Something About Nothing..........#6

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Morning ya'll Im here .... I think.

We have been working our buns off in the yard cleaning it up. Lots of brush to cut. We accidently cut down a bushy tree thing with a Bird's nest that had an egg in it :guilty: I had gloves on so I took the nest and tried to wedge it in the crook of a nearby limb. Maybe the mommy will come back :confused3.

I think next week we are going to start getting the pool ready for the summer.
Hopefully DH will hear about a job he applied for next week. They should stop taking applications Friday and start reviewing the applications Monday. Maybe he will have an interview by the end of the week.
Hump day is Wednesday. It is the middle of the work week, so I think it started as getting through Wednesday was like getting "over the hump"... which was shortened to the generic Hump Day. It's comparing the work week to climbing a hill. Monday and Tuesday = Uphill battle, Wednesday = Hump, Thursday and Friday = Downhill slide toward the weekend.


:thumbsup2 Thanks for that, curiosity satisfied, I don`t like to miss out on things.

Off to Scotland tomorrow, back next wednesday, hope everyone has a good Easter weekend :goodvibes
Thursday morning and I'm already:mad:

Remember DD with the twisted ankle? PE teacher still making her walk on it even with doctor's slip?

Still arguing about--she comes home from school and if she doesn't start taking gym, she'll either get an F or have to take study hall because the semester is too far advanced to take another class.:mad::mad:

Now that's really going to help with the GPA and scholarship stuff.

It's state mandated they have to take it...Yeah, like the rest of the state of WV is super slim. #2 on the fatness scale.:confused3 And there's my DD who does ballet, tennis, cross country, softball is 5'8" and looks like a model--she takes off for 3 wks and is given all this grief:upsidedow:upsidedow:upsidedow

DH just got off the phone with principal and told him she could probably start taking class again by Tuesday after this break, but she needs a doctor's release... Now, I don't know about the rest of you but try to see a doctor over a holiday...:headache::headache:

oh and Good Morning :)

don't waste your time with the principal or school.

contact the members of your school board.
let them handle it.
if you tell them you are hiring a lawyer, they'll see things your way...

Before I go wasting $13, does anyone know what Chia seed tastes like?

tastes like chicken.............:hippie:

Morning ya'll Im here .... I think.

We have been working our buns off in the yard cleaning it up. Lots of brush to cut. We accidently cut down a bushy tree thing with a Bird's nest that had an egg in it :guilty: I had gloves on so I took the nest and tried to wedge it in the crook of a nearby limb. Maybe the mommy will come back :confused3.

I think next week we are going to start getting the pool ready for the summer.
Hopefully DH will hear about a job he applied for next week. They should stop taking applications Friday and start reviewing the applications Monday. Maybe he will have an interview by the end of the week.

i put the snow shovels away this morning.
is that a start ?

mummy dust for your dh on his job search and interviews.

:thumbsup2 Thanks for that, curiosity satisfied, I don`t like to miss out on things.

Off to Scotland tomorrow, back next wednesday, hope everyone has a good Easter weekend :goodvibes

have a swell time in scotland.

hope your Easter is happy also

i hear ya bonny........

i was being very brave in putting both shovels away this morning.

if we get more snow, i'm sure it will be nothing to write home about.

a touch of flurries at the most.....

but, with our temps, it is a far cry from spring weather....
i hear ya bonny........

i was being very brave in putting both shovels away this morning.

if we get more snow, i'm sure it will be nothing to write home about.

a touch of flurries at the most.....

but, with our temps, it is a far cry from spring weather....

We've had gorgeous temps ... 75% of our snow has now melted - unfortunately now the snow mold has been revealed and my allergies are going strong!!
OK ... this is what we had for snow in late February/early March

This was taken today ...

Hey, I had a question I was hopeing someone could help me with. A couple of years ago I bought a couple of UVO 7 day tickets. I know it say they are "unlimited" or whatever, but I was wondering if I could hop between each park as much as I wanted?
if the 7 day passes have never been used, then they would be valid for both parks.

a few years back, maybe 2003, it was 5 day passes that were being sold.
it i'm right on the date, then the 7 day passes would include both parks.


and welcome to UO 101.........:laughing:

come back and play sometime here.
Hey, Homies.

Thought I'd poke my nose in while Jonathan tears apart the library.

Are we not racing to fill the lat two pages this time?

You can do it quickly if you put a lot of space between sentences.

I need to take a picture of the room I'm going to claim at the new joint.

Maybe we could all sprain the gym teacher's ankle and make her walk UPHILL IN A SNOWSTORM.

Toodles, DH is on his way home from a long day.

Hey, Homies.

Thought I'd poke my nose in while Jonathan tears apart the library.

Are we not racing to fill the lat two pages this time?

You can do it quickly if you put a lot of space between sentences.

I need to take a picture of the room I'm going to claim at the new joint.

Maybe we could all sprain the gym teacher's ankle and make her walk UPHILL IN A SNOWSTORM.

Toodles, DH is on his way home from a long day.








going to pot bellies for a sandwich.......

Hey, Homies.

Thought I'd poke my nose in while Jonathan tears apart the library.

Are we not racing to fill the lat two pages this time?

You can do it quickly if you put a lot of space between sentences.

I need to take a picture of the room I'm going to claim at the new joint.

Maybe we could all sprain the gym teacher's ankle and make her walk UPHILL IN A SNOWSTORM.

Toodles, DH is on his way home from a long day.


And quoting

really long



too !!

Hey youse....
Hey, Homies.

Thought I'd poke my nose in while Jonathan tears apart the library.

If I knew how to post a pic

of my new room I would.

But I am a little slow

on that issue.




Later gators!!

Are we not racing to fill the lat two pages this time?

You can do it quickly if you put a lot of space between sentences.

I need to take a picture of the room I'm going to claim at the new joint.

Maybe we could all sprain the gym teacher's ankle and make her walk UPHILL IN A SNOWSTORM.

Toodles, DH is on his way home from a long day.


What did I just do???

I know I am a little confused

but I thought I already posted???



Are we at page 249 yet????

is this post long enough???

okay I will stop, I like new houses so I thought we could put a bit of a rush on this one!!! :rotfl:

Have a great Friday night Homies
Hey youse....

If Im not around tomorrow and miss the moving van

Just remember.

I need the room next to the pool.

To keep an eye on Freddy The Pool Boy !! ;)
Hey guys! Just stopping in to say hi and help fill pages. I think pics would work well too, don't you?! ;) Since I never shared my Boston ones!

My cute niece & nephew with their cool James cake:


Me and the cute kids again:


My guys in Downtown Boston:


Stephen and his namesake uncle/Godfather:


Cheers (where everybody knows your name!):


And a funny shot to leave you with:


More pics from skiing at Killington next!
Some skiing and condo pics now!






And yes, Mac, you can note that I do in fact wear a helmet (I'm the one in pink in case that's not obvious! :rotfl: )
This is my crafty work, I made these for my future sister in laws bridal shower


and this is the inside!!

What, I leave for more than an hour and nobody posts? (I did read yours beforehand Dawnna!). I was afraid for a minute that I'd missed the move! ;)
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