Somebody snapped at dh's job today


<font color=darkorchid>I am embracing the Turkey B
Jan 18, 2005
A supervisor snapped and threatened to kill one of the workers, using much worse language as to how. Thankfully, this was in a different department from where my dh works. He feels bad for all involved. He was friendly with the guy that snapped as well as the one that was threatened.

I am just nervous about it all. The cops were there when dh was leaving. So can he get arrested for the threat?

Stress makes people do crazy things. I am grateful that he spoke first vs. actions.
Whether he can be arrested or not depends on many many different factors, including whether or not the person he threatened decides to press charges or if the workplace policy requires it. It'll also depend on how far he took the threat. I've made some pretty colorful threats to my sisters when we get into it -- we're a vocal family :rolleyes1 -- but it's clearly just blowing off steam. If the guy truly just snapped due to stress and he has no other marks on his record, they'll likely have him talk to someone in HR who will recommend anger counseling or whatever he may need.

Now, if he actually advanced on the other guy while holding any sort of a weapon ... that's something different altogether.

Wow..thats scary. Seems to be an epidemic of people 'snapping' lately. Glad your husband wasn't involved in any of it!
A supervisor snapped and threatened to kill one of the workers, using much worse language as to how. Thankfully, this was in a different department from where my dh works. He feels bad for all involved. He was friendly with the guy that snapped as well as the one that was threatened.

I am just nervous about it all. The cops were there when dh was leaving. So can he get arrested for the threat?

Stress makes people do crazy things. I am grateful that he spoke first vs. actions.

He might get taken in for a 24 hour psych eval.

That's for sure. Two weeks ago we had a suicide at work.

:eek: OMG-it happened AT your work??? That's awful!!
He might get taken in for a 24 hour psych eval.

:eek: OMG-it happened AT your work??? That's awful!!

Yes, it did. And it was not in a secluded area. I just think how tortured a person must be to do that.
I had a co-worker have a break-down at work once many years ago. He just start ranting and yelling at people, and finally the management had him escorted from the building and he was let go. But he came back a couple days later and tried to get in (couldn't because he no longer had the electronic key) and flipped out again when he couldn't. This time they called the police. I don't know what happened in the end, but I hope he got some help.

Yes, it did. And it was not in a secluded area. I just think how tortured a person must be to do that.

That is just awful!! That poor person & also poor you (and your co-workers) to have to witness that :(
A supervisor snapped and threatened to kill one of the workers, using much worse language as to how. So can he get arrested for the threat?

Yes - threatening to kill someone is called terroristic threatening and he can and will most definitely be arrested for that. This is regardless of whether the other person wants to press charges. I know this first hand as it happened to someone in my family. He may not have to stay in jail but I suspect he will go to court on these charges.

People snap. Especially people with mood disorders who are under chronic stress. Very sad.
My BIL threatened to kill his ex MIL into her phone recorder. It had to do with her mistreating his disabled son. She called the cops, they picked him up-arrested him, he had a 'trial' and was given mandatory therapy, anger management classes and community service. His ex-MIL is an evil, crazy, wench but SHE wasn't the one who snapped on a recording. I'd guess the guy at your husband's work will be taken into custody. Should be, anyway as people shouldn't play around with those kind of threats.

The police were called by the employees mother(he had texted her he's in his 20's)
When they arrived the supervisor had left the building.
They went to his home and arrested him. 24 hour Psych hold. And they are charging him with terroristic threats! yikes! So who knows when he's getting out.

The police were called by the employees mother(he had texted her he's in his 20's)
When they arrived the supervisor had left the building.
They went to his home and arrested him. 24 hour Psych hold. And they are charging him with terroristic threats! yikes! So who knows when he's getting out.

Wow... they don't fool around anymore. Years ago, maybe 10, a coworker of my Husband's threatened DH at work. The boss sent my DH home for a few days (paid of course) while they figured out what to do with the employee. We decided to just leave and take a vacation from it. I don't recall what brought the coworker to do this, but eventually he was fired and went to another company where he was fired there as well....I'm glad these days threats like this are taken seriously, we were certainly worried when it happened to us.
Whether he can be arrested or not depends on many many different factors, including whether or not the person he threatened decides to press charges or if the workplace policy requires it. It'll also depend on how far he took the threat. I've made some pretty colorful threats to my sisters when we get into it -- we're a vocal family :rolleyes1 -- but it's clearly just blowing off steam.

If the guy truly just snapped due to stress and he has no other marks on his record, they'll likely have him talk to someone in HR who will recommend anger counseling or whatever he may need. Now, if he actually advanced on the other guy while holding any sort of a weapon ... that's something different altogether.


Arrest or not, that's pretty much automatic termination anywhere I've ever worked.
According to the paper he had 38 weapons confiscated including an AK-47 assault riffle and a bow.

Now I can understand the right to carry arms but why does anyone need 38 guns? Shouldn't there be a limit? And it sounds like he is going to be held for quite some time.
According to the paper he had 38 weapons confiscated including an AK-47 assault riffle and a bow.

Now I can understand the right to carry arms but why does anyone need 38 guns? Shouldn't there be a limit? And it sounds like he is going to be held for quite some time.

Meh, not like one person can shoot 38 guns all at the same time.
We had something similar happen in our office a couple of months ago. A women flew off at her coworker and told him she had a gun in her car so he better watch is back because she would use it. :eek: THe local police were called (not sure if charges were pressed) and she was escorted out of the building to not return.
This wasn't just some kind of argument, I think he meant what he said...

Russell L. Ensley, 50, was arrested after telling Mason Lynch he'd slit his throat as well as shoot him in the chest twice and once in the head, according to court records.

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