To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

13 Weeks to Go (Lightning and Neighbors and Blisters, Oh MY!)

Another week down. A bit of a hodgepodge of all types of training runs went on this week. Let's see what happened...

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Speed +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

6/29/16 - W - Medicine Ball Workout (MBW)
6/30/16 - R - 1 mile @ 8:47 min/mile + 7 miles @ 7:33 min/mile + 2 miles @ 9:19 min/mile (6/7)
7/1/16 - F - 8 miles @ 9:11 min/mile (6/8)
7/2/16 - Sat - 10 miles @ 8:33 min/mile (6/10) + MBW
7/3/16 - Sun - 15 miles @ 8:13 min/mile (9/15)
7/4/16 - M - 8 miles @ 9:11 min/mile (4/8)
7/5/16 - T - 2.5 miles @ 9:40 min/mile + 5 x 1200m @ 6:39 min/mile with 400m RI @ 9:40 min/mile + 2.5 miles @ 10:00 min/mile (0/5)

Total mileage = 60.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 31/53 (58%)

Thursday was going to be a unusual day. My wife had to work 10am-2am because UW-Madison is switching to Under Armour and so her store decided to do a midnight opening to celebrate. The weather looked like rain/lightning for the evening forecast but they weren't solid predictions. Lastly, I had a retirement party for my boss's secretary who has been here almost 30 years to attend in the afternoon. So my MIL and daughter picked me up from the retirement party at 4:00pm and the first thing I checked was the weather. A HUGE bomb of red was headed our way. Using my unscientific means by looking at how far the weather has traveled in the last 4 hours (using my finger width on the screen of my phone) I estimated the weather would be arriving around 6:00pm. As we drove home the storm looked worse and worse out the car windows getting darker and darker. We got home around 4:45pm, and I knew my run was scheduled for 1:22 so it was going to be tough to get the whole run in before the lightning storm arrived. I literally ran into the house, threw on my clothes, and ran out the door with minimal stretching and preparedness. I think from pulling into the driveway to starting running was only about 15 min max (that's fast for me). The last thing I said to my MIL is, "If it looks bad out there, meet me at the park." I started running and typically I do a 1.5 mile warm-up but I was too anxious to get to the tempo part. So I dropped the WU to 1 mile and probably pushed the pace a tad too hard (8:47 instead of 9:47). Then I quickly hit the tempo part. I disregarded any feelings of pushing the pace too much because well "darn it, I'm going to get this run in!". Saw the first split at 7:28 and was like "WHOA, I'm 5 seconds under desired pace. That hasn't happened yet all cycle." But it was really getting tough to maintain that pace but I kept pushing. Then around interval 4 of 7, the rain started. I knew that once the rain started that the lightning wouldn't be far behind. Oddly enough, to that point I hadn't heard any thunder. I went on to hit 6/7 intervals and was very happy with where those intervals were. The pace seemed less stressful during the later portions of the run than the earlier parts. As I rounded the corner to drop off my stuff at the house to wrap up an additional 2 miles of cool-down, my MIL was coming out of the house with Gigi and was about to come find me. I said "this" (gesturing to the rain) "this is nothing!" I can run in this hard rain all day. And then I was off to finish off 2 easy miles of cool-down. Overall I was ecstatic about getting all 10 miles of the workout in, with 6/7 intervals within close pace to desired marathon pace. A big success all around. Maybe the lightning allowed me to push a little extra harder because I was motivated to finish that workout in full.

Friday was good. Nothing special.

Saturday was interesting. Nice 61 degree weather. I came up on mile 4 of 10 and saw one of my neighbors running. He had run a marathon last October as well and I've seen him a few times during that training. He hadn't been running all winter because of a knee injury and decided he was ready to get back out there. So he decided to join me for a portion of the run. I'm almost always a solo runner. But it was nice to have a fellow runner to click off the miles with. The pace was a bit out of his comfort zone (between coming off injury and not running for several months), but he did well. We talked families, training methodology, careers, etc. He helped me run 3 miles and then he headed home. It was nice. However, it did cause me to lose track of pace a bit and I was running a tad slower than desired. Oh well. No worries as everything went well.

