Spain Trip report 7-23-7-31 plus post day.

Oh BOYYYY!!!! Thank you Rapunzellover!!!!! LOVE, LOVE. LOVE Spain. Can't wait. Thank you.
Safely in Madrid. Very very smooth pickup. Liking the Hotel Ritz, but they aren't using it next year. Will update later. My guides are Natalya and Armando. They seem great.
Finished day 1. Basically just explored on my own before welcome dinner. Made it to the Reina Sofia museum to see Picasso's Guernica. Spectacular. Welcome dinner at hotel was decent, but not spectacular, as most hotel dinners with ABD.

Big complaint up front though. Huge, actually. Vueling Air, which was supposed to take us from Malaga to Barcelona for the last day of the tour in Barcelona cancelled the 7 am. flight to Barcelona. The only other flight is at 3 in the afternoon. This means we will miss Parc Guell and the Picasso museum. These were two big items to see for me. Now we are basically going to Barcelona for Sagrada Familia and dinner.

Really angering. Fortunately we will still get tixs to these places if we have a post day. Which I thankfully do. So I'll still see them. But if I didn't have a post day, I'd be furious.

This is of course not ABD's fault, and it's obviously difficulties with this flight that caused them to change the itinerary for next year. But I think it's awful. At least we were lucky to get a flight. The guide said Vueling did this to another group of hers, the day of the flight! With no time to rearrange. They had to take a 13 hr bus ride to Barcelona. And didn't get their earlier than we will flying. Glad it's not like that at least.

I'm having fun though. Madrid is a beautiful city.
Oh no! Thank goodness you have an extra day. Parc Guell would definitely be something I wouldn't want to miss!
So sad to hear about your flight cancellation. It puts a "bummer" shadow on the trip. On the plus side Madrid and Spain in general is so beautiful this fact will put your disappointment in the back of your mind. Sangria also for the first day info.
I'm just astounded by this because I never thought it would happen. I assumed it was a chartered flight. Egg on my face. It's a nuisance, but glad I have an extra day. So necessary now. And of course, even with tixs it's gonna cost me cause I'll have to get transportation to the Parc and Museum. They aren't within walking of my hotel.
Hi Rapunzellover--if you can, try take the tour of Gaudi's Casa Mila (La Pedrera), specifically do the origins tour at night. The light show on the roof is absolutely spectacular. Tickets tend to sell out in advance, but if you have internet access you may be able to book. Have fun. We spent 2 weeks in Spain last year and had a blast.
Excited to see this review - this is top of our list for 2017!
Looking forward to hearing about it. I did not realize the itinerary had changed though - how can I find the 2016 version?
Have a great time!
Michele- its pretty much the same itinerary, except they are starting in Barcelona instead of ending there. You can see the 2016 Itinerary under rates and dates for the trip.
Day 2- started with a trip to the Royal Palace. Extremely beautiful place. Probably the prettiest palace I've seen in my life. Our local guide, Rafa, was terrific. We had an additional guide at the palace to separate into groups. We had a few minutes after the tour to visit the armory if desired. Then it was on to the Real Madrid soccer stadium. This is absent from the new itinerary. Frankly it's nothing cool if you don't like soccer (I don't). The lunch, overlooking the stadium, was fantastic, however.

After lunch, we met up with Rafa again for a tour of the Prado. This was by far the best museum tour of any ABD I've been on. Rafa was terrific, funny and informative. I was very happy to see Goya's black paintings.
After the Prado, it was time for a rest. There was a lot of walking and heat all day. But later, the guides took us on a walking tour to plaza mayor, puerto del Sol, etc. Afterwards, Armando kindly guided me to the nearby Correl de la Moreria. This is the place voted best Flamenco in the world. It was spectacular and I was glad I'd prepurchased tixs. I then walked back to the hotel, shopping a little on the way.
Day 3 was a trip to Segovia. We stopped in La Granja at the Royal glass factory. This has apparently been changed to the summer gardens for next year? I'm assuming this change is for more time in Segovia. Which i'm sure would be amazing. But the glass factory was really cool. We watched glass blowing and painted and etched glass bottles. Very cool little keepsakes. And now I get why this handblown stuff is so expensive. It is work!

