TR - A Gregarious Ghostly Gallivant - Final Thoughts Finally Posted!

More awesome pics in ToonTown!! Sorry to hear that Roxie was coming down with the crud!! Looking forward to living thru more of your pics & trip report!!!
Great updates Mike! Love the photoshop you did to the picture with the "hat" sign pointing to Kyra's hat! :laughing: and the picture of the girls hats poking over the back of the car is great too. :thumbsup2 I'm guessing it wasn't very hard to spot them in the parks.

I love the DLR toon town. Looks a lot more interactive than the one at WDW. What exactly do they do to decorate SM? I'm curious!

Bummer that you had to cancel your DIS meet but probably better that way. Don't want to get everyone else sick. Glad you had enough energy to take the kids back out though. Dad to the rescue :goodvibes

Hey Carla! Hehehe, yeah the photoshop was fun :lmao: And they were pretty easy to spot walking around ;) I think Toontown is more interactive there, lots of stuff to play with.

On SM they have a "ghostly" soundtrack and they project ghostly phantom images on the inside of the dome as you're rolling around so they'll appear randomly around turns with accompanying sound effects. It was pretty cool.

Yeah, Jordan had been sick before that so the last thing I would want to do is get him sick again :sad2: Plus I spent my energy on the fam where it should be :thumbsup2

Great update!!

Love Roger Rabbit.....looks like cute ride

great photoshopping :laughing:

Yay for Dad to the rescue!! Hope Roxy felt better after her nap :goodvibes

Thankyee about the update and the photoshopping :goodvibes The naps helped us both, we wouldn't have survived without them.

Another yay for Dad to the rescue from me!! Good for you to take that Day Quil and take those kids back!

The last time we went on Roger Rabbit, I swear we waited like 45 minutes. It was insane.

Oh yeah - the daquil and the dole whip stand were my two saviors to keep me going that day ...hehehe. 45 min for Roger Rabbit, yikes! The only really long wait we had the whole trip was for Splash Mountain ...and part of that was because of an idiot getting out of the ride and causing it to get shut down for about 20 minutes. Ended up waiting over an hour for that one.

More awesome pics in ToonTown!! Sorry to hear that Roxie was coming down with the crud!! Looking forward to living thru more of your pics & trip report!!!

Thanks much! It was fun and I was very bummed that Roxy caught it too. But we made it work and overall I was happy with the trip, creeping crud and all :laughing:

Fun with photoshop! :rotfl2: I love it!

Hehehe, oh yes - I live for it!

I've had a couple of busy days but should have some downtime tomorrow morning for more posting. Had a good day today though. Did a presentation in my daughter's class about Desert Storm and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then I went to work for a couple of hours and stopped by the Veteran's Reception at the college, which was very nice.

After that I went back to Bean's school and ate lunch with her and then joined her class to go to the Veteran's program the school had put together. Songs and poems and such, very nice. They invited veterans from the VFW so there was a really good turnout of veterans and had a separate reception for us after the program.

It was a great day. Only thing that irked me was this snotty little 4th grade boy who had turned around and was talking to friends during the moment of silence. Wanted to slap the ungrateful snot upside the head. Sorry :sad1:
Okay, when we left off we had all had a good lunch and I was ready to take over for Roxy and go back to the park while she got some rest. She had been watching out for us though and had picked up FPs for SMGG!!!

We gathered up and headed in, making a beeline from the monorail station to Space Mountain



It was a fun ride and I'm glad it did it, lots of cool effects in there. Here's a shot of us on our ride

From there I wanted to take a trip on Buzz Blasters and the wait was only 10 minutes, so on we went. After that we split up, with Pumpkin Girl and Kris taking a ride on Star Tours and Bean and I heading for the Astro Orbiter.

The line took longer for Astro, so Kris and Kyra came out and she joined us on the line and Kris took over the camera. He got some fun pics of us while we were waiting :-]






Then it was on to the ride - wheee!








By the time we finished I looked at the time and saw that it was getting close to our next bit of fun - Goofy's Kitchen!!!

We did a bit of shopping in the gift shop at the exit of Buzz and then back to the monrail station we went. Kris took a couple of quick shots as we were walking up the ramp.



Then it was on the monorail again

He got a pretty good shot of ToT from the monorail as we went by it

and then we were strolling through DTD on our way to Goofy's.

