Signs from our loved ones on their passing.

My DFIL and I were very close. On my birthday The year after he died, I was in my house and suddenly noticed a misty "form" standing there. It did not look like him in any way but it was definitely a formation of mist. Outside was a bright sunny day so I couldn't blame the weather. So I said "hi. Did you come to wish me happy birthday?" As I stood there the must evaporated. I think he came to wish me happy birthday.
When I was a little girl I would have full conversations with my Great Grandmother over the non functioning intercom system in our house. When my Mother or grandparents would ask about what I was doing and what the conversations were about I would mimic my great grandmothers expressions or actions perfectly even down to the intonation of her voice. My great grandmother had died before I was even born.

My Mother has had a few experiences. The one that sticks out was when my great uncle passed away from cancer. Uncle Bob hadn't been doing well for a while and we were at the point of starting to expect his passing soon.

One night while my mom was sleeping she was awoken by Bob's distinct laughing. It woke her enough to sit up in bed and fuss at him out loud. She thought it was kinda strange but noticed the time and then went back to sleep. That morning we found out he had passed away in the night right about the time mom was awoken.
One night when I was in my early 20s I had been to a party where I probably had too much to drink. Stupid. I know. I was driving home on a very dark and winding road when someone screamed "STOP!" Except I was alone in the car. It was midnight. No one was walking along the road. So I stopped. I kind of caught my bearings a minute and realized that there was a curve coming up which I didn't realize as I was driving so I would not have curved when the road did and would have ended up in the small river that ran alongside the road. I have no idea who yelled "stop". I did not recognize the voice. I always attributed it to my guardian angel.

Well, though not quite related to a loved one passing, I have a similar story to tell. I think I have already told it here. I kept quiet about it for many years, because I thought people would think I was a loon, but now I just don't care; it was so powerful I just want to share it with people, and I still probably thank God at least once a week for helping to save my daughter, who is now twenty.

Short version: when she was in about third grade, I walked into my bedroom to see my daughter, who had been lying on my bed reading, rise to all fours with a terrified look on her face. I asked her if she was ok, and she wasn't able to talk, but she shook her head no. I then went into " chicken with its head cut off mode." I ran to my window to call for help, then to the phone to call 911, but did neither. ( my son was in the driveway working on his car.) After running around my room for what seemed like an eternity, I was LITERALLY stopped in my tracks by a voice that said, "Stop. You have to help her now." I immediately knew what to do. I went to the bed, grabbed her, and did what must have been a passable Heimlich maneuver, because a lemon ball her teacher had given her that day went flying across the room.

Now, I know for sure there was not an audible voice that anyone else could have heard, but the voice I heard was clear as a bell, and I felt it all through my body. Not the best description, because I have never experienced anything like it before or after, but it was kind of all encompassing., and after hearing it, I just KNEW what to do next. Words will never be able to describe the experience, but words are all I have to try with. As I said, all these years later the experience still has an impact on me. The ironic part of the story is that for years, I had always told my kids to never eat anything if they were not siting up.

More in line with the ops story: five years ago, when my mom was in the hospital very close to death, I walked in and my sister told me that mom had said she saw her mom, her dad, and Dickie. She really had been pretty much unable to talk by this time. I rather inelegantly asked my sister, " who the h&@l is dickie?" It turns out my mom had a brother who died when he was two or three. I guess he was there to help mom.
My Dad passed after a long battle with bowel cancer.

We sat at the hospital for 2 nights waiting because we knew he was so close to passing, and it got to the second day and my Mum decided we'd go home to shower and eat.
We got a phone call about 5 minutes after we got home to say he'd gone and we'd better come back to the hospital.

We went back and one by one went in to say goodbye and his room just felt all wrong, he was stuck, I felt like I couldn't breathe in there.

I opened up the windows, pulled back the blinds and opened up the sliding door and sat on the floor, and just sat and sat until I felt like he was ok, and that his spirit had moved on, the thought of him being stuck in that room saddened me.

