The Most Wonderful Thing About Tiggers…happened to us!


DIS Veteran
Aug 13, 2006
Hi, welcome to my TR. :wave: While I never finished my PTR, :eek: this trip was so awesome, that I just have to write and share the awesomeness of it all with you.

Cast of Characters :banana:

Me, one half of “Jophia,” the planner of all things Disney in my family. I’ve been going to Disney for years. Each trip is a new experience that I look forward to, both in the planning and the execution of details.


DH, Joe, the other half of “Jophia.” Also loves Disney as much as I do, however he’s not into the planning part like I am.


You might be wondering where "Jophia" came from. Well, when we first met Jack and Kayla, that's what they named us, and it stuck. HA HA.

Jenn (inkedupmomma), Bob, Kayla and Jack, our Dis-found friends that have become family. I can truly say that we will definitely be life long friends. If Jenn decides to write a TR, I will post a link here.

This is a pic of Bob and Jenn from 2011


Here is a pic of Kayla and Jack from 2011


Here is a picture of Kayla and Jack on the day that I met them....quite a few years ago. This is probably one of my favorite pictures of them.


Dismeets happened so I will be introducing our friends in this TR, in order of their appearance. LOL


January 25 – February 4, 2013


New Hope, PA for Jenn’s wedding and then off to Disney for an 8 night stay at Pop for us.

I hope you will stick around with me for this one. It was one of our most memorable trips!!!

I'm here & look forward to see and hear all about it :)
oh cool I heard of you when i read jen's tr the last time,but this my first time reading a tr of yours so I'm definitely looking forward to it .
Wedding Day

This was our first time ever driving to Disney. I packed the entire house, or just about the entire house. You should have seen the car. Sheesh!!!!

We left Ohio super early on Friday morning and headed for PA. The wedding was Friday at 5 so we left at 6:15 a.m. so that we could get there, check into our hotel, and be at the wedding on time.

The ride was uneventful, which was fine with me. I spent time looking over my Disney plans and such while Joe drove 7 hours there.

We arrived in New Hope and checked into our hotel. We dropped our bags and decided to head out in search of lunch. I had my heart set on Subway so we made our way to Peddler’s Village, which was the only Subway that our GPS found for miles.

After lunch we drove around a bit. New Hope is such a beautiful place that we wanted to check it out a bit since we had time. The homes are beautiful there and we enjoyed site seeing a bit.

We went back to our hotel room and got ready for the wedding. Once we were ready to go, we headed out for the short drive to Centerbridge Inn. Once we arrived, we went in to check out the Inn and get ready for the wedding. Jenn had a photo booth and I was dying to check out the props.

The Inn was just beautiful. We walked around a checked it out for a few minutes before taking a seat for the ceremony.

The wedding was just beautiful. Honestly, it was amazing. The ceremony was perfect. Jenn looked beautiful, so did Kayla. Jack and Bob were handsome as ever. Sorry about the picture quality. I didn't want to turn on my flash and interrupt the photographers.
















After the ceremony, we searched for our place card. Bob made them. How cool is this? Our place card read Mr and Mrs Jophia. LOL


We were seated at the “Disney table” with some of Jenn’s other Disney loving friends. Some of you may know one of her friends from the Dis, Lurkyloo. I have to say, it was a pleasure getting to know her and her husband. They are both super nice people and we really enjoyed talking with them both.

We were also happy to be able to see Kelly again. We had the pleasure of meeting her and her family a few years ago at Disney. Kelly’s husband was a in a wedding the next day and was at the rehearsal for that event, so he was unable to make it. We missed seeing him but had a great time catching up with her.

We also met another couple that frequent Disney as well. It was nice to get to know them too.

The reception was amazing. The room was perfectly done and beautiful.










We never got a chance to use the photo booth. The kids were all having such a good time with it!

After the wedding, Joe and I headed back to the hotel to get some sleep as our plan was to hit the road by 6 a.m. for Disney the next morning.

