Vegetarian Meals & Foods

I phone up a U.K helpline and I was given this number

00331 60304050

I spoke to someone there regarding foods and was told that they don't have any comphrensive lists of what is vegetarian as they not that far ahead.They do have vegetarian options but its limited there and I said well some I seen on sites do say vegetarian but got fish and thats just the way they do it over there. If you can eat fish with salads i guess just keep away from anything else that you need to avoid as they simply don't know about some of the things your concerned about.

For myself I will take over the day we go plenty to eat,plus some extra fruit that be okay for a day or 2 and find what fruit I can.I'm going take over some chocolate and crisps biscuits cakes and whatover snacks that are suitable.
I am going write into McDonalds as in U.K the fries are veggiehere,in U.S.A they not they got some beef extract etc in so I'm hoping they will have something.In U.K they have some Veggie Society Approved sandwich so I'm hoping they going think about catering for U.K veggie market.
I have also emailled through to Nestle as I recall a lot of Nestle confectionery and icecream about in the park and in the Eurostar terminal close to the parks.On Nestle U.K site they have veggie and vegan lists,I guess over here we just more advanced with food labeling,we have all the allergy warnings on packets if something contains cows milk,gluten,soya and so on its automatically done for us in most places.
We're going next week and my daughter is vegetarian. Although not as strict as you, I will let you know what we find. I don't think there are many vegetarian children's options and expect to have to compromise sometimes - I don't mean she'll have to eat meat but I've explained to her that sometimes we may have to order a starter and chips! While I wouldn't use meat products for her at home (like lard and chicken stock) I don't think I'm going to question the waiters too much about that - now I feel guilty! I'll take some snacks and maybe some fruit if I think I can get it there without being bruised and hope for the best.
Beerqueen thanks that be handy if you can message back here on same thread what you found.
I have actually had an email of the dieticians today.This is what they wrote to me.

Dear Maxine,

Thank you for your message. We apologise for not answering you before but we do not receive other message from you. It was probably lost.

Concerning the vegetarian meals, we actually have at least one option in most of the restaurants of Disneyland Resort Paris (Parks and Disney's hotels). It is true that some of our chefs use parmesan cheese. Nevertheless, if it is added at the end of the recipe, you can ask to have the meal without the parmesan cheese.
All our vegetarian meals do not contain either meat or fish or any animal product (except dairy products and eggs). And all the meals are marked as vegetarian.
Nevertheless, in the Disney Village, some restaurants are not operated by Disney. They do not mark their meals as Disney i.e they mark meal without meat or without pork. They do not mark "vegetarian". That is why some of the meals marked without meat may contain fish.

We are not able to give you the details of our vegetarian meals (for your next visit) as the menus will change in the next weeks. Once here, going to the table service restaurants, you will be able to ask what is the composition and which ingredients have been used. It will be easier to take off an ingredient as they use plain products. In the fast food restaurants, most of the products are pre-prepared.

We hope that this information will help you to prepare your holiday. Should you have any other question , please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Sincerely yours,

Adoracion Faulin
Disneyland Resort Paris

They not really answered by question about cheese with animal rennet in but the parmasan cheese they using must contain animal rennet as they suggest here about asking to take it out if placed in at end.

My suggestions for you is the following

I beleive there is an Auchan supermarket near the shopping mall outlet closeby,there prob more about it on here somewhere or somone will tell you the location.There is a petrol station near Santa Fe hotel I'm hoping they sell fruit.If the room you have booked not got a kettle I think you can either hire one in hotel or take a travel one ( with E.U adaptor/plus ) and you could take some pot noodles and those other dried pot meals that just require hot water.Take plenty of fruit,if you pack carefully you can avoid brusing,buying bananas that are green will take a couple days to ripen,pears take a while to ripen too.Take any long life snacks that don't need any storing such as nuts crisps and even chocolate and any cereal bars that sort of thing.Let me know what you find and if you suspect anyhing in any veggie choices,my main concern is rennet in cheese!
I'm going contact McDonalds too,I thought I'd already done it but checked my emails and haven't yet,I prob do it closer time,the fries in U.K are veggie but in U.S they got beef extract,so I don't know which way it will swing for Disney Paris.
Look forward to a reply from you when you get back,have a great time.
Thanks. I must admit I'd forgotten some cheese contains rennet - the brand I always buy doesn't so I'd got a bit complacent! It's good to know that the disney vegetarian meals are ok - at least that's something. Will report back in about two weeks!
Beerqueen, as I stated earlier in this thread and elsewhere, I have enjoyed many veggie meals at DLRP.

