The Walking Dead on AMC

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I agree. For people that have read the comics, is the show deviating a lot? or is it following the storyline in the books?
just curious
for the show I think Shane is good, and I hate to see him killed.

The show is quite a bit different from the comic. Shane died pretty early on in the comic series.
I'm so excited for the Governor storyline. I wonder whether they'll be able to do that little sick bit from Issue #43, or whether the network will even allow that...
All I can say is that I'm done guessing when it comes to this show!! Just when I think I've got it figured out (usually because someone tells me something happens in the books, so I assume...), they turn me on my ear.

I reminds be of how absolutely SURE I was that I knew who was in the car in the season finale of the first season of True Blood. I was telling everyone that I knew exactly who it was, because I had read the book.

I felt pretty stupid when season 2 premiered. :rotfl2:
Killing off two major characters in two weeks would be a rather astounding turn. Indeed, what would they do in the finale?
Oh, I never thought about that, but it seems like the sort of group Merle would hang with. That story about the father and teen daughters almost made me cry and brought out another ugly fact about the chaos of a lawless civilization (for lack of a better word).

Civilization is a thin veneer. While the majority of people will do good regardless of the consequences (or lack there of), there is a sizable portion of every society who only do right because they don't want to be locked in a cage.

Look to any disaster or major event and you see how close to anarchy every country is. Here in the US for example, look at Katrina as a recent example, even some of the 'law enforcers' were the murders, thieves and rapists.

Heck, we see riots when a sports team wins sometimes.

With this knowledge the good people should never allow themselves to be in a position where they cannot properly defend themselves.

Speaking of which, what is wrong with the group in the show? When they were at the CDC they could have got some decent rifles. I can't believe there isn't a single semiautomatic rifle in the show. Why didn't they take the CDC doctors M4? Grrrr.....
Speaking of which, what is wrong with the group in the show? When they were at the CDC they could have got some decent rifles. I can't believe there isn't a single semiautomatic rifle in the show. Why didn't they take the CDC doctors M4? Grrrr.....

I was shocked when Rick first made the mention of conserving ammo by stabbing the walkers the week before, and when Andrea was going through the bag and saying, "Is this all the ammo we have?" I'd thought that maybe they'd been stashing ammo and guns off-screen and had enough of them, especially after witnessing the way the wasted bullets at their "target practice" earlier in the season.

Guess it explains why Andrea, in the previews, is pitchforking walkers instead of shooting them. I am sure that is going to be a big part of the season finale-- the farm getting over-run and them not having the resources to protect themselves.
As far as the group's weapons/ammo status being low, I think it is by design from a drama standpoint. In reality (as realistic as a Zombie apocalypse can be ;)), the group would have likely run across an overrun Army unit at some point and stocked up on M4's, ammo, and possibly other armament. But how much drama could the writers create if the group was sitting on a bunch of .50 cal machine guns and a heavily fortified perimeter. The more dire the situation, the more drama is created.
I was shocked when Rick first made the mention of conserving ammo by stabbing the walkers the week before, and when Andrea was going through the bag and saying, "Is this all the ammo we have?" I'd thought that maybe they'd been stashing ammo and guns off-screen and had enough of them, especially after witnessing the way the wasted bullets at their "target practice" earlier in the season.

Guess it explains why Andrea, in the previews, is pitchforking walkers instead of shooting them. I am sure that is going to be a big part of the season finale-- the farm getting over-run and them not having the resources to protect themselves.

Yeah, the mentioning of the ammo seperately by more than one character definitely means they will be over-run by either that group or the walkers, but I agree with will probably be walkers. I noticed on one of the previews there was a short clip of many walkers coming through an opening in a short fence. I assumed that was the farm. I never understood why they did not build some better security around the house or park the vehicles closer to the front door of the house for an easier getaway if needed.
As far as the group's weapons/ammo status being low, I think it is by design from a drama standpoint. In reality (as realistic as a Zombie apocalypse can be ;)), the group would have likely run across an overrun Army unit at some point and stocked up on M4's, ammo, and possibly other armament. But how much drama could the writers create if the group was sitting on a bunch of .50 cal machine guns and a heavily fortified perimeter. The more dire the situation, the more drama is created.

It is more fun to yell at the screen for their stupidity. With Rick and Shane being former police and Rick getting his stash from the police station where he lived, you would think one of them could have mentioned finding the local sherrifs office and stocking up.
It is more fun to yell at the screen for their stupidity. With Rick and Shane being former police and Rick getting his stash from the police station where he lived, you would think one of them could have mentioned finding the local sherrifs office and stocking up.

Very true. Another series I watch is Gold Rush on Discovery. DW asked me one time, "why do you watch that, most of those guys are incompetent?" I said if they were really good at gold mining, it would be a boring show and no one would watch.
I'm here, although I can't tell you how many times I involuntarily clutched my abdomen this week thinking of what happened to Dale. :sick:

I don't know why I love this show so much. :laughing:
Yes, what happened to Dale haunts me too. Ugh. :(

I'm looking forward to tonight though!
O.M.G. what the heck???????????????????

that was NUTS!

what is causing the immediate zombification now?
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