That night I was sitting on the couch, I had a blanket covering me because it was cold, I was stunned I think and watching the tv, and just trying to not think about anything.
I have trouble having my feet covered up, I feel like i'm suffocating, I can be freezing all over but my feet will boil.
All of a sudden my feet froze, like turned to ice.
Strangely my Dad always used to say to me when i'd sit there watching tv in my pyjama's "Go and put a pair of sock's on, you'll get pneumonia".

I just thought "yup, he's telling me to put those damn socks on".

My best friend passed away a few years ago leaving 4 young sons. I watched the 2 little ones after school and about a month after she died, there was a Mothers Day plant sale at school. I asked her son if he would like me to come to the sale and help him pick out something.he picked out a beautiful hanging plant so that Mommy could see it from Heaven. I brought it home with me and told him I would bring it with me when I picked him up from school. I put it on my front steps and when I went to pick it up, laying next to it was the prayer card from her wake. I took it as a thank you for being with her baby for the sale. Still gives me goosebumps.

She chose her friend wisely you are a guardian angel. :flower3:
My late DFIL was talking to all kinds of people about 48 hours before he died. It was like he was at a party for goodness sakes! He was like "hey how are you? Haven't seen you in years! Look at you! You look fantastic!" My sister-in-law kept trying to find out who he was seeing but he wouldn't elaborate. After a while he started to quiet down and head toward the comatose type state that people often go into before passing. His DD decided to tell him it was OK to go, that we'd take care of my DMIL etc. She said to him "I'm sure there are a lot if people waiting for you". He opened his eyes and looked right at her and said "yes there are". Now mind you he had been in a comatose state for at least a day. I think it was his way of letting us know he had "people" there and we didn't need to worry about him.

This sort of reminds me of when my grandfather was at the end of his life. He was dying of cancer. It was to the point that my brother drove to PA to grab my sister so she could say her goodbyes. He was just lying there, basically, like you said, in a comatose state. He started talking to people (more mumbling than talking though) Then all of a sudden, he opened his eyes and in a clear voice, look at all of us and said, "It's just so beautiful". We all cried. We told him it was okay to go. Miraculously, a couple hours later he sat up in bed, asked for some toast & coffee, as if nothing had happened. It was so strange. He died a month later.

As for my grandmother, she had Alzheimer's. My mom told me of how she would walk out onto her front porch and talk to the people in the yard. Only, there was never anyone out there. But she would talk to people who had already crossed over as if they were right there with her. I remember reading somewhere that when someone is about to die, they start to see/talk/hear people from the other side and the people that they're talking to are the people that are there to greet them and help them cross.

I'm not really into this, but this happened to my MIL the day she passed away.

My MIL and FIL were divorced. My husband and I took my FIL to see my MIL once we heard how bad it was with my MIL.

My FIL saw my MIL in bed-- she was in pretty serious condition but not a grave situation just yet and said clear as day to my FIL--

T? Why are you here? I'm here with Charlie Rose.

First we thought - the news person- that made no sense. My SIL,BIL and husband all look at each other ? Like what?

Then my FIL answered...
Why would you be with Charlie? He's in the graveyard.

Then she had a conversation with my FIL.

She did pass a few hours later.

My FIL wound up passing away a few years later. We could never find out who Charlie Rose was though. Maybe it was someone they knew..
My late DFIL was talking to all kinds of people about 48 hours before he died. It was like he was at a party for goodness sakes! He was like "hey how are you? Haven't seen you in years! Look at you! You look fantastic!" My sister-in-law kept trying to find out who he was seeing but he wouldn't elaborate. After a while he started to quiet down and head toward the comatose type state that people often go into before passing. His DD decided to tell him it was OK to go, that we'd take care of my DMIL etc. She said to him "I'm sure there are a lot if people waiting for you". He opened his eyes and looked right at her and said "yes there are". Now mind you he had been in a comatose state for at least a day. I think it was his way of letting us know he had "people" there and we didn't need to worry about him.

