V's BDay SURPRISE with 99 Characters and Costumes Galore Update May 19th Happy BDAY V

Yeah! Thanks for letting me know about your TR. Can't wait to read along! :cool1:
Glad you made it Janet!

what a lucky little girl Miss V is to have you in her life! what fun you two must have together!

can't wait to see the "surprise" revealed!!!
Oh I don't know I'm pretty lucky to have them. We have a pretty unique relationship. What family you know would let the nanny take their daughter to Disney! lol I am super duper lucky.

Thought I'd join in for another trip with ya!
Welcome Carey!

Joining in! I linked over from D's TR. This looks like so much fun! Can't wait to hear more and how you surprised her popcorn::
Oh it was fun, coming up soon, Hopefully this weekend.

joining in.

Joining in as well, Can not wait to read more. :hyper:

Just read the start to your trip! There is a little boy in my daughter's piano class who has a nanny full time much like you are. Their relationship is just so precious and it sounds like you and V's is as well! Can't wait to read more!
It's a pretty great thing, very unique. V's grandma once tried to describe it to someone else at a family get together, I happen to be there for. "Well it's like a big sister, well no not really... an aunt....." finally she just gave up and said. "You can't explain it, it just is what it is." I think my MB's side of the family (MB=Mom Boss) thinks having a nanny is over the top rather than daycare, but hey if you can afford it..... I think I relate being a nanny to a sort of similar relationship as a step parent. Of course that said, I've never had a step parent so I'm not sure if that is an accurate description!

I can't wait to read about all of your fun together! V is precious!
She is a doll!

Can't wait to hear about your trip! Love all the pics of her through the years. She looks like she has grown so much since last year's trip!!
She really has. Junior Kindergarten and school=attitude however. There was more boundry testing with words and attitudes and just more voicing her opinions and not listening this year than the "terrible two's" lol. Her Two's were great! (well aside from the potty training but that is a whole other story that we won't get in to!)

Oh your relationship with V is too cute! :lovestruc I love that your her nanny and you guys get to spend so much time together doing fun things! :goodvibes Also that was pretty great that her parents footed most of the bill the first time around! :thumbsup2
Yes it was awesome her parents did foot the bill last year... I'm not going to lie some comments MB (Mom Boss) made just after our trip makes me think that just maybe there could be a trip next summer. I of course Cannot pay for it. So there won't be a trip if I am paying for it!
She is too cute with that gorgeous red hair, like a little Ariel! :cutie: Can't wait to read the rest of the TR, curious to see how she handles the heat! :rolleyes1

Joining in :goodvibes
Prologue: Elizabeth

I should have also introduced Elizabeth! I forgot about her a bit, but she definitely is an important part of our trip!


V got her on our trip. After being on Disboutiquers thread and then finding D's PTR and such, I ended up deciding to get V an American Girl Doll.

Special Thanks to Janet, Judy, and D (an whoever else!) for answering questions for me as I tried to figure out which one to buy.

I ended up ordering the red curly haired doll with blue eyes. They did not have a red curly haired doll with brown eyes. There was a red haired doll with straight hair and brown eyes but the hair on the curly haired one looked so much like V's I decided the hair was more important than the eye color.

After getting her, V was very quick to name her Elizabeth. I wasn't surprised. I figured her name would either be Elizabeth or Ava or Avery. Those are the names of V's friends from school. I "may have tried to convice her to go with Ava... but she chose Elizabeth. Elizabeth Ava P....

Here are two more pics. The dresses V and Elizabeth are wearing are dresses I made last spring. My first attempt at sewing since 7th grade!



Is the larger size font easier to read/find posts or just annoying?
So glad I found your next trip report! Can't wait to hear all about the surprise!
Wow, I couldn't tell that you were relatively inexperienced at sewing, I thought those were store-bought! I have auburn hair and I grew up loving American Girl but I couldn't get one who looked like me, unlike my sister. :rolleyes2

What great pictures! :goodvibes

Oh, and I :lovestruc the fabric you used! :thumbsup2
V is a lucky little girl! Sounds like a great trip. I'll be following along. I have a 6yr.old and it sounds like she likes a lot of the same things as V. We stayed in a royal guest room in June.
Joining in!!!

