Time or money...which is more important


DIS Veteran
Mar 7, 2001
I'm sure with different situations, the answer will be different but which is more valuable to you at this point in your life? Time or money?

Right now I am wrestling with that decision. I have a 2 hour commute, each way. To shorten that commute I need to move. Moving closer to DC will be way more expensive than where I am currently. So I need to choose between time and money. It is actually a tougher choice than I thought it would be. So which is more important to you...your time, or your earnings?
I'd be willing to spend more to get some time. BUT not "way" more. Are there other benefits to moving closer? Better housing? Better Schools? Better parks? Easier to go out and "do things"?
It depends - what do you want that extra time for? And how much is that worth to you?

Once upon a time it was more important for DH to have a short commute to spend more time with family. As the kids have gotten older, and have become involved in their own activities, the commute has gotten longer.
The biggest thing I want the extra time for is to study for the CPA exams. Getting home after 7 every night will make that hard, very hard. Studying is the biggest motivator to move. On the other hand, we would be going from a 3 bed 2.5 bath townhome with a garage to a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath apartment or condo for more money. We would have to do a lot of downsizing over the next couple of months. The pain in the butt of moving is a huge motivator to stay. I think it is more of an issue than the money. The savings in commuting makes up for some of the increased housing costs but man...moving sucks! DBF and I keep going back and forth on wanting to move or not. We change our minds daily it seems. :/ Right now I think we've settled on staying where we are one more year and downsizing our stuff over that time. But then again it would be great to be home at 6 or so and not spend 4 hours a day going to and from work. We are both indecisive at times and this is one of those times. lol
If you decide to move, you're going to have to find the time to sort, sell, store, pack, and move on top of that commute. How will that cut into your study time? I'd consider spending a little money to streamline other aspects of life (hire a housekeeper, cook in bulk one day or do more take out, carpool or use public transportation so you can read during some of the commuting time, go to work an hour earlier so you can leave earlier, etc.) and use that found time to study rather than move right now.

(PS- I used to commute 4 hours daily so I know what a drag that can be!)

4 hours a day commuting is tough. I did it (actually longer than 4 hours most days), for no pay, driving my kids back and forth to their private school.

While expenses may be more in the city, you will also be saving some money by having lower gas expenses if you drive (not to talk about wear and tear on your vehicle) or if you use public transit you'll save those costs.
We rent so at least we don't have to worry about selling. I don't need to start studying until mid-summer so that would be after the move, if there is one. I hope to have all 4 parts (5 if you count ethics) complete by the end of 2016 so studying will be a long-term commitment. It will be way harder than school has been and 100x more time consuming. I will get my bachelor's in accounting in May and want to take a few months off from school/studying. I want to enjoy my weekends for a while. :) As it is now, I leave home at 5:40 and don't get home until a little after 7. Not sure how much earlier I want to go to work. I slept in today (headache) so I didn't even get to work until 9:45. Now I'm stuck here until 6:15. :( Sleeping in was nice, staying late...no so much. lol

I do use mass transit, a bus then the metro, for a cost of $280 per month. That would be way less if we moved. I read for pleasure on the metro, until I get annoyed by fellow travelers and tourists. I have tried to do homework on the metro before and I just couldn't do it. Kudos to those that can. I am not one of them. I have tried several times.

Obviously this is a decision DBF and I are making. I am just curious as to what others think is more valuable and maybe there is some aspect that I hadn't considered one way or the other.
No way would I commute for 4 hours each day. Have you looked for jobs closer to where you are now? That would be my first choice. Are you working in an accounting firm now? If not, add a few hours/day to your current schedule Jan-April+, like 10 hours/day some days.
Time. On your deathbed, you will not be wishing for more money, I guarantee that.

I think the trick in America is recognizing when you have "enough" money and start taking back your time. I jumped off the corporate gravy train 9 years ago. We have "enough" (not rich, but enough), and I'd rather spend my time enjoying my children and my life than bowing to the corporate bosses. :-)
Rent is more reasonable outside of the DC area obviously. Not sure where you are looking but my daughter lived in Alexandria VA for years when stationed in DC. Beautiful area and affordable extremely close to DC.

Now to answer your question ALWAYS time is more important you can never get it back. I have never commuted more than an hour each way in my life and that would be absolutely pushing it for me.
The biggest thing I want the extra time for is to study for the CPA exams. Getting home after 7 every night will make that hard, very hard. Studying is the biggest motivator to move. On the other hand, we would be going from a 3 bed 2.5 bath townhome with a garage to a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath apartment or condo for more money. We would have to do a lot of downsizing over the next couple of months. The pain in the butt of moving is a huge motivator to stay. I think it is more of an issue than the money. The savings in commuting makes up for some of the increased housing costs but man...moving sucks! DBF and I keep going back and forth on wanting to move or not. We change our minds daily it seems. :/ Right now I think we've settled on staying where we are one more year and downsizing our stuff over that time. But then again it would be great to be home at 6 or so and not spend 4 hours a day going to and from work. We are both indecisive at times and this is one of those times. lol

Your commute does stink.

I have moved so much that part would not scare me. We are moving again, lol. Where, we don't know, but we are selling this house! Last kid is off to college in the fall.

So in your situation, time would be more important to me than money. I like to be in bed at 9pm, lol.
Both. When I was in the exact situation, deciding whether to move or commute 2 hours, I found a job 10 minutes from where I was living instead.
It's not about finding another job. It's between living closer for more money and more time or living further away for less money and less time.
Besides where you currently live being cheaper do you like it? I guess what I am asking is do you think you would like living closer to DC better than where you currently live?

I just gave up a shorter in town commute to live in our dream home. Even though I now spend more time commuting, I live bordering a National Park is a much safer area. So I made the decision to give up some time, I guess. However, 4 hours a day does seem extreme and I see how that would be a problem.
I do like where I live. But I think I'd like living somewhere else too. lol

We are looking at silver spring, Rockville or Columbia. Those would be a good location for both of our commutes.

Tonight we talked about it again. I'm thinking Maybe we stay here through the summer and then move. Gives more time to take care of stuff and find a new place. The commute in the Summer is a lot easier too.


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