Shows you loved but for some reason stopped watching


Grammar Nazi
Sep 16, 1999
Have you ever loved a show but for some reason, got distracted or busy and stopped watching? Next thing you know you are so far behind it doesn't seem likely you will catch up. I have done this a few times. I did it with Desperate Housewives and Gray's Anatomy. I am dangerously close to doing it with Parenthood but I plan to stage a marathon huluplus session.
I've let a seasons worth of Criminal Minds build up. I'm close to deleting them and maybe catching up over the summer
True Blood. I loved it until they got so involved with those stupid fairies.
Grey's Anatomy and Dexter. Loved both of them initially, then completely lost interest a few seasons later.

I think I'll be adding SNL to that list soon!

Lost - there were too many breaks during the seasons and unexplained things, I just got lost myself and never returned

Heroes - loved it but if you missed one episode you were in trouble, we were moving out of state and I missed two episodes and never returned knowing I would have no chance of catching back up

Once Upon a Time - Almost gave up during and after season 2 which was a bit of a drawn-out torture session, thankfully I didn't give because Season 3 has been way better (and I love Rumple)!
Have you ever loved a show but for some reason, got distracted or busy and stopped watching? Next thing you know you are so far behind it doesn't seem likely you will catch up. I have done this a few times. I did it with Desperate Housewives and Gray's Anatomy. I am dangerously close to doing it with Parenthood but I plan to stage a marathon huluplus session.

Oh yea...many, many shows! ;)

I just dumped "Once Upon a Time" yesterday from my DVR. I love the show but got behind and that is that.

I did do a "Grimm" marathon and caught up with that show as well as my beloved "Supernatural" which I will watch till it's last dying breath, lol.

I am going to attempt a "Lost Girl" marathon and catch up there. We will see.:rolleyes1
How about shows that we loved but cancelled for no apparent reason?!?!?

I loved My So Called Life years ago, but it only lasted one season - which I do not understand because it was so awesome!!!

Another one was the 3300. It was on USA I think. I really loved that show too. That one lasted three or four seasons I think, but when it stopped there was no closure or anything. The storyline was still wide open. It made me sad when they dropped it.

Merlin. I started walking it on netflix, but busy watching other things. I should go back to it. I really liked it.
Once Upon a Time - absolutely loved the first 2 seasons but I missed a few weeks in the beginning of the 3rd season. I'll probably catch up on Netflix at some point but until then I'm done watching it, the problem with linear story lines is once you miss an episode or 2 things happen that don't make sense.
Elementary. I marathon watched half of season one, stopped watching, tried to watch again and just couldn't get into it.
The originals. I just got tired of it.
Glee. I only half watch for Rachel.
Parenthood. I watched it every week and loved it. Then, I lost cable for a while and just stopped watching. The commercials now look pretty intense.
Glee. I loved it in it's first few seasons and although I still have it set to record, I'm so far behind!

I did it with Parenthood too, but was able to catch up over a summer to start the new season on time. And I'm so glad I did!
I also took a hiatus from Parenthood, but caught up this summer and watching again, but it's making me :headache: right now.

Walking Dead. I don't really know why; we just aren't watching this year and delete them off the dvr.
When I moved to Florida I didn't have a DVR anymore and had less time. I stopped watching Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, How I met you mother and Law and Order SVU. Ive been meaning to watch the last season of Brothers and Sister and the last 2 season of Desperate Housewives on Netflix but haven't gotten around to it. Some years I watch Castle during the year and some years i just watch them all during the summer to catch up
CSI. Just got way beyond what could happen. I like fiction, but to me it was into the ridiculous.:)
We used to love Criminal Minds but haven't watched in 2-3 seasons. At some point, I'd like to catch up but not sure when/if that might happen. We love Modern Family and the Voice so those took up the DVR times.
Sons of Anarchy. The season they were in Ireland started to bore me. I watched most of it, got distracted and busy and then too behind to catch up. Maybe over the summer.
Game of Thrones...I work night shift, missed a couple episodes, and now I'm really far behind. I'm planning a makeup marathon on my next stretch off (after kids go to bed, of course!)
I used to watch N.C.I.S. but when my Wife moved in I quit. I don't watch anything like that at all anymore.


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