to ebay sellers

Susie Dismom

Mar 3, 2002
Not totally Disney, but all $$ will be used for Disney trip so.......... How complicated is it to set up as a seller on ebay? I read through it quickly and generally, and it seemed rather involved, but I've heard so much success that I'm curious to try. I bought a few things off ebay, and that was easy. But, its always easy to spend money:D The things that confuse me the most is which forms of payment to accept (how do I accept credit?) and how to figure shipping. I hope it is not too inappropriate to post these questions on this board. Thanks for any answers!!
Also, how secure is all the info you are required to enter to be an ebay seller? I am still an internet chicken - really worry about transactions being public knowledge!
I am interested in doing the same thing. But when I went to sign up as a seller I got really nervous when they wanted my checking acct. info. I don't think I want to give them that. They also have the ID Verify thing, but then it says something about your credit report. I am curious as to how others have handled this as well. Sorry I can't answer your question- but thanks for posting it!
Ebay is a secured Website. Any info you enter is private. I've been selling on Ebay for 3 years, and never had a problem with privacy. I use Paypal to accept credit cards, and it's completely secured. They will wire the money to my bank account and it will arrive for me to use within 2 days. I usually use it like a savings account - if I'm selling a lot, I wait and have all the money sent at one time to my bank account. We will probably be moving before Disney .... our house goes on the market Monday and they are selling instantly in our region (I'm a little nervous I'll be homeless since I refuse to move unless it's to a better house). Anything I can sell instead of pack means extra Disney $.
I agree with everything Kim says. Believe me, in this day and age, if someone wants to get your info, it's a piece of cake, no matter where you buy or sell.

Remember, people are going to be trusting you...they'll be sending you money before you send your item. They are all ready going out on a limb.

If you follow the tutorial eBay has for new sellers, it's really a piece of cake. I've helped many a person get started on eBay, and most of that took place via instand message...not even in person.

Also keep in mind..this is eBay's slow time. Unless you have something that people are actively looking for or wanting right now, sales are lower than norm. People are on vacations, at the pool etc.
I regularly sell on EBAY, been doing so since 1998. This current round (last 3 weeks) has netted me nearly $2100 which has paid for all 4 tickets to Disney World:D , our room at the All-Star:D , and money towards our spending money:earsboy: !!! I have found it safe and easy, I recommend using which is an auction management service (you can scan pictures, create nice listings, pick your launch times, etc...), I also use Paypal (some may not like it, but it works great for me).
Congrats on your great sales. However, it is sort of unrealistic (IMO), for a new seller with no feedback to expect such high sales in three weeks unless they have a really great product to sell. So, although I have no doubt, that you will make some money on eBay, I don't believe a newby selling stuff from around the house, will net $700 a week (the diff between gross and net, is the net is the clear profit..gross is the profit with the amount you paid for the item and fees still in the amount you made). I've been sellling for years, and I would love to count on an extra $700 net! Want to share what type of items you sell?

Another thing to remember (although this may not be the case here, since that was your net) when you hear people on boards say their eBay sales this week were $1,000, they may be selling an antique that they bought for $990, and clearing $10. Just don't want people to get their hopes up too much. All of the eBay boards are talking about the lack of people "cuising" on eBay this week/month, and most people's sales are down.
I agree with Auction Watch, although again, I think a newby can much more easily start with eBays free listing and picture service..unless you intend to use more than one pic..then I would start out with AW picture service. One you get the "feel" of it, you could switch over to AW's pay service. I like it because of the auction management and the ability to get auctions ready and post at a later time..although eBay will soon offer that also.
Originally posted by Mickeycrazy
This current round (last 3 weeks) has netted me nearly $2100 which has paid for all 4 tickets to Disney World:D , our room at the All-Star:D , and money towards our spending money

Originally posted by DMRick
I've been sellling for years, and I would love to count on an extra $700 net! Want to share what type of items you sell?

LOL, I have never met an eBayer who makes a lot of money that will tell you what they sell!
Here are more realistic newbie-to-ebay results. I started 2 weeks ago with stuff around the house- Craft supplies, kids pj's and clothes etc. So far I have grossed $185- net $168.23. I still have a few things pending and I have been careful not to screw myself with shipping expenses. I have gone over what I charged a couple of times, but I have also gone under and I add a little bit to the shipping for things like bubble wrap and packing supplies.
I am finding it really fun and it is exciting to see your auctions take off.

I figure since I was going to toss this stuff anyways, it is a good start for me. :)
LOL, I have never met an eBayer who makes a lot of money that will tell you what they sell!

LOL..notice I didn't ask what she sold..just what type. It makes a big difference if you are wholesaleing, selling antiques, or clothes the kids outgrew, or gifts from Aunt Susie that only a person on eBay would want!

Your amount of profit is more realistic for a newbie..but even you will run out of the above items before you need to start garage saleing, and asking relatives if they want their attics cleaned out..and you won't charge them much <g>.

Also, it depends on if you are selling a bunch of $15.00 items at .55 for listing fee, and .25 for gallery photo, or one big item. My profit percentage is much lower, since I have Auction Watch fees, eBay fees, Paypal fees, and because I'm not selling stuff from my attic, I have to pay self-employment tax. It really eats into profits. I still find it very profitable.
I just wanted to say thanks DMRick. I think that you have been a great resource to those of us who are thinking of selling stuff on e-bay. I have been reading and researching how e-bay works and reading the forums.

