Summer may be winding down, but the INCREDIBLES are just warming up!

Hello Incredibles!!

Sorry I have been MIA, but we took DD to sleepaway camp yesterday and trying to get her off and settled was taking up a bit of time. DH and I are enjoying some adult time. Tonight we went to a really big car show, took the dog with us. It was nice walking around looking at over 100 old cars to see how well maintained they are. DH is restoring a 89 Camaro, so he likes to look at the cars and see whats what. Tomorrow we are going to the drive in to see Despicable Me (DD saw it at a b-day party). Again, taking the dog with us. He is enjoying all the extra attention!!

I ran 10 miles on Saturday, could not keep a consistent pace at all. I averaged 10:38, which is fine, but it was rough going faster then slower, then faster again. Sunday was 5 miles, did it in 48 minutes and change. Again, good pace.

Food has been a struggle, we ate out yesterday after dropping DD off at camp. According to the Wii, I gained 4 lbs from yesterday:scared1: Obviously that cannot be right, but I am guessing the sodium is making me retain water. Oh well we shall see what tomorrow brings after I run. Humidity is back again for a bit, so it should be just ducky out there!:rolleyes:

Its hard to believe that in 3 1/2 weeks we will be in California for the DL half!! I am so excited and looking forward to setting a new PR. My coach is pacing me, and we are definately shooting for 2:15, maybe faster if all the stars align (I feel good, weather is good etc). Then I take a week off before jumping right back into the training for the half marathon on 10/10 here at home.

Megan, god bless you doing all those miles on the dreadmill. I can't stand to be on it for 8 minutes, much less 8 miles! But great job getting it done!

Amy, enjoy your iPad. We thought about getting one for DD but she is much happier with a netbook.

Lauren, sorry to hear about all your troubles, but :thumbsup2 on the weight loss!!

Kathy, you continue to do a great job, you are making good progress. Keep up the good work and YOU will rock the Princess!!

Beth-nice pace there!! I wish I could get that quick! I can manage about 9:30 if I am really cooking. I figure that once I am at goal weight, those times will be reachable for me.

All right ladies, time for me to fly. Have to get my care package ready to send to DD at camp-jelly bracelets, a magazine and a card. We can't send food or money, so we try to come up with fun stuff she can share with the other girls if she wants.

Keep on runnin' girls!!!:cool1:
These darn threads keep running away from me. I'm just subscribing. I'll be back to read and post maybe sometime this lifetime.
Hello fellow Incredibles!

Megan - you are a trooper doing all those miles on the treadmill. Ugh!

Veronica- I still get amazed at my pace! When I started running to train for my first full right after DS was born I could barely jog at 17:00/mile and I would be exhausted after less than 30 minutes. Now I am cruising along and am so grateful for my ability. I love my strong legs that can carry me so many miles:). Now, I also have lost a significant amount of weight. Right after DS was born I weighed 217 lbs!!! I am now down to 139 lbs and I know that makes a HUGE difference.

I had some good runs this past weekend. 6 miles on Saturday and 4 miles on the beach on Sunday. I really enjoyed the beach run. I haven't run this week, I had a tooth implant placed yesterday as the next step in rebuilding my mouth from a bile accident in April so no running until maybe Thursday evening. I am still planning on running a 5k Saturday morning, I really want a PR!:)
My 10th anniversary is tomorrow so DH and I are celebrating this weekend. My parents are taking the kids for the day and overnight Saturday and we are going to the lighthouse where we were married. I am really looking forward to it.
Keep running!
Happy almost anniversary, Beth! Hope that mouth heals up quickly for you!

I hate the treadmill, and find myself worrying that I'm not doing what I should to prepare for outdoor racing. That said, were I outside, I would be doing a lot more walking due to the heat (yet another record setting day yesterday), so I figure I'm at least getting my body used to running the distance. If I have to walk more than I would like on race day, so be it. I'm slow and this is my first half, so my goals are simply to not get swept.

I am hoping it cools off enough so that I can get in 8 miles outside this weekend though! Clearly, the weather doesn't want me to run a half. While training for Princess, we had all that insane record setting snow, so I was in on the treadmill. Now we have record heat and I'm back on the treadmill. But this time, I won't be getting sick before the race. Even if I have to wear a Hazmat suit to the parks.
Morning, everyone! I've been up since 4:15 this morning so I thought now would be a great time to get caught up. My 10 month old has a horrible diaper rash and it's been a heck of a night. Poor kid's never had one before but she's back down now and momma can't sleep.

