To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

I figured it out. Your plans for the future. Your like an imaginear for running. So what do we call that?

Also, the 5k this morning didn't work out time-wise. Wished it had started one hour earlier. But at least it doesn't mess with my training plan this week.

Good luck down your home-stretch. And maybe some other runner thought you were leaving the bottles for them???

LOL, imagineer for running! No worries, I think once we decided that your other paces agreed with each other that we've got a pretty good idea of your fitness without it.

Thanks! Starting to get that "it" feeling again and the weather (not tomorrow withstanding) looks to be finally turning! And yea, I'm sure that they well this kind is kind to leave his bottles for me...


Now, that's a phrase/word I could work with. Between you and mike I've got a lot of words/phrases to consider for my future endeavors!
I will always contest that knowing "why" is so important to becoming invested in the training plan. It helps you buy into why you've been scheduled to do each run. It's great to hear you're getting to that point. Wishing you the best during your taper week!
I second this so much. I ran my first 1/2 on blind faith as it were. I didn't know how the plan was supposed to work or why it would work. So I just followed it, loosely, in the hopes that I would cross the finish line.

But because of my blind faith, I started out far too fast and nearly turned that first race success story into a first and last race disaster. It was only in subsequent races and reading reports and tips from far more experienced runners than I when I began to understand how the building up of mileage and maintenance runs contributed to the endurance necessary. This also taught me how to deal with a nasty 6 week cold that never went away during the last month or so of training. While I couldn't train as I wanted to, I also understood that the less than optimal training would not derail my plans.
I second this so much. I ran my first 1/2 on blind faith as it were. I didn't know how the plan was supposed to work or why it would work. So I just followed it, loosely, in the hopes that I would cross the finish line.

But because of my blind faith, I started out far too fast and nearly turned that first race success story into a first and last race disaster. It was only in subsequent races and reading reports and tips from far more experienced runners than I when I began to understand how the building up of mileage and maintenance runs contributed to the endurance necessary. This also taught me how to deal with a nasty 6 week cold that never went away during the last month or so of training. While I couldn't train as I wanted to, I also understood that the less than optimal training would not derail my plans.

Couldn't agree more!
That's so crazy about your water bottles. I'm also wondering if someone thought it was booze or something. Weird.

Love that shot of Gigi in her Wisconsin gear. Congrats on the win! Loving the title Imagathoner!
That's so crazy about your water bottles. I'm also wondering if someone thought it was booze or something. Weird.

That's entirely possible. I attached a sign to my bag on Sunday morning (before I realized the bottles were returned) requesting everyone to be a human and be kind/compassionate.

Love that shot of Gigi in her Wisconsin gear. Congrats on the win! Loving the title Imagathoner!

Thanks! She was our little cutie in her outfit! Loved it so much she had to sleep in it. It was a good game and we were fortunate to come out on the winning side this time. I'm liking the ring of the new title and kudos to @opusone for coming up with it and @roxymama for the concept.
26 Days to Go (We are now on our final ascent to the PEAK!)

Just as quickly as the valley can appear, so can it to disappear. We now find ourselves on the final ascent to the peak. The peak in mileage and the peak in physical fitness.


This was an absolute nutty week. Let's see how the week went.

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

8/31/16 - W - Medicine Ball Workout (MBW)
9/1/16 - R - 1.5 miles @ 9:24 min/mile + 10 miles @ 7:33 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 9:25 min/mile (7/10)
9/2/16 - F - 10 miles @ 9:11 min/mile (1/10)
9/3/16 - Sat - 11 miles @ 8:33 min/mile (9/11) + MBW
9/4/16 - Sun - 12 miles @ 8:13 min/mile (7/12)
9/5/16 - M - 9 miles @ 9:11 min/mile (1/9)
9/6/16 - T - 1.5 miles @ 9:28 min/mile + 3 x 2 mile @ 7:23 min/mile with 400m RI @ 9:20 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 10:06 min/mile (1/3)

Total mileage = 64 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 26/55 (47%)

Thursday was the last of the 10 mile tempo runs. I bumped up the Hansons plan by one mile for the last three tempo runs to 11 miles (starting this coming Thursday). This one went well. A tad too fast on the first interval but I was able to settle into a groove and hit a healthy 7/10 intervals. However, during the cool-down I stepped oddly on the flat road and tweaked my bottom of my foot. It took a couple of steps to make the strike normal again, but I was biting my lip for sure as it wasn't comfortable. I was hoping this was just a small thing and it wouldn't linger into the next morning's run. It was clear when I got home though that I must have stretched my bottom of my foot too far on a step because it just didn't feel right.

