Turn Around and See What Happens -- It's Whoopi Time and that's a wrap 3/31; F&G add

Sorry to hear about your brother. I'm hoping and praying for a different outcome for him.

Thanks, Tim.

I hope you had a good weekend.

It was a busy weekend, but good.

RATS… I guess I was way off. :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2

Yep...way off; I love getting another 36 hours at Disney; and I've already got a lunch DIS meet set up. :)

We've always eaten at the QS… maybe we'll eat there someday.

We've never done the QS...probably because we like Flame Tree when we just want a QS.

Oh my… that statue is scary!!!! :scared1:

It is, isn't it? But the girls make it easy on the eyes.

Potstickers…. popcorn::

I love me some potstickers.

That is so funny… :lmao:

Just wait...there will be another one. :)

Glad you got to see the movie (I still haven't yet!).

I hope you get to see it soon. It was wonderful.

Cool that you get to go in March too! Yay for a business trip to Orlando. Wish I could get one of those!

We weren't sure with Mark's job situation if it would happen this year so I wasn't counting on it. Now I can't wait...I'm counting the days (46 days until we fly to Florida, 49 days until we reach Disney).

I would like to try Y&Y, but haven't managed it yet. Why does it have to have "Yak" in its name? A bit of a turn-off.

That does kind of scare you off, doesn't it? We've had two really good meals there though and we will go back the next time we can fit it in (still trying to try new places).

Your favorite picture is absolutely ADORABLE!! :thumbsup2

Thank you...I thought so too. :goodvibes

Kathy, so sorry to hear about your brother; he will be in my prayers.

Thanks, Bob.

I'm glad to hear Mark still has his job. It's no fun facing the possibility of a job loss, I've been there before. I'm also happy for you that you will be able to go to Disney in March and another one in June. We also will back the same time you are there in June. After weeks watching the prices on airfare I just purchased my tickets to Orlando on Friday night and also changed last week from the AKL to the Contemporary when Disney released their spring promotion.

At least until the end of April when his probation is up...or so we've been told. I am waiting for a check that I'm expecting to book our airfare for September before it goes up anymore. I saw that you switched to the Contemporary...good for you (although I prefer AL!).

As for the Yak & Yeti; I was very surprised when we ate there for the first time this past December. The atmosphere was excellent, the service was just as good, and the food was the biggest surprise. On the suggestion of a friend here on the DIS (that would be you... thank you), I cancelled my ADR for the Rainforest and ended up at Yak & Yeti instead. With this experience I have booked the Y & Y once again in June. :thumbsup2

I am SO happy you enjoyed it. I'm not a Rainforest Cafe at all as I've told you, and we were happy with all of our meals at Yak & Yeti (Mary, the girls and I are going back in June!).

When you posted about either seeing Frozen or Saving Mr. Banks, I was hoping you would choose Saving Mr. Banks. I'm glad to hear you two liked it. I saw saving Mr. Banks on New Years day with Carolyn and had to make the same choice. I'm sure Frozen is a great movie, but I immensely enjoyed Saving Mr. Banks.:goodvibes

I think if after working all day Saturday at a wrestling tournament and we aren't wiped out, we are going to see Frozen on Sunday. We loved Saving Mr. Banks.

Hi Kathy! you have been updating like crazy! Your Y&Y lunch looks delish! Way better than the Plaza:goodvibes You have so many cute pics of the girls in this TR! I also love the hat pic with Cayley and Mark!

We loved both lunches, but we definitely had better service at Yak & Yeti. Cayley is just as goofy as my husband.

Praying for your brother!

Thank you for the prayers.

Kathy, I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I'll be thinking of your family.

Thank you, Shannon.

We LOVE Yak and Yeti! Can't wait to go back in May, and glad to hear that you liked your meal there too!

I was a little hesitant since it had been five years since we'd been there, but we were very pleased. I'm glad you loved it too and are going back.

