Strange tip about blisters!


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2001
I heard--now this sounds weird---that if you put antiperserant on your feet this will keep you from getting blisters. Anyone ever heard this one--does it work?

that if you use the spray antiperspirant on your feet, it will help prevent blisters.
I've never tried it but I can highly recommend the moleskin tip I got off these boards - makes a huge difference!
I also read that tip here and intended to try it out, but forgot to use it :(

I think it's supposed to dramatically reduce the moisture from your feet sweating and thus reduce the friction.

I tried this out on our trips and I honestly do not know if this works. I have never gotten a blister on my feet but I also use moleskin, etc.

I will tell you that I found out on our last trip that the best use for that spray antipersirant was to roll the can under my feet in the evenings. That felt SOOOO good after a long day in the parks! :)


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With my job sometimes I have to stand on hot pavement for long periods of time. I have actually used stick deodorant on my feet, it cuts down on the moisture in your shoes! try it. :eek:
Our last trip I could feel a problem starting as we entered the park. I went to first aid asking for a simple band-aid. This really great grandma-type lady gave me a killer band-aid, much better than I could have bought. I've never seen them in the store to purchase...just handed out for free at Disney First Aid stations!

Try if you've got kids, first aid is a great place to wind down....air conditioning, disney channel, water and a comfy chair.....
I do know that is works on places where you get heat rash; the back of your neck, etc. Sounds like it would work on your feet too, but I don't know this for a fact.

We have used Right Guard Spray the last several times we have been to WDW. We didn't get blisters! Was that the reason? Who knows- but our feet didn't smell!
In case you get a blister ... bring a bunch of Curad Blister Care bandages. They are really the best! They have gel in them which protects and cushions your blister. I carry them in my bum-bag because you never know when a blister will pop up in WDW!

-- Robin
We use suave baby powder anti perspirant and it really WORKS! Yo have to make sure to really douse the entire foot. your feet will feel funny as you slide your socks on and your toes will be squishy and slidy against each other. Its a weird feeling at first. But no one got so much as tired feet when we did this. We have always been plagued with blisters at WDW. We used a whole can in a week for DH, DD, and me.


We had 6 kids with us. I had heard to wear two thin pairs of socks at once. I bought thin socks for all, as an experiment, and It Works! There were no blisters on anyone! I guess the first sock and shoe wear against the inner thin sock, instead of your skin. It worked wonderfully! :D

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Using spray deoderant did work for me, I never got 1 blister. BUT after 2 days my feet becaome SOOOOO itchy I thought I was going to go nuts!!!

On our last 2 trips I used Moleskin and never got 1 blister.

So if you have sensitive skin try experiment before you go to make sure you don't end up with other problems besides blisters!!!

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I've been to Disney countless times - and one of my favorite activities is doing the WS 'walk' (it's about a mile) - and I've never gotten blisters on my feet while there. I don't do anything special - except - I always wear the same shoes I normally wear at home - no new shoes special for the trip - just my trusty broken-in sneakers - with socks, and I've never had a problem. Maybe I'm just lucky! :)
Bought some Arrid cream and I'm going to give it a try! Leaving in 3 wks! Can't wait! :D

I know this sounds crazy but what exactly is Moleskin and where to you find it? Our first trip is in 40 days and can't wait. We don't want to ruin it with blisters. Thanks.
I'm not really sure, but it's supposed to be better than bandaids to put on hot spots & blisters. I'm trying the antiperspirant first. :D

The last 2 trips to Disney I brought Secret...powder scent in the spray can with me. I didn't get a blister either time and I usually ended up with atleast one, no matter what kind of sneakers I wore.

I use it on my DS's feet too, my DH thinks I'm nuts :rolleyes:

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I'd also like to know what moleskin is, and where it can be bought.

I don't usually have trouble with blisters, but I do get bad pain in my heels. Heel pads only help a little bit. Anybody have any ideas that have worked for that?

Thanks much!ˇ ;) ‹
Moleskin is and adhesive backed material, sort of like flannel, it custions areas that your shoes rub on to keep you from getting blisters.... WalMart id where I get they have the regular moleskin and a thick one too.

If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose ?
I picked up that tip from these boards and it works well. I have been to DW 5 times and always got blisters. But last year the only thing I did different was antipersperant. Every morning my husband looked at me like I was crazy but he was the one with the blisters not me.

Try it!! It works

Have a Disney Day!:)

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