Friday was EARLY. Up at 3:15am, out the door by 3:45am. I had to get 10 miles in before work because that evening we were going to my cousin's high school football game. The upside was the T+D was a BEAUTIFUL 103. AMAZING! The downside was I was still concerned about my foot and this run was occurring less than 12 hours after finishing my hard tempo run. I knew I probably needed to take it easy and just let the run come to me. In addition to it being an early morning run (extra caution during morning), I fully anticipated the pace to be slow. The pace was suppose to be 9:11. First mile 9:42, tad too slow but only by 1 second. Second mile 8:54, whoops a tad too fast. Third mile 8:27, whoa nelly! Calm down, this isn't a full blown long run pace. Thankfully, I was able to settle down in a rhythm but the pace was faster than the 9:11. The last few miles were in the 8:48-8:55 range. The foot was fine. Still uncomfortable, but I forced myself not to compensate for it. Thankfully, everything was completed as planned (other than the pace).

Ahhh Saturday, the first day (kind of) of college football. Slept in a bit, as I was looking to make up for the early morning on Friday. The run went well. I was hitting a groove around mile 8/9 and starting to realize... "IT"... WAS... BACK! Welcome to the peak again! The effort was "effortless". :P The foot felt fine, still there, but not as bad as the other two days. Rounding the corner for my last 0.5 mile, running with the runner's high, and BAM! No water bottles. I was so confused. I was just at the table only ~20 minutes ago and they were there. And now, nothing. Why? Oh, why? would someone steal my water bottles... Ugh! It really took the edge off the run, and what went from a happy moment went to a frustrated moment. When I got home I counted all my old 8 oz water bottles and realized I could make due with those, but it was still disappointing. As for college football, hooray the Badgers won! Typical Badgers game. Play well. Screw up in a short time frame and lose the lead. Appear to lose the game. Then uncharacteristically, make the critical plays necessary to win. In past years we would have missed that FG or dropped the INT to seal the win. Thankfully, we were able to pull it out. So we beat a Top 5 team at a Neutral site in Lambed field. I would have thought I would have been more thrilled/excited. I was happy, but not jubilant. Why? Because I've found over the last couple of years that I get more joy out of my running than watching my UW sports team. I always was so invested in the teams that I let it effect my emotions too much. If we lost, I'd be so upset for the rest of the day. Now, I know I have no control over the sports so it brings me less joy/sadness when I watch the outcome. Whereas, I derive more enjoyment from my self-sport of running because the only person in control of my destiny/success/failure when it comes to running is me. Running has now surpassed UW sports in my hierarchy.

Sunday. I was still upset about the water bottles getting stolen the day before. I even wrote a note to attach to my new water bottle bag that essentially stated, "Hey, we're all human. Please be kind and courteous and not touch these bottles. I depend on them. Thanks!" So as I was getting close to the table to drop my water bottles off, I could tell something was there. The closer I got the more I realized my blue ice pack was inside the bag on there. So either someone else is following my pattern of water bottles/ice packs, or my bag has been returned. And to my absolute shock, the bottles were returned. One of the two ice packs was ripped open, and two of the three water bottles had their tops popped, but otherwise just like I left it. I was completely confused. Who would steal the water bottles, only to return them the next morning? I thought maybe the police, teens/kids, nefarious, who knows? But what I do know is I got them back. But what about the run? Still gotta do that you know. Well it was nothing unusual. Hit the paces as expected. Went a little too fast on some of the intervals as expected (usually on the downhill sections). Overall, a successful run. Took all the water bottles home and gave them a very thorough cleaning.

