The Disney Adventures of Scooter Mom-Sept 7-14 (COMPLETE)

The villas lobby is gorgeous! Did it have that great smoky smell going on? LOVE the train. If we ever stay over at WL again, we'll have to make a point to go over and see that at the villas. That bubbly pool sounds wonderful. What a cool feature. My DD loves the water slide at the main pool too. After our last trip I if CSR had the best slide of all the resorts we've stayed in. She said she liked WL's better. I was surprised b/c that CSR slide looked pretty darn cool, and I don't remember the WL one being all that special. Clearly I missed out on something.

Glad the scooter company was apologetic and their mistake did not hold you up in the morning. Considering everything, would you recommend the company? If my mom

We love WLV. So far though, we all love the Boardwalk the best. And the kids say that is the best slide so far. That doesn't mean we didn't love the other places, but Boardwalk is holding first place right now. DH really likes the woodsy feel of WL though.

Yes, it was Apple Scooter and even though there were two little problems, I would highly recommend them as they were very friendly and very quick to help when we had issues. The scooter was small and easy to take apart and put back together and it fit into the back of our car easily. DH and DS were a good team getting it in and out. Plus, they were very economical. To rent a scooter in the parks - just for the park - Disney charges $50 a day. Whereas this company was $133 for the whole week. A good deal, I say. I was really happy with it and to tell the truth, now that I am back home and dealing with these crutches, I really miss my scooter - BAD !!!
It is nice to run into another South Carolinian here on the DIS! Was that football game perhaps the University of SC Gamecocks?!?

Thanks for the photos of the WLV. It looks great. WL is one of our favorites but we have never stayed in the Villas.

Sooooo sorry about your ankle! But the scooters are the bomb when you need one. I hope that it helped make it through your trip with ease.

Can't wait to read more!:cool1:

It is nice to run into another South Carolinian here on the DIS! Was that football game perhaps the University of SC Gamecocks?!?

Thanks for the photos of the WLV. It looks great. WL is one of our favorites but we have never stayed in the Villas.

Sooooo sorry about your ankle! But the scooters are the bomb when you need one. I hope that it helped make it through your trip with ease.

Can't wait to read more!:cool1:


:welcome: Kelli !! Yes, USC all the way baby !!!

We love the Wilderness Lodge.

The scooter was really fun and I now that I am back in the real world, I really miss it !!
Day 2- Part Two

Exploring the resort – continued.


A panoramic view






We checked out the gift shop.


And we got

A coffee cup


Some confetti popcorn


And some chocolate coins for DD


At this time, it was about 11 AM and we were hungry. So we went to Roaring Forks


to pick up our mugs and get some lunch.


The kids ordered what they always order. No surprises there.
Chicken Breast Nuggets (8 pieces) - French Fries or Vegetable Salad $7.89



DH and I decided to split the

Roast Beef and Blue Cheese - with vegetable salad or House-made chips $9.39


This was really outside our box so to speak, but we were both really surprised at how good it was. It was nice blend of savory flavors that we enjoyed. The sandwich was huge, though. I never would have been able to eat the whole thing myself.

For dessert, I had a Mickey Rice Krispie treat. Which I ate later.


The kids had ice cream. They had a self serve station there.


DS put root beer in his to make a float. And DD added the chocolate coins she got in the gift shop to hers.


We were pleased with lunch and bellies full, we set off to explore more of the resort.


As I scootered up this ramp, I noticed my battery go way down on power and I thought it was odd. (foreshadowing ….)
Hi Susan! Thanks for taking and posting all the pics of your villa. :thumbsup2 I was wondering if you might recall if there was enough room on the floor of the master bedroom for a twin-size air mattress? We are thinking about taking a trip next year and inviting my son's GF to go with. Wondering if there would be room for DS on the floor of the bedroom, so that his GF could have the living room area all to herself??? ;)
Hi Susan! Thanks for taking and posting all the pics of your villa. :thumbsup2 I was wondering if you might recall if there was enough room on the floor of the master bedroom for a twin-size air mattress? We are thinking about taking a trip next year and inviting my son's GF to go with. Wondering if there would be room for DS on the floor of the bedroom, so that his GF could have the living room area all to herself??? ;)

Hey Barb !! Yes, I thought there was enough room for that.
nice panoramic view what camera did you use

Your son reminds me of my son at that age

the hurry up at take the stupid picture:)

NO FAIR a cliff hanger
Ann and family
WL really is a gorgeous resort! I love your photos of it!

Your meal at Roaring Forks sounds really good. Random question: I noticed that your rice krispy treat was on a stick there, does it seem like they're being packaged like that now, or is that just a CS thing, and the shops still sell them in the little square bag, no stick?
We stayed two night at WL and I fell in love with it. The Villas looks beautiful makes me wish we weren't to old to buy into DVC. Bummer about your foot. I hope it didn't give you to much trouble. and good luck with surgery on Thursday. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.
nice panoramic view what camera did you use

Your son reminds me of my son at that age

the hurry up at take the stupid picture:)

NO FAIR a cliff hanger
Ann and family

We have a Sony Cybershot. I think it takes pretty good point and shoot photos.

Yes, he is not into photos here lately. It is hard to get a good shot of him. DD is still a poser though.