Then it was on to Segovia--. The aqueduct is neat, and the restaurant was delicious. I was too chicken to have the sucking pig though. Had chicken instead. Really tender. Then we went for a walking tour of the town. HOT!! But we walked primarily in the shade, so not too bad. We stopped outside the amazing cathedral. Didn't go in-- but I think the new itinerary does. After that, it was off to the Alcazar. So beautiful. Then, back to the coach to return to Madrid. I was still full from lunch, so I just ate a granola bar from my suitcase. Then it was rest, relax and pack to leave Madrid in the morning.
Finished day 1. Basically just explored on my own before welcome dinner. Made it to the Reina Sofia museum to see Picasso's Guernica. Spectacular. Welcome dinner at hotel was decent, but not spectacular, as most hotel dinners with ABD.

Big complaint up front though. Huge, actually. Vueling Air, which was supposed to take us from Malaga to Barcelona for the last day of the tour in Barcelona cancelled the 7 am. flight to Barcelona. The only other flight is at 3 in the afternoon. This means we will miss Parc Guell and the Picasso museum. These were two big items to see for me. Now we are basically going to Barcelona for Sagrada Familia and dinner.

Really angering. Fortunately we will still get tixs to these places if we have a post day. Which I thankfully do. So I'll still see them. But if I didn't have a post day, I'd be furious.

This is of course not ABD's fault, and it's obviously difficulties with this flight that caused them to change the itinerary for next year. But I think it's awful. At least we were lucky to get a flight. The guide said Vueling did this to another group of hers, the day of the flight! With no time to rearrange. They had to take a 13 hr bus ride to Barcelona. And didn't get their earlier than we will flying. Glad it's not like that at least.

I'm having fun though. Madrid is a beautiful city.
Wow, that is definitely something to be upset about. What a disappointment to lose most of one day of activities. I hope they are compensating you guys. I guess I would have thought they'd have a back up in place. Glad you are having fun though and didn't let it ruin your trip. Loving the trip report so far!
Wow, that is definitely something to be upset about. What a disappointment to lose
most of one day of activities. I
hope they are compensating you guys. I guess I would have thought they'd have a back up in place. Glad you are having
fun though and didn't let it ruin your trip. Loving the trip report so far!

Of course nothing like a delay can ruin a trip to beautiful Spain. It's amazing.

Doubt they'll be compensation though. The itineraries always say subject to change.

Will post more later. Yesterday was fabulous. We are in Seville now
Day 4- left Madrid to reach Córdoba. We hopped on a high speed train to get to the city. I love high speed trains. Once we reached Córdoba, it was off to La Mezquita, the Mosque turned Cathedral. Truely beautiful. The whole city of Córdoba seems absolutely lovely. I was disappointed to spend such little time there. We had on our own time after the mosque to eat, shop, etc. The guides recommended a great place, where I had delicious fried fish and learned that the English got the idea for fish and chips from Spain! Quite interesting. Afterwards, it was off to Seville. The coach got us there in time to check in and rest for dinner. We had our flamenco lesson before dinner. It was not much, really. But fun. We learned about the different elements of the dance, and how to use castanets and fans. We were given some to take home. Cool souvenir. Then it was dinner and the show. This is actual a dinner show, so you watch while eating. Decent food, cool show, but not as good as Corral de la Moreria, which I saw in Madrid.
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Day 5 in Seville was lovely. Except for the heat. It's time to mention the Spanish heat. It's brutal. Córdoba was triple digit heat, and so was Seville. Bring your sun hats, people.

Anyhow, the day started with Plaza de Espana. Extremely beautiful place, and it's good to go early. There's not so much crowds. Then rowing on the canal in the plaza. Armando, the guide, rowed me....or I wouldn't have done it. Vit as nice though. Then there was a carriage ride from the plaza to the cathedral. The guides got us drinks and it was a nice cool down. Almost an hour ride. We walked from. The cathedral to the restaurant where the pallea making was. This was fun, but rice and I don't get along, do I asked for an alternative, and got chicken. Good. Then, it was to the cathedral. Beautiful place, and make sure you climb the bell tower (optional). It's not easy, but it's at least ramped instead of steps. Whoever built it was clever.

I then went to the Seville castle, which was worth it, but you might be too hot to want to tackle it.
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