It is very easy to ask for substitutions and items to be left out of table service meals, both in the Disney and non-Disney restaurants. Ask a server if you are concerned about content ie chicken stock, and if they don't know they will ask a chef.

Food is clearly labelled in France with ingredients when grocery shopping.

Ingredients for major producers such as Nestle, McDonalds etc are often listed on websites.

Frankly, some here may consider me a 'bad' veggie and aren't hearing what I have to say as a result. I can assure you that I played a role in the wide range of veggie items available at WDW, and for veggie burgers being added to DL menus in California.

As I stated earlier, I travel all the time and it is not a big deal for me. A lot of those travels include Disney parks. For example, a few weeks ago I went to the Turf Club at WDW and asked for a 'chicken sandwich, no chicken, but please add tomatos or grilled mushrooms' The server didn't bat an eye and I had a great meal.

At Los Angeles airport last week, there were only burgers on the menu, so I asked for a 'burger, no meat, but please substitute it with sliced egg and advocado'

If you ask a few simple questions you will easily get by.

I choose to live my life a certain way, and that includes the adventure and challenges of very frequent travel, along with veggie food. I would hope that nobody here would judge my choices, just as I have not judged others here in past.

Have a great trip, Beerqueen
Oh I'm sure we'll get by, I'm not worried. As I said in my earlier thread I noticed last year that there were few vegetarian meals for children. My daughter hates to be the centre of attention or make a fuss so she really didn't want me to ask about things or ask for things that weren't on the menu - I did offer but you know what they can be like at 10! Hence why she decided that she would stop being vegetarian - her decision. She's now gone back to it and I'm determined that if she doesn't want to eat meat she won't have to - she's a year older now and I think knows what to expect more and won't mind me embarrassing her (her view!!) by asking for things that aren't necessarily on the menu. I will also have one fewer child with me (eldest has decided he needs to stay at home to study for GCSEs!) so will have one less person to try to appease too - this may well help!!

As I say, I'm not worried but happy to pass on anything that strikes me!
Hi! My bf is vegetarian we went to DLP together last year. He didn't go hungry but the meals weren't as adventurous as what we might have at home or what WDW offers though. He didn't mind as it was only for a few days anyway but we did encounter fish meals on some menus labelled as veggie so he was always sure to ask if a meal definitely contained no meat or fish. He doesn't eat things like worcester sauce, parmesan, chicken stock etc at home and I don't think what he ate at DLP had these things in anyway (veggie burgers, pizzas, pasta meals, not much else savoury but he certainly did OK for sweets :thumbsup2)
Yep I'm trying find out as much as possible,I will be contacting the dietcians again when hopefully their menus been updated,again I don't know how often they update their menus. I'm going try and find out more about the small snacks items that are in their shops too,there a few icecream parlour type places,obviously keep away from any jelly sweets toppings etc but interesting to know if they just have 1 main icecream supplier then they could give me their company name and I could contact direct.Icecream would be good to have over there but to be fair if I take over plenty of choc that would be fine to make up for any desserts.I'm one of these people who eat and go as quick as possible ( you know after you eaten in some places they offer coffee etc well we never stay ) I can imagine we be practically easting while on foot when possible,specially sometimes if you getting takeaway its hard 2 find a seat and you stand about anyway.
Dear Maxine,

We will be very pleased to give you the information you need, you can contact us next month.
Concerning the cheese, we cannot tell you if it contains Animal Rennet or not. It is not specify in the ingredients.

At Disneyland Resort Paris, we can cater for Kosher people and allergic people, as we have special meals for them. We can provide Halal meat on request in advance, but also for special dietary needs on request.

We hope that we will be able to answer you the better we can.

