The Hangout Thread- Hang out with some n00ns (;

there's a doctorwhoconfessions blog and omg the majority of the posts make me want to hit someone

"i get creeped out when people ship amy with the doctor"
it's not that hard to imagine damn
even the writer's throw the odd thing in there
and there's a post on there shipping rory/doctor, now that you may get creeped out by

It's creepier when two people who role-play as the characters on Tumblr start writing out sexual acts with another... And I'm talking about Rory/Doctor here. The week after was Rory/Amy. There hasn't been any since, which is brilliant. (I didn't read them. Well, I read the first few lines, but then I realised what I was reading, and was creeped out. Although I did go all the way back to see how the Doctor/Rory one started, because it came out of nowhere o_O)
It's creepier when two people who role-play as the characters on Tumblr start writing out sexual acts with another... And I'm talking about Rory/Doctor here. The week after was Rory/Amy. There hasn't been any since, which is brilliant. (I didn't read them. Well, I read the first few lines, but then I realised what I was reading, and was creeped out. Although I did go all the way back to see how the Doctor/Rory one started, because it came out of nowhere o_O)

This is why I wish Tumblr had some kind of filter.
I can tell that this was written in first person originally but ended up being switched to third person.

How can I tell? Because some narrative sentences still include "I" or "me".
So I just found out that in the dragon sequence in HP DHII, you can see my aunt and uncle's flat. The same flat I stayed at for two weeks this summer.

Excuse me while I fangirl my brain into mush.

In the Half Blood Prince, they filmed the train station bit at the station I use to get to and from University :teeth:
omG!!! Just saw a trailer for the new movie Daniel Radcliffe is in..looks creepy...but im going to see it..'cause it's Daniel Radcliffe ;)
did you know he just looks like moaning murtle w/o the wig?

LOl, that reminds me of a tumblr post I saw today.



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