You will notice throughout this TR, that I wasn’t behind the wheel of the car….at all….nada…not for one second.
We stopped for gas in Delaware and had breakfast on the go. Joe had BK, I had a bagel. We also got Starbucks for the road.

We had no idea how long it would take us to get to Disney. Our check in at Pop was Sunday so I made a ressie at a hotel outside of DTD, in the event we arrived on Saturday night. I was going to extend Pop but I needed something that I could cancel the same day if we didn’t make it there by Saturday night.

Here are a couple of pics I took along the way...and yes, I took just that...a couple. LOL



We had a couple additional gas stops on the way,:drive: but we arrived at 10:02 p.m. Woot! :banana::banana::banana: I was so happy that I had booked the room at the Fairfield. Let me tell you about this hotel. It is right outside of DTD and my thought was “it’s just a place to sleep” and that it was the right price. Well folks, the room was awesome. Nice size, king sized bed, huge bathroom. It really was a nice room and it was only $110 a night. We were so tired though, that I didn’t take any pictures at all.

Next Up, our first day at Disney!!! :woohoo:
Joe and I planned to check out Sunday morning and go to Pop to check in there and head to Epcot while we waited for Jenn to arrive. Turns out she made great time and got there super early Sunday morning. Jenn suggested meeting for breakfast at Boma on Sunday morning which I thought was a great idea.

Joe and I checked out of the Fairfield hotel and headed to Pop to check in, but not before finding a car wash that was open. OMG, you should have seen our car from the drive. It was disgusting. I couldn't stand looking at it. We had to go to three places before we found one that was open. Really? In Florida? After we washed the car, we headed over to Pop.

It was incredibly foggy that morning. I don't think I've ever seen that much fog in all of our visits to Disney in the past.

We decided on Pop purely based on price. I requested the 50’s since the room we had in 2012 was in a perfect location for us. With Joe being disabled, we needed to be close to parking. After a long day at the park, it's horrible sometimes to take a long walk from the car to the room.

I had called and given Disney the exact room number that we had in 2012, but they told me at check in that it wasn’t part of the reservation. Of course, I could not remember the room number so we just started over. Booo….. Pop was at 100% capacity the night before and it was super early Sunday morning so nothing was ready for us. We were told that our room would be in the building we desired and on the ground floor, which was cool with us. We grabbed our KTTW cards, left my cell number so they could text me when the room was ready, and then headed over to AKL to wait for Jenn and her family to arrive.

Jenn made great time and was checking into POFQ by then so Joe and I headed over to AKL to browse the shop and take a few pictures while we waited for them. I love AKL. Joe and I have stayed there quite a few times and we really do enjoy the resort....even though it is far from most of the rest of all things Disney.
















Our ADR was at 8:45 so we waited for Jenn in the lobby and then we all headed down to Boma. We were all pretty hungry by that time and we were happy to be seated quickly. Our server brought our jamba juice or whatever that craptastic stuff is called. I am not a fan. As soon as I saw the buffet, I knew that my diet was going to h-e-double-hockey-sticks this trip. Yum! I love the breakfast there. And what did they do the breakfast potatoes this year? They were yummy!

It was fun getting to talk about the wedding with everyone. Part of our way of celebrating the wedding was that Joe and I were taking Jenn’s kids for 2 nights and 2 days during our trip. To our surprise, Jenn and Bob surprised us by treating us to breakfast that morning. Pixie dust!!!!! It was so nice of them to do that for us.

Next up...our first park!!!
crap! I leave to go food shopping and wash my car ( how funny, huh?) and you're 3 posts in! Sorry I'm "late" to the game! Anywho, great updates! I LOVED my wedding So much! Thank you for taking pics! I really have not received many from anyone, so it's hard to go ahead with my TR! God, I sincerely wish I oculd do the wedding day allllll over! Not because anything went wrong, but because I loved it so much! I would however have you come in my room for a bit beforehand so we coulda chatted and had you help me get ready!