I had called Roxy when we were getting ready to leave DL so she was in the room getting ready and would join us at the reception desk at Goofy's.

We strolled under the hat

Darn that pic limit, have to pick this up after lunch and a haircut. ;-]
We walked across the DLH grounds and past a couple of the topiaries on our way to the entrance


We checked in and met up with Roxy and then had a seat while we waited for our name to be called. Kris was still taking pictures but had the "no flash" setting on, causing a couple of trippy pictures to come out



I helped him with the settings and he took another couple of shots of us. First Bean snuggling into Roxy's lap

Then Pumpkin Girl and I

And then Bean livened up

Kris then took the camera and got some shots of the cool umbrella-style light fixtures in the ceiling of the entranceway


And then a shot of the castle mosaic underneath them

Then our name was called and in we went. First stop - a quick family pic with Minnie!

Then it was off to our seats. We had a good table with a view of the area in front of the food where the characters congregate. Soon enough Goofy was out there needing help to bake a cake. Of course the girls were up and ready to help ;-D

Bean got a can to help add ingredients


Pocahontas came up to lend a hand



Bean helped clean

And "bing!" we had a cake!


We headed back to our table and were soon greeted by Sleeping Beauty



And then came Pluto - what a lively pup!

He really loved Pumpkin Girl’s hat …hehehe

more to come!
Enjoying your update

Looks like you all had a great time :thumbsup2

Goofy's Kitchen looks fun

That is so neat they have fab 5 characters mixed with princesses :goodvibes
I love your pictures. I think that Goofy's Kitchen is always a blast.
Enjoying your update

Looks like you all had a great time :thumbsup2

Goofy's Kitchen looks fun

That is so neat they have fab 5 characters mixed with princesses :goodvibes

Yes, both Roxy and I were pretty tired and out of it, but we still felt the fun and Disney magic going around :wizard:

I agree - great mix of characters!

I love your pictures. I think that Goofy's Kitchen is always a blast.

Thank you :hug: It was our first time and we had a very good time. We'll have to do it again for sure :yay:
Our Pumpkin Girl retrieved her head from her hat, giggling all the way

Then Kris jumped in - Pluto is a fav of his

Then Kris sicced him on me - lol :-D

In bounded Goofy and made a beeline for Kyra's hat too!


He rolled on to Bean ...dontcha just love the beaming look in her eyes



Kris's turn!


Then Pluto AND Goofy were back up front for a dance - wheeee!



I got Pumpkin Girl's attention, but she was playing "the teen", so was not amused ;-]

Then Bean got a dance with Goofy - whoohoo!!!!


Back to our table and a visit from Dale



...and there goes the hat again - lolol

She kept focused and got her autograph book


...and there it goes again :-D

Quick pose

And hello Kris

Almost done with our kitchen interactions, I promise ;-]
Bean had to go to the bathroom but had been waiting for Chip, but he kept getting close and then turning off again. She finally went with Roxy escorting her and of course Chip showed up!


I had called Roxy and let her know he was there and we stalled as well as we could, but Chip had to move on :sad2: Bean came back and Chip was rotating to tables behind us and we waved to him and pointed at Bean. For a minute there he started to head the other way, but then came up to her


That was the end of our Goofy's Kitchen evening. Kris had the camera again and took a couple of interesting pics of the hat


And of a band playing outside ESPN

We all headed up to the room and were showered, changed, and in bed by 10am. Tomorrow was going to be a long one with park hopping and MToTP ....wheeeee! :yay: :woohoo: :dance3: :woohoo: :yay:
Goofy's kitchen can make even the most mature person a child. And the character interaction is so good. We have done all three kids birthdays there. Kody's was the most adventurous of them. The Mad Hatter was a laugh a minute. They had misspelled Kody on it after I had called more than once to make sure they spelled it right. The Mad Hatter had realized the mistake and ran off to the kitchen got the frosting tube and made a big deal out of fixing it. It made for a very fun visit.
I love Goofy's Kitchen!!! My older boys (22 & 20) say its a must every trip!!
Great pics (as always).....loving the whole TR !!! Keep it coming!!
Goofy's kitchen can make even the most mature person a child. And the character interaction is so good. We have done all three kids birthdays there. Kody's was the most adventurous of them. The Mad Hatter was a laugh a minute. They had misspelled Kody on it after I had called more than once to make sure they spelled it right. The Mad Hatter had realized the mistake and ran off to the kitchen got the frosting tube and made a big deal out of fixing it. It made for a very fun visit.

