Things I learned from my most recent trip...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I love it when people stop in front of me!

I like that umbrella trick...might have to try that out when I go... :rolleyes1
Verrrry sad...and funny!

Though I have to confess, I have had to take dd3 to the bathroom a couple of times and join Daddy and ds6 waiting in line. This was only in lines where it was easy to catch up (i.e Peter Pan) and the people around us saw us all in line together...and THEN my dd would announce, "I have to pee". People were sympathetic.

If she made this exclamation on a more difficult queue, like entering the Haunted Mansion....we all got out of line. or dh and ds went w/out us, and we rode later. I can't imagine pushing past a bunch of people to join my group just b/c I was the FP runner as the OP mentioned.

Actually, I AM the FP runner, and my group waits for me at the entrance to the ride while I grab them, then we all go in together. Wouldn't dream of doing it otherwise. :goodvibes
ms.ojo said:
Verrrry sad...and funny!

Though I have to confess, I have had to take dd3 to the bathroom a couple of times and join Daddy and ds6 waiting in line. This was only in lines where it was easy to catch up (i.e Peter Pan) and the people around us saw us all in line together...and THEN my dd would announce, "I have to pee". People were sympathetic.

If she made this exclamation on a more difficult queue, like entering the Haunted Mansion....we all got out of line. or dh and ds went w/out us, and we rode later. I can't imagine pushing past a bunch of people to join my group just b/c I was the FP runner as the OP mentioned.

Actually, I AM the FP runner, and my group waits for me at the entrance to the ride while I grab them, then we all go in together. Wouldn't dream of doing it otherwise. :goodvibes

I think there is a huge difference between a parent and small child or children rejoining a line . . . I think he was referring to large groups of older people. In which case, I suddenly come down with a severe case of "no habla". ;)
Kick Save said:
- If you have a party of 5 or more people, make sure to walk shoulder to shoulder down any and all pathways, and under no circumstances should you move for oncoming traffic, even if the oncoming traffic is already single file and turning sideways against the bushes to avoid you.

Too funny! :rotfl: I think I'll have my group of 7 walk down Main Street arm-in-arm and dare anyone to try to push through us! :rolleyes1
:sunny: My favorite is when we go to a show and they announce move to the end of your row, and you have to climb over because they are'nt giving up thier center row seat. :guilty:
Thanks all for the laughs...that was the intention. :)

DisneyDotty said:
Wow! Sounds like all the rude/obnoxious people followed your same itinerary! I have to say that when we were there a month ago, I was fortunate to encounter very few of these "rule followers."
Actually, no, it wasn't that bad, just sharing for entertainment purposes only. When DW and I would encounter "them" we'd make a note of it and chuckle. The only group of these folks that came close to ruining a moment for us are the stand-in-front-of-those-people-facing-the-Castle people. We had a nice spot in front of CP for Wishes, had it for at least 45 minutes complete with a spot where I could set up my camera, then 10 minutes before teh fireworks...WHAMMO, 6 people from Brazil walked up and stood right in front of us. Didn't even acknowledge our presence. Turned and smiled at us once, that was it. Politely asking for them to move netted us nothing. (Wish I'd known the umbrella trick before... :lmao: ) In the end, we still had a good view of Wishes, but I got no photos of it.

But I do need to add a rule--Don't bother checking the menu at a CS restaurant until you're at the cashier. Those 5-10 minutes waiting in line are better spent yelling at your kids or picking your nose rather than actually figuring out what you want to eat. (I seemed to follow these "rule followers" around WDW last month! DH had to remind me to count to ten!) :sunny:
Oops...this was me, but I have a valid excuse. Thanks to following along with the UG/TGM in the mornings, I was eating lunch at 11:30 and there was one person in line in front of me, and he was paying when I walked up. I had no time to study...didn't stop the cashier from giving me a "look" when I asked my son if he wanted lemonade or chocolate milk... (There was nobody behind me, not sure what her rush was.)'re in the clear. Kiddie having to pee is entirely different from jumping in line then having 8 people march by to "catch up." When I've been in that situation, I let the people between us go past and then catch my party at the end of the gap, not force my way to the beginning.

More additions for the list...

- When taking a photo of a friend in front of a photogenic object, make sure you take up the entire area for three or four photos before you leave. Also, if possible, review the photos on your friends digital camera while still blocking the area for other people, this insures your best possible photograph.

- Even though the cast members say, "Please have your bags open for inspection," prior to entering all parks, they don't really mean it. Make sure to have it closed and act surprised the guards even want to look into your bag when you get there. This action will allow the guard to open your bag FOR you, thus relieving you of the tedious task.

- When arriving in late afternoon, there is no need to follow the CM directing traffic. He/she has no clue what's going on in that parking lot, just drive past them to find something better. No, don't stop and talk to them, that might result in them directing you somewhere close, just drive past, preferrably at a high rate of speed ignoring the pedestrians in the parking lot.

