SSDI Review question

retirement of one of the parents won't make her become eligible. but if the parent is retired, she should at least be getting (as a minor child) a social security payment also. minors who have a parent receiving social security disability or straight social security retirement get a payment as well. it goes until they are 18 (or 19 if they are still in highschool and will graduate within a certain time frame). unfortunatly no medical benefits come with that.

Thank you so much for the information! I have been reading and looking and couldn't find that answer anywhere.

She is currently receives medical benefits through a Katie Beckett waiver. I guess after reading some of the other posts I should be very thankful she qualifies in SC.

Thank you again for your response. All of this is very confusing.
Just make sure you are prepared for any questions they may ask, and have medical reports, dates of hospitalizations, etc. I had it all in front of me and called the 800 number for SSI when my son turned 18. A woman there said "Well, I will send you the paper work, but I don't think your son qualifies for Social Security because he has never had a job." :lmao:

Huh, he's autistic, with the capabilities of a 5 year old. Of course, she was wrong (she wsa supposed to be the expert), and DS was awarded SSI for the first full month he was 18, not even a first denial and a re-application needed.
Just make sure you are prepared for any questions they may ask, and have medical reports, dates of hospitalizations, etc. I had it all in front of me and called the 800 number for SSI when my son turned 18. A woman there said "Well, I will send you the paper work, but I don't think your son qualifies for Social Security because he has never had a job." :lmao:

Huh, he's autistic, with the capabilities of a 5 year old. Of course, she was wrong (she wsa supposed to be the expert), and DS was awarded SSI for the first full month he was 18, not even a first denial and a re-application needed.

the other thing that will help keep a valid application from being initialy denied or at least endlessly questioned is getting all of your doctors on board and aware of all of everyone's diagnosis and testing. if you have multiple doctors and one has made a decision not to do a particular test because another has already done it (and they've based their diagnosis or treatment plan on info from that doctor) ask them to make sure they detail that in their med. report to ss. it can also help immensely if each doctor in their individual ss report state all the diagnosis and if they concur with them. that way you don't have the neurologist saying you have 'x', the general practitioner saying you have 'y' and the psychiatrist saying you have 'z'-you have all 3 saying you have 'x, y, AND z' (some doctors will be nice enuf to do a draft of their letter to pass on to your other doctors so they can make sure they all support one another in your diagnosis).
I just got a call from his treating doctor. I had called and requested a letter detailing his history, diagnosis, etc. The doctor's nurse just called to say they normally don't do this for SSI and that SSI normally mails them a form to fill out.

I'm going in with all the mediacl reports, dates of hospitalization, that I have and hoping for the best.
just want to say that if you get forms with 'yes' and 'no' answers-but it only tells you to 'explain below' if you answer with a specific response (as in 'if you answered 'yes' explain below)-if you feel information is needed to clarify even if you did'nt answer it 'yes'-go ahead and do so-it can save more forms, phone calls and appointments down the line.

as an example-i received a questioneer for my review that included a question as to weather my doctor and i had discussed my returning to work. it only asked me to explain if i answered 'yes'. well in all honesty, my answer was 'no'. but i knew that if i said that alone, it would cause ss to question weather my doctor was doing as he should and regularly reviewing my health to determine if i am truly unable to work. so i answered 'no', but gave the explanation that the reason we did'nt discuss it was because my doctor has told me that when and 'if' he ever believes i can entertain the idea of working again he will bring it to my attention. and in my individual case it's detrimental to my health to consider it or dwell on it as a possibility at this point.

provide the information you believe ss needs to answer any questions they may ask.


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