Monday was a holiday. Which meant another day to sleep in! Hooray! The goal was 9 miles at 9:11 pace. Here were the splits:

1- 9:09
2- 8:35
3- 8:37
4- 8:48
5- 8:40
6- 8:50
7- 8:49
8- 8:42
9- 9:00

Again, a tad too fast. Here's the thing though. It was at the same effort as a EA day. And if the EA day is a tad too fast it's ok because really anything slower than EB (8:33) is ok. We just want to make sure to take the easy days easy when they need to be easy, right? But what can I learn from this EA day. Well if my new EA pace is a ~8:48 min/mile as suggested by this run (and Friday's EA), then my predicted marathon pace would be a 3:09:31 (7:14 min/mile) per my calculator. Does that sound familiar to anyone????

A very successful blind run. Successfully started slower and finished faster. A nice progression of paces throughout. I've found from previous experience that the last split is typically the best predictor of my current marathon pace. Thus, given the conditions of the run (T+D=134 and no sun) my estimated marathon pace right now is 7:15. This would estimate by marathon time at 3:09:57. I'd take that!

Sunday was a beautiful morning! T+D from 118 to 130. I was ready to absolutely take advantage of the day. My goal was to run at 8:13 min/mile. However, because of the drop in temperature I was interested to see what my natural effort based long run pace would come out to. So this wasn't a blind run per se, but it was a let things happen as they may run. Another solid run. Started slow and progressively got faster naturally. The effort was kept nearly the same from beginning to end. The last 10 miles averaged a 7:57 min/mile. So a tad faster than prescribed but because of the weather I definitely wasn't pushing it. So when I got home I plugged in a long run pace of 7:57 (for the last 10 miles) to see what my estimated marathon pace would be. And to no surprise to me it came out at 7:18. So for those paying attention, my Thursday blind run tempo suggested a 7:15 marathon pace, and my natural long run pace suggested a 7:18 marathon pace. Given the similar conditions between the two days I think I can reliably predict that if the marathon conditions are around 120-130 with no sun, then my marathon time will be around a 3:09:57 - 3:11:16. Is this system perfect? No. But it is a good predictor of my future time, and it's nice to see consistency in the predictions based on two very different types of runs.

So roughly, 40 days ago I ran a blind tempo run and a comfortable long run which both predicted my marathon race pace to be 3:09-3:11. Now I have two runs this week at EA effort, that suggest my marathon pace is 3:09. Ummm, yea that's 4 different runs over 40 days using 3 different paces that all suggest the same predicted marathon race pace. I'd say that's pretty predictive.

Does that mean I'll run a 3:09 on October 2nd? Nope.
Does it mean I'll try for a 3:09 on October 2nd? Nope.
Does it mean I'll be disappointed if I don't get a 3:09 on October 2nd? Nope.

All it means is that under the right circumstances my best marathon effort is estimated at a 3:09. That alone is pretty darn exciting. If true, it means I'm a mere 9 minutes away from the fitness level necessary to reach the golden sub-3 I've been chasing for over 4 years. It's so close...

Tuesday was the beginning of the ratcheting down of the strength runs. The heat/humidity was awful today with a T+D of 161. So the goal for the day was take it EASY. No victories come from pushing too hard less than 4 weeks from marathon day. Let's just hold this current fitness level, this current peaking, and I will be completely satisfied. Well easier said then done. I thought I was taking it easy enough but I could tell mid-2nd interval that I was pushing too hard. So I backed off and didn't complete the third interval. I finished the total workout of 10 miles, but definitely pulled way back. Just too tough to go from 110-120 to 160 in such a short time frame. Thankfully in the next 10 days it appears (for now) that summer is ending.

Well, this is it. Only a few workouts left to get better and then in 5 days I enter taper town. It seems like I’ve been training for so long for this, yet it seems like it’s coming up so fast.

Also, forgot to update my August Monthly totals:

Running Mileage – 275.44 miles (Grr missed one run…)
Running Time – 39:09:04
Average Pace – 8:32 min/mile

Compared to last year (again training for the same race)

Running Mileage – 233.59 miles
Running Time – 37:00:47
Average Pace – 9:30 min/mile

The mileage and duration between 2015 and 2016 has finally started to close, which means I spent a lot more time this year training in June/July and nearly the same in August (granted because of the calendar this year July was actually heavier than August). It’s also interesting to see that my training paces are about a full minute per mile faster this year than last at relatively the same time to go until marathon day.