Fantastic picture with the two in their silly hats. :thumbsup2

Thank you...it's my new desktop picture.
Kathy- sending positive thoughts for your brother. :hug:

Thank you, Dee. :hug:

From the last comments:

WTG: WTP M&G (look mom, no vowels)

Way to Go! Winnie-The-Pooh Meet & Greet

I would never have figured that out. :rotfl2:

What a great looking meal at Yak & Yeti. 2008 was our last visit, too, and we did enjoy it, but we haven't found our way there and back again.

I hope you get back there some day soon.

The reviews and pictures I have seen from you and others make it very tempting.

We thoroughly enjoyed it.

Where is the wonton dessert? That is what I really want to go for!

None of us had dessert. We were waiting for popcorn and ice cream during the parade...plus we have a special dinner this evening coming up.

Very cute pictures of the girls in front of the statue and behind their drinks.

They are both just so photogentic.

EXTREMELY cute picture with the tiger hats!

Aren't those kids just so cute?

I'm looking forward to the pictures from the Maharajah trek, but I'm thinking I shouldn't get my hopes up about seeing bat pictures.


Yes, I guarantee there will be NO bat pictures. :lmao::lmao:

Yay for a march visit!

I can't wait! Even only a week in Florida at 70 degrees is better than week here in the 20's.

I really like Yak & Yeti, looks like you guys had a great meal there too. I just love the decor in there especially! It's so interesting!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

I'm with you...I love the decor. I just love how Disney goes all out to make things look so authentic.

I so want to try the Yak & Yeti if we go to AK this year. The food always looks so good. I would love to try and go before the parade and try my luck for a window seat. That would be the
best of both worlds.

That would be the best of both worlds! Maybe Mark and I will try that in September.

Also sending you prayers for your brother :lovestruc

Thank you for the prayers.

i think this is the first time i have read someone going to Yack and Yeti!
the pictures are amazing!

It's really good, Mo. We love PF Changs and I get the same thing at Yak & Yeti that I get at PF Changs.

the girls again are just adorable. glad you have such a wonderful time with them!!!

I thoroughly enjoy my trips with them...even if they do wear me out from time to time. :)

Mark with Budda had me :lmao:

The man is literally a NUT!

YAY A HAT PICTURE!!! and he has groupies now!!!! :woohoo:

More groupies later.

Kathy, I totally understand your comment about your brother. I get that way with my oldest sister sometimes.

It's just so hard; and then he gets in these "feel sorry for me moods" and I just can't do it. Thanks for understanding.

Back to the happy Disney update: I wish that I could get my picky eaters to try Yak & Yeti sometime. The food always looks so good. The girls always look so funny and happy in the pictures.

I didn't think John was picky. They have steak for Hunter. The girls are funny...sometimes we have to rein them in. ;)
Sorry to hear of the continued issues with your brother. But I'm glad that Mark is still employed and you still get to visit Florida with him!

Thanks, Mark. My brother just can't catch a break. Mark did not invite me to Florida with him; I invited myself. :lmao::lmao:

That thing is huge. Don't go back on the safari afterwards.

Trust me, we didn't!

Glad you enjoyed it. Another place I have yet to try.

Definitely need to put it on your bucket list.


Glad you enjoyed the "tigers."

Kat6hy I am finally all caught up!! I have been sick with a bad cold all last week and am finally going to the Doc this afternoon !! I have literally jus worked and slept all week.:sad2:So Sorry about your brother I hope it doesn't come to amputation. Prayers for him are going up !!

Rosie, I hope you are feeling better. There is so much going around. Thank you for the prayers for my brother.

I think our Safari w2as the same day , and both Janet and I said it was the best ever :cool1::cool1:Love the BUTT shot !!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

I'm glad you enjoyed the butt shot. I see you got to our meet before me. That should be in my next update or the one right after that.

Hi Kathy, I am so sorry about your brother. I am praying for a healing without an amputation!

