Staying at AKL Right Now And Am Annoyed...

But now that I am getting the hang of things, I am starting to feel that that's not the case. I guess full price room paying patrons are a priority.
DVC members get a lot of perks that the public doesn't, so you can say in these areas that DVC members are the priority. It's just that your member dues do not PAY for daily maid service. You can pay an extra fee and get it, but most people don't want it.\

With that said, you were expecting something different and were disappointed. Now you know.
Just an FYI. You are at Jambo house, and we have found they aren't quite sure about how DVC works there yet. I'm quite sure Kidani will be much better, because it will be DVC only. We had mousekeeping issues at AKV/Jambo too as well as attitude from the front desk, but I chalked it up to them not understanding the system.
Sorry, I don't mean to hijack this thread, but given the limited maid service that is provided, is it customary to tip mousekeeping? If so, how much?
Sorry, I don't mean to hijack this thread, but given the limited maid service that is provided, is it customary to tip mousekeeping? If so, how much?

Officially, Disney considers mousekeeping an untipped position. Some people tip, other so not.

We usually do tip on our service days. While it varies depending uoon the size of the unit, usually for a studio/one bed we tip $4 or $5 for T&T day, $8+ on a full service day. Depends on what monetary denomination we have handy. We generally get some $2 bills from the bank before we leave on a trip, better than carrying a stack of $1.
Ok, I don't know if I should have known this but here's my problem...

We are DVC members and are staying in a studio right now at AKL (hence the free internet access:thumbsup2) and just found out that we don't get maid service daily??? We stayed in a 1 BR villa last year at BC and there were designated days for towels, trash... That I get. We had a washer and a dryer so we were able to wash towels therefore there was no need to get fresh towels daily. Staying in a studio, we do not have a washer dryer and have no way to wash our towels (which we knew when booking and were fine with). Yes, I know there are communal washing facilities but why should I have to go to the trouble and pay for clean towels??? If I were staying here at AKL in a regular room (ie: not DVC) I would be getting maid service. It just doesn't add up. When my husband called the front desk to request more towels, the CM gave him attitude about needeing a whole new set. She acted totally put out and like we were asking for something outlandish.:confused3

Please no flames here. I am just sincerely suprised. Thoughts???

Ok, sorry but just had to vent. Someone please tell me if I'm missing something here?

You had the same CM we had when we went...Totally put out, not friendly, and should be out shovelling what comes out of the animals instead of dealing with people....As for the washing....Hang your towels, we do...You guys know you are clean...Dont let it ruin your trip..OR, do what we do....Go wash them and swim and relax while they wash/dry.....
Yes, I know there are communal washing facilities but why should I have to go to the trouble and pay for clean towels??? If I were staying here at AKL in a regular room (ie: not DVC) I would be getting maid service. It just doesn't add up.

Oddly, it does add up . . .

Towel cleaning costs come out of our annual dues. If DVC were to provide this service daily, it would cost us members a lot more on our annual dues.

DH and I would not want to pay increased dues to have towels changed daily when we do not require it - and it also harms the environment.
Exactly why we stay in a 1BR - the extra room and the washer and dryer. I actually don't like having my room cleaned - we pick up after ourselves as a rule.

Now I find it weird when I stay in a regular room...
Most hotels these days have tent cards that talk about the waste of water for washing of towels everyday and encourage you to re-use. That includes Disney.
This is standard timeshare procedure. Most timeshare stays are extended (not single overnights) so it does fit profile better than a hotel scenario. Plus, this is a way to reduce costs and one of the reasons they can pre-sell the membership at such a discount.

I've never encountered a problem by not having somebody come in my room every day and take out the trash, provide new towels, and make my bed. I prefer that they don't do that anyway. If we hang the towels on the rack after use, they are always dry and ready the next day and before we know it, we have new ones every 4 days. Saves water, saves energy, and most importantly saves costs which help keeps dues down.
Do you own at AKV? Try to book Concierge next time- we had clean towels everyday and turndown service every night.:goodvibes
[Our Guide] explained everything, making sure we knew that DVC is a ts product(ie planning ahead is best)


Personally I like not having a maid in my room everyday, and at my house you get clean towels once a week(maybe twice in the summer).

I am in exactly the same boat as what I left in the quote above. In fact, I often leave a "Do Not Disturb" sign on my door at hotels to avoid housekeeping, Disney or not! That said, lower dues thanks to limited service I don't want is great, and the option for those who want it to pay for it separately seems a good balance.