It that a cliff hanger ?? YAY !! I don't think I have ever had one of those before :lmao:

WL really is a gorgeous resort! I love your photos of it!

Your meal at Roaring Forks sounds really good. Random question: I noticed that your rice krispy treat was on a stick there, does it seem like they're being packaged like that now, or is that just a CS thing, and the shops still sell them in the little square bag, no stick?

WL is sooo beautiful !! You know I thought the whole Rice Krispie on a stick thing was strange, too. I mean, once you take a bite, it slides off the stick anyway. It's stupid. Maybe it is to prevent sticky fingers. But don't you expect to get sticky fingers when you eat one of those things ?? I did notice that the RK treats were NOT on a stick in the stores. And we did buy one of those, too. Well, we used a snack credit. 'Cuz, you know, everything tastes better if it is Mickey shaped !! AmIright ??

We stayed two night at WL and I fell in love with it. The Villas looks beautiful makes me wish we weren't to old to buy into DVC. Bummer about your foot. I hope it didn't give you to much trouble. and good luck with surgery on Thursday. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

:welcome: Hey !! Thanks for stopping by !! Yes, WL is sooo pretty !! We love how warm and welcoming it is.

I suggest renting DVC points. It really is cheaper than paying Disney prices for Deluxe. Look into it. It is worth it !! The scooter was a life saver on this trip. Thanks for the well wishes !! I really do dread that surgery.
You know I thought the whole Rice Krispie on a stick thing was strange, too. I mean, once you take a bite, it slides off the stick anyway. It's stupid. Maybe it is to prevent sticky fingers. But don't you expect to get sticky fingers when you eat one of those things ?? I did notice that the RK treats were NOT on a stick in the stores. And we did buy one of those, too. Well, we used a snack credit. 'Cuz, you know, everything tastes better if it is Mickey shaped !! AmIright ??

Thanks for the quick answer!!! :goodvibes The stick does seem kind of silly, I mean, yes the treats can be a teeny bit sticky, but who cares?? I love the rice crispy treats, we always end up bringing a few home! DF always is like "I don't usually like these, but the ones from Disney are the best!!" :rotfl: So yes, your "Mickey-shaped" theory is spot-on!
wow just wow
I am definitely in for this trip

Bummer about the ankle but at least you know what is wrong now and will have it fixed for the next trip

ps I do not know if you listen to John Boy and Billy Big show but they have a skit called 'married man' and now i have that tune running thru my head replaced with the words 'scooter mom':rotfl2::rotfl2:

Now I have that tune in my head. I always got a kick out of married man.
It is the Spriderman cartoon theme song.

Finally made it over here!!! :blush:

So sorry to hear about your ankle. Glad you got a scooter to help out and even though it was not there the first night, I am glad it was there in the morning. Heard good thing about Apple scooter.
Thanks for the quick answer!!! :goodvibes The stick does seem kind of silly, I mean, yes the treats can be a teeny bit sticky, but who cares?? I love the rice crispy treats, we always end up bringing a few home! DF always is like "I don't usually like these, but the ones from Disney are the best!!" :rotfl: So yes, your "Mickey-shaped" theory is spot-on!

So true. They taste the same, really, no matter what shape they are

Oooooo....foreshadowing! <sits at computer biting nails..>

LOL. :rotfl::rotfl2: It isn't anything big. It was just a good place to stop in the story.

Now I have that tune in my head. I always got a kick out of married man.
It is the Spriderman cartoon theme song.

Finally made it over here!!! :blush:

So sorry to hear about your ankle. Glad you got a scooter to help out and even though it was not there the first night, I am glad it was there in the morning. Heard good thing about Apple scooter.

:welcome: Pat !! I am so happy you stopped by !! Now I totally have that tune in my head. But I remember it being from the Simpson movie. You know, "Spiderpig, Spiderpig ......" LOL

The scooter was awesome. I really missed it yesterday when I had take the kids to get new shoes. :moped:
Day 2 – Part 3

After lunch - We took a few more shots inside













It was about noon and the geyser there goes off every hour so we went out to see it.






DH’s football game was starting so we headed back to the room to watch it.

During halftime, DH took DD to the pool so she could ride the slide



She gave it a thumbs up.



Yay for getting to see the geyser go off! The slide looks fun too, glad to hear it got the thumbs-up from DD! :thumbsup2
Spider pig ....tee hee! I'd forgotten all about that.

For realz. The kids sang that for months ......

Yay for getting to see the geyser go off! The slide looks fun too, glad to hear it got the thumbs-up from DD! :thumbsup2

We didn't get to see it last time we stayed there, so we sat and waited on it this time. She LOVED that slide DH has to drag her away from it every time they went down to the pool.
Your pictures have just helped me make my mind up

I am definitely going to visit the Lodge on one of my free days
while we are there--there and AOA the cars section

That lobby looks amazing.

Your daughter looks like she is loving her up some slide

Ann and family
Your pictures have just helped me make my mind up

I am definitely going to visit the Lodge on one of my free days
while we are there--there and AOA the cars section

That lobby looks amazing.

Your daughter looks like she is loving her up some slide

Ann and family

It is a beautiful resort, you will love it. We visited AOA and took lots of pictures of the Cars section. I will post those later. It is REALLY cute !!! Who doesn't love a water slide ?? She sure did !!

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