I'll still not sure how easy it is to sell on e-bay but I would like to try. I have a lot of stuff that I have bought really cheap (can't pass up a really good sale) and I am not using. I'd like to just sell enough to make a little pocket change. If I'd make enough to go on a vacation once a year ($2000 or so). Would something like that be realistic?

Right now I'm buying a few things to up my rating and waiting. I know that I'll not start selling until fall.

SharBear...I think you have a great chance of doing fine, and getting that one vacation a year! One thing I do want to mention, is beware of buying and selling. You generally are all right, if you are buying your childrens clothing, and reselling on eBay. You often are not making a profit doing that (but it sure beats the .25 from a garage sale!) seldom get more for used clothes than you pay for them. However, what you are talking about doing now, is running a business. Buying new and reselling. Although you seldom hear of someone getting "caught", technically, you are running a business. You may owe income tax on your first dollar, if you have another job, or file with your spouse.
I have an actual business, so I file a schedule C and take my expenses off there. If you file misc income, you actually end up paying more taxes (versus Schedule C). The only people I personally know that have been "caught" have been people who were either traced via "bragging" on a board (usually an eBay board, and posted their eBay site, which leads to their real name in contact's a very competitive business), or reported by a jealous friend. So, I would recommend, if someone is going to go "gung ho" on selling on eBay, and reselling items (not your own used items) you keep this in mind : )
Just an aside.
So, I would recommend, if someone is going to go "gung ho" on selling on eBay, and reselling items (not your own used items) you keep this in mind : )

I agree, selling your own previously purchased items falls under the catagory of yard sales, and since tax was paid at time of the original purchase there is no interest by the state or federal tax authorities. If, however, you choose to become a wholesaler or other type of seller, selling new goods you should be filing appropriate taxs.
Thanks for the advise. I have bought things in the past that I have never used. Somtimes the bargain was too great and I bought stuff that I didn't end up using. I just wanted to sell that stuff and used stuff that I don't use anymore. I see what you are saying. I don't want to make a business of this and I will be careful. This is why I am not jumping into selling on e-bay right away. I think that there is money to be made but I think that you have to be careful. There are a lot more rules that I need to be aware of. I signed up for a forum on yahoo groups and am looking on the forums on ebay.

Thanks so much for sharing information. It has been really helpful.

I love E-bay! I was hesitant about getting started though. I just started about a month ago, just selling my little girls dresses and some baby clothes. I made about $130 from selling 26 items. Some of these I sold in lots of 3 outfits, but most were just single items. You really have to stay on top of things (communication with customers, shipping, etc) , because you get feedback from your customers-either positive, neutral, or negative, and they get posted by your name.

I have really enjoyed selling!!!-getting rid of old things from around the house, and making money at the same time. I have noticed, at least with clothing, that people mailnly look for brand-name items (Tommy Hil., Abercrombie, etc.) I does depend on what you sell to make a great profit. My brother searches yard sales to find name brand stuff to sell on e-bay--he has made a lot more than me!! He once paid $6.00 for an old polaroid camera--and it sold for $220!! It must have been worth that to some people as he had 17 people bid on it at auction's end.

I think you should go for it!! I am not worried about the security of the site...Ebay is a reputible company, of which I have heard good things about only--and it is fun!
I LOVE selling on eBay. I've been selling on eBay for about 2 1/2 years now. My favorite form of Payment is Pay Pal because you can let your money grow or you can use the money you earned to pay for an auction you won then you don't have to
use a credit card when shopping on eBay. Once I sold so much stuff from around the house on eBay it was like having an online yard sale. To give you an idea of how much I sold.... my eBay seller fee's were up to $250 -$260. I have no idea how
much money I took in because I got it all at different times (eBay Payments, Pay Pal, Check, Money Order, etc...) but I think eBay charges 2.5% - 5% of the final bid of your item. That was in 2 weeks. So if I paid eBay $250 or so then you know I made
a lot more than that.

I think the best way to choose what your going to sell on eBay is to just go through your house and grab things you'd sell in a yard sale. Stack it all in one room then take pics of everything and list it all one at a time. Don't under estimate ANYTHING! Even if you think it's junk list it any way. $2 plus $5 shipping and handling on something that only cost you .50 cents to ship is still a profit and that money adds up. I even sell old clothes I don't wear. Lets say you have a shirt that you can sell in a yard sale for .25 cents... you can take that same shirt and sell it on eBay for $2 - $9 plus $5 or $6 shipping and handling. Which would you rather? I'd
say HECK NO to the .25 cents in the yard sale any day!

Guess what I'm trying to say is that eBay is GREAT. It's like having a yard sale with out dragging your stuff in the middle of your yard for your friends to see and you make 10 times the money of a yard sale and people don't try to jew you down on
your prices. You don't have to worry about someone coming in your yard falling and trying to sue you and you don't have to put up with the public.
If you want to accept credit card payments check out

It is run by citibank and there are no fees. It's the way Paypal used to be. You can make payments and accept credit card payments and then get a check or transfer it into you bank account with no charge.

Thanks for mentioning c2it. I'm going to look into it, as these Paypal fees are killing me!! :rolleyes:


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