To the OP, I *AM* sorry you got surprised like that, it is unfortunate to have reality set in during vacations. During my sales presentation my guide told me about the the limited mousekeeping. It surprised me a bit then, but that was well before I bought so I was fairly informed. Oh course, I haven't stayed at a DVC property yet, so we'll have to see if my expectations are met at that time! Can't wait until after Thanksgiving when I'm going to BLT...

I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!!!
Do you own at AKV? Try to book Concierge next time- we had clean towels everyday and turndown service every night.:goodvibes

Well, HOPEFULLY it works that way, but in our 5 night CL stay, we only got turn down once and clean towels twice. We made our bed before we left each day, just as we always do, so maybe they thought we didn't want the service, but hey, I'd take the chocloate anyway!:rotfl:
I am in exactly the same boat as what I left in the quote above. In fact, I often leave a "Do Not Disturb" sign on my door at hotels to avoid housekeeping, Disney or not! That said, lower dues thanks to limited service I don't want is great, and the option for those who want it to pay for it separately seems a good balance.

To the OP, I *AM* sorry you got surprised like that, it is unfortunate to have reality set in during vacations. During my sales presentation my guide told me about the the limited mousekeeping. It surprised me a bit then, but that was well before I bought so I was fairly informed. Oh course, I haven't stayed at a DVC property yet, so we'll have to see if my expectations are met at that time! Can't wait until after Thanksgiving when I'm going to BLT...

I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!!!

Going OT, DVCGeek, see you're a fellow Buckeye! We'll be at SSR(in a GV :banana: for Thanksgiving).
Well, HOPEFULLY it works that way, but in our 5 night CL stay, we only got turn down once and clean towels twice. We made our bed before we left each day, just as we always do, so maybe they thought we didn't want the service, but hey, I'd take the chocloate anyway!:rotfl:

forget the towels--leave more CHOCOLATE! (and please, why can't it be "dark" chocolate??????)
I wanted to say Thanks for posting the concern, especially since you thought it may be controversial. It's important to have a place, where we can ask questions, even if the topic is unpopular. It was kind of brave, and I learned something new, as well.
Well, HOPEFULLY it works that way, but in our 5 night CL stay, we only got turn down once and clean towels twice. We made our bed before we left each day, just as we always do, so maybe they thought we didn't want the service, but hey, I'd take the chocloate anyway!:rotfl:

I did remember that either you or someone else did not have the turn-down service every night on their stay, so i was actually expecting them to screw it up! :rotfl: Soooo nice they didn't- turned down both the bed and pull-out couch with chocolates for all every night- and we did have fresh towels and made beds in the morning each day. I felt very was wonderful!:goodvibes
When I bought DVC, I was in the camp of people really concerned about no daily housekeeping. I am the type that when I am on vacation I don't like to make the bed, use stiff old towels, etc. I was use to that in all hotels including Disney.

Well, now that I have stayed as an owner without it, I actually don't miss it. Truth be known, I enjoy not feeling like I have to be out before the maid comes. I still don't care for making the bed particularly - and the huge Kidani bedspreads are massive to handle - but I've learned to accept it. Gives me something to do while I wait for the towels in the dryer in the 1br. They fluff up really nice too! Studio stays - they just get hung back up to dry, no biggie.

I suspect now that you (the OP) are over the shock of it, you'll be fine with it in the future.

BTW, how do studio DVC members get free laundry machines in the common laundry room? Aren't they coin operated?
...BTW, how do studio DVC members get free laundry machines in the common laundry room? Aren't they coin operated?

All the DVC resorts have at least one laundry room for the studio guests to use. You may need your resort ID to open the door. The machines look like they take coins, but don't require them to use the machines. At VWL, BWV they are on the first floor. At BCV they are on the 4th floor. At OKW and SSR, they are located at the pools.
This was one of the things we like about DVC no one in our room every day.

I don't expect DW to do towels while on vacation (she does sometimes) and I'm surely not doing them.

So for week stays We get and extra set and an Extra T&T day . this covers us fine for the most part. Sometimes they don't even charge the $6 for the towels when they do so what it's $6
I guess to someone who isnt part of the "time share" gang, yeah, it's a bit alarming at first. Honestly though, i like it better. I like that my stuff isnt moved, and no one has been in there. Next trip in Nov. I am taking WAY less, because i'd throw in a load of laundry every other day, and had everything CLEAN when i got home. WOW..i love DVC:lovestruc

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