Sunday was the first 2hr plus training run of the cycle. I was excited! I love the feeling of fatigue in the morning. My legs were tired before I started running so I was ready for the challenge of trying to hit pace on tired legs. This was also the first 100 min plus run, so it was the first time I used nutrition during the run. My goal time, VO2max, and current weight suggest I need to consume about 44g carbs per hour to stave off glycogen depletion for my marathon. My gels are 37g carbs per packet. It takes 1 oz of water for every 2 g carb to be digested, thus 37 g carb needs 18 oz water. I plan to take a gel every 6 miles because I consume approximately 3 oz per mile (3x6=18 oz). Goal marathon pace of 7:33min/mile means I run 7.94 miles per hour. Thus, I plan to consume ~49g carbs per hour. Everything was going well through 10 miles. Nice cool summer weather. No issues whatsoever. So I decided that at mile 12 I would do a slightly faster finish (not quite the Hammer) of 3 miles. Success! I slowly increased the pace without issue. Still comfortable at long run type effort down to a 7:46 min/mile. I really excel as the miles go by because I think it takes quite a bit of time for my body to warm-up. However, I got home and noticed a bloody sock. Took off the sock and noticed a massive, sore to the touch blood blister (gross I know). In fact both feet had blisters on the big-middle toe gap, but only the one on the right was bleeding. Had to limp around a bit but no long lasting concerns.

Monday was a morning run because of the holidays. Was a tad worried about the blisters but there was little to no effect on maintaining effort. In fact, the effort was super easy and I was still in the 8:55 range. This is continued good news. The 8:55 EA and 7:55-8:00 LR are fitting a pattern of me moving into a marathon time of 3:12. I am continuing to like where this is headed. This new training cycle is paying off.

And then Tuesday came. It was a 5x1200 speed day. Needless to say it did not go well. It probably goes down as one of my worst workouts in the last 1.5 years. I hit 0/6 intervals and honestly they weren't even close. It was a really frustrating workout. But.... I came home and Gigi was sitting in the window sticking her tongue out at me while she waited for me to come home. It just washes away all those negative feelings. She has a way of reminding me of my ultimate goals. So, rather than dwelling on how it didn't go well, let's evaluate reasons why it probably didn't go well.

1) It was hot. It wasn't that hot, but it was 20-30 degrees warmer than the last 3 days. Plus it was full on sun with no clouds to be found.
2) I just ran 121.75 miles in the last 13 days. That's a lot of miles. More miles than I've ever done in that timeframe. Only a year ago that would have been PR type monthly mileage. While I don't feel tired, my legs clearly do.
3) I'm squeezing every ounce of my abilities out. I'm getting to a point where my endurance is surpassing my speed abilities (that's what I want). Because of this it's becoming increasing difficult to hit my speed workouts and easier to hit the endurance workouts. I'm probably not capable of a 6:39 5K, but I'm getting more capable of running a 7:33 marathon.

So based on Tuesday's workout around 86, it now gives me a nice range of marathon predictions at this point from 55-85 degrees. It looks like in the 60s around a 3:12 and in the 80s around a 3:30.

One of my lowest % interval rates in a long time as well. The weather played a role in the % interval rates because when it was cool I was a tad fast, and when it was hot I was a tad slow. But just remember it's just another week in the overall goal of getting better. :D
What do you recommend for recovery runs if you're lactose intolerant? Some of my friends had recommended chocolate milk too and I received some post race but too afraid to try them. Is there a lactose free version? I suppose I could just google that ....

Interesting to see how the diet helped significantly with your training. I still am terrible with my eating habits (its almost 10pm and I'm eating guac + chips, m&ms, and wine ... buuuuut I've got some strawberries too - with a bowl full of sugar!). I do find I have no appetite when I veer into overtraining, but that hasn't happened for a while. However, I've found my diet has improved dramatically after I got pregnant and now I can't eat as much rich food as I used to.

I remember you gave me some diet tips, what do you think about toast with almond butter pre-race? Someone at a running store had mentioned that to me. I usually stuff a bunch of bananas into my mouth right beforehand. I do stop the alcohol at least 3 days before a race and carb/water load the week before and try to eat more healthily. Although the night before my 10k, my friend and I got trashed at my husband's college reunion homecoming - huge mistake! Major headache after a few miles. Hanson's gives some advice about diet too, but I haven't really looked closely at it since I'm not racing for a while.

