Scotland Meets Thread (formerly Scotland: A Brave Adventure)


Have Camera, Will Travel
Oct 28, 2006
Please post here if you would like to talk with anyone else who has signed up to travel to Scotland with ABD.

You can also share information/ask questions about the Scotland: A Brave Adventure ABD.

Please try and keep this thread on topic to discussion and questions about the Scotland ABD. Off topic posts will be deleted or moved.


Roll Call:

  • June 9 - 17, 2013
    • - jjharts, dh, and dd (14)
    • - SleepingPrincess & DH
    • - 2BNDisney
  • Jun 30-Jul 08, 2013
    • - Liz (MKTowerView) & Mom.
    • - paddles, hubby & 2 kids (8 & 10)
    • - Miss SD, DH & DD14
    • - OhhBother & DH
    • - bobrex & DW (Sandy)
    • - lkkinghorn & family (includes 2 kids, 12 & 14)
  • Aug 04-12, 2013
    • - Terrie (calypso726) & DH Wally (W@LL-E)
    • - Monica (CaliforniaGirl09), DH Dave, DS16 & DD13
    • - Laura (Calfan), DH (Rob), DD (10/11) & DS(9)
    • - Jane (janecamillacharlton), DH Paul & DD(13)
    • - Brett (brett24), DW Julia, DS (14) & DD (10 turning 11 during the trip)
  • Sep 15-23, 2013
    • - Tozzie
    • - wld, DH
    • - fleaflour
    • - Coty's Dads & partner
  • Jun 21 - 29, 2014 - Jack'sGirl5 & DD (15)
  • Jun 29 - Jul 7, 2014
    • - WeLoveABD, DW, son (20) & daughter (13)
    • - Disney6005 & party of 11 - her Parents, her son (13), her sisters, their husbands & kids (13, 11, 11 & 9)
    • - tufbuf, DH & DD (13)
  • Aug 3 - 11, 2014
    • - JLoane, husband, 2 sons (20 & 17) and daughter (16)
    • - rebeccam31, husband & daughter (12)
  • Aug 17 - 25, 2014
    • - disneydeb8, DH, dd (20), dd (16), ds (12) & dd (10)
    • - DCPhotoGal, DH, DD (10) & DD (9).
    • - ABDGurl
  • Aug 31 - Sep 8, 2014
    • - Kat6783
    • - Sayhello
    • - bamagoofy
    • - Astro269 (Lance) & wife (Diane)
    • Aug 16 - 24, 2015 - aggiemomx3 & daughter
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Thank you Sayhello for adding meet threads for everybody! :goodvibes

Hi everybody! :wave2:

I posted some of this on another thread but am reposting some of it here on our official meet thread.

I am Terrie and my DH is Wally (W@LL-E). It is just the two of us. We will be on the 8/4 adventure. This will be our first ABD trip!

We were planning our first ABD trip to be London/Paris in 2014 and intended on leaving a few days early on that trip to fly into Scotland and go on an Outlander (book series by Diana Gabaldon set in Scotland) day tour first. I am thoroughly addicted to the series which is probably why I've been dying to visit Scotland :rotfl: I was hoping ABD would add it one day.

Once the new Scotland itinerary was hinted at though, I felt like a kid on Christmas morning! :banana: I spent a few days trying to see if we could make it work for 2013. That wait wound up costing us thanks to the increases in price :scared: I finally decided it will have to work :laughing: I know airfare prices aren't out for those dates yet but took a peek at what it looks like for August of this year :faint:

We are hopig to fly in a couple of days early and see the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Also, thanks to fellow traveler Monica (CaliforniaGirl) we will also be hoping to do the Mary Kings Close tour. Thank you for the heads up!

Looking forward to sharing ideas, tips and general excitement over this, sure to be awesome adventure, with everybody!
I am booked on the 9/15 adventure, I am pretty sure there won't be other people on this trip as it has been blocked by a group but I booked it before it was blocked so I am safe for the trip. As my trip will be the last of the season, I would be very interested in hearing about things that travellers did on their free time as well as restaurants for on your own meals.
Hi there!