Thank you so much.

I loved the update! Made me hungry actually....

I got hungry looking at it again myself...especially after my Lean Cuisine lunch.

So excited for you for a mini trip!

I am too. We have everything planned out; now, let's just hope his customers don't screw up my dates.

Got caught up! The safari is one of my favorite things at WDW. Glad you like Yak & Yeti! We plan to hit up the QS there!

I'm with you...love the safari; you always see something new. Yes, definitely hit up the QS for Y&Y.

How exciting to go back in a just a few months! Hopefully you can get the room you want.

I am very excited. I am hoping we can get OKW...just waiting for Mark to finalize the last two customers.

This is what I had there, yum!! Did you try the Wontons for dessert?? Soooooo good!!!

We skipped dessert because of our popcorn urge and ice cream urge. Mark said he wants to try the wontons next time.

Kathy, I am way behind in everyones. Just now logging in here, starting on the last page of posts. I have read nothing else. I don't know what is going on with your brother, I will have to go back & read, but know I am instantly starting a prayer for him. And to give you all the strength for whatever is down the road.

Thank you so much, Dee. I really appreciate it.

Kathy - I am very sorry to hear about your brother. Osteomyelitis is so difficult to treat. I am assuming he has an infection in his bone since its not responding to antibiotics and he is facing possible amputation. How is his cardiac status?

Thanks, MaryEllen. It's been a rough 2-1/2 months on him (meds are making him very ill and the ones they gave him to combat the illness did not help at all. His heart is doing great. You might recall he was at 28% capacity when he went in for his heart procedure. He has constantly been between 75% and 80%...so quite pleased with that.

I remember last years business trip. I think its great you are getting a little side of Disney. Denny and I are heading to the Tampa area to check it out and decided to end up in WDW. So excited that we will get to run into each other. :thumbsup2

I am extremely excited that the four of us will be having lunch together. :)

Y&Y looks like a fun meal and those potstickers look seriously yummy!

The potstickers were yummy. I could have had two more orders as my meal.
Love his t-shirt. Thanks Scott...that's one of his favorites.
What is a cappuccino? LOL. I just had to. Oh good...another comedian in the house.
Mary on the safari is funny. Sorry Mary.I think Mary got lost on safari...haven't seen her here in awhile.

Nice that u r going back. I don’t mind POP but the other values are not for me.

We've done All Star Music and All Star Sports. I hated them both. I don't think I'll like Pop and that is why I hope to get OKW or any other DVC.

I have never been upstairs of Yak & Yeti but I do enjoy the restaurant.

The first time we were there we sat on the first floor near the bar; so I'm glad we got to check out the second floor (there's even an elevator!).

Nice drink.

It was yummy.

The burger there is really good.
All caught up again.

I'm not sure that I'd order a burger there, but good to know.

Nice meal at Yak and Yeti- I had a nice lunch upstairs there in Dec./ Jan.

I'm glad you had a good meal there too. :)

Continued prayers for your brother for the best possible outcome. :hug:

Thanks, Pat.

Kathy, I am so sorry that I am so far behind. I am so sorry to hear about your brother, I will be praying for him that things turn around.

Thank you, D.

I hope you enjoyed your movie... I am anxious to hear which one you chose... Hmmm... maybe you told us already and I just haven't read that far?

ETA... Hmmm, I didn't see which movie you decided on...

We saw Saving Mr. Banks. LOVED IT!

And I missed an update (hopefully I didn't miss more than one - trying desperately to catch up everywhere this morning)... Alli keeps asking to eat at YnY - but she won't sacrafice breakfast at TH for it. LOL Some day, we might get there. It looked delicious. Loved the Tigger hats too. :)


See, I'd rather go to Y&Y then Tusker House (we've just had too many troubles at Tusker House with slow service). But we do what our kids enjoy for as long as they go with us. :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I hope for the best possible outcome for him.

Thank you so much.

