WBI failed...


Earning My Ears
Feb 27, 2013
Welp. After getting through the initial application (and subsequently freaking out) I seem to have failed the WBI. Just like that, my hopes are dashed.

I mean, all I did was try to answer honestly. I get told a lot how reliable I am at work and my boss at my last job told me I was pretty much the best guy she had on the retail team. And I’m looking around the net and apparently I failed because I wasn’t confident or consistent with my answers…which is true, I suppose. I tend to second-guess myself a lot and I’m generally not a confident guy at my core, as much as I would appear otherwise to people. I was hoping that being in that new environment, meeting new people and having those chances to succeed would help me grow as a person.

The one thing I get excited about in forever and it turns out to be a train wreck. Someone please console me, criticize me, tell me what I did wrong, anything. I feel so utterly crushed right now.
The thing you have to remember for the WBI is it's being graded by a computer. You don't get points for being honest about your weaknesses here and there's no explaining your answers to make yourself sound better. Save that for the phone interview next time where they can work you into a spot that plays to your strengths.
The thing you have to remember for the WBI is it's being graded by a computer. You don't get points for being honest about your weaknesses here and there's no explaining your answers to make yourself sound better. Save that for the phone interview next time where they can work you into a spot that plays to your strengths.
Yeah, I always seem to fail these types of questionnaires for some reason. I guess they want you to answer like you're some perfect work robot...but where's the legitimacy in that? There has to be some sort of middle ground I missed.

I probably ended up answering the same kind of question in different ways or something, but there's no way to know for sure until I call tomorrow and ask why I failed. The wait is killing me...don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Honestly..everyone says you should answer truthfully and whatnot, but you really want to answer with what you KNOW Disney wants to hear. You are responsible, social, smart, punctual, ect. They try and reword things to throw you off sort of, and you just have to make sure you answer the same as you did previously as to stay consistent with your answers. Like the questions about being late to work or being dependent..you obviously want to answer that you are never late and always dependent. Stuff like that. :p

I'm sorry to hear you didn't pass and are so upset, but just remember your dream doesn't end here. You can reapply this fall for the Spring CP and you'll have a better understanding of what to do this time! Just focus on life/school and whatever else you can right now and try not to harp on it too much! I'm sure you'll get in next time :thumbsup2
I know how you feel. I failed my WBI last September and I was absolutely crushed. I tried calling but that really didn't help me much. The lady I talked to basically just told me that I was probably too honestly and I shouldn't be too hard on myself (I have a feeling that you answered the questions about the same way I did). I haven't been able to reapply yet this season because the six months haven't passed since I last applied, but I have been looking up a lot of info that might help. One thing I've read is to answer the questions like you are already a CM and it is your best day at work. You apparently are a hard worker, so don't think about what bad things might happen to throw you off. Think like it is the perfect day and answer the questions that way. I have also looked up other personality tests that are similar to the WBI and practice answering those kind of questions. I found a book at the library that was great and it even explained what employers might be looking for.
This is all I can think of now. I know it sucks, but keep your head up. It gets a little easier as time goes on and you can start looking forward to the next recruiting season.
Thank you guys. :) You're right, at least these next 6 months will give me time to get some stuff settled with college, and it gives me another of my church's Christmas Pageants to put under my belt! Plus I'll be more prepared for the interview next time...It's just that the sudden rejection was pretty jarring, especially after I got that email telling me my application was accepted. The thought that I might fail again is frightening too...I don't know if I could take all that preparation leading up to another failure message at the end of the WBI.

I've only been contemplating applying for a few month or two; I really feel for the people for whom this has been their life's dream and still didn't get accepted. Better luck next time, I suppose! Good luck on your next application, WDWlover.
Thank you guys. :) You're right, at least these next 6 months will give me time to get some stuff settled with college, and it gives me another of my church's Christmas Pageants to put under my belt! Plus I'll be more prepared for the interview next time...It's just that the sudden rejection was pretty jarring, especially after I got that email telling me my application was accepted. The thought that I might fail again is frightening too...I don't know if I could take all that preparation leading up to another failure message at the end of the WBI.

I've only been contemplating applying for a few weeks; I really feel for the people for whom this has been their life's dream and still didn't get accepted. Better luck next time, I suppose! Good luck on your next application, WDWlover.

To be honest, both times I applied I was more worried about taking the WBI than the phone interview. On the phone interview I can talk, explain, and charm my way through and it's another person evaluating my responses. With the WBI there is none of that and it all comes down to a cold computer's judgment based on a number that my answers generated. If I could give you advice it would be to answer Strongly to most questions and read each question carefully so you don't get tripped up by the "I'm always on time. I am never late" questions. Definitely apply again in 6 months and hopefully you'll get in!
KingdomKey said:
Good luck on your next application, WDWlover.

Thank you! I just wanted to let you know that this time I passed my WBI and it was easier for me this time around. I had som notes next to me, just to remind myself to relax and to answer like i was already a CM, and it was the perfect day. I've read a lot of stories about people that passed it their second time too, so just believe in yourself and you can do it.
I have to agree with the comment about answering "How Disney would want..." My son had repeatedly failed the WBI's for Petco, Target, Kroger, and Lowes...then passed this one. I asked him what the difference was and he said, "It was pretty much the same, I just knew what Disney wanted." So don't give up...do some research on the WBI and kill it next time :thumbsup2
This is random, but MAKE SURE you wait 6 months. I failed my WBI last time and without thinking I applied before that time was up and it cause a bunch of problems. I had scheduled my phone interview and then they called me and canceled it and told me to reapply after that period. But after that period was up I didn't have that option. I had to call several times because the email just wasn't coming to be and it really sucked.

But have faith! I failed last time, and this time I heard back and was accepted only 2 business days after my Phone interview! Just remember that the guest is always right and that you are a team player! Remember this is a work setting. While maybe you run late when you have plans with friend, that probably won't carry over to work life. (I'm sure you know this)

You can do this! If you really love Disney I know you can! :cheer2:
Hey! I am so sorry to hear about your WBI. I took mine the other day and was sooo nervous! Before I decided to do my WBI I looked it up a lot and the two most helpful tips were
1) Only answer strongly disagree or strongly agree
Disney is looking for people who are very confidant in their answers, no matter what they are
2) And never contradict your previous answers
For example if you said you had less energy than other people but then answer that you get more work done because of your high energy then thats going to count against you.

I have heard of people calling recruiters and they were given a second shot at the WBI, but if not I believe everything happens for a reason and wish you the best of luck when you apply again!!


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