"Transfer" question


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Jun 19, 2011
Let me set the stage:

1. The wife and I purchased a 160pt Bay Lake contract and a 50pt Beach Club contract direct over the past few years.

2. We were newbies and bought the BL contract because...that's what they offered. We don't like staying there at all. But, luckily we have really not had too many issues using them at places we do like, especially OKW and Vero. We bought the BC direct so we can bank/borrow etc so every few years we can stay there. We mostly take 3-4 day trips during off times with the exception of Jersey weekend which is where we are from.

3. We considered selling the BLT and buying a a OKW contract resale so we could use the 11 month booking since we are starting to have some problems at certain times booking at the 11 month window. Not all the time, but sometimes. After working the numbers, it didn't seem like it was worth the effort to do so. We could have ended up with more OKW points for the same principal amount, but the dues would have been higher every year and the fees would have added up.

4. We just bid on a 25 point OKW contract. The idea was just to bank those and use the points when we have built up enough for when we really want to stay at OKW. Hopefully, we get it. Now..here comes my question.

Now that we will have three contracts, all with different resorts, I believe I am able to transfer the points contract to contract? If I read this correctly, I can...once a year...transfer points from my BLT contract to my OKW or BC contract so I can use all of them to book at the 11 month window? In other words, have either 185 (160BLT plus 25OKW) or 210 (160 BLT plus 50BC0 available for the 11 month booking window.

Am I reading this correctly? I'm pretty well versed in the usage of points but I did not know this if it is true.
No - you cannot transform points from one home resort to another home resort by transferring. The transferred points retain their original home resort and use year.

So you can only use OKW points to book an OKW stay until the 7 month window opens.. You may use the BLT or BCV points (or any resort's points) at 7 months.
I also don't think DVC will let you transfer points to yourself since you wouldn't gain anything from it but still need to wait til their use window like Carol said.
Transfer is what one membership number can do to another membership number and the result of transfers is that transfered points retain their home resort identity. If you have the same use year for all of your points, you have only one membership number and the points can never be transferred among your contracts (and there would be no reason to do so). And as to your general question the answer is that points always retain their home resort identity and transferring points does not mean you can combine points from different resorts at the 11 month window to make a reservation at one of those resorts; if members were allowed to do that, many would buy a lot of SSR points resale, then a 25 point add-on at their favorite near park resort, and then make reservations using all the combined points at 11 months out at the near park resort, effectively destroying any possible home resort advantage the true owners of the near park resort would have.
Ok...then we misunderstood what the salesperson said on the phone. I thought it was too good to be true.

Thanks for the responses. We are still in good shape as we can bank/borrow the 25pt contract for our Jersey week trip every few years and still be in good shape.
IMO you are creating problems for yourself. Yes selling and buying your favorite resort may cost you some bucks but hey, you are taking luxury vacations at Disney. Different UY's, banking and borrowing small contracts, transferring points, all lead to additional headaches and more to keep track of.

:earsboy: Bill

We really don't consider our vacations "luxury" at Disney. We eat in for breakfast and lunch, chill by the pool with drinks we picked up off property, and typically only eat one "fancy" meal out per trip. We only for 3 days here, 4 days here just for getaways. We go to Vero at least once, maybe twice a year. We go to OKW maybe twice a year. We end up at Beach Club once every other year or so. We enjoy bouncing around and not always going to the same resort. We never have a problem using the BLT points at Vero, and if we end up at a different resort that isn't our first pick it isn't a big deal. I have yet to stay at a DVC property and said to myself "this sucks" and I'm never coming back. Even though BLT is at the bottom of the list it would not kill us to go back there. We enjoy the diversity and the points issues aren't a big deal for us. The main issue for the OKW add on was for the November trip which in the past few years has gotten difficult to book.
We really don't consider our vacations "luxury" at Disney. We eat in for breakfast and lunch, chill by the pool with drinks we picked up off property, and typically only eat one "fancy" meal out per trip. We only for 3 days here, 4 days here just for getaways. We go to Vero at least once, maybe twice a year. We go to OKW maybe twice a year. We end up at Beach Club once every other year or so. We enjoy bouncing around and not always going to the same resort. We never have a problem using the BLT points at Vero, and if we end up at a different resort that isn't our first pick it isn't a big deal. I have yet to stay at a DVC property and said to myself "this sucks" and I'm never coming back. Even though BLT is at the bottom of the list it would not kill us to go back there. We enjoy the diversity and the points issues aren't a big deal for us. The main issue for the OKW add on was for the November trip which in the past few years has gotten difficult to book.

Understood, when I said luxury, many consider Disney deluxe resort stays with food, admission, travel and extras to be a luxury that many can not afford.

:earsboy: Bill


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