I love the picture of Mark and his little hat wearing buddy in their tiger (I think it was a tiger) hats lol So fun!

Yes it was a tiger. And I don't know if anyone caught it. But there was a "tiger hand" on the side of Cayley. That was Avery with a tiger glove on.

Looks like a delicious lunch at Y&Y and I'm glad that you went and enjoyed it despite the mixed reviews.

It really was...I'm so glad we went back.

Kathy, so sorry to read about your brother. Will continue to keep good thoughts and prayers that the MDs are able to come up with something.

Thanks, Linda.

Was excited to read that you went to see Saving Mr. Banks! Wasn't it wonderful? I needed tissues, too and we didn't have any popcorn (i.e. no napkins). Just had to sniffle it out until I could run to the bathroom for some tissue. :sad1:

Yes it was; I'd love to go see it again.

Loved the update. Yak and Yeti has never made it onto our ADR list. But your food looks so good. The potstickers and wings look a lot like the ones from Ohana.

I liked the food a whole lot more than Ohana!

The photo with the "kids" in the tiger hats, so cute.

Yes the "kids" looked adorable.

Any chance you will be heading to the DisMeet this Saturday at the Science and Industry Museum? They are planning a visit to the archives for 12:30. I was hoping to go, but both kids have activities so I am still not sure what I will end up doing.

I didn't even know about it. Nope, we can't go. Mark and I volunteered to be at the high school all day to work a huge wrestling tournament. Although our son has been out of high school for 7-1/2 years now, we still go back and help whenever we can. His wrestling coach at the high school had a big part in the man our son has become and we owe him for that. Plus, we like him. :)

Popping in to say im thinking about you...

Thank you, Mo.

Okay, I THINK I am up to date. I am sorry to hear of your brothers ongoing health issues. He is in my prayers.

Thanks again, Dee.

We haven't eaten at the sit down Yak & Yeti, but we have enjoyed the to go versions. Although, I must say, I think the sit down may be in our future. Looks yummy.

I hope you get to do the sit down one on a near future trip.

I love the picture of the 2 tiggers. :) ... full size & mini.

Yes...definitely "full" and "mini." :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Sorry to hear about your brother, I hope everything works out in the best possible way for him.

Thanks, Ariana.

Yeah for getting some Disney time in March! :cool1:

I can't wait. This year has been a wacky one work wise and weather wise.

The food at Yak & Yeti is just too much for my pickiness, I've looked at the menu but I would really struggle there.

Yes, you probably wouldn't like it unless you just got the burger.

I love the picture with the tiger hats and can't wait to see any pictures you took of the real tigers!

Those will be in the next update.
Thank you ALL for the prayers for my brother. There is nothing new to report. He has two doctor appointments on Thursday. Unfortunately, he'll probably have to take a cab as we are having car issues with my car. :headache:

So after lunch, we headed over to the Maharajah Jungle Trek. Before we went in, the girls did their Wilderness Explorer thing (I admit...didn't pay much attention to it).

We entered and the first creature we encountered was this:

Mark, Mary, Avery and Cayley then went in here:

What is in here you might ask? BATS! Lots of BATS! And for those of you who have read my TR's in the past, you know that I totally DESPISE BATS! So I waited outside while they explored. :)

Once my people came out, we headed towards the tigers:

And there they were! Aren't they just majestic?

We finished walking through the Trek which I obviously took no further pictures in (this was NOT a good picture day for me).

We headed over to Dinoland as we had Fastpasses burning in our pockets and we had a DIS meet to get to.

Soon we were meeting up with our fellow DISer's. Before they reached Mary and I, one of the DISer's, Rosie, saw Mark as he was walking to the bio-break area, and ran up and hugged him. Thankfully, I had filled Mark in on the DIS meet and told him ALL about Rosie so he wasn't totally shocked.