Boma was SO yummy that day, and I'm so glad we decided to do that last minute! WOOT to Disney app being able to make a last minute ressie like that!

I still can't get over how packed WDW was! It was awesome though!

and holy cow did you guys make good time! Next trip we're leaving mega early too!

OK, love you! Yay for starting your TR!
crap! I leave to go food shopping and wash my car ( how funny, huh?) and you're 3 posts in! Sorry I'm "late" to the game! Anywho, great updates! I LOVED my wedding So much! Thank you for taking pics! I really have not received many from anyone, so it's hard to go ahead with my TR! God, I sincerely wish I oculd do the wedding day allllll over! Not because anything went wrong, but because I loved it so much! I would however have you come in my room for a bit beforehand so we coulda chatted and had you help me get ready!

Boma was SO yummy that day, and I'm so glad we decided to do that last minute! WOOT to Disney app being able to make a last minute ressie like that!

I still can't get over how packed WDW was! It was awesome though!

and holy cow did you guys make good time! Next trip we're leaving mega early too!

OK, love you! Yay for starting your TR!

Jenn, you should look at the wait times right now. I took the kids to AK on Saturday, and it was a cluster! I parked in the last few rows of the back parking lot. Good grief.

Sophia! So glad you started the TR!!! And any time you need help finding something, call or text me, ya hear?!
crap! I leave to go food shopping and wash my car ( how funny, huh?) and you're 3 posts in! Sorry I'm "late" to the game! Anywho, great updates! I LOVED my wedding So much! Thank you for taking pics! I really have not received many from anyone, so it's hard to go ahead with my TR! God, I sincerely wish I oculd do the wedding day allllll over! Not because anything went wrong, but because I loved it so much! I would however have you come in my room for a bit beforehand so we coulda chatted and had you help me get ready!

Boma was SO yummy that day, and I'm so glad we decided to do that last minute! WOOT to Disney app being able to make a last minute ressie like that!

I still can't get over how packed WDW was! It was awesome though!

and holy cow did you guys make good time! Next trip we're leaving mega early too!

OK, love you! Yay for starting your TR!

Hi :wave: I'm so glad that you're here, especially since you are a HUGE part of my TR! Love you guys!!!

Jenn, you should look at the wait times right now. I took the kids to AK on Saturday, and it was a cluster! I parked in the last few rows of the back parking lot. Good grief.

Sophia! So glad you started the TR!!! And any time you need help finding something, call or text me, ya hear?!

Hi Beka :wave:! I'm so glad that we had a chance to meet you, Kyle and the boys! We had a great time, didn't we?

Subbing so I can follow along. popcorn::

Hi :wave:! Happy to have you with me!!!! It would have veen nice if we could have had the chance to see you guys again this trip.
After filling our bellies, we headed to MK! Joe and I decided to take the boat over.








Our original plan was to go to Epcot but we wanted to see if we could catch our “long lost friends” since it was their last day appearing.

Joe and I met Jenn and family at MK since we were parking in the handicap section due to Joe’s medical disability. He was already starting off our trip in a bit of pain, and to be honest, I was a bit worried about how the trip would go from that perspective. I then decided to grab the documents to support his disability from the glove compartment and we headed to City Hall for a GAC for Joe. Before anyone starts to flame… husband is a disabled vet and has more than one back surgery. Currently, the docs are saying that it “is what it is” now and we have to we’re lucky that he is walking at this point.

Anywho……after City Hall, we waited for Jenn and the family to arrive and then made our plan for the day. By this time, we were winging it and I had already killed my set plans for the day. LOL

I took a few pictures while we waited.










Once Jenn and fam arrived, we got in line to meet Scrooge McDuck and Ludwig von Drake. Woot!!! The wait wasn't too long but I have to admit, we did start to get a little antsy.