I'm glad you had that experience. It wasn't so with my dad, though. For instance, he would sundown, and get up (even though he was barely able to walk, and with the neuropathy he fell a lot) and try to leave the house. He would be really agitated and tell me he had to go. So I would set my alarm and get up every 2 hours at night to check on him. One night he wasn't in his bed, and I was really worried. I finally found him on the floor. He had fallen, but was too weak to get up. As soon as I walked up to him, he asked me what had taken so long. Which hurt my feelings at the time, but the next day he told me that he saw me walk up the stairs to the living room, look at him, and walk away. I was asleep, so he was hallucinating.

My dad was the nicest guy you'd ever meet. All people just loved him. But at the very end of his life he was agitated, angry, unreasonable, and so on. His liver was failing, and his oncologist told me these changes were due to the accumulation of ammonia in his brain. I think Hospice was just trying to be generous by telling me it was the spirit world comforting him.
My paternal grandmother passed away in her sleep when I was 16 years old. When the family gathered for her funeral, we "discovered" that Granny had called and spoken with all of her children and grandchildren the night before she passed. It was as if she wanted to say goodbye to all of us.
Like LeeBee I have a Christmas cactus story. My grandmother moved to live with her daughter in another state when I was in 2cnd grade. She had a green thumb like no other ( I on the other hand have a black thumb, and I was named for her LOL). She gave my mother a part of her Christmas cactus. It grew but never bloomed. When I was in the 8th grade grandma passed. That Christmas cactus has bloomed every year since. My sister still has it, it's been over 40 years!
I do believe in signs or feelings. When I was 19 I worked the midnight shift at a 24 hour grocery store. About 330 I felt "weird". I wasn't sick but I just felt like something wasn't right and I requested to go home. I got home just after 4, my dad was up for work already and I told him I felt weird. I went upstairs, laid down in bed and the phone rang. It was my grandma letting us know that my grandpa was being transported to the ER having a heart attack. I was very very close with my grandpa and feel that I was feeling what he was going through.
My late DMIL died decemebr 9th. On Christmas Eve my niece (her granddaughter) was singing at Mass. We all commented on how DMIL would have loved to hear my niece sing.

So we go to Mass, my niece does a beautiful job singing. I go to put the mass book back in the holder anf what falls out but the program that from DMIL's funeral which had been at the church 3 weeks before. Maybe doesn;t sound so unusual except for that they go through the pews after every Mass to clean up, pick up anything lief beihnd by parishiners. So 3 weeks of this and no one discovered this program until it fell into my lap on Christmas Eve.

That was DMIL's way of saying she was there hearing her granddaughter sing.
My grandfather was very sick and we were told he would be out of it soon, so if we wanted to visit we should do it as soon as possible. Everyone was telling me how bad he was, seeing things, talking to things that weren't there. I went the next morning to the rehab he was in, Saturday, and he was doing pretty well, sitting up, eating a little, and asking if my little one was there. (I would have brought my son if I knew how well he was going to do that morning.) I stayed for quite a while. Tuesday I was home, and felt almost an electric shock feeling on the side of my head, had never felt it before and haven't since. I started looking up on the internet what it could be. Within 30 minutes I got the call that they expected him to pass soon. Went down and was able to be there with him and my family when he died.

My Dad died what will be a year ago, next week. A few months after I had a dream and he hugged me, a wonderful hug, that I still physically felt when I woke up.

My Grandmother was in hospice last December, and we were back and forth to her house. We knew it was coming soon, the hospice nurse told us we might want to go home and get some sleep and she would call if things were happening. Well I left about 1:30am and got the call at 7:30am. took a 5 minute shower to wake up, and then got in the car for the 35 minute trip. About 15 minutes in I smelt pipe tobacco, just like my grandfather used to smoke. I looked at the car in front on me, and didn't see anyone smoking, and there weren't any other cars anywhere nearby. When I got to the house she was gone, and had passed just about the time that I smelt the pipe.
leebee, that was a beautiful story. :hug:
I am so glad you were able to find peace following the loss of your friend.