Here are a few pictures from our DIS meet:

(Cayley, Mary, Lisa (mommy2mrb), daughter Megan, Me, Avery, JanetB, Rosie and Marie)

(This photo is us with JanetB here on the DIS)

I can't find my photo of Rosie with Mark and I (I know she has it on her TR), but I do have one of Rosie doing what Rosie is famous for -- pole dancing:

We visited for a bit, but soon had to part ways as we had fastpasses burning a hole in our pockets and it was Avery's first time to ride:

Continued in next post
After our ride on Dinosaur (which Avery and I did with Lisa and Megan since Mary and Cayley don't do it and Mark won't since his surgery), it was time for the group to split up after we had some drinks. Avery, Mark, Lisa and Megan were going to do Expedition Everest. Mary was able to change Cayley and me to Primevil Hurl...I mean Primevil Whirl.

Me and Cayley before taking our spin on the Whirl:

Photos as we were on the Whirl:

I LOVE my girls. But that is the absolute LAST time I am ever going on that ride. I seriously thought I was going to hurl! :sick:

And proof that the others went on Expedition Everest:

We then decided to head over and go to Rafiki's Planet. On the way, we stopped for a group photopass picture:

The photopass photographer saw my birthday button and wanted me to stay in the same spot for a picture all by myself:

Up next, we go and see Rafiki's Planet and then a parade
I can't imagine you skipping those beeeeautiful rats with wings. I mean bats. :lmao:

Another Dis Meet?!?! It's a good thing that you prepped Mark about the meet. Otherwise, he might have been thrown for a loop by pole dancing Rosie. :rotfl:

Great Photopass pictures! I especially like the one of you by yourself. You can totally tell how much you are enjoying yourself.
LOL I couldn't see Avery at first on Dinosaur with you! She ducked down so far she almost disappeared.

So much fun to meet online Dis Friends.

No bats?! What do you mean, no bats?! Do they make you go :scared1:?

Love the tigers. They are just so awesome to watch. And I love that trail. There are so many interesting little things to look at.

So you are now joining me in the Primevil Hurl chicken box, eh?! :woohoo: That ride really messes with my equilibrium.

Sorry to hear your car is giving you grief now. It's always something for us grown folks. Always something cutting into the Dis budget!

Thank you for giving of your time to volunteer at a school even though your boys are grown. Parents really do make or break those after school activities. Our PTO has 3 truly active members (me and 2 others), and it is rough trying to keep things going some days.
Kathy what a great group of Dismeet photos. Rosie... :lmao:

Ever so thankful about Mark's positive job news. And even better to have a Disney/business trip in the plans. I sure wish I had clients in Florida. :)

I recall seeing that pina colada from Yak & Yeti on FB! :thumbsup2 One of my favorites along with those pot stickers.

I'm with you, I have to draw the line at the Primevil hurl. I just can't stomach that like I used too. I'm sure the girls enjoyed it though.

BTW: Lisa's bag is adorable in those photos in front of Dinosaur.

I hope all goes well with your brother's doctor appointments Thursday. Keeping him in my prayers.
Looks like a wild time. :upsidedow

Glad you all could get some rides in and have some fun.

Yes I needed to look hard for Avery since she was folded in half on Dinosaur.
So glad that your brother's heart function has returned to normal. That is wonderful and it will make it easier for him to battle whatever he's up against with his foot.

Love the pictures from the DIS meet! :cool1:

And I LOVE the M…..trek. The tigers really are majestic. Beautiful animals.

I haven't been to Rafiki's planet since 2006. I think I really need to revisit it.
First of all glad to see some improvement with your brother. I am sorry about the car situation, both that it's fixing you issues and hat it complicates the other, that is hard.