I'm excited that I booked the June 30 departure last Friday! I can't believe that the prices went up again so soon...I'll be going with my mom again - ABD trips are our (relatively new) cute mother/daughter bonding tradition.

I was originally looking to do Bella Italia next summer, but my mom fell instantly in love with the Scotland itinerary. So, I couldn't say no to her. Plus, that archery lesson (along with everything else) sounds so very cool.

Looking forward to meeting / talking to others on the Scotland train. In the meantime, I'm focused on Esprit de France! I leave in 17 days. Eeek!

Hi everyone!

We're booked on the 6/30 trip as well and are so excited for the trip - the itinerary looks amazing!

There are 4 of us - me, my hubby, and 2 kids (who'll be nearly 8 and 10 next summer).

This will be our second ABD trip....we're leaving for the Bella Italia trip on June 10th (so just a week away!!).
Hi guys,

Have a fab time when you arrive here in Scotland, any questions I'll endeavour to answer.

Ps bring a sweater ha ha

Hi everyone!

We're booked on the 6/30 trip as well and are so excited for the trip - the itinerary looks amazing!

There are 4 of us - me, my hubby, and 2 kids (who'll be nearly 8 and 10 next summer).

This will be our second ABD trip....we're leaving for the Bella Italia trip on June 10th (so just a week away!!).

We're also on the 6/30 adventure (me, DH, DD14).

I fell in love with Scotland on a trip I took 20 years ago with my cousin. Can't wait to see Edinburgh again! My husband and daughter, however, have never been. When I saw the itinerary, I thought, OK, let's plan for 2014, but they overruled me. They wanted to go sooner rather than later.

This will be our fifth ABD. Just wanted to say it got a lot easier to pull the trigger with these trips after our Germany ABD last year. It was fabulous!

And, Paul (tigger fan), I'll be sure to show your advice to my DD. My husband and I told her that she'd have to wear wool (or at least bring long sleeves) if she wanted to enjoy this trip. I don't think she's taking us seriously. ("C'mon, we're going in summer!")
Hi guys,

Have a fab time when you arrive here in Scotland, any questions I'll endeavour to answer.

Ps bring a sweater ha ha

I plan to bring more than one, I learned my lesson the hard way in Ireland last year and froze and it was the end of May.
Hey Everyone, I've posted this in other places as well, but we booked the 8/4 date on the first day for insiders, I was so excited about the itinerary. I've traveled around Scotland extensively--including most of the places we'll go--but this will be such a great way to share the beauty of Scotland with the kids! I'm especially excited for them to see the Isles!

It will be me (Monica), DH Dave, DS16, and DD13 at time of travel. We are friends with Calfan and her family who I'm sure will be posting here soon, and I also just convinced half of my sister's family to join us (DS, DNephew16, DNiece12).

Terrie, do you want to take over roll call duties from Say Hello since you have that nice second spot? :) All you would do would to is edit your post to add a little intro paragraph for late-comers about the roll call and then copy all the trip dates like we had in that other post. Then when people post on the list you just keep going back to edit the post and add them to the list. I can do it from down here if you don't want to, just let me know.
I am booked on the 9/15 adventure, I would be very interested in hearing about things that travellers did on their free time as well as restaurants for on your own meals.

I will definitely post a trip report and share anything I learn that seems interesting or isrecommended along the way.

Hi there!

...I'll be going with my mom again - ABD trips are our (relatively new) cute mother/daughter bonding tradition.

Looking forward to meeting / talking to others on the Scotland train. In the meantime, I'm focused on Esprit de France! I leave in 17 days. Eeek!


Hi Liz, What a great thing to do with your mom! I love sharing great experiences with my mom when I can. She will be coming on our London/Paris ABD in 2014. We do plan to leave early to go to Scotland too. I am glad I will have already been there before I go with her. How exciting to hvae an ABD to France right around the corner! Have fun!!!

Hi everyone!

We're booked on the 6/30 trip as well and are so excited for the trip - the itinerary looks amazing!