The other interesting thing to note is that my yearly mileage PR is 1915.6 miles (2015) which is on pace to be broken this month (on 9/27/16). This gives me a little over 3 months to push my new yearly mileage PR into a new stratosphere! My 2016 year goal was 2,016 miles. I haven’t finalized my Dopey 2017 training yet, but early estimates would put my final 2016 year total at 2649 miles. About 633 miles more than my original goal!
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So if you meant to run 2016 miles in the year 2016, but may run 2649...then how many miles will you run in the year 2649 at this pace....ANNNNND MATH!

(the correct answer is that we will all be robots.)

One thing I thought of...could your water bottles have been snatched by a neighborhood dog or other animal and the owner figured it out and tried to just leave them for you once washed out? I could see that happening, maybe?

So if you meant to run 2016 miles in the year 2016, but may run 2649...then how many miles will you run in the year 2649 at this pace....ANNNNND MATH!

(the correct answer is that we will all be robots.)

One thing I thought of...could your water bottles have been snatched by a neighborhood dog or other animal and the owner figured it out and tried to just leave them for you once washed out? I could see that happening, maybe?

LOL! Yea, I'll admit the 2,016 miles in 2016 year goal was made in the beginning of the year (duh, of course it was). At that time I had no crazy intention to make some super crazy training plan for the October marathon. So originally my training was to be similar to 2015. But alas, me being me decided to push it and thus we end up with nearly 633 miles beyond the goal...


BTW, I went to the year 2649 and found my greatgreatgreatgreat.....greatgrandchild robot daughter running. Here she is in red.

That's also another possibility and would help explain the opened ice pack. The plastic bag was a little roughed up as well so I thought maybe wildlife/dog too.

I think I'm catching a theme with these pictures! :hourglass
Okay, I think I'm a little slow, but I just now figured out that you are counting down to @DopeyBadger's marathon. I like it!

OMG! Me too. :rotfl2: I only figured it out this morning.

I figured it would be more fun to let you all think I was a giant weirdo for a while :)

I had the idea post-run in 94 degree weather when he mentioned 26 days to go. So you all can blame heat-exhaustion for my weirdness this time.
I figured it would be more fun to let you all think I was a giant weirdo for a while :)

I had the idea post-run in 94 degree weather when he mentioned 26 days to go. So you all can blame heat-exhaustion for my weirdness this time.

Don't worry, I figured it out as soon as I saw the 25 picture, no thinking you were a weirdo here. It's definitely a fun idea.
I was tempted to just post a pic of Jordan today, but gotta stick with the theme :)
Oddly, not very many pics of 23rd mile markers. Gonna guess at this point most people are just like "get me to the finish" but these guys look like their doing just fine!
Disaster everted, for now. I pushed hard on Thursday's tempo run knowing very well it would likely be the last time I'd allow myself to go "there". Well my body told me on Friday it.. was... not... happy. I've got two issues that come up from time to time when I push too hard in training on following runs. Either my hamstring does this thing where it pulls my leg on a few steps in a run, or the top of my right calf does the same. It was obvious on Friday's run that the calf was tight and unhappy with me. Thankfully, over the course of the run it loosened up and was less "twitchy". Today's run the calf was still tight, but not a single twitch. It's a good sign that this issue is alleviating itself. I've had this happen in the past and every time prior it just took a conscious step back in effort and taking hills VERY easy (like give almost 0 effort) and within a few days everything was back to normal. Thankfully with only 22 days left, it seems this issue is following a similar progression. I'm starting to enter the "hyper-awareness to injury mode" where every little thing seems like disaster, but just stay calm and smart and I'll make it to race day healthy. :car:

I was tempted to just post a pic of Jordan today, but gotta stick with the theme :)
Oddly, not very many pics of 23rd mile markers. Gonna guess at this point most people are just like "get me to the finish" but these guys look like their doing just fine!
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LOL, GOAT! I was wondering when you would have an issue finding a specific number mile marker. Seems like 21-24 was the obvious problem area since that becomes the "I gotta get through this" period of the marathon like you said. :D


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