UY for Epcot Food and Wine Festival


DVC Member since 2002
Jun 9, 2013
I am looking to buy resale points to use annually for the Epcot Food and Wine Festival. What use year should I buy?
I have an Oct. UY and it's perfect. I go three times a year...Food and Wine, first week in Dec. and then for Flower and Garden. That trip depends on Easter date. But Oct. allows me plenty of time to bank by the end of May. The bad thing about Oct. is you have to be very careful if you want to go the end of Sept. for the very start of F&W. I never do so it's not an issue. It can be difficult to find Oct. resales. I bought my original 150 BWV points resale but had to buy direct for my add ons because I couldn't find any 50 point contracts. I eventually added on 5 50 point contracts over the course of several years. But at today's direct prices I would be very reluctant to add on thru Disney.
Aug or Sept may be the best. October would work, if you don't go to F&W in late Sept. If you see yourself as a Sept-Jan traveler, August may be the best UY.
Aug or Sept may be the best. October would work, if you don't go to F&W in late Sept. If you see yourself as a Sept-Jan traveler, August may be the best UY.

September is my favorite month to travel, with kids back in school and crowds at a low level. I own Sept points currently, so buying BWV or BCV September points is an option. Aug UY is a possibility, although it puts me into the multi UY scenarios...

Tradeoffs, tradeoffs.

Thanks for the great replies.
September is my favorite month to travel, with kids back in school and crowds at a low level. I own Sept points currently, so buying BWV or BCV September points is an option. Aug UY is a possibility, although it puts me into the multi UY scenarios...

Tradeoffs, tradeoffs.

Thanks for the great replies.

As Missy alluded to, Sept works perfect for F&W as well. If you already own a Sept UY, life would be much easier if you can find a Sept UY.

Are you wanting to buy BWV or BCV? If so, depending on the size contract you are looking for, you may have to be patient for several months in this current marker.
As Missy alluded to, Sept works perfect for F&W as well. If you already own a Sept UY, life would be much easier if you can find a Sept UY.

Are you wanting to buy BWV or BCV? If so, depending on the size contract you are looking for, you may have to be patient for several months in this current marker.

I'm mainly interested in BWV, 200-300 pts. And yes, I'm finding it challenging to find much in this market. And looks like ROFR volume is high right now for BWV. I can use current Sept points for F&W this year, so I can wait it out.
F&W is currently the last few days of Sep through just before mid-Nov. Sep is thus ideal for that. However, any DVC month from April to Oct is adequate and avoids the cnacellation/banking issue. Of course there is always the possibility that F&W could end, move dates, or, as many wish, become six months of the year.

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