This is so great! I have a 2.5 year old nephew who I take care of during the summer and quite a bit during the school year (I am a teacher too!) and I can't wait to be able to take him on special fun vacations. :-)

Can't wait to read more!
OMG!!! I don't believe you haven't ever shown me those adorable matching dresses!!!

I cannot believe how much V has grown even since your last trip! She is just precious! :)

ERIN!!!!!!! I am FINALLY HERE and what an AMAZING START!!!! Once again I am wishing you were OUR Nanny! Ladies and Gentleman, she sews, she tye-dyes, she makes amazing cakes...and she adores V as if she had given birth to her! I am so excited to see more of your fabulous creations and so excited to read about the journey and HOW V finds out she is going on this adventure of epic proportions!!! And, of course, I LOVE ELIZABETH!!!!!!
subbing... :thumbsup2

jumped over from the ptr...great cakes you made!
Welcome!! Thanks!

So glad I found your next trip report! Can't wait to hear all about the surprise!

Not long to wait at alL!

Wow, I couldn't tell that you were relatively inexperienced at sewing, I thought those were store-bought! I have auburn hair and I grew up loving American Girl but I couldn't get one who looked like me, unlike my sister. :rolleyes2

What great pictures! :goodvibes

Oh, and I :lovestruc the fabric you used! :thumbsup2

Thanks, yes I can't sew. Funny enough cleaning out the basement last night I found material and patterns I had cut out not that long ago to make name pillows for the first kids I nannied for. Well would have been 5-6 years ago. Big surprise they were never finished.
I Loved that fabric too! The inside was lime with white polkadots.

V is a lucky little girl! Sounds like a great trip. I'll be following along. I have a 6yr.old and it sounds like she likes a lot of the same things as V. We stayed in a royal guest room in June.

The RGR's were just so pretty weren't they!

Joining in!!!

This is so great! I have a 2.5 year old nephew who I take care of during the summer and quite a bit during the school year (I am a teacher too!) and I can't wait to be able to take him on special fun vacations. :-)

Can't wait to read more!
I am super lucky and my fingers are crossed for a return trip. If it happens I should know by christmas. If it does happen, it is totally up to V's parents I CANNOT afford to pay for another one no matter how much I want to. I am however saving for a family trip to WDW. I think my parents would enjoy it. That trip will be a few years in the making. I host scrapbooking crops 2-3 times a year and it's the proceeds from those that will pay for the crop We don't get a lot of proceeds so It will be a while since I want to cruise too!

OMG!!! I don't believe you haven't ever shown me those adorable matching dresses!!!

I cannot believe how much V has grown even since your last trip! She is just precious! :)


Ha ha, I posted a REALLY bad cell phone picture on disboutiquers when I made V's. I didn't post the dolls. I had to decide that I wanted the pics to be on here first, after our trip, so I didn't do any previews on Disboutiquers.

D the AG site you sent me is so helpful. I haven't checked in the last few days, but the marker is almost all off Elizabeth thanks to them!!! (more on that on our second Epcot Day lol)

ERIN!!!!!!! I am FINALLY HERE and what an AMAZING START!!!! Once again I am wishing you were OUR Nanny! Ladies and Gentleman, she sews, she tye-dyes, she makes amazing cakes...and she adores V as if she had given birth to her! I am so excited to see more of your fabulous creations and so excited to read about the journey and HOW V finds out she is going on this adventure of epic proportions!!! And, of course, I LOVE ELIZABETH!!!!!!
Oh I wouldn't go that far! She barely sews, and I sucked at tye dying and you haven't seen all my cakes. V's turned out pretty good, ummmm others have not.

What an excellent start. Following along.

Day 1
Part 1: The Surprise
I woke up early and tidied everything up. I could hear V up and moving with her mom and dad. Her mom got her showered and dressed and then plopped in front of the television eating breakfast. V’s Dad had a work conference call from 8-8:30 so once he was done, he came and it was time!

I snuck out the garage door and left a note on the front step, ran back in and grabbed the camera. Let the Game Begin!