It was great fun and great characters for sure :goodvibes How wonderful that the Mad Hatter made such a big deal about it, what fun!

I love Goofy's Kitchen!!! My older boys (22 & 20) say its a must every trip!!
Great pics (as always).....loving the whole TR !!! Keep it coming!!

It was a great first time experience for us ...I know we'll be back there. Thank you on the TR - wish I had more time to get updates out faster. I will probably start on day 4 this weekend ;)
Hey All,

I've been swamped at home and at work so am still working on those day 4 pictures. In the meantime I wanted to show a vid of the GPHS Marching Band's 2009 performance entitled "Stained Glass".

They are an award winning marching band, commonly placing 1st and 2nd in a field of much bigger and better funded schools. This performance is a commemoration of the 9/11 tragedy and the voice you hear throughout the performance is that of a wife who is retelling a phone call between her and her husband who was trapped in one of the towers and perished when the towers came down. It was a very moving performance to watch.

My older daughter will be a freshman next year and will be performing in the band as either a flutist or a piccolo player for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in 2010. It is going to be an interesting year as she starts practicing with them and we gear up for the trip.
What a cool video. Loved the sound

That is so awesome they will be in Macy's Parade :santa:
I'm all caught up. Loving the TR. I understand being busy. My PTR is lacking because of that myself. I'm leaving next Thursday morning for PA so there probably won't be anything going on in my report until I get back from Disney. I'm hoping to at least get my ICE pictures from Saturday up before I leave. We shall see. Anyways, looking fwd to more on your TR.

I watched the video of the marching band. They look great. Kyra is going to have a BLAST!! And the Macys Day parade to boot? WooHoo! What a lucky girl! I loved Marching Band in HS. :goodvibes
Whew, just got caught up as well! Goofy's Kitchen looked like a great time! I was grinning all the way through it. Nice to see Kyra loosen up a bit! :goodvibes

The sound wouldn't come up on the video for me... probably this darn laptop. I'll have to remember to try it on the desktop later. My daughter plays the flute too. It was actually MY flute... it had an Extreme Makeover: Instrument Edition before she began band last year. :laughing:
What a cool video. Loved the sound

That is so awesome they will be in Macy's Parade :santa:

It was very cool to watch. I can't wait to see what they come up with for Macy's :cool1:

I'm all caught up. Loving the TR. I understand being busy. My PTR is lacking because of that myself. I'm leaving next Thursday morning for PA so there probably won't be anything going on in my report until I get back from Disney. I'm hoping to at least get my ICE pictures from Saturday up before I leave. We shall see. Anyways, looking fwd to more on your TR.

I watched the video of the marching band. They look great. Kyra is going to have a BLAST!! And the Macys Day parade to boot? WooHoo! What a lucky girl! I loved Marching Band in HS. :goodvibes

Glad you're enjoyin it Carla :goodvibes Oh wow, you are getting close to your trip, arentcha? Whoohoo! Well if you don't get the ICE pics posted beforehand, it'll make for more fun viewing after :woohoo:

The marching band is amazing, every year it is something completely different. I know it will be a time that Kyra will never forget.

Whew, just got caught up as well! Goofy's Kitchen looked like a great time! I was grinning all the way through it. Nice to see Kyra loosen up a bit! :goodvibes

The sound wouldn't come up on the video for me... probably this darn laptop. I'll have to remember to try it on the desktop later. My daughter plays the flute too. It was actually MY flute... it had an Extreme Makeover: Instrument Edition before she began band last year. :laughing:

Goofy's kitchen was a blast, and yes - Pumpkin Girl did have a good time and sprouted some smiles. Oh bummer, sorry the sound didn't come up for the video. Hope it works better on the desktop. And Kyra is using Roxy's flute, so she's doing the same thing y'all did! :yay:
And Kyra is using Roxy's flute, so she's doing the same thing y'all did! :yay:

Way cool! :thumbsup2 Is it an Armstrong? Mine is, an open hole version. Abby is so proud of it because no one else has one in her band. It's very costly to get a new Armstrong these days... most of the kids buy a cheaper one to start out with.

Anyhoo.... I'm gonna try that again video now!


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