Before I get to the update, I posted a few pages back "guess where I'll be with luck" in so many days. Well, Mark still has his job (thankfully) and so the business trip to Florida is on. We leave March 1 and fly home on March 9. In between seeing customers, we will stop at Disney for two nights of sleep and 1-1/2 days of parks. Right now, we are staying at Pop, but once our dates are set in stone, I am going to try to get a room at OKW for those two nights (I really, really don't like values; no offense to those of you who like them). I've made three ADR's and I've also got my Fastpass+ picked for our day and a half
I am so glad to read about the job, that is great news!
We were so glad to have gone back to Yak & Yeti. I have read several mixed reviews, but we really enjoyed our meal here and we will be back.
We loved our meal there in 2012 and will definitely go back. Crowd pleaser with our gang for sure.
Soon we were meeting up with our fellow DISer's. Before they reached Mary and I, one of the DISer's, Rosie, saw Mark as he was walking to the bio-break area, and ran up and hugged him. Thankfully, I had filled Mark in on the DIS meet and told him ALL about Rosie so he wasn't totally shocked.
That's a riot! Fun meet :goodvibes
I LOVE my girls. But that is the absolute LAST time I am ever going on that ride. I seriously thought I was going to hurl! :sick:
Is it the spinning that gets people? I've not been able to figure it out personally but I know a ton of people agree with you.
Happy Birthday to Mark!

Kathy, I will catch up on pictures and report reading soon. I am always ready to see Animal Kingdom pictures. :thumbsup2
mark deserved his own post for his birthday!

I loved the animal pictures!!! I have never done the Rafiki thing. Is it something i need to do?!?!

I cannot believe you got on the whirl!!!! NO WAY!!! everything else is fair game EXCEPT things that twirl..

Love the dis meet!!! OH MY GIDDY AUNT the pole dancing is just tooooooooooo funny!!!
Looks like a great group of people! it's been quite sometime since you posting a picture with a drink...
Yeah, there are those beautiful tigers!

I know we will be visiting that trail next month. When we went it 2010, my SIL was facinated by the fruit bats! Four years later and she still talks about them all the time. I don't mind them though so I'm fine with going into that area.

That looked like a fun DIS meet!

I'm not sure that Avery was enjoying Dinosaur too much by the ride photo. :rotfl:

As sick as I get on some of the rides like Star Tours and RnRC, Primevil Whirl doesn't bother me. :confused3 There is an amusement park near my Mom that has a similar coaster but it is much faster and totally in the dark. You have no idea when the next turn or spin is coming. It's pretty funny watching people get off of that one because half the time they can't walk straight for being dizzy!

Great update and photos! The pictures of Y&Y definitely had me eyeing this up for our next trip. We skip TS and opt instead for our favorite, Flame Tree BBQ, but perhaps we'll venture and try something new.:goodvibes

Love the Tigger Mark and Mini Me Tigger Cayley.:tigger:

Primeval hurl reference had me :rotfl: We had FP+ too. Its been a while since last rode it (even though I love the tilt a whilrl /coaster concept) as the lines are long with no FP (and those we usually reserved for EE, your favorite ride, right?? :rotfl2: Im right with Avery on Dinosaur, I have to close my eyes! (and I've been know to duck my head too).

Thanks for the pix on the Maharajah Jungle Trek ...hoping next time to fit this in.

Thankful we were able to meet up, it was short but sweet. :goodvibes . Hopefully there will be other times our trips will cross & Id love for you to meet Sam (my men too but they are not into Disney like we are. :goodvibes)

Continued prayers for your brother as he heads to his appts tomorrow. :hug:

And its wonderful that you are going to be able to squeeze in a Disney day or two on Marks upcoming business trip. APs are great for that, arent they?


a very Happy Birthday to Mark!! :dumbo: :cool1: party:

Does he have a "happy birthday hat?? :goodvibes
Great update!

I don't blame you one bit for staying away from those bats!! They are creepy little creatures.

You are such a good sport going on the Primeval Whirl with the girls! That ride can make a person sick just looking at it :rotfl:

I love all of your group photopass pictures, what a nice memory!

Good luck to your brother on his appointments tomorrow, I hope that everything goes well!

And wishing Mark a very happy birthday!!


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