I've been in kind of a running funk this week. Physically, I want to. Mentally, not so much. I missed my long run on Sunday (at least it was only 6 miles) and my interval run yesterday. I will definitely be running today! And hopefully making it out to the Y in time for Power Pump.

I've got some exciting news... after 14 years, my DH is going back to school! He got accepted into a pre-law program and starts on the 8th. We're not telling anyone besides my brother because they're not very supportive. His own mom told him he doesn't have the time more money for it. Seriously, lady? It's an education... he doesn't want to drive a truck and be away from his family the rest of his life. That woman... :mad:

elbowglitter - I understand what you're saying about the treadmill. About 80% of my running is done on the indoor track at the Y and I don't think that prepares me 100% for races but I have no choice. It's still a run so I take what I can get and know my determination will get me through the race.

Bephus - Hope you and DH had an awesome 10th anniversary! Congrats on your huge weight loss too. I'm at 93lbs lost myself (though it used to be 100) and still have 20 to go. I've run as far as 8 miles and three years ago, I would have laughed at you if you told me I'd run even 2!

Vern - Hurray for adult time... I don't even know what that is anymore! I can't believe the DL half is coming up so fast! And that you're jumping into another one on 10/10 (my little girl's first birthday). I betcha you'll knock 2:15 outta the park. That's my goal for my first half on 10/16 but I might just be talking outta my butt since it's my first!

Amy - iPad ::drool:: very cool! I'm still holding out for an iPhone for Christmas! Hurray on the 25 mile week. I haven't gotten past 20 yet but I'm doing as the plan tells me do. I don't think I'll hit over 22.

mikamah - Keep up the fantastic work! I'm sure you're not gonna get swept! You have plenty of time to train and adrenaline will be on your side too!

MickeyMomto2 - What's the word on the stress fracture? I hope everything's OK! Keep us posted! On a happy note, 18lbs is awesome!

escape - How was the racewalk clinic? What is it exactly? Sounds kinda interesting...

Til next time, gang!
Congrats to your DH, Jess! I'm actually a non-practicing attorney (took my law degree and decided to do something else with it, though I am licensed), and I loved my law classes. Very exciting that he's going back to school!
Just checking in really quick. My computer died so I am back to the phone:(. Hopefully DH will get it fixed quickly.
Thanks for the anniversary wishes. We had a good day Thursday (DH ran with me for a present) and today we are spending the day together as the kids are at my parent's house. Yay.
On a running note, I ran a 5k this morning to get a PR since I haven't run for time in forever at that distance. I was hoping to break 26 min and I finished in 24:56!!!!!!! I am so happy. I ran a 7:59 min pace which is by far my best (last timed 5k was 8:55 pace in October 2008). What a great way to start my day:).
Beth, nice job on the 5k!! Way to rock it girl!!

Jess-glad to see you!! I know we are all busy moms, its tough to keep up with the online stuff sometimes.

We brought DD home from camp last night, she was tired and dirty but had an AWESOME time! She earned her Polar Bear Club shirt, which requires you to go to the lake every morning at 6:30 to swim. We had sent her lots of packages, good thing since one girl in her cabin got NO MAIL at all! Not a letter or card or anything.:sad1: So DD shared some of her stuff with the girl. One girl went home the first day because she had lice:eek: so everyone got checked. Can you imaging spending $900 for a week of camp and having to go back to get your kid before you even got back home? And there are no refunds. But obviously the kid had the lice before she left home, maybe the parents thought no one would notice?:confused3

Now I am off to do laundry and work on DD's room-we are moving her desk in there and we got her a new chair and a corkboard for the wall. And then I may take a nap. I ran 11 miles this morning, 1:57:23, which was pretty good. I had some adjustments made to my running shoes yesterday at Fleet Feet and they worked out pretty well. Tomorrow is 6 miles at race pace, then we are off to the Saratoga Race Track with friends. We will take a picnic lunch and feed the horsies lots of dollar bills, cause I never seem to win anything:lmao:

Take care and stay INCREDIBLE!!
I got in 10 miles today and it was a pathetic 10 miles. I was SOAKING WET when I finished - both physically and mentally. :crazy2: Here it is, 7:16pm, and the temp is still 100 degrees outside. This is Arkansas, not Arizona! I can't wait for cooler weather around here. Unfortunately, it won't be until after the W&D half.

