The Muppets’ iPhone Adventures in Disney!


DIS Legend
Feb 20, 2007
Welcome aboard. At this time, I'd like to ask everybody to please remain seated throughout the report, and keep your hands and arms within the trip at all times. Also, for the safety of our cast, and the comfort of those around you, please no excessive booing or use of the phrase my toddler could write a better report. Alright, now that weve taken care of business, lets talk about me.

My name is Allie and Ill be your guide during this magical journey into food reporting. Its the perfect job for me because I love eating and talking! Im a college freshman with aspirations to either be an emergency medicine Physician Assistant or a well-dressed circus clown. I have many food allergies but the most complicating one is glutenthe Big G. The filet mignon at Le Cellier haunts my dreams and the Sci-Fi Dine-In Theatre still gives me nightmares (food poisoning tends to tinge fond memories). I have a tendency to pass out in high temperatures so, of course Florida is the best place for me to be in July/August. Hollywood Studios and Epcot are my favourite parks, but Im not exactly miserable at the other two.

But, I would be nothing without my travelling companions; literally nothing, because they pay for everything. Here they are pictured below, with me. Were at a lovely little Cajun place in DC thats not quite Café du Monde, but their beignets are pretty dang close! This picture is two years old, it's the most recent/decent one of us all together. This was before I learned how to apply eyeliner properly and Christine cut her hair, but my hair is back to that length so we at least have some continuity.


First (second?) up in the middle we have my wonderful stepmother, Christine. Shes a Magic Kingdom junkie and, like me, still dreams about the filet mignon at Le Cellier. Shes a former pre-school teacher turned substitute teacher in elementary school classrooms across the county, including my mothers; the kids get a real kick out of having the other Mrs. Muppet sub for them. She, luckily, does not have any food allergies but shes not a huge fan of spicy foods. Its a really good thing that she married a Cajun man from the swamps of Louisiana*. Shes still considered a rookie among us Disney experts but shes stopped calling it Disneyland so were making progress.

*Hes actually from Thibodaux which, to my knowledge, is not a town overrun by swamps but its been a few years since Ive been back there.

Then on the right theres my lovely father, John. To be honest, Im not actually sure what he does. Ive heard words like software engineer and computer programmer thrown around but, for all I know, he works for the CIA; a real possibility considering where we live. He did something geeky for NASA to launch rockets back in the nineties so thats pretty cool. He loves Epcot and steaks cooked medium-well, so he tolerates our insistence on going to Le Cellier every trip. Our first day in Disney will be his birthday and, true to form, he decided that we ought to try something newIm sure Ill be glad that he did.

So, now that weve covered our cast and crew, is everyone ready?

(I can hear you screaming yes at your computer screens)

Great, because its show time. Ready when you are, C.B.

While Im still talking (once I get started, I never stop) Ill explain the title to you. Im sure that youre all sitting there scratching your heads wondering what iPhones and Muppets have to do with this trip. Maybe were not actually going to Disney but, instead, watching Disney videos on our iPhones to make it feel like we were there. You would be incorrect, but nice try. Maybe you think that our last name actually is Muppet and that were really obsessed with our iPhones. Again, incorrect but 10 points to Hufflepuff for playing.

Alas, the title of this TR is derived from two words. Muppet is English for I just really like the Muppets, ok? and iPhone is English for I wrote this whole thing on/took pictures with my iPhone and I felt it deserved some recognition for its valiant efforts.

Now that weve cleared the air with our title confusion, Ill return to our regularly scheduled programming of Disney plans.

Below youll find listed our dining plan and rating system. Ill add links to each post as they are written so that you can skip any/all chit chat. Well be staying at the Coronado Springs Resort (fun fact: it was the first resort we stayed at on-property when I was a child. It was like our training wheels resort before we moved on to fancy DVC resorts.) from day one to day four. Then, we shall move over to Kidani Village at the Animal Kingdom Lodge until we return home. Id be happy to tell you more like flight numbers, arrival times, and car rental confirmation codes (did I mention were renting a car?) but I dont want to take away the fun for any stalkers out there reading this.

