StarTours makes me nauseous, will "calm" MS?


Mar 26, 2001
Just read that Mission Space has a side that doesn't spin now......did not know that. I did not ride it before after DH did not feel well at all and he usually never gets motion sickness.

Anyway, I got that motion sickness feeling on you compare the non-spinning side of MS to that? If so, I think I'll pass.
I cannot ride Star Tours or any rides of that kind....well I can, I just have to keep my eyes closed the entire time. The non-spinning side of Mission Space did not bother me at all. :thumbsup2
Oh no. I say neither. First time on the regular Mission Space. I thought I was a goner. Then got up the nerve to do the other side. kepy my eyes shut. And felt a lil funny. My vote is neither.
I can't read in a moving car--get nauseated. Can't ride the Teacups--spinning really gets to me! Star Tours I can manage, but the first few minutes I am out of the ride, I am a little addlepated.:confused3 SO imagine my surprise when I rode the non spinning side of MS with just a little wobbliness walking down the hall to the exit AND when I did the spinning side, it was fine! Again, just a little wobbly in the legs:wizard:

I think it just is such a personal and individual reaction, that you won't know until you try it.:flower3:
Star Tours is worse than MS in my opinion. I think it needs a major refurbish.

I don't get motion sick easily, but Star Tours did it to me. Mission:Space (the non-spinning side) didn't cause me any discomfort at all. I may have been a little wobbly on my feet upon exiting, but no major effects to my insides.
If you did Star Tours, I don't think you'll have any trouble with non-spin MS. In fact, I'm a ride wimp and thought non-spin MS was pretty lame (sorry!). DH and I agreed we'd have been really bummed if we'd waited in line very long (we go Sept.).

Now, if you're claustrophobic at all, I'd avoid MS because it is pretty snug. If you do start to feel odd, just close your eyes. The only actual movement is some tiliting forward/back -- nothing major.
If you want to try MS, I would suggest you do it right before you leave the park. DH gets very motion sickness, but wanted to try it and did the full ride before they had the half one. Poor guy didn't fare well.

I've done both and know his limits and know even the lite one would bother him. He can't do star tours or even watch the tea cups.
This is good information. I was scared to try MS last year. I am one of those people who gets sick after the teacups. I did ride Star Tours and felt kind of woozy after it. Maybe I will get brave this October and try MS.
I can't do Star Tours, either, but had no problem with the "tame" version of MS.
I also can NOT do Star Tours :sick: Hate that feeling.
Had no problem with the calm side of MS. Do it every trip. One help is the cool air blowing.
Thanks for all your replies.....that helps a lot. I agree with all of you that said you get sick on the tea cups! I also get sick by just reading a quick note in the car. I hate to ruin my whole day after a ride gets to me. I'm fine on the coasters and TOT though.:confused3

I'm glad to hear of those who faired well......I'm thinking about it!
I'm another one who gets car sick easy, will NOT do Tea Cups and can barely handle Star Tours even if I take motion sickness med but I can(and have) ride the non-spinning side of Mission Space over and over without any problem. So I say try it :thumbsup2
I never feel sick on any ride, but Star Tours, oh my it's just awful lol. I think because it is so stuffy in there is why it makes me feel blah.

Now I did Mission Space, mild version, and I was fine. They blow cool air on you the whole time, so I think that helps.
Ok, think I may try it. I'll have to report back on how it compares. Unfortunately, my DS who is 12 has inherited the inability to do spinning rides as he found out this summer at our town carnival. If he wants to go on now that I know it doesn't spin, we will......I really hate to miss anything at Disney!!:goodvibes more thing......

Everyone mentions that the sides are color coded, but is there a definite sign that says "non-spinning"? Would hate to get on the wrong side:eek: more thing......

Everyone mentions that the sides are color coded, but is there a definite sign that says "non-spinning"? Would hate to get on the wrong side:eek:

The GREEN side is the milder side. You'll be able to tell easily which one to go on.

The teacups make me want to hurl, Star Tours makes me a little queasy. The calm side of MS was worse for me than Star Tours, I guess I'm the only one? I have no desire to ever ride it again. I don't consider myself claustrophobic, but I have a feeling that little space in combo with the moving picture does NOT sit well with me. Eeeeewwwww. :sick: I can't think of any other rides I can't stomach, I ride them all!

OP, sounds like most people do really well, so give it a try! If you're like me, you'll know for next time. It certainly didn't ruin my day, just didn't care for the feeling.
I was nauseous on Star Tours, but no problem on the green side of Mission Space. If the movie starts to bother you, just close your eyes. It is not like Star Tours where the whole room shakes.
As I recall when we walked up to the line there was a CM handing out cards -- green or orange. They asked which we wanted. You can confirm the non-spinning with them.
Thanks for all your replies.....that helps a lot. I agree with all of you that said you get sick on the tea cups! I also get sick by just reading a quick note in the car. I hate to ruin my whole day after a ride gets to me. I'm fine on the coasters and TOT though.:confused3

I'm glad to hear of those who faired well......I'm thinking about it!

I've done both versions and the non-spinning still makes me feel a little off at the end. (Star Tours makes me feel totally ill, but Body Wars was even worse.) The part that makes me feel queasy is at the end, though sometimes it affects me more than others. If it feels yucky, I just close my eyes and that helps a good bit. On the spinning version, closing my eyes didn't help because the real motion is so strong. On the green version, the apparent motion is strong, but you can "turn off" a good bit by closing your eyes or just looking down at the controls so you can't see the screen.

But even when it does affect me, it isn't bad - like maybe the 4th time riding ToT (all in a row on those not-busy nights!) when my body starts telling me it's time for a little break. ;)
i <3 mission space .. i ride the intense version .... but star tours never fails to give me a massive headache! :headache: more thing......

Everyone mentions that the sides are color coded, but is there a definite sign that says "non-spinning"? Would hate to get on the wrong side:eek:

Versions of MS are colorcoded and easy to read, moreover when you enter there are CMs with color tickets, they will ask which version you want and give you appropriet color ticket, them CM inside will take this ticket from you right before the ride so even if you got into wrong line inside, they will take you to the right place.

As for the ride itself, both SW and MS are simulators. :surfweb:SW is ruogh and MS although the range of mothion is bigger, is not rough.


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