Beth - sorry about that. I thought I saw a Nike Women's picture or logo in your signature. A friend and I are thinking about doing the Women's half in Tempe, AZ in November. I'll have to see how funds hold up before commiting. By the way, AWESOME 5K time! I can only dream of going that fast. Congratulations!

Lauren - Congrats on your weight loss but sorry about your foot. Yes, get that checked out immediately! For some reason, I thought you already had. Sorry about your other issues. Sending more :wizard: your way to help get you all healed up!

Kathy - good job of getting out there and getting the runs in. Your pace is already below the required 16 min pace. You should have NO problems completing the Princess within the required time! :thumbsup2

Amy - I would LOVE to have an iPad but I just can't justify it at this time. I'll have to live through you for now. Let us know how you like it. :teeth:

Megan - I did a lot of the training for my first half on a treadmill. Your pace is fine so you should be okay for the DL half. Let's just hope it's not hot and humid while were there! It was a couple of years ago although it wasn't quite as hot as the South is now. Ugh!

Veronica - great pace for your 11 miles! You are going to do awesome at DL. Glad your daughter enjoyed camp. As for the girl with lice - her parents had to know. Shame on them for sending her to camp with this! Geez!

Jess - racewalking is a very different movement from regular walking. It's a way to add speed without running. It's a very structured movement and takes a while to get the technique down AND get good at it. Our instructor competed in the Olympics several years ago and had something like a 6+min pace. We have a great racewalker in my hometown that does a 9-min mile. I'd like to incorporate it into my training someday but I'll have to start from scratch with my training in order to do so and I don't have the time right now. By the way - congratulations to your husband for going back to school. That is awesome! Your MIL sounds like mine - a bit on the negative side at times. Let us know how his schooling goes!

Patsy - where are you? :teeth:

Take care, everyone! Stay hydrated!
Wow its been so long since I checked in with you guys. I have been reading the updates but I guess I always get sidetracked before I post replies.

glad to see everyone is rocking the runs!!! You all are awesome.

Veronica- That sounds like a fun camp for your DD. So sad that the other little girl didnt get any packages. Your daughter was so sweet to share.

I did my longest run to date yesterday which was 6.2 miles. :yay:I did a 10K!
It took me 1hr and 21min but I completed it and thats all that matters.

It has been a little nicer out the past few days. Still mid 80's but not as humid.

My Mom and Aunt have put together a summer carnival party for the kids in our family today. They have all kinds of games and activities for them to do. They got all kinds of fun prizes. It should be a great time. Later I am hoping to get a short run in.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Woo! A 10K! And that's not a bad time at all!

Your family carnival sounds like so much fun. What a great idea! I hope the kids had a great time (and the adults too!).

I got in 8 miles outside yesterday. I committed to not running on the treadmill this weekend because it was cooler. It was also pouring. So I was quite wet by the time I got back. I'm incredibly stiff today. My normal outside route is super hilly, which I know is an excellent workout and great prep for a race (because the races I run are never this hilly) but man, I feel so out of shape! I can't believe I only have 2 more long runs before my first half! I'm so nervous!
Hi Team!!

Just a quick fly by, things are busy around here. DD is back from sleepaway camp, but just as busy with TKD and other stuff. And I have been tired as of late, not sure why. I could go to sleep right now ;) but there is much to be done.

I hope everyone is doing well with their training, this is my big week. 12 miles this Saturday and 7 on Sunday. Then I get to taper. We are getting more and more excited about going to Cali and I am really looking forward to the race.

Stay cool Incredibles!
Hi Incredibles!

Due to the heat & humidity around here, I haven't been getting in the miles like I should. I have no excuse; I could always go to the gym and use the treadmill. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, I know. I think I need to move to a "cooler" state. Ha! These 100 degree days are getting old. I walked this morning starting at 5:00am with a friend. The temp was around 80 degrees and the humidity was so thick you could cut it with a knife. In the back of my mind, I wondered if the weather for the Wine & Dine half would feel like this. I did 15 miles on the bike last night. I was slow. I tell you, the heat just zaps my energy. It's also zapping my motivation. My friend said the same thing. We just don't have a big desire to get out and do much (exercise-wise) anymore.