Once I get our Photopass pictures, I will post more of our meeting with Scrooge and Ludwig.

Soooo, given my plans were totally out the window by this time (lol), what did we do next?????
We decided that we'd go over to the fire station and check out the Sorcerer Mickey cards.




I was able to catch these guys too.......


The kids (and Bob) were so excited to get those dang cards, that they took off on us. LOL. Soooo, what did we do? We got our picture taken on Main Street!



Our plan was to go PP crazy since Jenn had the PP plus card for this trip.

We then found the rest of our gang and decided that a Dole Whip was in order. Peeps, I hate those things. Seriously, they are gross. So, I got vanilla ice cream instead.


As usual, when I first arrive at MK, I go on sensory overload and can never decide what to do first...even after planning. Jenn wanted to check out the Tree House, which isn't something that Joe can even think of attempting so we browsed in a shop while they checked it out.


Next up, I got to pick! Woot, here we come Tiki Room! I love those silly birds.



After the Enchanted Tiki Room, we headed over to POTC, always a favorite of the whole group. It was so fricken hot in there, I wanted to faint! I still don't get why Disney pumps heat into the attractions when it is in the 60's outside. Anywho, as usual, POTC didn't disappoint us in the least. We sat in rows 1 and 2 of our boat.


After POTC, Jenn suggested that we call Pop to see if our room was ready. After all, it was already after 4 and still no text from them. I called and our room was ready so Joe and I decided to head out so that we could unload the car and get get settled before our evening plans.

We were walking to the exit and decided to cut through the shops. The smell from Casey's was too much for Joe so he stopped for a hot dog. I still can't believe that just the hot dog was over $5! Sheesh.

We took the monorail back to the TTC, instead of the boat.






We arrived at Pop, Room 2117,which was ok, but not the room that we really had hoped for. We parked the car and started to unpack. That's when it hit me that I packed the entire house! Lesson learned for the first time driving to Disney.

Ooops, gotta go. We are driving to PA now to pick up my niece. She is moving in with us!

More later.........
You know we were packed and we were coming! Then I called DCL...while on the phone with them I asked about a certain sailing (one that left in a few hours) so I figured there was no way we could do it. Well, surprise surprise. After a 15 minute talk with a supervisor we were booked for our next Disney cruise....that left in a few hours. Plans changed. We were headed to Miami and without my baby Christian. That was the first time I'd been away from my kids EVER. I cried a lot, but he was fine. He had a good time back at home and I don't think he would have liked the Wonder after being spoiled by the Dream. The ships are very much different. After leaving Miami and driving back up 95 on our way home we got the itch to stop but I fought it. I had to get home to my Christian. It felt like we'd been gone for 5 years!

When is your next trip planned for? Maybe we can meet you guys there. We had a great time, felt like family we'd just not seen in a while. :goodvibes

I love the pics you just posted. We're missing a couple of those cards....hope to finish the collection next time. Did you see the new book on sale that holds them?
You know we were packed and we were coming! Then I called DCL...while on the phone with them I asked about a certain sailing (one that left in a few hours) so I figured there was no way we could do it. Well, surprise surprise. After a 15 minute talk with a supervisor we were booked for our next Disney cruise....that left in a few hours. Plans changed. We were headed to Miami and without my baby Christian. That was the first time I'd been away from my kids EVER. I cried a lot, but he was fine. He had a good time back at home and I don't think he would have liked the Wonder after being spoiled by the Dream. The ships are very much different. After leaving Miami and driving back up 95 on our way home we got the itch to stop but I fought it. I had to get home to my Christian. It felt like we'd been gone for 5 years!

When is your next trip planned for? Maybe we can meet you guys there. We had a great time, felt like family we'd just not seen in a while. :goodvibes

I love the pics you just posted. We're missing a couple of those cards....hope to finish the collection next time. Did you see the new book on sale that holds them?

It must have been hard to leave Christian for the first time.