I'm typically do my morning runs on an empty stomach (except coffee) and without fuel to train my body to use and store glycogen more efficiently. I try to get a good meal in afterwards, but if I don't would like to know a good post run recovery? Maybe that almond butter toast? Not sure why almond butter is better than peanut butter.
Glad MIL and Gigi didn't need to bail you out!! Eek!

Great week...this heat is such a killer. Next few months will be interesting! :eek:
What do you recommend for recovery runs if you're lactose intolerant? Some of my friends had recommended chocolate milk too and I received some post race but too afraid to try them. Is there a lactose free version? I suppose I could just google that ....
Butting in: chocolate almond milk was the first thing I thought of, but I'm not totally sure that it would have the same benefits?
What do you recommend for recovery runs if you're lactose intolerant? Some of my friends had recommended chocolate milk too and I received some post race but too afraid to try them. Is there a lactose free version? I suppose I could just google that ....

Interesting to see how the diet helped significantly with your training. I still am terrible with my eating habits (its almost 10pm and I'm eating guac + chips, m&ms, and wine ... buuuuut I've got some strawberries too - with a bowl full of sugar!). I do find I have no appetite when I veer into overtraining, but that hasn't happened for a while. However, I've found my diet has improved dramatically after I got pregnant and now I can't eat as much rich food as I used to.

I remember you gave me some diet tips, what do you think about toast with almond butter pre-race? Someone at a running store had mentioned that to me. I usually stuff a bunch of bananas into my mouth right beforehand. I do stop the alcohol at least 3 days before a race and carb/water load the week before and try to eat more healthily. Although the night before my 10k, my friend and I got trashed at my husband's college reunion homecoming - huge mistake! Major headache after a few miles. Hanson's gives some advice about diet too, but I haven't really looked closely at it since I'm not racing for a while.

I'm typically do my morning runs on an empty stomach (except coffee) and without fuel to train my body to use and store glycogen more efficiently. I try to get a good meal in afterwards, but if I don't would like to know a good post run recovery? Maybe that almond butter toast? Not sure why almond butter is better than peanut butter.


So pre-run is more about what tastes good to you and can be tolerated in a timely manner before the run. The exact item doesn't matter as much since it's a solid food it's less likely to be a source of energy because it hasn't fully digested yet. With that being said, I typically eat a white bagel with peanut butter and a banana. I think if you choose to eat toast and almond butter with a banana that will work great. I'd choose white toast over wheat toast because of the sugar content, glycemic index and the rapid digestive properties that white has over wheat. In any other non-pre-run situation I would always choose the wheat option, but here it appears white bread is superior.

Nothing wrong with running on an empty stomach in the morning. The key is to make sure the run's duration does not exceed 90 minutes. If it does, make sure to consume some carbs during the run. Doing runs on an empty stomach is called Depletion Training. These can be done frequently under 90 minutes without issue. Over 90 minute runs, I would only do them every 3-4 weeks and no closer than 10 weeks to your race. Otherwise, over 90 minutes should have a breakfast or a conscious effort to take in carbs during running.

So if you're lactose intolerant there are a few options. The question becomes what makes chocolate milk an optimal recovery drink?

1) Liquid form - means it digests quickly and can get to the muscles faster
2) Ratio of 4:1 Carb to Protein - Science has shown somewhere around 3:1 to 4:1 is an optimal ratio of carbs and protein consumption for post-run recovery. It just so happens chocolate milk fits that profile.
3) Combination of Amino Acids - Milk has a blend of amino acids naturally occurring that absorb well because of the other components of milk. These aid in muscle repair and reducing inflammation.

From a quick google search, there appears to be several lactose free milk options available. I think one of the keys is that your first choice should be a milk from a cow with the lactose removed. There are soy, almond, rice, oat etc. options but I believe the milk from a cow makes a difference because of the animal protein source. If you choose to use almond milk consider adding in a pure protein source from a cow that is lacking lactose (like whey, if you want a vegetarian option than soy). The vegetarian options tend to be missing the amino acids necessary for the inflammation reductions so keep an eye out for that as well. Then just add a powder (I like powder because no high fructose corn syrup) based chocolate mix (I use Nesquik) to the milk to make your chocolate milk (companies tend to overcharge for adding the chocolate themselves).