Thank you for your condolences. It was a difficult time, but I truly feel at peace, and that life is moving forward for all of us.

Like LeeBee I have a Christmas cactus story. My grandmother moved to live with her daughter in another state when I was in 2cnd grade. She had a green thumb like no other ( I on the other hand have a black thumb, and I was named for her LOL). She gave my mother a part of her Christmas cactus. It grew but never bloomed. When I was in the 8th grade grandma passed. That Christmas cactus has bloomed every year since. My sister still has it, it's been over 40 years!

Seriously?? What is it with the christmas cactuses??

I think my christmas cactus experience has shaped my own non-religious beliefs and spirituality. Although happily raised with religion (first Episcopalian, later Congregationalist), I left my church- but not necessarily religion- for very good reasons. However, over the years I pondered and questioned and realized that I don't really believe in religious doctrine and teaching, which is fine by me. However, as a scientist, I was always curious about what happened with the energy of our bodies. I know that matter and energy can be neither created nor destroyed, and that's fine for our bodies, but what about the energy that makes up our mind/soul/self, or whatever you want to call it. While I am not a firm believer in reincarnation, per se, my own experience has led me to consider that the energy forces (for lack of a better description) are carried forward. I am good with this.

The year that my friend died was a horrible one on SO many levels. By the time she died and was cremated, my sister and I were simply relieved that the suffering and horror-show had ended. It took me about a year to work out my own psychological drama associated with that year, and to be able to enter a healthy grieving process. While I know I don't believe in heaven/hell, ghosts, strict reincarnation, etc., my christmas cactus has reinforced in me an understanding that life IS a continuum, even if it's life in the energy-force sense and not physical body sense. As I said before, I am good with this. :hippie:
Had another sign from my aunt today. I carried the prayer card from her funeral in my wallet for months after she died. This fall I couldn't find it for the life of me. I looked luck. I was really upset.
Last night I had drinks with one of my cousins and we were talking about her quite a bit. Fast forward to this afternoon. I'm cleaning my car and I had music on. Tom Petty came on and I always think of her when I hear him because she LOVED his music. I'm vacuuming and guess what is sticking out from under the guessed it! Her prayer card....with her picture showing! I just said "I miss you too!"
These stories are amazing. Some of them have even given me chills.

When my grandmother was in the hospital for the last time, she started seeing relatives who had died. Then she would look up and say that she saw Jesus, but she told him that she wasn't ready to go yet. We were able to move her home, where she died while her favorite religious program was on TV.

When my dad died, we were at the funeral home. My siblings and I were in a waiting area. We took turns going into the room where my dad was in his coffin. I was in the waiting room when my mom came out of the room crying. All of the sudden I felt so cold that I had to immediately put on my jacket. Then my mom ran out of the funeral home entrance crying. The chills immediately stopped and I had to remove my jacket.

There have been times when people I loved have died and I would wake up in the middle of the night to somebody standing at the end of my bed. It has happened three different times and each time has freaked me out. After the last time, I mentally thought that I hoped it would never happen again. That was about 10 years ago and it hasn't happened since then.
I have 3 stories.

My nana was in assisted care and the kept telling us she was going to go soon. She held on for 2 weeks I realized the date and that she was waiting for my poppops birthday. Nobody believed me til she passed on his birthday.

My mom died in 1998 my little girl was born in 2008. When em was 4 she told me "that the pretty woman said that the kitty was alright". I asked who was the pretty woman she said my mom her grandmother was the pretty woman in her room . The kitty reference freaked me out cause when my mom was little her pet kitten was murdered in front of her by a sick little boy. I never told my 4 year old or my husband that story til em told me that.

my Aunt said she had a dream after my mom died that my mom told her that she was ok. I also sometimes feel a hand brush across my head when nobody was there and it was like my mom used to do


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