Scooterbug or Best Price Mobility?


Goofy Tigger
May 8, 2006
I have narrowed ECV down to Scooterbug and Best Price Mobility. I know there are many other companies that rent ECV's but I have to have one that can drop off and pickup without me being there. I only need to know what peoples experiences have been with these 2 companies. Thanks for your help.
I have narrowed ECV down to Scooterbug and Best Price Mobility. I know there are many other companies that rent ECV's but I have to have one that can drop off and pickup without me being there. I only need to know what peoples experiences have been with these 2 companies. Thanks for your help.
I used scooterbug in October, I like the scooter they had with the higher back which I need the back support and they seemed to be the only company to have that scooter ( I also need to be able to leave it with bell services as I had a very early flight when leaving). They were awesome. midway through my stay I had an issued with the scooter where the charging plug on the scooter pushed back into the scooter and I called them at about 830 in the am and less than an hour later they called me they had dropped off a new scooter and would pick up my broken one later. I thought that alone was phenomenal customer service and I will use them again if I need to.

Just a side note from reading these boards with any company you will find as many people who love them an equal number have horror stories.


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