We've been talking about our next trip. We'd really like to go for a few days for our anniversary but we're finding that it just isn't in the budget. For now, it looks like January 2014, unless things change.

I didn't see the book for the cards. Joe has just a few of them. We gave ours to the kids. :cool2:
So, where was I?

We arrived at Pop, Room 2117,which was ok, but not the room that we really had hoped for. We parked the car and started to unpack. That's when it hit me that I packed the entire house! Lesson learned for the first time driving to Disney.

One thing we did get, was a room in the 50's, which is by far, my favorite part of Pop.


Here are a few pictures of our room.





Overall, the room wasn't bad at all. We didn't spend too much time there so it didn't really matter to either of us. We did notice a couple of things that the room didn't have, which we sort of missed:

1. A coffee maker -- if I had known, we would have brought our Keurig with us.

2. A bench under the coat hooks -- no clue why, but I missed that.

3. Two sinks -- eh, not a bid deal really.

It did take a couple of nights to get use to the beds being doubles. We have a queen at home, which isn't all that much larger, but you could definitely tell that we were sleeping in a smaller bed.

I also like to decorate our windows when we stay value or mod. I didn't do too much this year. Sort of plain, but we liked it.


Joe and I had an ADR at Rose and Crown, which is semi-new tradition for us. At least one meal at R&C and preferably, early in our trip. I made our ressie as late as possible in the hopes that we would get an outside table for Illuminations.

Anywho, we made our way over to Epcot. As luck would have it, the very first handicap parking spot was open.



After parking, we went in the entrance at the far left, which had no one waiting for bag check. Zip, nada...whereas the other bag check lines were HUGE, even though it was pretty late in the day.

Our bags were checked and we headed to the new card reader thingy and entered the park. I think we stopped for a PP pic, but I don't have them yet. :(


SSE was a walk on so we rode. It never disappoints. We love it. I have no pictures though because for some reason, mine turn out like crap...every time. LOL

We went from SSE to Mouse Gear to check it out. There wasn't a lot of new stuff this trip, but I had to go in and see if it still smells like "poop." What's up with that>>>


I just missed the fountain show....apparently, I spent too much time in Mouse Gear.



We took a slow stride to WS, entering on the side of Canada. We stopped at the shops of the UK since we had some time before our ADR. Joe got himself a shirt from the Dr. Who show that he watches. As we were departing the shops, we saw these guys and thought we'd stop and say hey.



There was no one in line so we had a nice little chat with our friends before moving on.

I then checked us into R&C and requested an outside table. The CM said that she thought we'd have a good chance getting one. YAY!!

Joe got himself a beer and a pop for me. We sat at a table and did some people watching while we waited for our table. Once our pager went off, we went back to the podium to see if we were able to get a seat outside. It was a lovely night..not to hot, not too cold.

Yay, outside seats for us!!! They had this guy going, which was nice.


I ordered the scallops appetizer for us to share. For dinner, I selected veggies and mash. For the life of me, I cannot recall what Joe ordered and I didn't take food pics either. Guess I wasn't in the groove yet.

Our meals were great, as usual. I am still kicking myself for taking soooo long before trying R&C for the first time. I was really missing out!

We settled in for Illuminations and Joe thought it might be fun to Skype with our niece so that she could enjoy it as well. It was so cute, there was a lady in front of us that turned around and all she saw was our nice on Joe's phone with her hands on her face, watching Illuminations.









After Illuminations, we headed out of the park, but made a stop at Mouse Gear so that I could pick up my stuffed Minnie Nerd plush. Too cute!

Our first night at Disney was awesome! We were off to a great start and couldn't wait until the next morning!

Next up.......What do you mean, you didn't confirm the park hours schedule??
Hey wanted to stop by and say I could not believe the number of cars we saw parked at the three resorts we stayed at 2 weeks ago that had Cuyahoga county license plates.
awe that is so sweet.I can't wait to get on with this tr I'm really looking forward to it


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