There are 4 of us - me, my hubby, and 2 kids (who'll be nearly 8 and 10 next summer).

This will be our second ABD trip....we're leaving for the Bella Italia trip on June 10th (so just a week away!!).

Hi there! Have fun on your Italy trip!

Hi guys,

Have a fab time when you arrive here in Scotland, any questions I'll endeavour to answer.

Ps bring a sweater ha ha


Hi Paul! Thank you for the offer of assitance :goodvibes I know I will have questions. Oh boy, a sweater??? I'm from Florida and not used to the cold at all. I'll probably wind up bringing a parka :laughing: Paul, what would you suggest as a "do not miss, must do" for the free time we would have in Edinburgh, Portree and Inverness?

We're also on the 6/30 adventure (me, DH, DD14).

I fell in love with Scotland on a trip I took 20 years ago with my cousin. Can't wait to see Edinburgh again! My husband and daughter, however, have never been. When I saw the itinerary, I thought, OK, let's plan for 2014, but they overruled me. They wanted to go sooner rather than later.

This will be our fifth ABD. Just wanted to say it got a lot easier to pull the trigger with these trips after our Germany ABD last year. It was fabulous!

I know how they felt! When the itinerary was announced I thought we'd have to wait to 2015 to do it due to having planned out vacations through 2014 and part of 2015 already! Then I couldn't fathom waiting or NOT having this one be my first ABD trip. After some creative vacation budget arranging and agreeing to give up going to MNSSHP, F&W and the D23 expo for next year DH agreed to book it :banana:

Hey Everyone, I've posted this in other places as well, but we booked the 8/4 date on the first day for insiders, I was so excited about the itinerary. I've traveled around Scotland extensively--including most of the places we'll go--but this will be such a great way to share the beauty of Scotland with the kids! I'm especially excited for them to see the Isles!

It will be me (Monica), DH Dave, DS16, and DD13 at time of travel. We are friends with Calfan and her family who I'm sure will be posting here soon, and I also just convinced half of my sister's family to join us (DS, DNephew16, DNiece12).

Terrie, do you want to take over roll call duties from Say Hello since you have that nice second spot? :) All you would do would to is edit your post to add a little intro paragraph for late-comers about the roll call and then copy all the trip dates like we had in that other post. Then when people post on the list you just keep going back to edit the post and add them to the list. I can do it from down here if you don't want to, just let me know.

I can and don't mind at all but it looks like she already has in the first post.

Tobi, if you want me to take over roll calls in the 2nd post I will. Let me know.
As CaliforniaGirl09 mentioned, we are also booked on the Aug. 4 trip. It will be me (Laura), DH (Rob), DD (10 at time of departure and turning 11 while in Scotland) and DS (9 at time of travel). This will be our first ABD. We were originally planning on the Ireland trip, but once the Scotland itinerary came out we decided to switch due to the fabulous itinerary and the opportunity to travel with our friends. Luckily, we booked on day one for the general public and got ahead of the price increases. We are planning to head to Scotland a few days early as well. Everyone in my family is excited to see Brave and get a sneak peak at our adventure :)
We're booked on the 6/30 trip. Just me and my DH. This is his Christmas present, so I have to keep everything a secret until Dec. 24!

This will be our first ABD trip. We're DVC members and love all things Disney! Can't wait to make this amazing trip.
I can and don't mind at all but it looks like she already has in the first post.

Tobi, if you want me to take over roll calls in the 2nd post I will. Let me know.

Ah, didn't see that! Sounds good.

We're DVC members and love all things Disney! Can't wait to make this amazing trip.

We're DVC, too! This will be our second ABD. We did Emerald Isle in 2007 and absolutely loved it. One of the best family vacays ever.

