Shia Lebouf claims to have had an affair with Megan Fox.

Also, Taylor Lautner. did you see him on Shark Boy and Lava Girl?

I just found out about that on a Disney commercial because it was either just on or coming up. And I didn't know Vanessa Hudgens was in it. But she looks the same.
There are two sides to each story: his, hers and the truth.

Think about this though, his insinuation could be true that she kissed him while filming the movie, in character. As an actor, the occasional smooch or love scene is in play and it happens. It is "cheating" in a way, but they deal with it, because it's all work. True that romances have started onset between costars, but that obviously hasn't happened here, considering Megan is still with Brian. He could be just trying to cause a kerschuffle to promote his movie, which I know many of my younger friends, to whom it's supposed to be mainly directed and marketed to, have absolutely no interest in seeing. Even without Megan Fox, I never had much hope for this movie.

Good on Harrison Ford though! :lmao:
He seems like a jerk, yes. What a putz.

BUT....I am NOT at all shocked if they had a little something on the side. I'd be willing to bet a decent portion of actors have had or are currently in a "relationship" with a co-star.
I thought I had read something before about them being friends and maybe dating so I googled it. It looks like there was a period where MF and BAG broke up, so maybe something did happen between her and him.
I don't really care, but from the link in the OP I don't get the impression that there was an actual "affair" while she was married :confused3

Who did Vanesssa Hudgewhatever play in Shark Boy and Lava Girl?
Wow, I wonder how Harrison Ford really feels about the guy? :confused3 :rotfl:

Thanks for that link. I really needed the laugh, and for some reason I pictured him saying that in his Han Solo persona :lmao:
I like Transformers but every time I hear or think about Shia all that comes to mind is a really weird interview where he spoke about growing up with his Mom who would dance naked in the house with friends or something like that, and that she is his ideal woman. I have never been able to decide whether I am more skeeved or alarmed.... maybe a touch of both
Whether or not Harrison Ford is correct in his estimation of Le Beouf's behavior, LB's made it quite clear that he's no gentleman.

I'm personally tired of people using the "I'm just being honest" line as an excuse to hurt others. I'm no Megan Fox fan, but it's really low to sell out someone you've repeatedly called a friend just to garner attention, especially when your words can hurt not only them but others (her husband and stepson).

But I guess this gives notice -- it he hadn't made it clear previously -- that dating him or being friends with him is a dangerous proposition.
Who did Vanesssa Hudgewhatever play in Shark Boy and Lava Girl?
I don't believe she was. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing that show over and over and over again, thanks to my DD. Off to check IMDB.
I don't believe she was. I have had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing that show over and over and over again, thanks to my DD. Off to check IMDB.

I must be losing my mind. I'm sorry guys for the misinformation
He's just another entitled brat. I'm sure it won't be long before he's fallen down the working actor line like Lindsay Lohan. Bankable talent that they just let get wasted. :sad2:


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