Another option that is better than chocolate milk are commercially available products. However, they tend to be more expensive. Brands like UCAN and Endurox are good options. Although I have always gone for the cheaper option of chocolate milk.

No matter what liquid recovery source you choose, try to take it within 15 minutes of finishing. I view the body's acceptance and recovery profile as a spectrum. The closer to finishing the run you can consume the recovery drink the better. As you move from 15 min to 30 to 60 to 90, the body becomes less interested in that immediate repair of the muscles.

With that being said, after the recovery drink of 15 min post run, you should try and consume a large meal with loads of protein, carbs and fat within 90 minutes of completing the run. The almond butter toast is an ok option, but not the best because it's not likely big enough to elicit all the benefits of recovery.

Thus, there are two optimal recovery windows: 15 min for liquid source and 90 min for solid source.

Glad MIL and Gigi didn't need to bail you out!! Eek!

Yea it never ended up getting bad until much later in the night, so I got lucky. Always like to have those contingency plans.

Great week...this heat is such a killer. Next few months will be interesting! :eek:

Thanks! Totally agree that the heat makes such a difference. It's making me reconsider my plans for my October 2017 BQ marathon attempt. Preliminarily, I was thinking 5K/10K work in Spring 2017 and then follow the same aggressive plan I'm doing now up till that October race. But I might change the speed intervals in the marathon plan (what I'm doing now) into HM long distance intervals instead. I'm finding it super tough to hit these speed paces in this heat, and might be better served with something a little slower but longer in distance. We'll see, just a thought at this point.

Butting in: chocolate almond milk was the first thing I thought of, but I'm not totally sure that it would have the same benefits?

It's definitely a good option. I would recommend with something like that to check the ratio of carb:protein to ensure it's close to 3:1-4:1. Almond milk tends to have a lower and more incomplete protein source than does animal protein. However, just adding in an additional protein source (like whey or soy) can boost the almond chocolate milk's benefits.

Thanks for the responses @Ariel484 and @DopeyBadger ! I'll definitely look into some soy/almond milk w chocolate + whey. Once I start buying those ingredients, my husband will know I'm definitely serious about training. I wonder what the chocolate adds - carbs? I think chocolate soy milk is an ok choice, it has 4:1 ratio of carbs:protein (chocolate milk has 3.5:1). Too bad I don't really like milk, especially chocolate milk!
Thanks for the responses @Ariel484 and @DopeyBadger ! I'll definitely look into some soy/almond milk w chocolate + whey. Once I start buying those ingredients, my husband will know I'm definitely serious about training. I wonder what the chocolate adds - carbs? I think chocolate soy milk is an ok choice, it has 4:1 ratio of carbs:protein (chocolate milk has 3.5:1). Too bad I don't really like milk, especially chocolate milk!

The chocolate adds a palatable flavor for most and the addition of some simple sugar carbs that absorb very quickly.
1) It was hot. It wasn't that hot, but it was 20-30 degrees warmer than the last 3 days. Plus it was full on sun with no clouds to be found.
2) I just ran 121.75 miles in the last 13 days. That's a lot of miles. More miles than I've ever done in that timeframe. Only a year ago that would have been PR type monthly mileage. While I don't feel tired, my legs clearly do.
3) I'm squeezing every ounce of my abilities out. I'm getting to a point where my endurance is surpassing my speed abilities (that's what I want). Because of this it's becoming increasing difficult to hit my speed workouts and easier to hit the endurance workouts. I'm probably not capable of a 6:39 5K, but I'm getting more capable of running a 7:33 marathon.

I'm not trying to be negative in any way, but just to make sure you are thinking of every possibility, inability to maintain speed intervals can also be a sign of over-training, so please be careful and pay attention to your body going forward. I know you are good about going by feeling, so I'm sure things are fine, and your heat/sun and endurance/speed arguments make complete sense, but as your friend Luke Humphrey says, we want to live in the overreaching world where we maximize improvement, but we also need to be very careful not to fall into the over-training world where we do our bodies more harm than good.

