The Daily Grind ~ 11/6/2015


Life is out there waiting so go and get it!
Nov 26, 2006

Still very sore this morning and in some mild pain. Will get in the ortho chair in a bit which will help stretch my arm out. If all this wasn't enough, I now have a UTI :faint:...probably from last Friday's D&C. Luckily, the Dr.'s office called in an antibiotic for me which I started last night. All of this and probably a combo of the drugs just makes me tired and worn out...I have no desire to do anything. It just never seems to end...can't wait to feel better!!

Morning chores
Maybe a couple of things on my to do list if I feel up to it
Dinner out or take out, depends on how I feel

Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!

P and PD to all :hug:

Cool! Megan's school is going to be the feature Spirit school of the week! the football team won districts so a big game tonight! KING 5 will be at school from 6 -7:30 this morning for a big pep rally. Going to be a LOUD morning!

so sorry Becky, sounds like you need to rest and relax all day and weekend, feel better!

Megan up and out by 6:00
home for the day!!
worked until almost 10 last night so going to take a couple hours this morning to relax and watch the pep rally
run dishwasher
load of towels
clean my bathroom
Swiffer floors
scrap a couple pages
p/u Megan
football game tonight - not sure if I'm doing carpool yet
scrap while Megan's gone

have a wonderful day ladies :)
Becky I think you need to take the day off. Curl up on the couch and watch movies in your PJs.

My must do's today.
Something, anything. My house is a disaster! I want the school's auction and basket raffle over now!
Good Morning!!!

Take a movie day Becky!!
Lisa -- enjoy your morning off. Good luck to the team tonight!
Buffy -- the word NO is very liberating! I'm tellin' ya! Best word I learned over the years!

Today's agenda:

await B's text after school football called a team meeting this morning for this afternoon :confused:
store -- donation supplies for DH's work project; needs for us at home (there is a sale)
chat w/ kiddos tonight (well, not C he is working at his internship tonight)

Hope everyone has a great day!
I know Nan. all of the officers are done after this year. We did it to honor our friends memory since this is the first year without her here, but honestly it is sucking the life out of me.


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