Sorry for sounding so gloom. I was really looking forward to the DL race, and really, I still am, but I'm just not prepared as much as I should be. If I can just finish upright with no injuries, I'll be happy. :teeth:

I do have some exciting news, though. I am SO THRILLED! This will be my motivation to get out and lose some weight! It has always been a dream of mine to go to Japan someday. That day has come. I'm going to Tokyo during the Christmas holiday and I'll get to spend 2 days at Tokyo Disneyland! What will seem a little weird is that this will be one of the first trips I've had in a few years that didn't involve particpating in some type of running or biking event. :laughing:
I was really looking forward to the DL race, and really, I still am, but I'm just not prepared as much as I should be. If I can just finish upright with no injuries, I'll be happy. :teeth:

Susie, that's my goal as well. Don't get swept, finish the race, get a medal. The end. I've not been getting in my miles like I want to, and the ones I am getting in are on the treadmill. I am forcing myself to get my last two long runs (9 and 10 miles) done outside, even if the heat means I walk a ton of it. I need to get used to the hills.

That said, tonight it's off to the gym for a 5 miler. UGH.
Just checking in. DH has been out of town this week so I have been on my own with the kids. We took it easy this week since the heat and humidity is still killer. I am running tonight and will try to post some personals this evening:).
Hello Incredibles!! It seems like forever since I've been on here. It's been a busy summer around here, and we haven't even had our vacation yet! Tomorrow is my last day of work and then I have 18 days off and my son and I are both soooo excited. Even more exciting we're taking two camping trips the first week and then I'm surprising him with a wdw trip, and he has no idea. It is so fun to see him so excited about our vacation and during the second week he thinks we'll do a water park and the beach and maybe go away to a motel a couple nights. I've been doing pretty good getting my runs in 3 days a week and making one longer. I started keeping track and now I don't want to run/walk less than 10 miles each week. I'm looking forward to school starting so I will be able to get out and run more easily once michael gets on the bus in the morning. After vacation I plan to sit down with my calendar and plan out my running and when I'll start the half training plan. This week I've been sticking to run 4 min, walk 1 min, and it seems to be working well. Before I would run 5-10 depending and walk 2-3, but toward the end of the runs, I would be walking longer and longer, and this way, I stuck with the 4 min runs till the end.

I wanted to wish all of you incredibles who are doing the DL half the best of luck! Not that you'll need it, you are going to rock that race!! Have so much fun and can't wait to hear all about it. I'll be thinking of you as we finish our wdw trip that day.

Susie- good luck in DL and congrats on your trip to Tokyo. How exciting. I've only ever been to wdw, and can't wait to get to dl someday. It's been so tough everywhere to get out in this heat, but I'm sure you will do just fine. Have a blast.

Veronica- Your dd sounds so sweet to share her treats with the other girl at camp. Glad she had a good time. Tomorrow is michael's last day of camp, and he's actually had a really fun time. The summer started with him whining about going to camp at all, so I'm happy that attitude changed pretty quickly. He wanted to know why I can't get a job like so and so's mom, and it's like, THEY DON"T WORK!!! Good luck with the 12 miles on saturday, and have an awesome trip to DL. You have been doing amazing with your training, and will have no problem with the dl half. Have fun!!

Megan- Congrats on the 8 miles, and the best of luck to you on your first half marathon. You must be so excited to be doing it in DL. Honestly the thoughts of the princess half is probably what has kept me running this summer. Good luck with your final long runs, and have a wonderful, magical run in dl!!

Jess- Congrats to your husband on going back to school. That's too bad his family doesn't support him, but at least you know it and it's not expected, and you have other support too. I hope your little one's rash is clearing up and he's feeling better. I remember the hot summer diaper rashes. Not fun.

LIndsay- Whoo hoo on running 10K!!!! Funny, until you posted it, I didn't think about it being 10k. I'v done 5.5 miles, so I only have to add .7 miles to make a 10K. Thanks for inspiring me again.

Bephus- Happy belated anniversary!! Hope you had a good run tonight.