But.... I came home and Gigi was sitting in the window sticking her tongue out at me while she waited for me to come home. It just washes away all those negative feelings. She has a way of reminding me of my ultimate goals.

This still amazes me how, you can have a really, really bad day for whatever reason, and a one-second encounter with your kid(s) can erase it all. I'm glad you added that detail to your training log!
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I'm not trying to be negative in any way, but just to make sure you are thinking of every possibility, inability to maintain speed intervals can also be a sign of over-training, so please be careful and pay attention to your body going forward. I know you are good about going by feeling, so I'm sure things are fine, and your heat/sun and endurance/speed arguments make complete sense, but as your friend Luke Humphrey says, we want to live in the overreaching world where we maximize improvement, but we also need to be very careful not to fall into the over-training world where we do our bodies more harm than good.

I think it's a very valid point. I feel like I am walking much closer to that fine line then I've done in the last two Hansons cycles. As you point out running by feel should help alleviate this, but can be misleading if I'm not paying attention to all of the signs. It will definitely be something I need to pay close attention to in the next couple of workouts, especially the easy/long run days. If I need to pull back because my effort isn't matching scheduled paces then so be it. I like the Luke quote!

This still amazes me how, you can have a really, really bad day for what ever reason, and a one-second encounter with your kid(s) can erase it all. I'm glad you added that detail to your training log!

Tempo run today of 8 miles. I hit 0/8 paces. The temp + dew point was 151, which was very uncomfortable. Full on sun as well. However the interesting thing to note is that last Tuesday's average speed pace was 7:04 (my perceived effort for a 5K). The matching marathon pace effort to a 7:04 5K is a 8:02. And today I ran a..... 8:02. :D Gotta be happy about similar condition runs giving me matching effort paces even if they're far off the scheduled paces.
Somehow I got way behind on your journal, but I'm caught back up again! Congrats on your new record for most miles in a week. That's a lot of running!!
Somehow I got way behind on your journal, but I'm caught back up again! Congrats on your new record for most miles in a week. That's a lot of running!!

Thanks! It felt like a lot of running too. But still feeling strong! Making good progress!
Just another ho hum 60+ mile week for you. Lol. What's the max you're going to get up to?

LOL! Ho-hum 60 mile week! The peak of the plan depends on how you evaluate a week, but it's...

Sunday-Monday (Garmin Week) - 71.5 (10:07:41)
Monday-Sunday (Strava Week) - 71 (10:03:25)
Thursday-Tuesday (6-day Cycle Week) - 70.5 (9:59:08)
That's a lot of running but you should feel good about you fitness on race day. Keep up the solid work.

Thanks! I'm hoping this extra push takes me to the next level. I'm very happy with the progress to date and interested to see how things go from here.
Life just got very interesting for the next week and a half. I am not at liberty to discuss further. Crossing my fingers that I can still maintain the training.
Life just got very interesting for the next week and a half. I am not at liberty to discuss further. Crossing my fingers that I can still maintain the training.

Hmmm… let the speculation begin. It has to be really big for there to be even a remote possibility that @DopeyBadger misses a workout.

The President called and needs some urgent scientific analysis? No. The Hanson brothers arrived and want him to (i) write their next marathon training book and (ii) change his last name to Hanson as well? No. He found the Pokemon Go app and can't stop playing? No. He's really a superhero and has a world-saving mission to accomplish? No.

Okay, I give up. In any case, I hope all goes well… and that you will get to spill the beans at some point.
Life just got very interesting for the next week and a half. I am not at liberty to discuss further. Crossing my fingers that I can still maintain the training.

Respecting that you can't discuss further, here's hoping that things work out for the best regardless of what "interesting" means in this context.
Hmmm… let the speculation begin. It has to be really big for there to be even a remote possibility that @DopeyBadger misses a workout.

The President called and needs some urgent scientific analysis? No. The Hanson brothers arrived and want him to (i) write their next marathon training book and (ii) change his last name to Hanson as well? No. He found the Pokemon Go app and can't stop playing? No. He's really a superhero and has a world-saving mission to accomplish? No.

Okay, I give up. In any case, I hope all goes well… and that you will get to spill the beans at some point.

Can't be Pokemon Go. I think he caught 'em all on his last training run.


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