Happy Disney-ing!

:dance3: The Dancing Maids: This was delicious and amazing, I could die directly after eating this and die a happy woman.
:cool1: The Dancing "Cool" Guy: This was really good, definitely worth a try to anyone curious.
:coffee: The Blasé Coffee Drinker: I could take it or leave it.
:sad2: The Depressed Blue Man: This was really disappointing, I wish I'd ordered something else/gone elsewhere.
:crazy2: The Puker: This was really bad, possibly gross. I get nauseous just thinking about it.

Day One
Planned Park: Epcot
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: ??
Dinner: Flying Fish Café
Day Two
Planned Park: Magic Kingdom
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: ??
Dinner: Artist Point (it is at this point we will join our relatives also from the swamp lands of Louisiana who will be in Disney at this time. This is the only time we will all be in Disney before they return so we figured, hey, why not enjoy a nice meal together?)
Day Three
Planned Park: Hollywood Studios
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: ??
Dinner: ??
Day Four
Planned Park: Epcot
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: Le Cellier
Dinner: ??
Day Five
Planned Park: Magic Kingdom
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: ??
Dinner: ??
Day Six
Planned Park: Animal Kingdom
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: ??
Dinner: Il Mulino
Day Seven
Planned Park: Hollywood Studios
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: Brown Derby
Dinner: ??
Day Eight
Planned Park: Epcot
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: ??
Dinner: ??
Day Nine
Planned Park: Animal Kingdom
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: ??
Dinner: Monsieur Pauls
Day Ten
Planned Park: Magic Kingdom
Breakfast: Kona Café
Lunch: ??
Dinner: ??
Day Eleven
Planned Park: Epcot
Breakfast: ??
Lunch: Coral Reef
Dinner: ??

Table of Contents
Pre-Trip: Introduction (you are here!)
Pre-Trip: iPhone Apps for Disney
You have a Harry Potter reference, Muppets, iPhones, and a smiley ranking system for food (and that's only the intro!). I'm so in!
Definitely following along! Sounds like the start to an awesome trip, and I LOVE dining reviews!

Can't wait :earboy2:

But, I would be nothing without my travelling companions; literally nothing, because they pay for everything. Here they are pictured below, with me. We’re at a lovely little Cajun place in DC that’s not quite Café du Monde, but their beignets are pretty dang close! This picture is two years old, it's the most recent/decent one of us all together. This was before I learned how to apply eyeliner properly and Christine cut her hair, but my hair is back to that length so we at least have some continuity.


Hey, that's Bayou Bakery! We were there not too long ago.
I'm sure there are some of you out there wondering how exactly this report will be produced by my iPhone. "Is she going to text it to us all live?" No. That would be preposterous and make my dad really regret not choosing unlimited texting. (Hmm, maybe I should do that...) "Is she going to write it live?" The words "heck" and "no" do not feel strong enough for this response. "Is she going to walk through the parks and tell Siri what to write?" Listen, Siri barely understands me when I'm stationary in a silent room. I highly doubt her hearing would improve in a crowded amusement park.

To answer your questions in the least snarky way possible (words I never thought would describe me), I plan to take full advantage of a few handy little apps brought to us by the wonderful innovations of technology in this modern age. The world is changing and, as I always say, I'm going to change right along with it. "Evolve or die" and all that jazz.

The first, and arguably most important/greatest/wonderful, app I will be using is the lovely pre-installed notes app. I can use this lovely yellow legal pad-like app to jot down quick details ("went through security, scowled at rude TSA agent, bought some overpriced gum"), funny comments ("and then he said 'so Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto walk into a bar..."), and food orders ("sautéed chicken breast flambéed in a white wine reduction with a corn compound...screw it, look on AllEars"). Or, if I have a little more time on my hands ("I can't sleep. Better write my TR!"), I can write out entries--which is exactly what I'm doing now (I have to be awake in six hours and I don't even care). I once wrote an analysis on feminism in Othello in this app because I was too tired to go track down my laptop. I got a 92% and I thank the app for that.