“Victoria, I heard someone at the door, can you check?” She wanders over opens the door opens it up. “What’s this? It’s a letter for Victoria...”
Her dad read her the letter (with a little help from mom-since he seriously needs glasses and won’t admit it!)

Victoria, Erin has a surprise for you and in order find it out you need to follow the clues. It’s really fun to do and simple you see. Clue number one will lead you to clue number two and clue number two will lead you to clue number three. This will go on and on until the very last clue, where you will find a surprise waiting for you. Let’s Get Started!

To find clue #1 check the place where you put your shoes


Clue #1
You are well on your way but here are a few more to find. To find clue #2 look for the place with the cozy blanket that is great for watching TV

Clue #2
can be found in the spot where it’s wet with splashes galore and Daddy sharks ashore. Don’t forget to plug your nose!



Clue #3
may be tricky to spot, but give it your best shot. All shiny and new I make then all shiny for you. You use me in the morning and before bed. I am pink and purple with Belle!

You are doing so great! This one is easy to find. You can find Clue #5 on the bookshelf!


Clue #5
Just a few more to find the treasure. To find clue #6 check where you go when you have the munchies and need a snack!

Clue #6
You are a crafty girl and you love your art! To find clue #7 check where you keep your crayons and coloring books

Clue #7 is a piece of cake! Look in the spot where you watch DVD’s.


Clue #8
You’re almost there are you excited yet? Clue #9 is waiting for you in the spot where Mommy makes your clothes all shiny and clean

Clue #9
You are so smart! Just one more. Clue #10 is easy to find. Look for it in the place where Erin sleeps!




Clue #10
Wishing a very special girl dreams come true, happily ever after for a fairy for a day kind of birthday.
Victoria, at your birthday I told you that you would have to be patient and wait a little while. Well the time is here the wait is over, it’s time to celebrate your birthday. Look in the Closet, love Erin.

You’re going to Walt Disney World
RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!



Oh Geeze! Why don’t I just show you!!!!

V's Ultimate 5th Birthday Surprise Video

She was excited. The thing you have to understand is V does not get excited like other girls, much to my disappointment. I wish she was a screamer and one who jumps up and down and just shows that excitement but she does not. Sigh....
But Guess what? Oh and sorry for my dreadful videographer skills and the fact that I gave the camera to V's mom for a second thinking she would record and she just held it then set it on the counter. Sigh (shakes head)


What was in the laundry basket you ask?
Surprise letter,
M&M’s tube for pressed penny money
Coloring & Activity Book
Minnie Mouse Purse with an autograph book and Epcot Passport Book attached was a pinholder to hold V’s pins.
Black Shorts
A Minnie Pettiskirt
Personalized Minnie Shirt
$25 gift card from Erin’s family
Hair ties and I’m sure there was more stuff that I do not remember.

I did get some of the clues ideas from other videos on youtube. I can't take credit for them all!

Coming Up Next: Hotel Check in!!! Royal Guest Room, will we get our requested Oak Manor???

I just saw Elizabeth! :goodvibes How awesome they look in their matching dresses! :dance3: I'm sure she has years of fun ahead of her.
WOW, you went all out for the surprise reveal! :worship: That was amazing. I will have to watch the video later for sure. You can tell she is excited in the pictures, even if she isn't jumping or screaming. :) I still get a bit too excited for Disney, my sister (another Victoria! :rotfl:)can't stand it! :rolleyes1

I love her outfit (the Disney one)!
Awww. how cute!!!

and boy did you give dad some exercise!!!
Shes just too cute! :love:

My oldest is the same way...she is excited about things but not one to jump up and down and scream..my parents surprised her with a trip when she was 7 and got NO reaction from her at the reveal:rotfl: she acted like she knew it all along lol
I loved the clues, the hunt, the pics and that video is priceless, I loved hearing her giggle and seeing the sparkle in V's eyes! GREAT JOB ERIN!!! I adore that Pettiskirt, wish they had it in bigger sizes, too cute and V looks precious!
What a great start!!
I was a nanny for 8 years for the same little boy and girl and it was the best job! Some families are just so wonderful to work for!

Looking forward to hearing about the trip :goodvibes
That was an awesome update Erin!!! I just loved it all! And little V looks so adorable in her new outfit! :)



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