Sincerely yours,

Adoracion Faulin

My point here is they shouldn't be calling a dish a pizza or anything else with cheese on as vegetarian as they don't even know themselves if cheese contains rennet or not.
Disneyland Resort Paris
wow they would provide halal meat, that's good and interesting, i don't thinki'd go to the bother though, we dont eat meat that often, and it would probably require eating a a table service restaurant each day which would end up pretty expensive i'd guess.
Ah well, but good to know they offer it.
Thanks again for passing on your useful info!:thumbsup2
mulan1 yes you would need to contact them in advance and advise of your days of arrival,you would need to book and be there at a certain time and know where you would want to eat,for us I like to pace things at our own speed,you may book and maybe not hungry.I think the table waiting service would be more expensive like it is everywhere you go.I don't care for going in anywhere with table service,I'm just wanting things to be accurately marked up so what they are is what they are meant to be.Going somewhere like that and consider times you be waiting in ques for rides etc you don't want to be wasting time having a 3 course meal.
Going somewhere like that and consider times you be waiting in ques for rides etc you don't want to be wasting time having a 3 course meal.
I think that is a whole other topic as for some the dining experience is a part of the holiday.
Anyway lets not drift :offtopic: :goodvibes
They have a "real vegetarian" menu in the California Grill (Of course it is a little bit expensive)
In the Marne-la-Vallee shopping center (one RER station away) are some choices, too. DW and I are both veggies so we will rent a flat for two weeks and do some self-catering.
I can recommend in Paris La Victoire Supreme du Coeur if you go there for a day trip.

There are a lot other choices, too. Maybe you should check the "happycow":

We were happy at Walt's too and I heard good things about King Ludwig's.

I have visited France since 1972 quite often and it is not "vegetarian hell" anymore like it used to be. Of course some basic "French veggie vocabulary" on a sheet of paper can be very helpfull.


They have a "real vegetarian" menu in the California Grill (Of course it is a little I have visited France since 1972 quite often and it is not "vegetarian hell" anymore like it used to be. Of course some basic "French veggie vocabulary" on a sheet of paper can be very helpfull.



I agree - I have been to France countless times in my life. Like most things in life, it can be as easy or as difficult as one chooses to make it.

And of course, speaking and reading French most likely makes it a little easier for me
They have a "real vegetarian" menu in the California Grill (Of course it is a little bit expensive)
In the Marne-la-Vallee shopping center (one RER station away) are some choices, too. DW and I are both veggies so we will rent a flat for two weeks and do some self-catering.
I can recommend in Paris La Victoire Supreme du Coeur if you go there for a day trip.

There are a lot other choices, too. Maybe you should check the "happycow":

We were happy at Walt's too and I heard good things about King Ludwig's.

I have visited France since 1972 quite often and it is not "vegetarian hell" anymore like it used to be. Of course some basic "French veggie vocabulary" on a sheet of paper can be very helpfull.



This menu there was last updated last yr so probably different now.Dishes there with cheese in Parmasan,as I said before,they can't confirm is the cheese they using contain rennet or not,and as for Parmasan it usually does.I'm keeping away from anything there with cheese in and of course fish but rate its going I will be taking my own food for the days we going,only be snacks but least I will know what I'm eating.
My French not great but I got a reasonable grade in it when leaving school,even if menus were not in English I know a lot of Franch words when food concerned.When we next go there we will probably rent a Gait as we hopefully will have a car,times like this need one!


Jimini Cricket Vegetarian Menu


Mixed salad with PArmesan shavings and sun dried tomatoes
Lemon grass marinated baby vegetables with sesame seed tuile
Potato and green pea samoosas, mint chutney and saffron yogurt
Main dishes

Indian Paneer curry with poppadum and pulao rice

Wok sautéed Chinese noodles and vegetables with soy sauce

Polenta gnocchi, rocket salad and sun dried tomatoes with
Parmesan cheese

Cheese selection

Saffron flavoured seasonal fruits with green tea ice cream

Fresh milk marinated with Cardamon syrup

And damn 44€ is around £30 per person if you consider it for adult.
What about trying a buffet restaurant like the Lucky Nugget Saloon? I can't say for certain as I haven't eaten there, but presumably you can select only the food items that are suitable for you? Also, maybe you would be able to go in and have a look at the selection first before you decide (in case it is all meat & cheese!).


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