, but it isn't walk on rides at 11am or anything like that. Epcot on F&W evenings was packed.
I guess I'm going to be the odd duck and say I would never go to WDW in August. For me (personally) I can't stand the heat and humidity. I was in Savannah last year. We walked 2 blocks to go to dinner, by the time we got there it looked like we all just got out of the pool. We were sweating that much. Ironically, we now live in the Southeast (GA) and it's just down right oppressive.
I believe August is statically the hottest, rainiest, and most humid month of the year.
Expect highs in the low 90's and after the heat index it will feel more like 105.
Every time I go in late August my glasses fog up when I step outside and within about 2 minutes I have sweat rolling down my back.
You can count on afternoon thunderstorms daily.
Keep in mind late August to mid September is peak for hurricanes too.
Crowd wise though its pretty great!
I've been 6 times in late August and I am returning again this year so the weather clearly hasn't had enough of an effect on me to change my mind.
As long as you are prepared for what to expect and accept it then you'll have a great time.
Most of our trips over 20 years have been during the last 12 days or so of august. Can't remember rain every being too much of a problem except being on a boat from MK to the GF where we got soaked. I agree with most everything everyone has said. it is hot but out early and a pool break works for us. And if you get to parks early or stay for a late EMH the crowds are no problem at all. We are going back on the 16th next week
We have gone to WDW the last week of August through Labour Day weekend for the last 7 years and going again this year. I actually really like the hot weather. Something about knowing that all I need are shorts/skirts and t-shirts and I'm good no matter what time of day. I live in a cooler climate, so it's a nice change. Crowd wise, they are low to moderate, which is a really nice thing about that week. On the negative side, you sill get some rain. Very common to have midday thunderstorms. They generally pass very quickly though, so have a poncho handy and you'll be good. Duck into a shop if the lightning is bad and pass the time. The only real downfall for me is it's hurricane season and that means I usually end up stressing the 2 weeks leading up to our vacation watching the hurricane centre forecasts in case I need to move a flight up or back a day or two. Over the last 7 years, we have never had a flight issue (knock on wood) due to hurricane. We have come close and have flown into Orlando when a hurricane was hitting the southern part of the state, but so far so good (still knocking on wood).

So to answer your questions, is it hot? Oh yes. Is it unbearable? I don't think so because there are a ton of ways to get out of the heat at WDW. We do 2 - 3 TS a day so we know we have those built in breaks and cool down periods. There are also indoor attractions, shows and shops. Very rarely have I ever felt overheated and not able to find a place to cool down. Drinking lots of water is a must as is wearing a hat. Those two things will help to keep you from getting sun stroke.


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