Everyone in my family is excited to see Brave and get a sneak peak at our adventure :)

I'll be seeing a sneak peek of BRAVE at PIXAR on the 10th--I can't wait. We live right by the studios and many of the execs have kids in our schools, so they always do these benefits. I'll report back without any details!
Hello all! We do WDW frequently, but have never been on ABD. I had been looking into ABD trips, and always thought "if only there was a trip to Scotland......" (My family is Scottish, and I was a competetive Highland dancer in my younger days, and performed with the City of Denver Pipe Band, and I once got to dance with the Fourty Twa! And it's always been my dream to dance in Scotland!) :cloud9: But there wasn't one, so I kept putting it off, and planning other Disney trips....

Now I see the Scotland vacation, and have been making myself sick trying to figure out how to work it in to our vacation plans, but I already have a trip to DLR planned for this Christmas :santa:, and a DCL Caribbean cruise next year :boat:, so I just don't think I can fit the (cost of the) Scotland vacation in 2013 as well. :eek: I've seen a few people mention 2014 (and even 2015) - so do you think they will continue a Scotland itinerary in 2014? That would work out perfectly, as I haven't yet committed our 2014 vacation plans, but I was afraid this would be a one time (one season--2013) thing with the Brave movie coming out..... Anyone have insight? :confused:

And Calypso726 -- Outlander is my favorite series too!!!! :love:
Hello all! We do WDW frequently, but have never been on ABD. I had been looking into ABD trips, and always thought "if only there was a trip to Scotland......" (My family is Scottish, and I was a competetive Highland dancer in my younger days, and performed with the City of Denver Pipe Band, and I once got to dance with the Fourty Twa! And it's always been my dream to dance in Scotland!) :cloud9: But there wasn't one, so I kept putting it off, and planning other Disney trips....

Now I see the Scotland vacation, and have been making myself sick trying to figure out how to work it in to our vacation plans, but I already have a trip to DLR planned for this Christmas :santa:, and a DCL Caribbean cruise next year :boat:, so I just don't think I can fit the (cost of the) Scotland vacation in 2013 as well. :eek: I've seen a few people mention 2014 (and even 2015) - so do you think they will continue a Scotland itinerary in 2014? That would work out perfectly, as I haven't yet committed our 2014 vacation plans, but I was afraid this would be a one time (one season--2013) thing with the Brave movie coming out..... Anyone have insight? :confused:

And Calypso726 -- Outlander is my favorite series too!!!! :love:
It's hard to say for sure (reading ABD's mind is difficult! :)), but considering how popular this Scotland trip has turned out to be (it's selling out quickly and has only been available for a couple of weeks) it's likely they will continue to offer the trip. Whether they continue to push the Brave connection or not would, I assume, depend on how successful the movie is. But I think it's likely the trip will appear in 2014.

Of course, nothing is guaranteed, so if you *really* want to do the trip, you might want to think about, say, pushing that cruise into 2014... Just saying! ;)

It's hard to say for sure (reading ABD's mind is difficult! :)), but considering how popular this Scotland trip has turned out to be (it's selling out quickly and has only been available for a couple of weeks) it's likely they will continue to offer the trip. Whether they continue to push the Brave connection or not would, I assume, depend on how successful the movie is. But I think it's likely the trip will appear in 2014.

Of course, nothing is guaranteed, so if you *really* want to do the trip, you might want to think about, say, pushing that cruise into 2014... Just saying! ;)


Thanks. I have thought about pushing the cruise into 2014, but I would have to cancel the Christmas DLR trip too in order to make the 2013 Scotland trip work. It really is tempting...... but the shorter time span :hourglass would make it more difficult, plus then I would be left without the trip I planned as a surprise Christmas present for my kids (plus, we really aren't supposed to be on vacation in December -- I had to move heaven and earth to make that can't really back out now :scared:) I'm really afraid I will have to take my chances on 2014 and hope they do all the cool stuff in 2014 that they have on this itinerary! Just know that I am SOOOO jealous of all of you going! (And send lots of great trip reports and photos!!!) If I can figure out how to work it out, I will be back on here with you all jumping up and down!! :yay:
We're DVC, too! This will be our second ABD. We did Emerald Isle in 2007 and absolutely loved it. One of the best family vacays ever.