The next app I'll be taking full advantage of is also pre-installed: the camera. Now I know the iPhone camera is not revered for its beauty and excellence in photography. But, I find it works just fine for me and my purposes. Plus, believe it or not, some of the best photos I've taken have been with my iPhone camera. View exhibits A and B below.



Another helpful app I'll be using is this Day One app. It's essentially a diary. Actually, I'm 99% sure it is just a diary. Now, I know what you're thinking. "When will she stop reading my mind?" The answer is never. But I can also hear you saying, "Why does she need the diary app if she has the notes app?" Two reasons. The first, I can group everything (including pictures) by day to avoid confusion. The second, it's less cluttered. I love the notes app but there comes a point where my OCD just suddenly flares up and screams "NO MORE!" when it sees how many notes I already have. Plus, it's the closest I've ever come to actually keeping a diary and it's a real point of pride for me.

I've also taken the liberty of downloading Mouse Memo. It costs money (I think like $3.95) but I had a gift card so I cared significantly less. I was surprised by the calm I felt at being able to have all of our confirmation numbers, reservation details, and plans all laid out in one handy little app. It may (probably will) end up being pretty useless, but it was worth an honourable mention.

I've also downloaded two official apps from Disney. AND THEY WERE FREE! I have the Disney Parks app (all hail wait times listings!) and My Disney Experience. The DP app only works in the parks (I take back my previous hail) and it kept freezing up on me during our last trip--in case you were wondering, yes, I was that girl giving her phone the stink eye in the middle of tomorrowland. But, I've downloaded it again and am willing to tentatively give it another chance. When I initially downloaded the MDE app, I was skeptical. "Bet me it's going to freeze, too." I grumbled, watching as it loaded slower than my mother trying to remember the plot points of Lost ("Who is that? When did he get here?" "Mum, he has literally been standing by Jack for the past twenty minutes. How are you only just noticing him?" "...who's Jack?")* Once I finally opened the app a wedding, a house, a mortgage, a dog, and 2.5 kids later, I was a little overwhelmed. There was so much information at my fingertips, I panicked. ("Park hours, times guides, wait times, oh my!") But, once I got over my initial terror, I began to explore and fell in love. This app has everything! I seriously don't even understand why Disney has the DP app when there's MDE. I contemplated deleting the DP app (I still am) but I'm keeping it around for now. I'm excited to use this app in the parks and I can't wait to see how wonderful it is.

Only time will tell.

*In the interest of fairness, my mother is a very smart and intelligent woman with many wonderful qualities. Her memory is, self-admittedly, not one of them.
I seriously don't even understand why Disney has the DP app when there's MDE.

Ooh I know this! The DP actually existed first! The MDE one (MUCH better) came out I think last year, as part of the whole MagicBands/fastpass+ business. I like the MDE one a lot, but it still loads SO slow in the parks! (Prob because everyone and their brother is on the wifi!) I love the Touring Plans' Lines app for wait times! It's amazing, plus it people update with their actual wait times!

BTW. I'm obsessed with Lost!! There has been a massive hole in my life since it finished! :sad:
Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
Ooh I know this! The DP actually existed first! The MDE one (MUCH better) came out I think last year, as part of the whole MagicBands/fastpass+ business. I like the MDE one a lot, but it still loads SO slow in the parks! (Prob because everyone and their brother is on the wifi!) I love the Touring Plans' Lines app for wait times! It's amazing, plus it people update with their actual wait times!

BTW. I'm obsessed with Lost!! There has been a massive hole in my life since it finished! :sad:
Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

Aww, really? Of course, it feels like everything loads slowly in the parks. I'll have to downloading the Touring Plans one, we use their crowd calendar to plan our days in each park :)

We've been having Lost withdrawals so we've been marathoning it on Netflix. I've switched between hysterical sobs and "his name is Jack. JACK! He's in literally every single episode, you have to be messing with me right now."
Hey all! We've made it to Florida safe and sound, ready to begin our trip. I'll be sure to update as soon as I get back :)

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
You had me at Muppets! (though, not iPhone, not a big Apple fan - actually don't allow Apple products in my house) .... but you had me at Muppets!

Hope you enjoyed your trip!


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