We're leaving right after work tomorrow, for Maine. I'm planning to run sat and mon mornings- 3miles each and have mapmyruned where to go. Though the campground is pretty big, so I'll measure from the front gate to our site first.

Have a great rest of the summer, and I'll be back in sept. I should be able to keep up a little better once school is in session.
Veronica and Megan and anyone else I miss good luck on your final preperations for the DL 1/2. You guys rock!

Susie- Wow a trip to Japan is amazing. Im glad your dream is coming true:goodvibes

Kathy- I am so proud of you. Can you believe how far we have come since we first started running. Now you are at 5.5 miles and running way more than walking. You are going to wiz through the princess:thumbsup2 If I dont get to tell you on the BL boards, have a wonderful trip/trips. I cant wait to hear all about it when you return.

I only got out running once so far this week. I did a 5K. I plan on running tomorrow and at least sat or sunday (long run 6.5 miles).

Not too much else going on in my neck of the woods. Work is nutz and I feel like there is so much to do and so little time. We are preparing for my ds to start kindergarten on the 30th. Im getting a little nervous. We dont have much planned this weekend so hopefully I can get some relaxation in.

Keep up the good work everyone! You are Incredible.
Just got home from my run. Well, I finished 2 hours ago, but I just back to me house;). The run was WET! It was pouring when I got to the park where my group starts, so we waited out the worst of it and didn't have rain for the run but man oh man was is HUMID. I don't think I have ever been so wet after running except when it has actually been raining. :scared1: It was a good run though so I am glad for that at least. DH also got back early (took early flight) so he surprised the kids at dinner. They were thrilled to have him back:cloud9:

I hope that all you DL halfers are doing well in your last few weeks of training. You are all going to rock that race:lovestruc

Kathy - I hope your vacation is great! It sounds like so much fun! And how surprised will DS be when you go through the gates at the World! Have a great time.

Megan - you will not get swept! You are going to do INCREDIBLE:cheer2:

Susie - You too will do INCREDIBLE at the DL half! And congrats on the trip to Tokyo. DH traveled there for work 4 years ago and it is one of his favorite cities now. And to get to visit DLT too, wow too cool!

Veronica - almost there! I love those last few weeks of training, the excitement always pumps me up for the race.

Lindsay - :woohoo:10K!!! Congratulations!

Ok, I am off to bed now. Caio!
Fly by post to say "hello" to all the INCREDIBLES!

Good luck to all of you running the DL 1/2! pixiedust:

It is very inspiring to read about all your training! :flower3:
I'm going to Tokyo during the Christmas holiday and I'll get to spend 2 days at Tokyo Disneyland! What will seem a little weird is that this will be one of the first trips I've had in a few years that didn't involve particpating in some type of running or biking event. :laughing:

That's so wonderful! What an amazing time you'll have. HydroGuy went to TDR about a year ago and posted a wonderful trip report with some great pictures.

Don't get swept, finish the race, get a medal. The end.

Hear, hear!!!

I hope everyone is doing well with their training, this is my big week. 12 miles this Saturday and 7 on Sunday. Then I get to taper. We are getting more and more excited about going to Cali and I am really looking forward to the race.

Veronica, what training program are you doing? Yikes! 12 miles on Saturday and 7 on Sunday! What will you run over the next couple of weeks as you taper?

DH and I just finished our 9 mile run. I finished in 2 hours and 10 minutes. Under sweep time, thank goodness! Why is it that the last mile (whether it's a four mile, five mile, or nine mile run) is always the hardest? Today is DH's and my 18th anniversary, so we ran a 1/2 mile for each year we've been married! He kept to my pace today so we could run together and we would reminisce about each year of our marriage as we got to a 1/2 mile mark. It was a fun run! Our DDs hung out at a friend's house while we went out. It was a very pleasant mid-60's temperature with a slight breeze and we ran along the American River bike trail. The only downside was those darn bikers! I don't really like running on the dirt trail beside the bike path, but that's what etiquette dictates so I was constantly jumping from the more comfortable pavement to the dirt trail whenever bikes came along towards me.

My feet are definitely sore now, but we got cleaned up and now DH and I going to take our DDs out to pick up lunch from one of our favorite little restuarants and take it out to a park for a picnic lunch.

Two more weeks until the Disneyland Half!!! :banana::banana:


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