I'll be seeing a sneak peek of BRAVE at PIXAR on the 10th--I can't wait. We live right by the studios and many of the execs have kids in our schools, so they always do these benefits. I'll report back without any details!
We are also DVC members.

As you can see in my siggy, we are DVC members too. Next add-on - Grand Floridian. I imagine we will wind up using or renting out points to book ABD down the line as there are so many itineraries we'd like to do. Emerald Isle is definitely on the list as well as Germany!

Sneek peek for Brave! Lucky you!!!!

Hello all! We do WDW frequently, but have never been on ABD. I had been looking into ABD trips, and always thought "if only there was a trip to Scotland......" (My family is Scottish, and I was a competetive Highland dancer in my younger days, and performed with the City of Denver Pipe Band, and I once got to dance with the Fourty Twa! And it's always been my dream to dance in Scotland!) :cloud9: But there wasn't one, so I kept putting it off, and planning other Disney trips....

Now I see the Scotland vacation, and have been making myself sick trying to figure out how to work it in to our vacation plans, but I already have a trip to DLR planned for this Christmas :santa:, and a DCL Caribbean cruise next year :boat:, so I just don't think I can fit the (cost of the) Scotland vacation in 2013 as well. :eek: I've seen a few people mention 2014 (and even 2015) - so do you think they will continue a Scotland itinerary in 2014? That would work out perfectly, as I haven't yet committed our 2014 vacation plans, but I was afraid this would be a one time (one season--2013) thing with the Brave movie coming out..... Anyone have insight? :confused:

And Calypso726 -- Outlander is my favorite series too!!!! :love:

Highland dancing ... that is way too cool :goodvibes We are only 3 hours away so we go to WDW a lot or cruise DCL, go to D23 events etc. Clearly we LOVE anything Disney, totally drank the Kool Aid :drinking1 One of my concerns regarding the new Scotland ABD was due to the fact I was afraid they might not offer it again or change the itinerary. It came down to how bad do I want to do this and figure out how to make it work. Would I give up 3 planned trips and utilize creative budgeting. I will reiterate what you said in the other thread, in the words of Jamie Fraser (Outlander) Jes Suis Prest (I am ready).

We're booked on the 6/30 trip. Just me and my DH. This is his Christmas present, so I have to keep everything a secret until Dec. 24!

This will be our first ABD trip. We're DVC members and love all things Disney! Can't wait to make this amazing trip.

Awesome Christmas present!!!!

Thanks. I have thought about pushing the cruise into 2014, but I would have to cancel the Christmas DLR trip too in order to make the 2013 Scotland trip work. It really is tempting...... but the shorter time span :hourglass would make it more difficult, plus then I would be left without the trip I planned as a surprise Christmas present for my kids (plus, we really aren't supposed to be on vacation in December -- I had to move heaven and earth to make that can't really back out now :scared:) I'm really afraid I will have to take my chances on 2014 and hope they do all the cool stuff in 2014 that they have on this itinerary! Just know that I am SOOOO jealous of all of you going! (And send lots of great trip reports and photos!!!) If I can figure out how to work it out, I will be back on here with you all jumping up and down!! :yay:

I hope you are able to to join us! I am sure there will be trip reports. Feel free to PM me if you want to know what I decided to do in order to make this trip work for us. I'd be happy to share.
As you can see in my siggy, we are DVC members too. Next add-on - Grand Floridian.

Have you seen the rumors about the Poly being next (after GF)? I may be tempted to pull the trigger on that. I assume we're talking 2015 or so, so I'll have plenty of time to decide :)
Have you seen the rumors about the Poly being next (after GF)? I may be tempted to pull the trigger on that. I assume we're talking 2015 or so, so I'll have plenty of time to decide :)

Yup! I've heard the same rumors. I doubt we will be adding on at the Poly. I think Wally will only be willing to go for ONE monorail resort.

This might be noteworthy to the DVC members going to Scotland that may want to come in up to a week early or stay a week later. There is an exchange resort in Edinburgh through RCI, The Edinburgh Residence that would be 134 points for a week in a studio and 160 for a week in a 1 bedroom. We can't do a week early, a couple days only.


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