The Tag Fairy????


<font color=darkorchid>~*D.M.L. forever in our hea
Apr 27, 2006
this may sound kind of funny but who is the tag fairy? i read everybody saying 'i just got taged by the tag fairy'......who the heck is this fairy? :confused3
A tag is all that colored stuff under your screen name on the left hand side of your posts. A tag FAIRY is the person who types them and gives them to you ;)
The tag fairy's identity is a mystery.No one knows for sure who he/she/it/ is,but this place is more interesting because of the Tag Fairy.
Hippopotamoose!!!!!!! I HAD to do that.
on my second tag and i've named my tag fairy Miss Midnight theres also one caled BillyBob but he belongs to george :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Congrats on your tag..

The tag fairy has been very busy lately..a lot of people have been getting tags..
i understand now! thanks everyone......b4 i sign off, there's one more thing i have to do..........I GOT TAGGED BY THE TAG FAIRY< I GOT TAGGED BY THE TAG FAIRY<I GOT TAGGED BY THE TAG FAIRY!!!!!!!!! :banana: :woohoo: :cool1: .......sorry, over excited bc i got tagged b4 my mom whos been on a year and i've been on only 2 months! :confused3
CrazyChik said:
on my second tag and i've named my tag fairy Miss Midnight theres also one caled BillyBob but he belongs to george :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl:
yay that's me!! i'm guessing it was BillyBob's day off yesterday...
The last time we talked about the Tag Fairy she posted.Oh Tag Fairy!!!Where you at?!All the DisTeens want to see you! Alright now I gotta get down to the knitty gritty tactics! You've given me no other choice!

PLUEEEZE COME OUT!PLEASE!With sugar on top and icecream with green olives on it?I'll give you a nickle,but hopefully a silver penny will be o.k.! (Got to kick it into high gear)

Oh great and wonderful amazing Tag Fairy!Please grace us with your wonderful beautiful words!
That's all I can do!
jenbabe13 said:
i STILL dont get all this tag fairy stuff.. oh well
Well the whole truth never need to unerstand the TagFairy!The Tag Fairy I think that it would be kinda boring looking through all the boring this we say and trying to find a good one.JK!(As if this place could be boring!Totally crazy,usually,weird always.What could be more fun than that?) Hmmm,I wonder how much moola the Tag Fairy makes? What ever,she just puts things you've said under your avatar in AMAZING COLORVISION!
This is just something I want to put out there. Has anyone ever had a RAINBOW TAG!? That would be cool each letter a different color!
I'm new and have no idea what these tags are how you get them or what the importance of it is at all... i think i'm meant to be blonde, actually... no offense to blondes.


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