The converse for that...

- When leaving the park in the evenings, after departing the tram and looking for your vehicle, be sure to walk down the middle and ONLY the middle of the lane between the cars. That line of cars behind you going 4 MPH as you walk to the far end of the row will be fine as you're doing them a favor by making sure their AC is cold before they get to the park exit. (If you can feign a slight limp because your feet are tired, the effect is even better because you have the ONLY two tired feet in the greater Orlando area at that moment.)
BlindTyldak said:
I think there is a huge difference between a parent and small child or children rejoining a line . . . I think he was referring to large groups of older people. In which case, I suddenly come down with a severe case of "no habla". ;)

I thought so....(and so the OP posted to me too :goodvibes ) but I wanted to make sure. :love:
The last person that stopped dead in front of me ended up with my hot coffee all over her. We were in fast moving foot traffic entering the park and she not only stopped but stepped backward right into me giving me no options to avoid a collision.

She turned to give me the stink eye & her companion said to this obviously frequent offender, "See, I told you that's what happens when you keep stopping in traffic!"

I didn't get a drop of coffee on me btw - true karma ;) Ever since then I always figure these folks eventually get theirs like this woman did...I just might not be lucky enough to see it every time.

Thanks for the laughs OP!
Earlier this month we had the "pleasure" of receiving the stink eye from 2, count 'em, 2, middle-aged couples who had the nerve to start by having one couple say "excuse me", to our family to bypass us in the line for Spaceship Earth, as if they were joining members of their party already in line. We couldn't have cared less about letting them move around us & were completely shocked when they passed us, only to stop in line immediately before us -- without meeting up with anyone!

The real jaw-dropper happened when the second couple came up through the line behind us & went through the same routine -- to join the other couple who had already made sure they wouldn't have to wait in line behind the likes of us! When they saw the shocked looks on our faces, we were then treated to a full performance of stink eye, as if we had done something to them! :crazy:
:rotfl: All too true, all too funny! Just got back, from a bit of a rough week as far as crowds go, they surely followed all of the OPs suggestions! For the most part, I encountered great people at the parks, just happy to be there. I found that if your party of 6 are in line, and grandson(4) says "I gotta go", I think it may be better to let him and mom try to make it back thru the line to meet up with party, because we didn't get many nice looks or coments when all 6 of us decided to back out of the line and wait for them. (sorry ;) )
Just got back on the 13th. Oh boy, can I relate to the lack of deodorant/showers thing. You can't miss that stench. I had to keep blocking out the fact that we would be sitting on the same seats they just got off of. It was so hot every day during our stay, I didn't feel good unless I had 3 showers and a dip in the pool. No, I'm not kidding.

Anyhow, before I add to the list, please note we had a magical time! :)
But here goes:

Please keep your cell phone raised and lit up during the duration of HM while you stare into it. I was really spooked by your inconsideration.

When you ride the Speedway, make sure you stop your car for a few minutes so your non-riding camera toting friend who is standing on the bridge overhead, can take your picture... again and again and again. The traffic jam you created was such a thrill in 97 degree weather coupled with hot rod fumes. :rolleyes:

Please make sure you grope your teenage girlfriend in inappropriate ways while in line at same Speedway.

Oh, and in the long line to order lunch at Electric Umbrella, after you finally place your order with the CM, please stay awhile and ask her her life's story. She won't mind the 40 year age difference and will be happy to oblige while the rest of us stand by in the long line behind you, hungry and eager to order lunch but we can't until you stop asking her personal questions or she stops answering them.

Please complain loudly and yell out profanities while in line at BTMR. We all appreciated hearing the F and P words in front of our children (this idiot was reported, he was warned, but I felt he should have been asked to leave).

Ladies, wear the shortest shorts possible with no underwear.

Oh, and if you have to ask any questions in the parks, make sure your entire family goes up to the ride entrance and blocks the path leading to the ride until all your questions have been answered.

Ok, sorry, it does sound like I'm nit picking, but people, it was HOT OUT THERE!!!!! Whew! These few episodes did not damper the wonderful time we had. It could have been so much worse. :thumbsup2

Oh, Tink reminded me of a couple more...

- When going to get your fastpasses, remember to take your entire party with you. When you get to the machines, make sure they crowd around you watching the magic of this machine that spits out little pieces of paper and that they block at minimum the two machines on either side of the one your using. This will ensure you get the best fastpass time available without those other pesky people at the park getting one for the same 1 hour window, you'll be in line 5 minutes before them.

- Upon returning with your fastpass, make sure to return at least 5 minutes before your window and stand at the entrance with your large group to pass those last few minutes. Again, this will ensure your optimum place in line, and you won't miss out on a minute of your available window. Again, the run-to-queue, grab-hand-rail, hold-off-other-guests technique will get you an even better spot in line.


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